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10404203 No.10404203 [Reply] [Original]

IRL futurist setting when?

>> No.10404221
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>> No.10404367
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>> No.10404391

Never. When futuristic technologies become a reality they also become boring.

>facial recognition
>wirelessly networked handheld computers
>pocked-sized 24MP cameras and high-definition video capturing
>massive computation factories that have artificial intelligent machines
>soon phones will work with phased array sub-millimeter antennas

all these things were insane to even dream in the past

>> No.10404394

Damn... that one girl in the group on the left has an amazing leg gap.

>> No.10404536

>all these things were insane to even dream in the past
okay. then; what is insane to imagine now


>> No.10404560
File: 1.03 MB, 1440x2000, Android_Wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IRL futurist setting when?

Crude humanoid robots in 2020, robo-wives by 2030.

>> No.10404565

Flying cars
Accessible VR

>> No.10404573

Nah, that kind of thing will be made irrelevant by VR, at least for the average Joe. Only some Saudi oil baron or tech oligarch could afford a robot that sophisticated. VR waifus obviously wouldn't be as physically gratifying, but they'd come at a fraction of the cost.

Of course, passable androids would probably become affordable eventually, but it'll be a hell of a lot later than 2030.

>> No.10404586 [DELETED] 

Sex robots with relationship A.Is should be cheaper than a second hand car and probably as easy to make. Though with VR you could keep the sex bot in your bed and have the relationship A.I follow you around.

>> No.10404587
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Humanoid robots will dominate world economy by 2030, they are just too important to fail.

Robots are ethically OK slaves.

Physical labor will basically become free. Why hire a person to do any labor, when a robot can do it.

Cruise ships now have 5000 passengers and 2000 crew, by 2030, 5000 passengers as 200 crew. Farming will automatic tractors, and robotic labor to harvest.
Fast food will have 1 or 2 people working and rest will be all robots.
EVERYWHERE will be spotlessly clean because robot labor is dirt cheap.

True dark factories will exist, raw materials go in one side and finish product come out the other.

>> No.10404596

Reverse-engineering the human body is a lot harder than you think it is. Sure, you could maybe make something that had similar range of motion and appearance as a human with narrow AI to let it pantomime human behavior, but would it be as durable as a human whilst keeping the same weight? Would it have a power source that lasts longer than 5 minutes and doesn't generate more heat than a normal human without some kind of tether? Fuck no.

>> No.10404608
File: 59 KB, 968x681, sex-doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, nobody said fully functioning human replacements. Just labour robots with limited AI to perform their jobs.

As I said, a sex robot only needs a few joints and motors and vibrators. Plug into wall for usage and have it follow you as an A.I in your phone/smart glasses when not fucking.

That being said,
>Robots are ethically OK slaves
When that gets disputed is when the robot wars will begin.

>> No.10404616
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Everything you listed could be possible.
Human will be reverse-engineered in 15 years.

Robots could be hybrid-biological. They will have real muscles etcetera. Dexterity is extremely easy with machine learning.

>> No.10404619

>Robots could be hybrid-biological.

If a sex-doll uses human abortion cells to grow a functional uterus. Who is the mother?

>> No.10404622 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 736x736, 05d46bea733375df9330a72f2e2af9a9--robot-illustration-linocut-prints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If a sex-doll uses human abortion cells to grow a functional uterus

>> No.10404624


Who would be the mother of the children produced?

>> No.10404626

Compared to an 18th century setting, we are already living in a "futurist" setting. The problem with all "futurist" settings is that as soon as they become IRL, they become mundane and boring. You must find excitement in your own life through other means, if you are finding your existence banal.

>> No.10405334
File: 653 KB, 2560x2048, japan-city-lights-wallpaper-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or Japan

>> No.10405469

2045, supposedly.

>> No.10405488
File: 306 KB, 962x1443, 1549630152319[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now. (Real picture without filter or editing)

>> No.10405495

lol, it's just like in the animes

>> No.10405502


>> No.10406189


>> No.10406204
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We already live in the future minus the cartoon-physics bullshit.

>> No.10406216

probably never, atleast in the west.
>ywn live in a cyberpunk version of chicago

>> No.10406454
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Macau street with Grand Lisboa Casino looming in the background.

>> No.10406761

japan was futuristic in the 80s, even 90s, but now it's old and busted

>> No.10407892

Quite the paradoxical question OP, don't you think ?

>> No.10407896

Coming from a person who's actually been Nippon.
Every major area like Tokyo etc (excluding the tourist areas ofc) looks like North Korea intems of the greyness superimposed on an otherwise modern looking city

>> No.10408237

That kind of environment has beauty when seen in pictures, but I'm glad I don't live in such a dreadful shithole (yet)

>> No.10408402
File: 2.29 MB, 3264x2448, modern germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the future turned out lol

>> No.10408405

I'm urironically not seeing what's wrong with this picture
>Non-whites wearing white clothing and living normally in western society
>Capitalism booming
>GDP growing despite global fertility dropping

Germany is a fucking paradise on Earth.

>> No.10408437

I can finally be glad I don't live in the "first" world.

>> No.10408507

the looks of the world change rather slowly
we're stuck with the soulless shit that modern architecture is

>> No.10408736
File: 406 KB, 1024x683, 38558977101_1276cfcc50_b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah I wish. I live in an European shithole country where I live in a building built in the 1600s that wasn't even originally built for human occupation but for the storage of trade goods.

EU made laws against new buildings, billboards or any signs outside of the buildings so we are going to be stuck like this. Even when we are a multi planetary species in 2300 my city is still going to look like this shit. Be glad you even have a modern city.

>> No.10410398

I'd rather have sterile grayness over this >>10408402

>> No.10410400

China,Singapore,Japan,South Korea,Bangkok

These places look like the future and feel like one too.

Europe and USA feel like a dying world.

>> No.10410402

>That kind of environment has beauty when seen in pictures, but I'm glad I don't live in such a dreadful shithole (yet)
Most Asian cities are safer to live in than cities in USA or London,Paris.

>> No.10410420

>Europe and USA feel like a dying world
The one bright spot is the Chicago skyline. Not the city itself, and certainly not the south side, but the skyline alone. Frank Lloyd Wright famously derided New York City for its unorganized chaos compared to Chicago's loop, which is chock-full of famed architectural marvels. Mies van der Rohe, one of the founders of modernism, found his home there. It is consistently ranked #2 by most architectural orgs, just behind Hong Kong in terms of aesthetic appeal. I wanted to post an image with this post but no image can do it justice.

>> No.10410424

that's only because land shortages aren't as bad in western countries. Everyone's forced to live close together in asia hence the skyscrapers and railways. Ask anyone living there and they'll tell you it's cool to own land

>> No.10410826

when they finally let people build houses in the bay area

>> No.10411156
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when spacecraft get good enough to reach a speed that is a significant fraction that of light, they'll have enough energy to blow up cities when crashed into the earth
too many people will have access to wmds
the future will involve nomads traveling the cosmos by themselves

>> No.10411236

Have you seen how many people get hit by cars in Asia, those biggers went from farmers to middle class with cars in no time, mostly Chinese