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10402659 No.10402659 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think there are secret groups of doctors conducting medical experiments on humans that aren’t allowed? Something like head transplants, de-aging and stuff like that.

>> No.10402660

God willing.

>> No.10402661

Sure, in North Korea or some black site in the U.S. American government is as ethical as smallpox blankets.

>> No.10402671
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>as ethical as smallpox blankets
Cringe, bluepilled and reddit.
When will this meme end? Germ theory, let alone the idea of weaponizing pathogens and understanding that an entire population lacked immunity to them, was scarcely on people's minds. They gave them blankets out of compassion, not "le evil white man".

>> No.10402708

Sure. There have always been and be. I hope that one day, they will anonymously share their knowledge to the public. Imagine the benefits of that

>> No.10402712

i would like it to be true
i would like to be such a doctor

>> No.10402732

There are a lot of Chinese-sourced studies concerning organ transplantation and the sourced organs are highly speculated to have come from political dissenters kidnapped by Chinese secret police. When looking at the number of organs they used, vs the average amount of organs that become available for a certain amount of time, nothing adds up even with the population numbers of mainland China. So yes, they do happen.

>> No.10402740

Found the article on this
>government records show 10,000 organ transplants
>hospital data tallies transplants from 60k to 10k organ transplants actually happening
>99% of the studies found no indication of consent from donors

>> No.10402749

That's pretty distasteful, but at least they didn't use human organs.

>> No.10402752

There's a good documentary about this.
The Island.

>> No.10402759

>Cringe, bluepilled and reddit.
When will this meme end? Germ theory, let alone the idea of weaponizing pathogens and understanding that an entire population lacked immunity to them, was scarcely on people's minds. They gave them blankets out of compassion, not "le evil white man".

I’m fully convinced you’re a troll, and if you’re not, I will take pleasure in embarrassing you.

“... we gave them two Blankets and an Handkerchief out of the Small Pox Hospital. I hope it will have the desired effect.”

-William Trent, May 24, 1763

“Could it not be contrived to send the Small Pox among those disaffected tribes of Indians? We must on this occasion use every stratagem in our power to reduce them.”

-General Jeffrey Amherst

“"P.S. I will try to inocculate [sic] the Indians by means of Blankets that may fall in their hands, taking care however not to get the disease myself. As it is pity to oppose good men against them, I wish we could make use of the Spaniard's Method, and hunt them with English Dogs. Supported by Rangers, and some Light Horse, who would I think effectively extirpate or remove that Vermine."

-Colonel Bouqet in reply to Amherst

"P.S. You will Do well to try to Innoculate [sic] the Indians by means of Blankets, as well as to try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execrable Race. I should be very glad your Scheme for Hunting them Down by Dogs could take Effect, but England is at too great a Distance to think of that at present."

-General Amherst

You’re a lying, racist shithead. Go back to your containment board where you belong.

>> No.10402768

“... we gave them two Blankets and an Handkerchief out of the Small Pox Hospital. I hope it will have the desired effect.”

-William Trent, May 24, 1763

We even have the army invoice for this, which reads

“To Sundrier got to replace in kind those which were taken from people in the hospital to convey the smallpox to the Indians”

>> No.10402769

It's not known if that letter was actually followed up nor did any evidence came up that it was actually effective. There is, however, evidence that some epidemics were already spreading across the Americas some time before any colonists arrived.

>racist shithead

>> No.10402782

>It's not known if that letter was actually followed up

Wrong. We have an army invoice detailing a request for resupply for smallpox blankets and handkerchiefs used to “convey the smallpox to the Indians” and a reference to this from the journal of another person present at the fort.

You just lied. Again. This must be really painful for you.

>nor did any evidence came up that it was actually effective.

Irrelevant. You, if you’re the initial retard, said that they were given out of “compassion”. “Attempted genocide” is a crime and wrong.

>There is, however, evidence that some epidemics were already spreading across the Americas some time before any colonists arrived.

Irrelevant, again.

Go back to your containment board, racist shithead.

>> No.10402791

You retard, they had the small pox vaccine in like 1790 something. So to suggest that the idea of pathogens causing illness was simply beyond people mid 1700s is a sign of a pseudo intellectual, in laymen’s terms: a big fucking retard

>> No.10402798

>No qualms about exterminating the enemy for the glory of England.
Bring the British empire back

>> No.10402803

>head transplants

yeah, heads go for £10,000 pounds in germany.

>> No.10402807

China was vaccinating a thousand years ago

>> No.10402861

why would the Germans use pounds?

>> No.10402864
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>> No.10404343


>> No.10404352

Governments all over the world are testing new biological weapons. Their golden age is just beginning.

>> No.10404518

even so I don't think it was widely known by most people, because there was a lack of mass education and it was still likely not greatly understood.

>> No.10404534

Sure some but definitely not wide spread or very ahead of the curve. Considering the amount of money being spent today on developing drugs and treatments in the current established ethical field memeing with your few hundred buddies in a blacksite is not going to move the needle

>> No.10404663

There are supposed to be some around the Maryland area...

>> No.10404893

Absolutely, I firmly believe they have:
>cloned a human
>cured aids/hiv
>cured all forms of cancer
>figured out how to slows someone’s aging dramatically
>complete brainwashing (think sleeper cells)
>super soldiers
>created diseases that could destroy entire countries
They control everything around us, whatever happens/will happen is all planned by them. It’s to late for us to fight back.

>> No.10404910

>from Macquarie University
meme study from a meme school

>> No.10405008

always wondered what would happen if you strap vr googles onto a newborn child

would he perceive that as reality as he grows older? What if you put him in a vr horror/torture game? Would he really think his arm was cut off?

then you realise if some idiot like you can think of it then it must've already been done in a bunker somewhere

>> No.10405014

How does believing something incorrect make him a racist? What exactly do you think the definition of that word actually is?

>> No.10405142

itt /x/

>> No.10405173

Because his belief that white man dindu nuffin has a racial basis
If it were blacks doing it he would assume that there was malicious intent, if not only because he believed they were too stupid to come up with such a devious plan

>> No.10405224

no trace

>> No.10405631

There are a lot of american corporate agendas doing things like this, google comes to mind most appropriately but that one is a personal quandry between wife and husband and the other won't tell on one if the other is assumed innocent because of it. They are people like that. Something about their personal life and your life may be in danger kind of people they are.

naturally they are using loopholes and bad accents to hide their agenda and distribute to fault but of course they cant hide it or its illegal.
They are using that prism sounds scary, its a standard like json is a standard (same one btw) and they are using things like these satellites or something, these sound making devices, that can transmit or suggest an inclination like a cb radio could after degaussing and other suggestive methods for amplification, or like a microphone can let you kind of feel the person in the back ground and not the foreground. And they use these things to "stress" test new kinds of "material" they find when they find a "new" kind of sound that makes a new kind of "material" "function" diifferently.

They are terribly distraught currently. They will feel better when someone else is listening because I do not worry.

>> No.10405633

and for those of you reading or about to reply.

you dont need it if this isn't really happening because that is the sole reason most of you got it in the first place. dont play.

>> No.10405640

They are also in charge of strzok

as in stress is okay and its not illegal to stress the juries and judges that panel that laws are providing freedoms, not, but instead we also need to suggest we desire privacy while we are stressed in our lawn chair attitudes and skater like mentalities. I mean those two and the google thing. yeah. and no they were not in the white house. that was misinformation to keep anderson playful until he takes me seriously. thanks coop.

>> No.10405758

>Because his belief that white man dindu nuffin has a racial basis
Maybe he's just grown up constantly hearing far left bullshit about how evil, racist and voilent all white men have been throughout history while everyone else is just an innocent victim. It's pretty easy to think that someone might come to the conclusion that it's all nonsense instead of reaching a more nuanced stance. That doesn't make them a racist. Seriously, "racist" is one of the most misused words in all of history at this point.

>> No.10406285

I’m certain they exist.

>> No.10407944

>Do you think there are secret groups of doctors conducting medical experiments on humans that aren’t allowed?
This is no longer a secret, people simply do not care when it relates to illegal testing in the slums of India. A couple of big pharma have been caught pants down before they could shred the archives.

>> No.10407960

Racism is whatever black people don’t like

>> No.10408113 [DELETED] 

Yes, it was on purpose, and I'm okay with it. Now I get to live in North America without too many dirty natives running around.

Yes, I am racist lol fuck you

>> No.10408891

Go back to your containment board.

>> No.10408901

>Do you think there are secret groups of doctors conducting medical experiments on humans that aren’t allowed? Something like head transplants, de-aging and stuff like that.


Absolutely absolutely.

all you have to do is take a look at the intersection of human nature, psychopathy, and vast sums of wealth.

If you seriously believe that the worlds billionaires aren't spending their money on secret life extension technology research, then you are a fool.

>> No.10408908

Racism is whatever jews dont like. Blacks are neutral when left alone

>> No.10409831

I believe this to be true. Remember the rumours surrounding Dulce Base and the nightmare hall? They framed it as part of the ayy lmao conspiracy, but what better way to discredit any rumours that may have leaked out regarding the weird genetic splicing shit they were supposedly engaged in?

>> No.10409841

>blankets out of compassion
imagine being this stupid

>> No.10409845

Wouldn't be a surprise knowing all the experiments perpetrated by the nazis during WWII. And not only them, take the Japanese, for exemple

>> No.10409846

False quotes.
>they had the small pox vaccine in like 1790 something
And it was ridiculed at the time.
Imagine being so stupid that you think men from 1500-1700s used germ warfare before they had any idea what the fuck germs even were or what immunity was. You're just a retard.
Pro-tip, it was compassion. Christian piety. Giving blankets also helped foster relations. If whitey really was evil, they would have genocided every last one of them with actual tools, not some fringe theories regarding disease at the time.

>> No.10410112


>> No.10410143

Because, as the other guy said, his incorrect belief, possibly an outright lie, about history is sustained by a desire to eliminate historical misconduct by white colonists. It’s estremely similar to the shit Stephen Molyneux spews, but instead of claiming there’s no evidence it actually happened like Molyneux did, he goes a step further and claims positive intent. We all know this misinformation didn’t come from the education system, and it’s not true at all, so it must have come from some apologetics source; probably /pol/.

>> No.10410148

>Maybe he's just grown up constantly hearing far left bullshit about how evil, racist and voilent all white men have been throughout history while everyone else is just an innocent victim.

Please quote an educational institution claiming that “all white men are racist, evil, and violent and and have been throughout history while everyone else is just an innocent victim”. I smell a really stinky whiff of comfirmation bias. Do you deny that white settlers did actively push out, steal from, attempt to exterminate, or force into reeeducation camps the native populations of North America?

>It's pretty easy to think that someone might come to the conclusion that it's all nonsense instead of reaching a more nuanced stance.

Yes, it’s easy to imagine someone being that stupid and resting on a bias instead of actively seeking out further information. You’re right about that.

>That doesn't make them a racist. Seriously, "racist" is one of the most misused words in all of history at this point.

What percentage of Holocaust deniers do you think aren’t antisemetic?

>> No.10410158 [DELETED] 

>Yes, it was on purpose, and I'm okay with it. Now I get to live in North America without too many dirty natives running around.
Yes, I am racist lol fuck you

So edgy, dude. You’ll grow out of it. I did.

>False quotes.




Now meet your burden of proof for a conspiracy to fabricate letters of some dead racist general.

>Imagine being so stupid that you think men from 1500-1700s used germ warfare before they had any idea what the fuck germs even were or what immunity was. You're just a retard.
Pro-tip, it was compassion. Christian piety. Giving blankets also helped foster relations. If whitey really was evil, they would have genocided every last one of them with actual tools, not some fringe theories regarding disease at the time.

But the letters from these people show you’re wrong, so you are.

>> No.10410161


>> No.10410179

>some fringe theories regarding disease at the time.

You’re so fucking stupid and dishonest.


>> No.10410205

Need I go on

>> No.10410221


“It’s satirical”. Not an educational institution, one person working at one on social media.



Students, not even professors, and not an educational institution.


>> No.10410418

>Because, as the other guy said, his incorrect belief, possibly an outright lie,
Loaded premise that rejects the plausibility of said theory fright from the start, and moreover implies malice in the forethought of lie.
>desire to eliminate historical misconduct by white colonists. It’s estremely similar to the shit Stephen Molyneux spews, but instead of claiming there’s no evidence it actually happened like Molyneux did, he goes a step further and claims positive intent. We all know this misinformation didn’t come from the education system, and it’s not true at all, so it must have come from some apologetics source; probably /pol/.
Nice straw man and slander by association.

>> No.10410423

>One retrospective opinion by a modern day historian with biased information makes people in the fucking 1300s experts in germ warfare and disease
You're really losing all credibility here.

>> No.10410459

>You're really losing all credibility here.

Knowing that rotting, diseased corpses make people sick equates to being an expert in germ warfare and disease how? It doesn’t. You lied.

>Loaded premise that rejects the plausibility of said theory fright from the start

The theory is not plausible, as the people that dispensed smallpox blankets wrote about its intended effect.

>and moreover implies malice in the forethought of lie.

Either A
The person was deceived .
Or B
They are a deceiver.
There’s a lie somewhere, either from him or where he got the information.

>Nice straw man and slander by association.

Neither of those are present in the referred-to paragraph. As >>10402671 says

“They gave them blankets out of compassion”

This claim is a step further from Molyneux’s position, which is that there’s no evidence said event occurred aside from “two letters from British soldiers in 176e, long after smallpox had peaked, and there’s no evidence of a significant outbreak as a result of this theoretical bioweapon”. Refer to his disinfo video “The Truth about the Native American Genocide”.

So there’s no strawman. You lied, or failed to read.

>slander by association.

Where did I do that? If anything, Molyneux has fhe superior position to >>10402671.
Are you denying that his source for “They gave them blankets out of compassion” must be from a peddler of disinformation? It has to be, since that’s simply wrong.

>> No.10410637

What evidence do you have that he was lying?

>> No.10410648

>What evidence do you have that he was lying?

Who? >>10402671

Either he lied, or he got his disinformation from a liar. That’s why I said “possibly”. I’m unable to find a source for the claim that the blankets were given out of compassion so there’s a real possibility he made that up himself.

>> No.10410717

good thread

>> No.10410807

>heh, this means that if white people were to say analogous things they would be treated the same way, I.e. with limited backlash
Is this the power of a low IQ? You are splitting hairs and not realizing the main point.

>> No.10410819 [DELETED] 

>secret groups of doctors conducting medical experiments on humans that aren’t allowed?

>> No.10410827
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>secret groups of doctors conducting medical experiments on humans that aren’t allowed

>> No.10410834

Well well, if it isn't #78003002674. You're thinking too much. We'll fix this little mishap, don't worry about it...

>> No.10410927

>heh, this means that if white people were to say analogous things they would be treated the same way, I.e. with limited backlash

Quote me saying that. I’ll wait.

>> No.10410955

I honestly think you’ve been mostly right in this argument, but you argue like a sweaty reddit-tier brainlet, and it doesn’t make people want to agree with you.

>> No.10410975

>but you argue like a sweaty reddit-tier brainlet, and it doesn’t make people want to agree with you.

I have no idea what this means. Is there some other galaxy-brain kind of arguing you unlock when you get enough experience points? What does that consist of?

>> No.10410983

>What does that consist of?
Mostly not sounding like a triggered college freshman, but you do you.

>> No.10410991

>Mostly not sounding like a triggered college freshman

Don’t know what that would consist of, either, but how others perceive my manner of discussion is ultimately irrelevant to me as long as what I’m saying is decipherable.

>> No.10411012

Right, so long as you don’t care if people you’re debating are even trying to hear you out.

Do you always just say whatever you think makes you sound most superior? Turns out it makes you sound stupid sometimes.

>> No.10411029

>quote me
>Please quote an educational institution claiming that “all white men are racist, evil, and violent and and have been throughout history while everyone else is just an innocent victim”.
You realize that this is the default assumption of these institutions, given their hypocritical bias. They need not explicitly say whites are uniquely evil -- although many do -- but its the obly logical conclusion, given that they believe that its okay to attack whites and that everyone else must br guarded from whitr aggression. I am not the guy on originally responded to, but I felt the need to explain to you that the anti-white bias is there. This is undeniable.

Why is it okay for an NYU professor to "satirically" call for white genocide? Do you think I could say the same thing for blacks, as a white person in academia? Why or why not?

Further, if it is justified to say whites are uniquely evil, is it possible to assert that other races are uniquely malevolent in their own ways? Would I be ousted from academia for saying that the Jews, by and large, might have behaved in such a way during the Weimar period such as to justify some degree of hatred from the German people?

You either choose not to see these inconsistencies or you are scared of facing them.

>> No.10411031

>Right, so long as you don’t care if people you’re debating are even trying to hear you out.

Their problem, not mine.

>Do you always just say whatever you think makes you sound most superior? Turns out it makes you sound stupid sometimes.

Throwing your hands up and refusing to take someone seriously because of the manner in which they put paragraphs together is pretty stupid.

>> No.10411034

>Their problem, not mine.
kek I’m done here.

>> No.10411054

>They need not explicitly say whites are uniquely evil -- although many do

Please share.

>given that they believe that its okay to attack whites and that everyone else must br guarded from whitr aggression

Prove it.

>Why is it okay for an NYU professor to "satirically" call for white genocide?

Anything is okay if it’s satire as far as I’m concerned.

>Do you think I could say the same thing for blacks, as a white person in academia?

Sure, but you’d probably be fired.

>Why or why not?

Whites are not the historically oppressed minority in the U.S. Darkies are, so that’s considered less

>Further, if it is justified to say whites are uniquely evil, is it possible to assert that other races are uniquely malevolent in their own ways? Would I be ousted from academia for saying that the Jews, by and large, might have behaved in such a way during the Weimar period such as to justify some degree of hatred from the German people?

No “race” is “uniquely evil”, but the fact remains that European and other “white” nations have committed the most causality-heavy and grand atrocities.

>You either choose not to see these inconsistencies or you are scared of facing them.

I don’t care about the double-standards and social ticks of academia. I care about the original subject which was >>10405758 saying “Maybe he's just grown up constantly hearing far left bullshit about how evil, racist and voilent all white men have been throughout history while everyone else is just an innocent victim.” Which educational institution is claiming that all white men have been evil, racist, and violent throughout history?

>> No.10411057

>kek I’m done here.

Bye. Nothing for me to say unless you’re going to explain how I should talk instead.

>> No.10411130

>Please share.
>Prove it.
In this article, the Author, and several Harvard professors, argue in defense of Noel Ignatiev's (a jewish professor) claim that we must "abolish the white race."

>Anything is okay if it's satire as far as I'm concerned.
This isn't about whether you're concerned are not. You do, after all, "care about the original subject which was saying "Maybe he's just grown up constantly hearing far left bullshit about how evil, racist and violent all white men have been throughout history while everyone else is just an innocent victim."

Of course I am proving the general sentiment of the statement, which is that academia has an anti-white bias. Although, one could argue that these critical race theorists and law professors do, indeed, say that "all white men" are evil because they do support the notion that ALL whites are guilty for the crimes of their ancestors, thus the notion that we should be abolished completely.

>Whites are not the historically oppressed minority in the US
>No “race” is “uniquely evil”, but the fact remains that European and other “white” nations have committed the most causality-heavy and grand atrocities.
Ah, I see. So you are on the side that claims that we can analyze each race uniquely, within a historical context. So it is indeed possible that the jews behaved in ways that warranted their hatred, or that Africans are less intellectual capable, as a whole, and this is why they were given less rights, considering they are a major liability.

>I don't care about the double-standards and social ticks of academia
But you do. You follow that statement immediately afterward by claiming to "care about the original subject which was [see above]."

>inb4 lmao bro obviously harvard professors dont count haha
>inb4 just because he called for the abolishment of the white race because of our racial misdeeds doesnt mean he thinks all white people

>> No.10411162
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Holy shit plebbit just got BTFO

>> No.10411229


Yeah, there probably is. The capacity for societies to secretly allow human experiments out of morbid or intellectual curiosity has been a thing for thousands of years.

The only thing I can say is that may the universe have mercy on those who had to be sacrifice in the coming afterlife. And that hopefully none of the autistic edgelords who frequent this site have to sacrifice themselves as much as they're asking for it.

>> No.10411364

>In this article, the Author, and several Harvard professors, argue in defense of Noel Ignatiev's (a jewish professor) claim that we must "abolish the white race."

I agree with him fully. Noel is arguing for dismantling the social construct of the white race.

“The white race is like a private club based on one huge assumption that all those who look white, are, whatever their complaints or reservations, fundamentally loyal to the race. We want to dissolve that club, to explode it,"

“Asked in a 1997 interview with the New York Times if he hates his own white skin, Mr. Ignatiev said, "No, but I want to abolish the privileges."

>Of course I am proving the general sentiment of the statement, which is that academia has an anti-white bias. Although, one could argue that these critical race theorists and law professors do, indeed, say that "all white men" are evil because they do support the notion that ALL whites are guilty for the crimes of their ancestors, thus the notion that we should be abolished completely.

Not what he’s talking about.

>Ah, I see. So you are on the side that claims that we can analyze each race uniquely, within a historical context.

Don’t believe in race.

>So it is indeed possible that the jews behaved in ways that warranted their hatred, or that Africans are less intellectual capable, as a whole, and this is why they were given less rights, considering they are a major liability.

Push your /pol/ memes on your containment board where they belong.

>But you do. You follow that statement immediately afterward by claiming to "care about the original subject which was [see above]."

Nope. We’re talking about whether or not educational institutions produce “far left bullshit about how evil, racist and voilent all white men have been throughout history while everyone else is just an innocent victim.

>> No.10411381

>>inb4 lmao bro obviously harvard professors dont count haha

He would count if he was proposing a mass genocide and not simply dismantling a harmful social construct.

“"The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race, which means no more and no less than abolishing the privileges of the white skin. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue, domestic and foreign, in U.S. society,"

>inb4 just because he called for the abolishment of the white race because of our racial misdeeds doesnt mean he thinks all white people

Welcome to quote him saying so.

In the mean time, I’ll show you something Mr. Noel also wrote on the website Race Traitor.

“Is one permitted to say above the level of a whisper that U.S. policy toward Israel has something to do with Jewish influence in the U.S.? Perhaps Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa can get away with it: “The Israel government,” he observed, “is placed on a pedestal [in the U.S.] People are scared in this country to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful—very powerful” (Guardian 29 April 2002).”

“Prejudice breeds arrogance: this past January the Israeli ambassador to Sweden destroyed an art installation in a Stockholm museum which he found offensive. The work commemorated a young Palestinian woman who killed herself and nineteen others in an attack in Haifa. (It does not become Americans, who learn as schoolchildren to recite the last words of Nathan Hale, “My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country,” to denounce Palestinian patriots as “suicide bombers.”) The museum director pointed out that if the Ambassador did not like the exhibit he was free to leave. (Agence France Press, 17 January 2004)”

Mr. Noel may be a Jew but I think you’ll find he’s “woke” as you’d say in some ways.

>> No.10411390

“It is a mistake to draw a moral line between Israel and the Occupied Territories; it is all occupied territory. The 1967 war, as a result of which Israel conquered and occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank of the Jordan River, and the Sinai Peninsula, was a continuation of the process that began in 1948. It will be drearily familiar to any who know the history of the displacement of the Indians from the lands they occupied in North America. Today it would be called “ethnic cleansing.”

“If one part of the Zionist project is the expulsion of the indigenous population, the other part is expanding the so-called Jewish population. But here arises the problem, which has tormented Israeli legal officials for fifty years, what is a Jew? (For a century-and-a-half U.S. courts faced similar problems determining who is white.) The Zionists set forth two criteria for determining who is a Jew. The first is race, which is a myth generally and is particularly a myth in the case of the Jews. The “Jewish” population of Israel includes people from fifty countries, of different physical types, speaking different languages and practicing different religions (or no religion at all), defined as a single people based on the fiction that they, and only they, are descended from the Biblical Abraham. It is so patently false that only Zionists and Nazis even pretend to take it seriously. In fact, given Jewish intermingling with others for two thousand years, it is likely that the Palestinians—themselves the result of the mixture of the various peoples of Canaan plus later waves of Greeks and Arabs—are more directly descended from the ancient inhabitants of the Holy Land than the Europeans displacing them.”

Does Noel fit into your bizarre Jew world government conspiracy?

>> No.10411475

>In this article, the Author, and several Harvard professors, argue in defense of Noel Ignatiev's (a jewish professor) claim that we must "abolish the white race."

I’m going to quote “Abolish the White Race” and see if it supports your claim that academia supports the claim that “whites are outright evil”.

“It is our faith - and with those who do not share it we shall not argue - that the majority of so-called whites in this country are neither deeply nor consciously committed to white supremacy; like most human beings in most times and places, they would do the right thing if it were convenient. As did their counterparts before the Civil War, most go along with a system that disturbs them, because the consequences of challenging it are terrifying. They close their eyes to what is happening around them, because it is easier not to know”

Exact opposite of saying “all whites are evil”.

This is outright pathetic.

>> No.10411538 [DELETED] 

>harmful social construct
>bring white

>most of them arent white supremacists
>white supremacists being those who see no problem with their whiteness
>they just choose not to acknowledge the fundamental immorality of their whiteness because it's easier

Lmao. Imagine trying to argue their isnt an anti-white bias in academia in 2018+1. The endless pandering to other races is a beta male move that the youth are no longer interested in.

>> No.10411543
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>harmful social construct
>bring white

>most of them arent white supremacists
>white supremacists being those who see no problem with their whiteness
>they just choose not to acknowledge the fundamental immorality of their whiteness because it's easier

Lmao. Imagine trying to argue their isnt an anti-white bias in academia in 2018+1. The endless pandering to other races is a beta male move that the youth are no longer interested in.

>> No.10411553

now only we have to get rid of the americans and NA would be beautiful

>> No.10411556

lmao you're delusional, back to /pol/

>> No.10411565

>bring white

Being white, I think you mean? The social construct of “whiteness” is harmful to Noel. He does not actually believe people are innately “white”. That’s why he uses the term “so-called whites”.

>white supremacists being those who see no problem with their whiteness

White supremacists being those who see no issue with the existence of white privilege. “Whiteness” is not actually real to Noel. That’s why he says “so-called whites”.

>>they just choose not to acknowledge the fundamental immorality of their whiteness because it's easier

You have a strange way of changing what people are saying to suit your pre-existing bias. Again, to Noel, “whiteness” does not actually exist. Noel is saying that most people are unaware of their white privilege or are aware of it, and may even take issue with it, but nonetheless exploit it.

>Lmao. Imagine trying to argue their isnt an anti-white bias in academia in 2018+1.

I just did. Works pretty well, since your misrepresentations and biased reading is so painfully obvious.

>The endless pandering to other races is a beta male move

The beta male is the second-highest ranking member of an animal social group and the one most likely to replace the alpha. If you’re going to use zoological terminology, use it right.

>that the youth are no longer interested in.

Prove it.

>> No.10411583
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>White supremacists being those who see no issue with the existence of white privilege.
>Those pesky white people creating their own nations and institutions within them
>Dont they know they arent allowed to have those things

>The beta male is the second-highest ranking member of an animal social group and the one most likely to replace the alpha. If you’re going to use zoological terminology, use it right.
Okay, omega. So are you non-white or just low T?

>> No.10411588

Why is /pol/ such a cancer? The thread isn't even about climate change, IQ or race and yet it still rears its autistic head.

>> No.10411589

Incoherent sociological bullshit is not science. Please vacate this board.

>> No.10411592

I’m not the /pol/tard that brought it up, but I’m happy to play with them. It’s funny.

>> No.10411597

>there isnt any anti white bias in academia man
>that's why critical race theory professors can call for the destruction of whiteness, because white privilege is such a pressing issue

>> No.10411602

>Those pesky white people creating their own nations and institutions within them

Who said that, I wonder? Wasn’t Noel or me.

>Dont they know they arent allowed to have those things

They’re allowed to participate in nations and institutions all they like as long as they’re not being racist. Seems perfectly fair to me.

>Okay, omega. So are you non-white or just low T?

Ad hominems now. Weak.

>> No.10411610

>there isnt any anti white bias in academia man

Could be, could not be, but Noel Ignatiev sure isn’t an example of it.

>that's why critical race theory professors can call for the destruction of whiteness, because white privilege is such a pressing issue

Racial issues are quite pressing, I agree. Like Noel said, we can’t really get anywhere addressing racism while sustaining the social construct of “white”.

>> No.10411623
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>as long as theyre not being racist
>Racial issues are quite pressing, I agree. Like Noel said, we can’t really get anywhere addressing racism while sustaining the social construct of “white”.
>by the way, arent you up to speed on what constitutes being racist these days?
>having borders and associating with other people like you is an act of bigoted racial aggression, check your privilege

>> No.10411643

>by the way, arent you up to speed on what constitutes being racist these days?

The perception that races possess different innate behavioral and/or intellectual abilities and predispositions and more broadly, the belief that race exists.

>having borders and associating with other people like you is an act of bigoted racial aggression, check your privilege

No, neither I nor Noel ever said that. Why are you just making things up now? Truly, /pol/tards are a great intellectual contribution to the other boards.

>> No.10411657

How can white privilege exist if whiteness doesn't exist?

>> No.10411663

>The perception that races possess different innate behavioral and/or intellectual abilities and predispositions and more broadly, the belief that race exists.

So being scientific and believing in reality.

>> No.10411673

>How can white privilege exist if whiteness doesn't exist?

It does, but only as a social construct. It’s not “objective”, so to say, and would be destroyed by the collapse of said social construct.

>> No.10411684

That's dumb. The meaning of the word "white" isn't objective but that doesn't mean people aren't referring to an objective thing when they say it.

>> No.10411689

>So being scientific and believing in reality.

Is that why the scientific consensus is that it’s just a social construct?

>> No.10411695

That's not the case at all.

>> No.10411700

>The meaning of the word "white" isn't objective but that doesn't mean people aren't referring to an objective thing when they say it.

Is a “white” man with an ancestor twelve generations ago that was black white, black, or mixed?

>> No.10411710


Inb4 you cite Lieberman

>> No.10411711

That's exactly what I mean.

Like, someone can think that you need to be 60% white to be white and another person can think you need to be 80% or 100%. Some people might consider Italians and/or Semites white, etc.

But all of those concepts are objective. Someone would objective qualify as white or not white under any of those definitions, even though those definitions differ from person to person.

>> No.10411716

>Like, someone can think that you need to be 60% white to be white and another person can think you need to be 80% or 100%. Some people might consider Italians and/or Semites white, etc.

The U.S census considers people from the Middle East to be white and European nations classify Latinos as white. Some people think Syrians are “white”. Some really weird /pol/tards think only Northern Europeans are “white”.

How about you just say “caucasoid”, since that’s actually quantifiable?

>> No.10411724

>The U.S census considers people from the Middle East to be white and European nations classify Latinos as white. Some people think Syrians are “white”. Some really weird /pol/tards think only Northern Europeans are “white”.

Exactly, that's what I'm saying. Your definition of white can be whatever you want, but it's still referring to an objective concept.

>How about you just say “caucasoid”, since that’s actually quantifiable?

Because they're typically different things.

>> No.10411735

>Exactly, that's what I'm saying. Your definition of white can be whatever you want, but it's still referring to an objective concept.

Some kind of phenotypical caucasoid, apparently, but fuzzy like how some people can argue about whether something is green or blue.

>Because they're typically different things.

But everyone that is “white” is phenotypically caucasoid and the category of “white” includes, at minimum, some kind of European ethnicity. That’s the one constant.

>> No.10411747

>scientific consensus

Stop equating popular opinion with scientific consensus.
There isn't a clear consensus on racial/ethnically induced dispositions because there are few organizations that would fund such research; because said research is often always associated with enabling/promoting the taboo that is scientific racism. However, studies done on the ideal pharmaceutical dosages (like for Warfarin) on varying ethnical diversities, and found that their was significant differences in dosaging among said ethnicities.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4756148/

>> No.10411768

>Stop equating popular opinion with scientific consensus.


>> No.10411775

This literally debunks itself

>5. Boundaries between what have been called races are completely arbitrary, depending primarily upon the wishes of the classifier. Strongly agree or agree (69%)

So well over half of these people believe that race is whatever the hell they want it to be then how can we accept anything they say about it? A study like this really needs to first define race so we know what beliefs they're actually studying. The answers also clearly contradict themselves.

>> No.10411781

>But everyone that is “white” is phenotypically caucasoid and the category of “white” includes, at minimum, some kind of European ethnicity. That’s the one constant

All A are B but not all B are A.

>> No.10411789

>So well over half of these people believe that race is whatever the hell they want it to be then how can we accept anything they say about it?

That...is saying they don’t think it’s an actual thing,
That’s the point.

>A study like this really needs to first define race so we know what beliefs they're actually studying.

The belief as to whether or not race exists.

>The answers also clearly contradict themselves.

Oh, how? Please tell the class.

>> No.10411811

>All A are B but not all B are A.

To you, perhaps. The net of “white” can be contracted to such an extent that it only includes some European ethnicities, excluding some like Irish, Spanish, and Italian, or wider to the extent most people do including all European ethnicities, and some are willing to include North Africans, Mesopotamian, Turks, and even Arabs.

The question is, which caucasoids do we include in the “white club”?

>> No.10411839

>That...is saying they don’t think it’s an actual thing,
>That’s the point.

That's a semantic game, not a scientific study.

>The belief as to whether or not race exists.

This is a meaningless sentence if you don't first define race.

>Oh, how? Please tell the class.

>The human population may be subdivided into biological races. Strongly disagree or disagree (86%)
>Categorizing individuals by race is important for biomedical research. Strongly disagree or disagree (58%)

>> No.10411844

>To you, perhaps.

Exactly, now you're getting it.

>> No.10411868

>That's a semantic game, not a scientific study.

No, it’s a survey. Surveys ask people what they think about things.

>This is a meaningless sentence if you don't first define race.

“each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.”

>>The human population may be subdivided into biological races. Strongly disagree or disagree (86%)
>Categorizing individuals by race is important for biomedical research. Strongly disagree or disagree (58%)

That’s...not contradictory at all. Just because a classification can be made does not mean it’s an important one.

>> No.10411910

>No, it’s a survey. Surveys ask people what they think about things.

Let me spell it out for you.

Let's say you have a survey on whether or not people believe in god. Man A says he doesn't, Man B says he does, and Man C says he's not sure. But nowhere do you explain what you mean by god. It turns out that Man A was only thinking of the abrahamic god, and would have answered not sure if he'd been thinking of a more general higher being. The data is worthless because the surveyor, participants, and reader don't have an inter-subjective understanding of what the word "god" is referring to is.

>“each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.”

ctrl f not found. Nice try.

>> No.10412022
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>some reddit soiboi posting nonstop ITT
>holier than thou attitude but
>thinks race is a social construct only
>think white privilege is a real problem and needs to be addressed
Tranny discord?

>> No.10412446

Missionaries did give blankets out of compassion. It's a fact. No specific incident was mentioned.

>> No.10412960

> A couple of big pharma have been caught pants down before they could shred the archives.


>> No.10412974
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>> No.10413001

And by the end of this century all the other races will enjoy the land without too many pasties running around.

>> No.10413002


>> No.10413059

>If whitey really was evil, they would have genocided every last one of them with actual tools, not some fringe theories regarding disease at the time.
That would have been ethical. Whites aren't always ethical.

>> No.10413063

Science is inherently anti-white.

>> No.10413181

You don't need germ theory to understand contagions. Even the ancient Egyptians understood contagions.

Not that it really matters. The world would be better off if it was just white people.

>> No.10413188

>Not that it really matters. The world would be better off if it was just white people.
The world would have been better off if it was just Jewish people though that's objective fact. 40% of Nobel prizes are Jewish. All whites did was destroy the ecosystem by stealing Jewish inventions and colonize others.

>> No.10413241

>buying into /pol/'s rhetoric that jews aren't white


>> No.10413987

>damn white people not genociding themselves and doing the ethical thing
Lmao you browns sure are mad that whites are starting to act in their own interests, aren't you?

>> No.10414200

So not doing colonialism is now self genocide?
Britain would have genocided itself if it hadn't colonized their empire?

>> No.10414264

>If whitey really was evil, they would have genocided every last one of them
Isn't that... exactly what they wanted to happen? lol

>> No.10414292

>130 posts
>only 17 actually answer OPs question
I love this site

>> No.10414315

We don't identify as white though. Jews are their own distinct ethnic group you dumbfuck.

>> No.10414348

I'm Jewish and white.

>> No.10414411

the fuck are these mcdonald's addicts talking about