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File: 6 KB, 1200x800, Japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10411434 No.10411434 [Reply] [Original]

How did Japan go from the country that everyone thought was going to take over the world with their technology to some aging anime country?

>> No.10411440

They fell for the (((economics))) meme.

>> No.10411441

i donno, tough one... i wonder if there was any war that japan was in around 1942-1945? hmmmm no not that i can recall -- i guess it's a mystery

>> No.10411448

Japan's technology rapidly advanced after the war

>> No.10411453

How did Germany go from the country that everyone thought was going to take over the world with their technology to some aging Muslim country?

>> No.10411457

They censored porn. Not even memeing, this indirectly made them all degenerates. Because a penis had to be censored, they started using tentacles and shit to replace them, to bypass the censors. It was all downhill from there, and as a result they got a generation of /d/eviants

Should've just banned all porn outright

>> No.10411480
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People thought Japan was going take over in the 70s and 80s, you moron

>> No.10411482

Only retards who listen exclusively to war propaganda thought the Axis powers could, let alone wanted to, take over the world.

>> No.10411491

PBS Frontline made a documentary in 1991 called losing the war with Japan.



> During the height of the 1980s Japanese property bubble, the palace grounds were valued by some to be more than the value of all of the real estate in the state of California.


>> No.10411498

Cultural victory.

>> No.10411502


>> No.10411505


>> No.10411536

>During the height of the 1980s Japanese property bubble, the palace grounds were valued by some to be more than the value of all of the real estate in the state of California.

>> No.10411745

They still have insane amounts of technological output, blue LEDs and shit are a result of Japanese investment and Japanese Auto is the world's best

>> No.10411750

This is the right answer. In addition their honour culture stops them from declaring bankruptcy do they all continued to pay their loans even though the debt was far in excess of their assets. In contrast, it was Americans willingness to declare bankruptcy in the conditions that led to 2008.

>> No.10411758

actually they were forced into the "meme"

>> No.10411851
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Everyone thought that Japan was going to take over the world, like you said, that’s why American companies moved in. We culturally dominated Japan and now they’re the American companies’ bitch.

Pic related.

>> No.10412420
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>take over the world

>> No.10412426

lol this, american cunts force their garbage upon everyone else

>> No.10412430
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Proud descendant of true Japanese Samurai.
I will say this. Yankees ruined my homeland. I go in cities now, youth addicted to cartoons and pornography. Decadence abounding plenty.

We do not appreciate your degeneracy.
We do not appreciate your tepid endorsement of it in the thread with "degenerate drinking activities" And information concerning >prostitution. We reject it.

This post is to remind you that weebs are not welcomed here.
Japanese Nationals ----
>will reprise the Emperor's proper role
>will ban anime one day.
>will ban prostitution
>will ban porn
>will resume Japanese nuclear program
>will reinstate our once glorious military
>will retake lands lost from Yankees

You are not allowed to disagree. My great, great, great great, grandfather would have chopped all of your heads off with Katana. My great grandfather served honorably in 日中戦争.
I have more right to state these statements than any man in this website.
Japan will be great again one day.

>> No.10412465

The Paris Accord
Also insufficiently diversifying their economy which is why the accord was so crippling.
This is also why China grew so quickly starting in the 90s. All the Japanese money went to China to keep businesses going.

>> No.10412924

Thank you Tojo,. very cool!

>> No.10413071

It's the consequences of having a fiscally "conservative" government running the country for the past 50 years.

>> No.10413101

They hit technological peak possible at the time and it stopped. Same with their economy.

In the end it's just a small country with 100 million people.

>> No.10413112

>In the end it's just a small country with 100 million people.
This. China has 1.4 B-B-BILLION people. Their domination is inevitable.

>> No.10413809

It never was >everyone that thought that. The USA had a hard time coming out of the cold war and realising there was no big bad external enemy anymore. Japan became the new boogieman with fears that their particular brand of capitalism would end up superior to USAs, but it was never going to happen, much the same is happening with China now.

In short the US has a massive complex about being usurped as the global superpower.

>> No.10413902

That's the case with every major power in all history.

>> No.10414002


From the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s, Japan enjoyed average economic growth of ~10% per year, just like China has in the past 3 decades. A primary driver of this growth was substantial capital investment, often powered by close connections between banks, business, & government.

Although allocating finance through relationships between banks, government, & industry can facilitate economic catchup as a country matures, market mechanisms are necessary to ensure that finance is allocated to the most efficient uses. While protecting local industry can help to support export-oriented growth, it can also lead to weakness in the domestic economy, notably services, where no discipline is manufactured by international competition.

& when a country is weak compared w/ the rest of the world, it can depend on exports. But as the economy grows larger & becomes more competitive, it can produce trade frictions & protectionism. Thus, in 1985 Japan was ultimately pressured to increase the value of the yen. This led to a weakening of much of its manufacturing sector. For example, motor vehicle producers shifted production to export markets, including in Europe & the USA. & labour-intensive electronics & other industries were offshored to East Asia, founding the now very familiar production networks & supply chains.

Lastly, Japan has been experiencing the most rapid ageing of its population of any advanced country. This means that a progressively smaller share of the national population is working to support retired workers. By 2022, 30% of all Jap citizens will be aged 65 or older, nearly twice the percentage in the US.

>> No.10414141


>> No.10414365

>How did Japan go from the country that everyone thought was going to take over the world with their technology to some aging anime country?
People stopped thinking it would a country that would take over the world with techonlogy?

>> No.10414507

>just like China has in the past 3 decades
Just like China claims it has

>> No.10414705

Japan was mature economy and couldn't lead the world with its small country. The reason US is doing fine is because US is a big country and has plenty of resources to lead the world. On top of that, the biggest advantage to an economy is military power. Japan doesn't have the world's most powerful military to lead the economy.

>but why military
Because without military power, you're forever bound to servitude status. Japan was forced into various treaties during the height of Japanese economy due to fear of the US.

>> No.10414712

Japan ran out of things to copy and improve from the American economy. Kind of the same thing China is doing minus the improve part.

>> No.10414721

But do you still have a tiny Asian penis?

>> No.10414835

This. I love how people think that the US is the most evil country to ever exist, when in reality, we could easily fuck up the world far worse than we actually do.
Chink hegemony is going to be 1000x worse.

>> No.10414838

Remember this next time you try to start swinging your micropenises around you fucking zip

>> No.10414840

chinese have never done anything significantly violent though. Unless you count the mongols as chinese

>> No.10414854


They routinely mass murder their own people. What do you think they'd do to others.

And yes Mongol blood is now a heavy component.

>> No.10414863

statistics say there's less crime among asians than any other people. Isn't that right?
Japan has a tiny crime rate and china isn't very different from them by alot. They're both slanty eyed.

>> No.10414924

How did the USA go from the country that everyone though was going to take over the world with their technology to being the laughingstock of the developed world?

>> No.10414931


I want to know what it's like to be this big of a brainlet.

>> No.10416052

Watch this if you really want to know.


>> No.10416133

I though the ((white)) american elite have no use for them anymore after fall of soviet union. From burger's perspective Japan is nothing more than a bigass aircraft carrier plus sub base

>> No.10416210

They raped and an other and created the anime culture to dodge the hate

>> No.10416226

you need a country with resources to maintain the workforce capable of developing the technology required (technology wins wars, not population) to take over as well as sufficient resources (being weapons and personnel) distributed throughout the world to enforce your way, ON TOP of some how profiting (in any way) from whatever you control. Unless the countries you invade are on your side, you won't be able to sustain any amazing duration of rule. Eg. Roman empire, Mongolian empire (was larger than Roman) etc. Right now is even it's own period people in 500 years will look back on similar to the early exploder days (but after medieval times)

>> No.10416406

Simple maturity. Whole cultures and their people grow up, prosper, and become content to live for the day. In the long run we're all dead and forgotten, and the more one grows aware of that fact, the less compelling conquest is, as a motive for action. It's less the presence of degeneracy, more the absence of brattiness.

>> No.10416608

I heard Japan went bankrupt in the 1960's. The government didn't intervene and they wiped out the debt (no bailouts) and the economy took off. Japan had the mother of all subprimes around 1991 and this time the government bailed out the banks (zaibatsu?). 1990's are considered the "lost decade" but the bailouts never ended. Now the government holds something like 2-3 times the GDP in national debt. There was something like negative or zero interest rates designed to keep the banks from collapsing and prop up real estate prices. I think roughly the same thing happened in the U.S.A. since 2008 with TARP. Disclaimer: I am a goldbug, and a big believer in sound currency so (((Greenspan))) (((Bernanke))) and (((Yellen))) can't shaft normal people and hand filthy lucre over to their cousins running the (((banks))).

>> No.10417617

That's when anime began :3

>> No.10418258

>Japan couldn't lead the world with its small country.
Didn't stop Germany. I agree with your other point though, both countries are ultimately held back by their lack of military power.

>> No.10420052

>Whole cultures and their people grow up, prosper, and become content to live for the day
Except Japan is an overworked, depressed society.

>> No.10420491

haha tiny little asian boy is angry

>> No.10420496

Low IQ people.

>> No.10420533

Those are apples to oranges and you know it.

Germany is in the center of European trade routes and is trying to be nice after the war(s). Japan's hates everyone, and their closest, largest industrial neighbor is fucking China.
Germany has some of the fewest work hours in the world while maintaining a reputation for being hard working and efficient. Japan has a word for "death by overwork" while working fewer hours than the global average per person.
Germany has BRATWURST UND BEER. Japan has onions and rice.
Germany has a very influential and successful politician pushing for them. Japan has weaboos.
And finally, German women STRONK und make you BEG. Japanese woman women cry when they touch it.

>> No.10420545

Did I just get caught by a word filter? Testing: onions
Maybe onions too, I don't know. Whatever.

>> No.10420586

you have to spell out a permutation, such as: s0i s o y 5oi etc..

>> No.10420626

How the fuck is this sci related?

>> No.10421275

this is a stealth animu thread post your favorite 2d cartoon females

>> No.10421280

As if porn, prostitution, cartoons, and drinking haven't been wildly popular in Japan since the middle ages.

>> No.10421328

They caught up and then plateau'd at their natural potential once ridiculous environment and top-down policy differentials between them and Europe went away. The same thing will happen with China and, someday even North Korea (talking half century or more). It won't happen in Africa because Africans are really, really dumb.

>> No.10422619
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Oh, right

>> No.10422627

Most of their tech stuff isn't consumer-related so you almost never see it. Meanwhile, china produces a fuckton of iphones which is the most high-tech shit that a normalfag will ever get to grasp.

>> No.10422827

What kind of tech stuff do they do then if it isn't about consumerism?

>> No.10423707

Lots of infrastructure like high speed rail, and they're putting huge amounts of money into assistive devices for the elderly.

>> No.10423746

>chinese have never done anything significantly violent though.
The PRC is very violent.

>> No.10423751
File: 33 KB, 618x711, 1548846689766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you buyher remake yet, Anon?

>> No.10423819

Reading the thread, i i forgot for a moment that this is /sci/

>> No.10423977

Not yet. I want to to buy a physical version of Steins;Gate for my Vita, but I think I'm gonna go with the vanilla version due to nostalgia

>> No.10424099
File: 539 KB, 500x707, 1482372519130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maho best girl

>> No.10424108

low iq post

>> No.10425438
File: 267 KB, 408x648, 2c5c29b0debb85284a3dfa3cc6936525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Zero is shit and has no soul compared to the original

>> No.10425907
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It's like you don't want the limited edition artbook.

>> No.10426932

The Japanese economy hit its peak in 1990 before bursting and stagnating until today.

It's a very mature economy with little room for growth, and obviously it could not overtake the US in terms of nominal GDP with 1/3rd the population.

>> No.10426958

Based and samurai-pilled

>> No.10426966

Japan became the second largest economy in the world just a few years after losing a major war. Multiply Japan by 10. That's China. Buckle up.

>> No.10426971

Last time yall went down that path america had to sobuku your asses back to oblivion

>> No.10427000

China is already in the economic collapse phase right now that Japan experienced in the 1990s.

China is in a big recession right now. You need to realize a couple of things. Mainly that China is not 1 single country in the same sense as Japan. They have 55 different people living within their borders all with their own culture, languages and identities. What you think about when you think "China" are the Han Chinese and maybe also Manchurians. These together have a population of about ~200 million. Most of the Han area is already industrialized and reached its peak a couple of years ago. They can't grow the economy anymore except for trying to develop the rest of the country. But this has all kinds of drawbacks so instead they build fake cities for investment purposes and to put a fake % of GDP growth on paper to show the world that they are still growing. In reality China's real GDP growth has been in decline for at least the last 11 years and are now hitting real crisis levels of recession.

This is also why the Chinese Communist Party is suddenly becoming more aggressive to its citizens with starting a point system and everything. It's because the only reason the CCP has been in control is because they promised continuous economic growth and everyone became wealthier so they were tolerated. Now that the growth has stopped and the first recession in almost 40 years started people are starting to look at the west and think "we want such freedoms as well" now that the government can't promise an improving life to everyone the situation is going to be very tense.

Suppressed people's like Uyghurs, Tibetans, Monghols and the other 52 minorities want to break away from China into their own states. And the slow but gradual pushback against the CCP by Han Chinese themselves might lead to a 1991 Soviet Union level of collapse and balkanization where the CCP seizes to exist and instead all kinds of Ex-Chinese states come into existence.