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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 177 KB, 960x742, Blue Balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10408441 No.10408441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Water does not bend and curve around balls, nor does it take the exterior shape of objects.

Water always seeks to be level, for example:
Cup of water is level, sink is level, bath is level, local swimming pool is level, lakes are level - ALL OCEANS ON EARTH ARE LEVEL as shown to us in the science world daily.
> At what stage and scale does some new property go into the water to allow it to stick and curve around a spinning cartoon space potato?

The only place Earth is a ball, is in bogus cartoon images and crap math equations.

>> No.10408444
File: 158 KB, 1000x700, Water is level. Real Science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10408445


>> No.10408449
File: 81 KB, 960x740, 22046974_759745370891866_39571722990005751_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scientific myth.

>> No.10408452

The stars in the Northern Hemisphere appear to rotate in a CLOCKWISE direction around a point over the North pole. The stars in the Southern Hemisphere appear to rotate COUNTERCLOCKWISE around a point over the South pole. You can verify this yourself using nothing but your own first hand observations. You dont even need any tools or technology to do it if you are really determined to do so. Try and draw a flat Earth map where this is even possible. I fucking dare you.

>> No.10408458

What did op mean by this?

>> No.10408459

>Looking at things in the sky has no bearing on the shape of the Earth.

It's like saying "The balls on this snooker table are spheres, so the table is also a sphere".

>> No.10408462

That's not the worst problem, constelations in the southern hemisphere don't work in a flat earth

>> No.10408463
File: 62 KB, 500x624, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10408466
File: 39 KB, 602x339, Real Stars 93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They work perfectly fine - as recorded for over 20k years. Don't believe everything mainstream media tells you...

>> No.10408470
File: 89 KB, 552x523, Globetards don't get it POLARIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10408471
File: 2.96 MB, 268x268, slapping_my_meat_on_a_fat_pussy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sucks cock, can't you see?

>> No.10408476
File: 72 KB, 564x564, 2f301dde6376fc27ee64bcd5f06895fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heliocentric model = planets go around sun.
Geocentric model = everything rotates above Earth.

Everything about stars and shit can be explained by both models with great ease.

The issue with globetards is they use the heliocentric model, and remove the sphere earth and insert a flat earth disk to mock it - without ever understanding what tf flat Earth even is.

1. Flat Earth is not a disk located in space.
2. Space is not what you think it is.


>> No.10408477

Media never told me that, it's just that I can see they Southern Cross from Santiago and Auckland at the same time, the opposite of what happens at >>10408463

>> No.10408478
File: 179 KB, 704x721, CE91D2E4-EE84-492F-992D-0D613EF20384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this, flattard

>> No.10408479
File: 45 KB, 564x614, flat earth 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10408481

Explain what? Your picture of a model spherical Earth?

>> No.10408483
File: 21 KB, 550x539, Tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10408484

You moron, this is basic topology. I would prove it to you mathematically, but since you aren’t understanding the “Why Earth is a globe: for dummies” version it would be a waste of my time. Im not saying that things that go on in the sky determine what goes on on Earth. I am saying it’s physically impossible to have a flat plane where the observations of the stars are consistent with what we see. Go ahead and try to draw it. You could spend the rest of your life trying to make it work and you never would. On a globe Earth its just a byproduct of rotation about an axis.

>> No.10408487

Why is it always a burger?

>> No.10408490
File: 61 KB, 736x734, 29497617_10156229431291369_5244693829321516559_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10408493
File: 960 KB, 1600x929, thumbshowmecurve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water curves, you lose.

>> No.10408495
File: 55 KB, 480x497, 20156044_726657894200614_2759919316804618046_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408496

Fuck that guy. It doesnt matter if the constellations are possible on flat earth or not. Because this...
Is not possible on a 2 dimensional plane. You could still make an argument for a cube, or pyramid, or really ANY other 3D polygon. Just not a flat plane.

>> No.10408499
File: 15 KB, 850x213, The-visible-portions-of-a-sphere-from-two-different-vantage-points-P-1-and-P-2-Note-how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All photos of earth using varying camera apparatus from varying vantage points. Water does not "curve" around balls because the relative gravity of earth (which is much stronger) pulls water downward (toward its gravitational center)

>> No.10408501
File: 48 KB, 750x457, perspective 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is perspective?

Educate yourself.

>> No.10408502

They changed a bit, it's just that the space is so big that the distance we travel is irrelevant

>> No.10408503

Prove it faggot. I know you are trolling anyway, so you will just continue to post memes, and say I am wrong without any evidence or reasoning. Thats just as good as losing an argument in my mind.

>> No.10408505

>They have not changed in over 20k years.

>> No.10408506

You prove your silly religious cultist cartoon ball Earth belief.

Can you demonstrate water curving around a ball? Or any object for that matter?

>> No.10408508

Perspective doesn't create a curve, the tops of the pylons forms a curve. You lose, thanks for admitting the earth is round.

>> No.10408510

I already proved it, all you need to do is spend a few nights watching the stars with nothing but your own eyes.

>> No.10408511
File: 70 KB, 474x722, 1043c4c2b8b904002b751480e07a0b41--teen-posts-petri-dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Understand you were brainwashed as children by government school education systems into a cultist belief.

>> No.10408512

go on and educate yourself with youtube

>> No.10408513

You already admitted the earth is round, no need to show us the rest of your folder.

>> No.10408516

No. Proof of the globe is right here. Its one paragraph and it’s literally indisputable.

Like this anon said
You could make an argument that is consistent with these observations for basically any shape of Earth besides a 2D plane.

>> No.10408517
File: 28 KB, 480x396, 24862147_1657838714268364_7105166374222774919_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Stupid people.

>> No.10408518

>Thinks oceans curve around a spinning space potato.

Can you show me a curved ocean? A non CGI /spliced image?

>> No.10408519

It works with a flat torus in 3-sphere.

>> No.10408520

No argument, so you confirm that water curves and the Earth is round. Awesome.

>> No.10408522

Already done here >>10408493

>> No.10408524

There's a saying about wrestling with pigs. You both get dirty, and the pig enjoys it.

>> No.10408528

I dont even need to take fluid dynamics or gravitational attraction of water into account because the star paths I mentioned are topologically impossible on a flat plane. You literally could not make it work, no matter how much mental gymnastics you did.

Still waiting on a rebuttal to this.

>> No.10408529


>> No.10408531

A flat torus in 3-sphere.

>> No.10408534
File: 136 KB, 736x736, Perspective 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think so.

>What is perspective?

>> No.10408541

>>What is perspective?
Hilarious that you can say this when their image literally had the flat earth perspective comparison image.

>> No.10408542
File: 49 KB, 480x480, 75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was another plane following the cartoon one above the cartoon Earth? Where are all the satellites?

>> No.10408543
File: 357 KB, 377x387, 1463158364610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go in space and see if it's a flat disc at this point
You guys know where I can buy cheap tickets?

>> No.10408545
File: 115 KB, 950x783, flat-earth-horizon-flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't get it.
Educate yourself.

>> No.10408546

>how do lenses work
Try harder, my dude.

>> No.10408548
File: 634 KB, 900x900, 67518826_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a fat fetish thread

>> No.10408550
File: 208 KB, 739x1034, 69d2206e3b9c5e6b20e2d934a975273eimagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because literally anything is better than flat earthers

>> No.10408552


Nice try, kek.

Look into it.

>> No.10408553

Yeah uhh I don't think this proves what you think it does.

>> No.10408554
File: 2.00 MB, 390x390, 1534472187987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408555
File: 13 KB, 202x214, 1529353836324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408556

Why the fuck do you even entertain these retard trolls?

>> No.10408559
File: 1.68 MB, 2227x1577, 1439888225683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408558

> I am still being brainwashed by highschool teachers into believing in a cartoon ball Earth.

> I understand water is always level, as I use water every single day, but I suspend my knowledge into believing it curves around a spinning space potato.


>> No.10408561

Im still not even sure this is accurate but ok, I will bite. This would require there to be a hole in one of the poles of Earth and would require a dimensionallity of space time that is demonstrably inaccurate using a variety of tests you could do at home. Most easily performed of which would be throwing a rock. You could even get that to work if you wanted to extensively modify the way gravity works, but then there are other tests you could do that would prove those gravitational theories to be wrong aswell. Most easily performed of which would be dropping a rock. So its still not consistent with reality.

>tl;dr: you are still wrong until you can provide a model that is consistent with reality.
Do that and you will have officially convinced me that Earth is flat.

>> No.10408565
File: 434 KB, 600x2400, 1512809095754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408567
File: 41 KB, 477x427, POTATO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Belief in the ball Earth is no better than the belief in bogus religious stories.

Real science is real. The ball Earth is not real science. Cartoons are not evidence of reality.

>> No.10408569

>I've seen water appear flat on scales much smaller than the curvature of the earth, therefore it must always be flat.


>> No.10408570
File: 34 KB, 551x336, A92D7550-615E-405F-9417-4EDB4F9912EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. These are flight paths over the arctic circle.

>> No.10408572
File: 1.98 MB, 486x273, 1547653535961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly anime doesn't have enough of an impact

>> No.10408576

It does not make sense to reply, but satellites are a way higher than 120 feet away from earth

>> No.10408578
File: 34 KB, 467x700, 20151129012703bcf5fcbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408579

reminder that flatearthers themselves proved that the Earth is curved, then lied about it and keep lying about it to make more money from other retarded flatearthers

>> No.10408581

This is not consistent with the phenomenon of having “midnight” sun at both the Arctic and Antarctic circles. You can take tours of Antarctica that will show you this and you can live in Alaska to experience the other side of it.

>> No.10408583

See >>10408508
You lost, you admit the earth is round.

>> No.10408585
File: 1.72 MB, 332x332, 5E4AAE1CE29B4CAFB9F68E0418C5CA0C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408591
File: 134 KB, 634x856, 20161221194903b57a6072la.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408592
File: 90 KB, 739x736, IMAG004[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This would require there to be a hole in one of the poles of Earth
Pic related.

Gravity isn't real.

>> No.10408597
File: 53 KB, 500x750, 203e412bf664bb99a87bf4821637fe3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gravity isn't real.
prove it

>> No.10408598

you can actually see the curvature in the top left one

>> No.10408599
File: 51 KB, 400x605, 1548959969439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve

>> No.10408603
File: 238 KB, 960x1920, 1528279712063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408605

I'm not in the mood to tackle yet another flatearther's pratt's, but there are two things that refute the flat earth notion.

>Sunsets & Sunrises
>Time zones

The flat earth notion can't explain these without appealing to solipsistic arguments.

>> No.10408609
File: 160 KB, 1280x718, tumblr_oa63gkYyrF1twam97o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408610


>> No.10408613
File: 82 KB, 620x465, 1549815411319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat fetish best fetish

>> No.10408614

You have already been disproven, you just choose to ignore things that dont fit your narrative. Even with a flat torus Earth, midnight sun wouldnt be possible at both poles, with all points between them experiencing day/night cycles.

>> No.10408615

>You can take tours of Antarctica that will show you this
Can you find one?

>> No.10408618
File: 36 KB, 540x431, NE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Triggered cultist balltards, kek.
Are you mad your cartoon religion was crushed?

Relax. Rofl.

>> No.10408621

Space and time are metaphysical concepts.

>> No.10408623
File: 1.63 MB, 3024x4032, 1536180625152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this on your walk around town
wat do

>> No.10408625
File: 177 KB, 960x742, Blue Balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10408626

What makes this picture any more real that the pictures NASA gives you? Is it those totally not artificially added latitude and longitude lines? If globe Earthers cant use pictures as evidence neither can you.

>> No.10408630
File: 55 KB, 400x533, tumblr_pghylvQZdO1vx8bsx_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flattards are only here to be laughed at
And, whenever I see an opportunity to spread my fetish, I do!

>> No.10408636
File: 62 KB, 480x439, ALI G FlatEarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still raging


>> No.10408639

2 seconds on Google. There are like 5 other companies that offer it aswell. Are you even trying?

>> No.10408640
File: 361 KB, 1161x960, C_Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved_Images_1543135263299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's completely stuck and nobody's around. No need to blue-ball yourself here

>> No.10408642
File: 116 KB, 593x597, curving-water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200 proofs Earth is not a spinning ball.



Wake up you filthy religious balltard faggots.

>> No.10408644
File: 413 KB, 917x509, patchouli_bfp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Au contraire, my dear friend. It is you who is angry. I'm just horny.

>> No.10408648
File: 99 KB, 960x569, DpU4R8aXgAAkhmw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you claiming there is no hole at the North Pole?

>> No.10408650
File: 921 KB, 886x648, 2_liter_cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408651

Which one allows the midnight sun to be seen brainlet?

>> No.10408657
File: 113 KB, 481x856, tumblr_pflwosqkzX1x3bwsio1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408659

Prove it without pictures.

>> No.10408661
File: 365 KB, 495x660, untitled3_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408662

Don't forget about that one flatearther who proved that the Earth rotates using a gyro. I recall that he said something along the lines of "well, we can't accept that.".

Flat earth theory is a joke and has been a joke for a long time.

>> No.10408663

I did my own 2 second google search to satisfy you.

>> No.10408666

your own people proved the earth is a globe, you're just way too far gone the rabbit hole to ever admit it

>> No.10408669
File: 165 KB, 750x910, 1541802471469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408672

Why can't I find a clip where there's liquid mercury surrounding a sphere magnet?

That would show the mechanism of gravity on water on the earth

>> No.10408676

North Pole elevation is below sea level.

>> No.10408677
File: 1.38 MB, 332x332, tumblr_pbnyt8BGao1wj9jv6o2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408678

Any of them that take place during the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere(late December) they are all multiple day trips. How dumb are you?

>> No.10408683
File: 1.82 MB, 332x332, tumblr_p45tq0FhWY1wl5b9zo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good that there's a 50/50 chance of scoring a fat girl in any pub
Why aren't you fucking fat girls yet, anon?

>> No.10408685

Prove it. I provided evidence of a globe Earth that requires nothing but eyes to verify. You should be able to do something like this for flat Earth, if Earth is indeed flat, and you arent retarded.

>> No.10408687
File: 227 KB, 845x845, MeganVelez4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408688


Flatties are never interested in learning about the world around them, they're only interested in reinforcing their notions. When Jeranism saw the ISS with his own eyes (and caught a video of it passing over the moon too) which is something that is impossible on the flat earth, he simply rejects the observation with no reasoning.

>> No.10408690
File: 876 KB, 1280x707, 1440138628078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408696
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, 1388683370061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is FAT and you know it

>> No.10408699
File: 201 KB, 639x856, 1484095463747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408701
File: 1.94 MB, 300x450, Fatass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408704

Antarctica is the highest elevated "continent" in the world. That, coupled with the extremely clear, cold, unpolluted air means light will travel much further through it, therefore the sun will be visible for a longer period of time during its wider, more elevated path in the sky.

This movement works perfectly fine on a flat torus in 3-sphere.

>> No.10408706
File: 1.60 MB, 256x401, bburst_copy_by_chubbybellylovedanifui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408711
File: 900 KB, 202x360, 1518942565648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408714
File: 1.75 MB, 324x324, tumblr_oupi1zo3M11snvbxlo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright fatfag signing out

>> No.10408716

> Elevation extremes: Lowest point: Fram Basin –4,665 m. Highest point: sea level 0 m.

>> No.10408724

Who owns Antarctica?

>> No.10408737

How do I know thats true? They could easily be lying to me.

>> No.10408739


>> No.10408753

Do you apply that same view regarding the globe?

>> No.10408754

No one owns Antarctica, yet it is controlled regardless. That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.10408755

Hey flattard why are you ignoring the evidence?
The Flat Earth community spend $20.000 to buy a ring laser gyroscope to prove the earth is stationary, can you guess what happened when they turned it on?
And can you guess what the guy in charge of the gyroscope said?
"This is bad for us", "We don't want to blow this" - what a complete fucking joke
It's obvious you people will never accept any kind of proof that contradicts your point of view, please get the fuck off /sci/ and never come back, maybe >>>/x/ will take you, but I doubt it.

>> No.10408762

most people - and therefore most flat-earthers - don't cross the equator much
so they can just deny the stars and not think about it

>> No.10408780

Those faggots have always been shills - the dome flat earth model is a psy-op to pit religion vs scientism again.

The truth always lies in between. The earth is a flat torus in 3-sphere. The ground is stationary, the "toroidal/torus field" moves around us, causing the stars and sun etc to move with it.

The laser gyro will also move with this field. The Allias Effect also demonstrates this effect clearly during solar eclipses with Foucault pendulums. These devices are not being affected by the movement of the earth, there is no experiment that has ever proven this, hence why relativity was pushed extensively, to ignore this fact and keep the mainstream view of reality alive.

>> No.10408793

or maybe, MAYBE, nasa isn't lying? doing impossible uninterrupted hour long ISS tours and having a non-stop stream looking at the Earth
whatever, a torus, sure

>> No.10408814

>or maybe, MAYBE, nasa isn't lying?
You trust this military wing of the government because...?
>doing impossible uninterrupted hour long ISS tours
Why's it impossible? You don't believe they could have invented a way to mimic anti-gravity for long periods of time by now?
>having a non-stop stream looking at the Earth
whatever, a torus, sure
The one I've seen is the same looped clips over and over again. I have no doubt something is up there, but the video cannot be trusted, there's clear manipulation. It's just not good enough for 2019, we should have 4k live streams from the moon, or other areas above the earth, filming solar and lunar eclipses, the orbits, etc etc. What we have is pathetic, and it is space autists like yourself that should be the most angry about it.

>> No.10408819

>they have magic tech to fake whatever I don't like
yeah, okay

>> No.10408834

It's not like we're talking about the world's wealthiest country with the biggest military budget or anything. They've likely mastered diamagnetic levitation in some way.

>> No.10408840

no, truth is you just want to live in a fantasy world with a giant conspiracy where everyone is lying to you, even though that makes no sense, you're just too used to that idea and that thought pattern that at this point you'd believe anything to keep it going
please stop replying to me, I'm out

>> No.10408860

Your round girls are nice but I prefer strong tomboyish girls that can do /fit/ things with me!

>> No.10408866

>no, truth is you just want to live in a fantasy world with a giant conspiracy where everyone is lying to you
Are you lied to by politicians, religions, adverts, media etc? It would be stranger if NASA didn't lie. They're simply a PR front for the tax payers.

>> No.10408868

The flat guy could go to Argentina, they have cruises to Antartica

>> No.10408872

can't argue with that

>> No.10408873
File: 69 KB, 960x719, route.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this route ever been done?

>> No.10408892

I don't know, if it has not been done you can be the first because no one will stop you

>> No.10408898

>no one will stop you
Is that right? I can just sail/fly to the coast of Antarctica and begin my journey from one end to the other with no bother?

>> No.10408919
File: 42 KB, 224x225, fuckyouguys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[math]\color{#781b86}{\text{Go}}\color{#6b2a96}{\text{d'}}\color{#5e38a6}{\text{s }}\color{#5147b7}{\text{In}}\color{#4456c7}{\text{ H}}\color{#4567c6}{\text{is}}\color{#527bb3}{\text{ H}}\color{#5f8fa0}{\text{ea}}\color{#6da38d}{\text{ve}}\color{#7ab77a}{\text{n.}}\color{#85b871}{\text{ A}}\color{#90b968}{\text{ll}}\color{#9bbb5f}{\text{'s}}\color{#a6bc56}{\text{ R}}\color{#b1bd4d}{\text{ig}}\color{#bbb849}{\text{ht}}\color{#c5b345}{\text{ W}}\color{#cfae41}{\text{it}}\color{#d9a93d}{\text{h }}\color{#de9738}{\text{th}}\color{#dd7a32}{\text{e }}\color{#dc5c2d}{\text{Wo}}\color{#db3f27}{\text{rl}}\color{#da2121}{\text{d}}[/math]
[math]\color{#781b86}{\text{Go}}\color{#6b2a96}{\text{d'}}\color{#5e38a6}{\text{s }}\color{#5147b7}{\text{In}}\color{#4456c7}{\text{ H}}\color{#4567c6}{\text{is}}\color{#527bb3}{\text{ H}}\color{#5f8fa0}{\text{ea}}\color{#6da38d}{\text{ve}}\color{#7ab77a}{\text{n.}}\color{#85b871}{\text{ A}}\color{#90b968}{\text{ll}}\color{#9bbb5f}{\text{'s}}\color{#a6bc56}{\text{ R}}\color{#b1bd4d}{\text{ig}}\color{#bbb849}{\text{ht}}\color{#c5b345}{\text{ W}}\color{#cfae41}{\text{it}}\color{#d9a93d}{\text{h }}\color{#de9738}{\text{th}}\color{#dd7a32}{\text{e }}\color{#dc5c2d}{\text{Wo}}\color{#db3f27}{\text{rl}}\color{#da2121}{\text{d}}[/math]
[math]\color{#781b86}{\text{Go}}\color{#6b2a96}{\text{d'}}\color{#5e38a6}{\text{s }}\color{#5147b7}{\text{In}}\color{#4456c7}{\text{ H}}\color{#4567c6}{\text{is}}\color{#527bb3}{\text{ H}}\color{#5f8fa0}{\text{ea}}\color{#6da38d}{\text{ve}}\color{#7ab77a}{\text{n.}}\color{#85b871}{\text{ A}}\color{#90b968}{\text{ll}}\color{#9bbb5f}{\text{'s}}\color{#a6bc56}{\text{ R}}\color{#b1bd4d}{\text{ig}}\color{#bbb849}{\text{ht}}\color{#c5b345}{\text{ W}}\color{#cfae41}{\text{it}}\color{#d9a93d}{\text{h }}\color{#de9738}{\text{th}}\color{#dd7a32}{\text{e }}\color{#dc5c2d}{\text{Wo}}\color{#db3f27}{\text{rl}}\color{#da2121}{\text{d}}[/math]

>> No.10408951


>> No.10408958

>Is that right? I can just sail/fly to the coast of Antarctica and begin my journey from one end to the other with no bother?
Yes! You just need to have enough food.

>> No.10408960

>rivers, literally not level

>> No.10408966


>> No.10408982


>> No.10408984
File: 237 KB, 701x900, b72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat earth returned
Well, the hiatus was fun while it lasted.

>> No.10408987

This thread is hilarious.
The same old debunked arguments like they are wirth anything.
I oarticularly liked the Anon who posted picutures of land appearing to not curve away in response to the pylons over water. The reason flatties like water is because it "finds its level", land does not lol.

>> No.10408993

Normally when browsing a dumb thread I like to think "I could be doing homework right now." This thread is so dumb I instead thought, "I could be browsing reddit right now."

>> No.10409009

Proof to what?

>> No.10409016

Questions for Flattards

>Question 1:
Looking down onto a supposedly flat surface, our view of it is abruptly cut short at a relatively short distance. Why? Back up your answer with geometry, assuming perfectly clear viewing conditions.

>Question 2:
We can see distant objects that are tall enough to peek over the horizon, so why can't we see all of the supposedly flat surface leading up to said objects? Back up your answer with geometry, assuming perfectly clear viewing conditions. Provide a diagram of a viewer on a flat surface, with a detailed explanation as to why that surface can't be seen all the way to that distant object on that same flat surface.

>Question 3:
Why does the height of the observer affect the distance that can be seen when looking down onto a flat surface?

>Question 4:
Provide a formula that can be used to calculate the distance at which land or sea stops being visible to an observer at a height H meters above a flat surface.

>Question 5:
Use your formula to calculate the altitude an observer would have to be situated at above the North Pole to see the whole of the giant Frisbee you think you live on.

>Question 6:
The moon appears to change orientation as a function of the observer's latitude. For example, in Australia the moon appears upside down. Why?

>Question 7:
If you track the positions of stars, they appear to rotate around Earth's axis. They appear to rotate around this axis clockwise in Britain and counter-clockwise in Australia. At latitudes close to 0 degrees N/S they trace a hyperbolic arc overhead. Why? Back up your answer with geometry, and provide a diagram that shows how the same star can appear to rotate in both directions depending on how far from the disc's hub an observer is standing.

>> No.10409019

Proof that any anon here can rock up to Antarctica and cross it from one end to the other without being stopped.

>> No.10409031

What will stop you is running out of supplies before you've crossed 2% of Antarctica, if the cold doesn't take you first.

Do you think there are people waiting to catch you along 11,165 miles of coastline? Pick a fucking random place to land, chances are your party will be the only humans for hundreds of miles.

>> No.10409034

I have never tried it so I don't know, I just know that you can go to Antartica from Argentina and that they have no reason to stop you

>> No.10409047

I do. Which is why I verify its a globe with this method. No second hand information required.

>> No.10409135

I'm your side but nigga wtf

>> No.10409141

>wtf noooo stop humiliating flattards with this one neat copypasta
kill self

>> No.10409170

No anon, you're the one making US look bad with most of your questions.

>> No.10409177

Who the fuck is "Us"

>> No.10409185

(((WE ARE)))

>> No.10409186

i swear to god what is the point of this, the earth is not flat

>> No.10409196

Based post

>> No.10409197


>> No.10409199

An attempt to appeal to common sense, "looks flat is flat".

However, the entire theory falls apart once observations, that can be easily done by anyone, are made that falsify the flat earth. Then the flatties would attempt to appeal to unfalsifiable effects (perspective is making everything look like its a globe! Jewish Irish reptilian Illuminati conspiracy hologram! Special atmospheric refraction that no one else knows!) which then blow out their previous goals of appealing to common sense, exposing how stupid the whole thing is.

>> No.10409220

[math]\color{#781b86}{\text{Wr}}\color{#74208b}{\text{on}}\color{#6f2591}{\text{g }}\color{#6b2a96}{\text{ag}}\color{#672f9c}{\text{ai}}\color{#6333a1}{\text{n,}}\color{#5e38a6}{\text{ A}}\color{#5a3dac}{\text{no}}\color{#5642b1}{\text{n.}}\color{#5147b7}{\text{ T}}\color{#4d4cbc}{\text{hr}}\color{#4951c1}{\text{ou}}\color{#4456c7}{\text{gh}}\color{#405bcc}{\text{ G}}\color{#4060cc}{\text{od}}\color{#4567c6}{\text{ a}}\color{#496ebf}{\text{ll}}\color{#4e74b9}{\text{ t}}\color{#527bb3}{\text{hi}}\color{#5682ac}{\text{ng}}\color{#5b88a6}{\text{s }}\color{#5f8fa0}{\text{ar}}\color{#649699}{\text{e }}\color{#689c93}{\text{po}}\color{#6da38d}{\text{ss}}\color{#71aa87}{\text{ib}}\color{#76b080}{\text{le}}\color{#7ab77a}{\text{. }}\color{#7eb777}{\text{Yo}}\color{#82b874}{\text{u }}\color{#86b870}{\text{ca}}\color{#8ab96d}{\text{n'}}\color{#8eb96a}{\text{t }}\color{#92ba67}{\text{us}}\color{#96ba63}{\text{e }}\color{#99ba60}{\text{yo}}\color{#9dbb5d}{\text{ur}}\color{#a1bb5a}{\text{ h}}\color{#a5bc57}{\text{um}}\color{#a9bc53}{\text{an}}\color{#adbd50}{\text{ u}}\color{#b1bd4d}{\text{nd}}\color{#b4bb4c}{\text{er}}\color{#b8ba4a}{\text{st}}\color{#bbb849}{\text{an}}\color{#beb648}{\text{di}}\color{#c2b446}{\text{ng}}\color{#c5b345}{\text{ o}}\color{#c8b144}{\text{f }}\color{#ccaf42}{\text{th}}\color{#cfae41}{\text{e }}\color{#d2ac40}{\text{un}}\color{#d6aa3e}{\text{iv}}\color{#d9a93d}{\text{er}}\color{#dca73c}{\text{se}}\color{#dea13a}{\text{ t}}\color{#de9738}{\text{o }}\color{#dd8d36}{\text{ma}}\color{#dd8434}{\text{ke}}\color{#dd7a32}{\text{ t}}\color{#dc7030}{\text{he}}\color{#dc662e}{\text{se}}\color{#dc5c2d}{\text{ b}}\color{#db522b}{\text{ol}}\color{#db4829}{\text{d }}\color{#db3f27}{\text{cl}}\color{#db3525}{\text{ai}}\color{#da2b23}{\text{ms}}\color{#da2121}{\text{.}}[/math]

>> No.10409232

I piss on your faggot god, find a better argument, retard

>> No.10409236
File: 94 KB, 1017x763, 1374968995575-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read this comment
>The stars in the Northern Hemisphere appear to rotate in a CLOCKWISE direction around a point over the North pole. The stars in the Southern Hemisphere appear to rotate COUNTERCLOCKWISE around a point over the South pole. You can verify this yourself using nothing but your own first hand observations. You dont even need any tools or technology to do it if you are really determined to do so. Try and draw a flat Earth map where this is even possible. I fucking dare you.
>go to flat earth discord server
>start debating with these niggers'
>niggers think that in order to look up, you would also have to look in either north south west east
>say that that is twodimensional, and looking up being the third dimension has nothing to do with it
>nigger says he has seen it for himself
>keeps asking me if i had also seen it
>saying that empiristic claims should be open for rational criticism
>get banned
>mfw i see the discord server completely ignoring me

>> No.10409237

this site is for 18+

>> No.10409242

The horizon lies below the vanishing point. Also the vanishing point is imaginary, and infinitely far away, not a few km away.

Thanks for your time.

>> No.10409294

No no no anon. You're thinking about perspective which makes logical sense and makes predictions about reality.

Flat earthers have their own special form of perspective called flerspective. Which states that all observations of a round earth are because of some magical phenomenon that somehow alters everyone's view of reality. No model of this flerspective exists you're just supposed to assume that it happens for no reason other than to allow the mind to believe that the Earth is flat.

You might ask "well if all of reality is contorting itself to appear round when it's supposedly flat, then what's the difference between that and the Earth just being round?" That is called using your brain, and flatearthers can't let you do that. Its a sin!

>> No.10409358
File: 320 KB, 1404x1404, FLAT-EARTH RETARDED SOCIETY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this, flattard!

>> No.10409364
File: 156 KB, 1768x952, flattards are brainless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and btw, those flights exist...

>> No.10409413

It's not always a burger.

>> No.10409412

>Looking down onto a supposedly flat surface, our view of it is abruptly cut short at a relatively short distance. Why? Back up your answer with geometry, assuming perfectly clear viewing conditions.
Great point. If the earth was flat, we'd be able to see infinitely far. Alas, we cannot, therefore the earth is curved.
>We can see distant objects that are tall enough to peek over the horizon, so why can't we see all of the supposedly flat surface leading up to said objects? Back up your answer with geometry, assuming perfectly clear viewing conditions. Provide a diagram of a viewer on a flat surface, with a detailed explanation as to why that surface can't be seen all the way to that distant object on that same flat surface.
Another great point. If the earth was flat, nothing would obstruct the bottoms of distant objects because nothing is in the way, not even the air.
>Why does the height of the observer affect the distance that can be seen when looking down onto a flat surface?
Excellent question. If the earth was flat, you'd already be able to see infinitely far, so changing height wouldn't make a difference.
>The moon appears to change orientation as a function of the observer's latitude. For example, in Australia the moon appears upside down. Why?
Fantastic point. We all know the only reason for this is because the earth is a sphere, no other explanation is possible.
>If you track the positions of stars, they appear to rotate around Earth's axis. They appear to rotate around this axis clockwise in Britain and counter-clockwise in Australia. At latitudes close to 0 degrees N/S they trace a hyperbolic arc overhead. Why? Back up your answer with geometry, and provide a diagram that shows how the same star can appear to rotate in both directions depending on how far from the disc's hub an observer is standing.
Incredible. A globe, and only a globe, works with this. A flat torus in 3-sphere? Ignored.

>> No.10409416
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1548263051619.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a retard.

>> No.10409418

Have you seen past expeditions you brainlet? They travel more than 2%. Many reach the geographic south pole, but make a diversion as soon as they pass it.

>> No.10409422

>they have no reason to stop you
Don't they want to "preserve" Antarctica? I thought you were highly restricted in what you can bring and where you can go. Show me otherwise.

>> No.10409426
File: 3.40 MB, 402x301, dolly zoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10409427

That is observational evidence of light moving in a spherical fashion. It doesn't prove the surface you are standing on is spherical.

>> No.10409428

based and flatearth-pilled

>> No.10409430

Level is not a synonym of flat.

>> No.10409437

Well OBVIOUSLY that's flerspective at work. It's the flatearther's flex tape. If the observations say that the Earth is round, then it must be reality tricking your brain into seeing the observation. Why? Because the Earth MUST be flat, no questioning it! Evidence? A model? Something that's falsifiable? Ha! None are needed.

>> No.10409443
File: 886 KB, 4194x4218, STS-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perspective is to flat earthers as quantum is to new age boomers

>> No.10409444


>> No.10409448

This "curvature" can't make its mind up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyLzdQFU3Og

>> No.10409450
File: 1.16 MB, 1039x539, Apollo 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10409451

It doesnt, but it DOES prove the surface I am standing on is not a flat plane, because it’s topologically impossible for the star paths to work like that on a flat plane. If you were to claim the Earth was a cube, you may have something, but this observation of star paths means the Earth is 100% not flat.

>> No.10409458

Evidence for what?

>> No.10409461
File: 116 KB, 512x512, yuri_gagarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep ignoring important details in footage and surely you will stumble upon PROOF of the flat earth. Don't let evidence ever change your mind!

>> No.10409462

What's the matter?

>> No.10409466

It works on a flat torus in 3-sphere.

>> No.10409470

Nothing, I just enjoy calling flat earthers retards.

>> No.10409471

The clue is in the name of the video. It's a superior mirage.
This video explains it: https://youtu.be/XzYJ61EC9XI?t=462

But oh cool, you found one situation where the curvature of the Earth looks weird. This doesn't explain other observations that show that the Earth does curve. Such as sunsets, sunrises, and time zones. Such as the southern celestial pole. Such as circumpolar stars and the variations of them depending on latitude.

>> No.10409473
File: 58 KB, 573x640, 54645645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>observing objects over stretches of water is scientifically valid and proves curvature because they are obstructed

>> No.10409476


>> No.10409484

>The clue is in the name of the video. It's a superior mirage.
>This video explains it: https://youtu.be/XzYJ61EC9XI?t=462 [Embed]
>But oh cool, you found one situation where the curvature of the Earth looks weird.
You think it's uncommon to see such effects over stretches of water? It always happens.
>This doesn't explain other observations that show that the Earth does curve. Such as sunsets, sunrises
Optical illusions, see delayed sunset, advanced sunrise.
>and time zones. Such as the southern celestial pole. Such as circumpolar stars and the variations of them depending on latitude.
Works perfectly fine on a flat torus in 3-sphere.

>> No.10409491
File: 82 KB, 612x489, Marcos Pontes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded
>can't explain how an equatorial mount works on a flat earth.
ur mom gay.

>> No.10409493

Firstly, prove it.
Secondly, even if it does, it requires modified theories of gravity which are demonstrably false.

>> No.10409494

I thought water always seeks its level and level means the same thing as flat, right?

>> No.10409509

Why can't the stars just move on their own individual trajectories over a flat earth?

>> No.10409514

>>being this retarded
>>can't explain how an equatorial mount works on a flat earth.
It's called a flat torus in 3-sphere, learn about it. Although being a globecuck it may be too much for you.
>Firstly, prove it.
>Secondly, even if it does, it requires modified theories of gravity which are demonstrably false.
A flat torus in 3-sphere is topologically identical to a sphere, but experienced flat.

All theories of "gravity" are false, typical globecuck trying to hold onto their gravity god.

>> No.10409520

I thought the only thing that can obstruct objects in the distance is curvature, right? Not natural miraging effects...

>> No.10409532

Why can you see the same constallations, upside down in two different places of the Earth (Australia and Argentina) that are in the same hemisphere?

>> No.10409536

Because the earth is a flat torus in 3-sphere.

>> No.10409539

just what's underneath your stupid freesbee you call Earth? a pile of rocks and satan, of course??

>> No.10409554

>just what's underneath your stupid freesbee you call Earth?
It's not a frisbee you buffoon, keep straw manning. The concept of "underneath" can't even apply to a flat torus. It is also stationary, unlike your schizo cult ball that's flying aimlessly through a void of pointlessness.

>> No.10409555

Imagine not knowing topology and posting on /sci/

>> No.10409560
File: 13 KB, 202x214, 1543433114383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10409563

Imagine being a flat earth tard
Imagine believing the Earth is Flat and created by God while at the same time using evolution to "argue" that white people are the master race (we all know they're the same guys doing this).
Imagine your ideology being so inconsistent then coming to a board full of people who study mathematics and logic and trying to beat them.

>> No.10409575

Imagine being a flatearther and accepting that your view of reality can't explain sunsets and sunrises.

>> No.10409578

>Imagine believing the Earth is Flat and created by God
The earth is a flat torus and not created by some "God".
>while at the same time using evolution to "argue" that white people are the master race (we all know they're the same guys doing this).
Evolution is nonsense. Race is a psy-op for divide and conquer.
>then coming to a board full of people who study mathematics and logic and trying to beat them.
Extremely easy.

>> No.10409584

>The earth is a flat torus
holy shit my dude

>> No.10409585

Hey eveybody, fuck your common senses because big floating objects that you see in that void of pointlessness called space are not rounds, they are in fact big donuts

>> No.10409586

Mercury's not magnetic and spherical magnets don't have spherical magnetic fields.

>> No.10409590

What brainlet?

>> No.10409593

You can see the curve in that bottom photo. There is a gap between the ocean and the red line on the left and right sides of red line that isn't present in the middle of the red line.

>> No.10409598
File: 542 KB, 560x560, carlos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came thinking this was a flat earth and found it was a fat earth thread.

>> No.10409600

>lights in the sky look round so the earth is round

>> No.10409602

>Our current understanding of the world makes the most sense if Earth were like the planets we see in the night sky.
>The planets we see in the night sky are round
>Ergo, the Earth, being like the planets we see in the night sky, is round too.

>> No.10409607

MIrage distorts, it doesn't obscure. Learn the difference and realize how retarded you have been.

>> No.10409616
File: 407 KB, 2000x1000, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only because you asked

>> No.10409619

>>Our current understanding of the world makes the most sense if Earth were like the planets we see in the night sky.
Within the confines of the big bang creation theology.
>The planets we see in the night sky are round
Those planets named after ancient deities? I wonder why?
>Ergo, the Earth, being like the planets we see in the night sky, is round too.
The earth is nothing like the "planets".

>> No.10409624

>MIrage distorts, it doesn't obscure. Learn the difference and realize how retarded you have been.
It very much looks like it obscures, which is all that matters when you consider such a thing as evidence of curvature.

>> No.10409635

>Within the confines of the big bang creation theology.
The Big Bang theory isn't a theology under any definition that makes sense. Also that theory is irrelevant to the point I made.

>Those planets named after ancient deities? I wonder why?
How is the name of an object relevant to its shape outside of geometry? How is the naming relevant to this?

>The earth is nothing like the "planets".
The Earth is very much like the planets. They all orbit the Sun. They obey the laws of physics as we measure them here on Earth. For the inner planets, they're rocky like Earth.

And this is all ignoring other observations that the Earth is round. Such as sunsets, sunrises, and time zones. Which don't make any sense if the Earth were flat.

>> No.10409640

How do you even explain eclipses

>> No.10409665

You'll run out of supplies though because you're an untrained retard.

>make a diversion
They're in on it, flat earth confirmed.

>> No.10409666

>The Big Bang theory isn't a theology under any definition that makes sense. Also that theory is irrelevant to the point I made.
A Catholic priest came up with the theology that you now practice. You're free to practice your religion, I'm not going to stop you, but I can't pretend that it's true either. If you feel its irrelevant to your point, then what part of your scripture are you referring to?
>How is the name of an object relevant to its shape outside of geometry? How is the naming relevant to this?
Your theology has deified the lights in the sky, but not the earth, but in your faith the earth is still the same kind of shape as the planets and stars because the laws of your God (universe) dictate it so. Observations appear to support a globe, but it's still not proven unless you believe the images and videos of space agencies.
>The Earth is very much like the planets. They all orbit the Sun.
The earth is stationary.
>They obey the laws of physics as we measure them here on Earth. For the inner planets, they're rocky like Earth.
According to your cult leaders.
>And this is all ignoring other observations that the Earth is round. Such as sunsets, sunrises, and time zones. Which don't make any sense if the Earth were flat.
Flat torus in 3-sphere.

>> No.10409669

That's not flat.

>> No.10409675

>A flat torus in 3-sphere? Ignored.
>former flattard adopts absolute insanity to sidestep the simple globe

>> No.10409682

Sun and moon have a symbiotic relationship, connected in some way, rather than being random objects that coincidentally eclipse for no reason other than chance.

>> No.10409684

okay, were on a /sci/ board here, now explain the eclipses with mathematics rather than mysticism or gtfo

>> No.10409693

>You'll run out of supplies though because you're an untrained retard.
I could just drink the ice and snow you moron, no need for anything else.
>They're in on it, flat earth confirmed.
Are they allowed to go where they want?

>> No.10409698

>A Catholic priest came up with the theology that you now practice.
Are you just going to ignore Alexander Friedmann?

>You're free to practice your religion
Big Bang cosmology isn't a religion under any definition that would make sense. The mathematical formulation of it came from Einstein's General Relativity. Some of the first empirical observations of it came from Edwin Hubble who found that more distant galaxies are more red-shifted which means that they're moving away from us, consistent with the mathematical formulations. The Big Bang model isn't a religion because it's not built on faith, its built on repeatable and useful models of reality backed up my observations and experiments.

>Your theology has deified the lights in the sky, but not the earth
When did I say that it's mine? Sure the Western names for the planets derive from Greek and Roman mythology, but a for example, Mars is just called "Fire Star" in China. The names of the objects in the sky have no bearing on their properties.

>in your faith the earth is still the same kind of shape as the planets and stars because the laws of your God (universe) dictate it so
First, its not called a faith, its called science. Second, we know that the Earth is a spheroid because of empirical observations such as what I have previously listed.

>Observations appear to support a globe, but it's still not proven unless you believe the images and videos of space agencies.
You have this backwards.

>The earth is stationary.
Prove it.

>Flat torus in 3-sphere.
That makes no sense.

>> No.10409702

A flat torus is the most accurate model possible.

>> No.10409707

You are a survival expert.

This is the first time I've seen the flat torus and 3-sphere bullshit meme but it's beautifully unfalsifiable. And as ever you can just mix in geocentrism by changing the frame of reference. Really good job.

>> No.10409715

>were on a /sci/ board here
Pick one. You believe the moon is 400 times smaller and 400 times closer to us making it appear the same size as the sun in the sky, due to pure chance. That's nuts.

>> No.10409716

Prove it.

How do time zones work in this model?

>> No.10409719
File: 895 KB, 1173x737, 156165615615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except the images from space comport with a globe earth.