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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10408727 No.10408727 [Reply] [Original]

What I am looking for:
A real answer.
What I'm going to get:
"That is an impossible hypothetical, so...."
"It doesn't work that way, see...."
"It's more like an accounting entity..."

Which are all forms of "we don't know."

So here is your question:
>freeze a single hydrogen atom to very near absolute zero
>Shrink down to 1 femtometer
>Grab the electron in your tiny hand
>Slice it in half with an imaginary fillet knife
>What is the cross section of an electron?
>What is an electron made out of?

>> No.10408735

Nobody knows because nobody has a knife that can cut electrons in half.

>> No.10408747

>freeze a single hydrogen atom to very near absolute zero
we can't reach absolute zero, not even close enough
>Shrink down to 1 femtometer
>Grab the electron in your tiny hand
you wouldn't ever be able to hold an electron
>Slice it in half with an imaginary fillet knife
>What is the cross section of an electron?
I dont know what is an electron?
>What is an electron made out of?
stuff. we're working on that using non-imaginary methods

>> No.10408749

Science has never claimed to have "a real answer", only to have empirically tested consistent theories. But I can see that global warming theories has made you confuse science for truth.

>> No.10408773

If you "cut in half" a wave, all you get are two waves.

>> No.10408779

God would come down and beat the shit out of your cheeky ass.

>> No.10408789

>Grab the electron in your tiny hand
You'd be electrocuted!
Also Heisenberg says you cant fix the position and momentum of an electron at the same time (which is what would happen if you grabbed it) so you'd spontaneously combust in paradox while everyone on /sci/ says "ahtodasoh."
With QM It's a good idea to try and not think about electrons as point-particles in general, they're excitations of a field.

>> No.10408852

>So here is your question:
>freeze a single hydrogen atom to very near absolute zero

Other way of asking:

>What the fuck kind of freakish shit happens at absolute zero?

OP is a faggot.

>> No.10408855

I even predicted them in the order in which they could not help themselves.

"Impossible hnypothetical":

"It doesn't work that way"
"Impossible hypothetical"

"It doesn't work that way":

"It's more like an accounting entity":

There's your successful experimental evidence. And it was always strings. Strings all the way down.

>> No.10408861
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>> No.10408865

What a pretentious fuck. You asked a bad question that doesn’t have an answer. Get over yourself.

>> No.10408870

"That is an impossible hypothetical, so...." and "It doesn't work that way, see...." are very real answers and they don't amount to "we don't know." at all.
We know rather convincingly that your insane ramblings are impossible hypotheticals and that it doesn't work that way.

>> No.10408871

>>Grab the electron in your tiny hand
>>Slice it in half with an imaginary fillet knife
>>What is the cross section of an electron?
>>What is an electron made out of?
You would be unable to cut the electron without destroying it completely and converting its mass into energy

>> No.10408878

What do you think the answer is?

>> No.10408879

I know you are a retard from reading;
>freeze a single hydrogen atom to very near absolute zero
I will leave it as an exercise for you to work out why. The rest of your post only corroborates this impression.