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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10405965 No.10405965 [Reply] [Original]

woah, check this shit out:

>> No.10407408


Happy you found it, and though it has some /sci/ stuff going on (and so I'll bump), it's really more appropriate to /mu/.

>> No.10407477

/mu/ is entirely incapable of intelligible discussion except for /prod/. Making a thread there (about anything) would be a complete waste of op’s time.

>> No.10407519
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is untrue, substantive discussion regularly takes place on /mu/ alongside all the (majority) funposting. Further, the proportion of the two is roughly the same as what it is here, or on any general interest blue board. This website is primarily a place for people to let off steam and riff on things, and secondarily a place for real discussion. But real discussion does happen, periodically. Even funposters tire of funposting periodically.

>herp derp that isn't true

Yes, it is. I select at random
three >>>/mu/86060333
active >>>/mu/86066638
threads >>>/mu/86049487
in which anons are calmly and casually discussing their musical interests, to prove my point.

>herp derp those don't count as intelligible discussion

Yes, they do. "Intelligible discussion" encompasses casual conversation on one's general interests, with periodic humorous asides if the party is so inclined. If you instead meant something more like "intellectual discussion" or "technically sophisticated discussion" then it was up to you to have said that instead, but you didn't.

>> No.10408123
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>> No.10408469


bumping just once, to spite you.

>> No.10408474

He was pretty much just demonstrating the concept of convolution reverberation.

>> No.10408756
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 6AC984F8-AD8C-4621-A58E-8AB5A80EC642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10409888

bump, bbbuummmppp, bmmmmppppp, mmmmmm, mmm8mmmm, mmm8***888mmm, mm8888**********88, 88******8, *****************

>> No.10409930


>> No.10410318

I personally prefer Music on a Long Thin Wire:

>> No.10412027

bump. also to this anon:
i will listen to it now

>> No.10412074

>/mu/ is entirely incapable of intelligible discussion
>so I'll just post on /sci/ instead
