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10400012 No.10400012 [Reply] [Original]

>"If the climate was a bank [the U.S.] would already have saved it."

---- Hugo Chavez, 2009 ----

Will Humanity really disappear because of a problem that it has created itself and that it refuses to solve?

>> No.10400405

don't worry, lizard-men will take over if it's warm enough

>> No.10400410

>refuses to solve
wahhh why dosent the entire global economy turn on a dime wahhhh

>> No.10400419

Those evil liberal scientists are lying and trying to deprive the based corporations of their profits

>> No.10400425

Yeah, probably, I mean we most likely won't disappear, but we'll inevitably be in pretty bad shape even by 2030. 2040 and beyond it's a toss up, we've really underestimated the effects, it could wipe out all the insects and we'd starve to death, or there'd just be more desert.

>> No.10400434

most likely half of Western Europe will be underwater by 2060, ironically because Americans are too stupid

>> No.10400453

This. These things take time. The future is not going to be pleasant, but we will weather it nonetheless.

>> No.10400456

>be the world
>hear about this global warming thing in the 60s
>droughts, wildfires, flooding, storms
>"nah, it'll never happen"
>50 years later
>"OMG THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, we can't just turn around in 5 years"

>> No.10400462 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10400466

>thread is about global warming
>post plastic
real nice critical thinking skills you got there.

>> No.10400469

the world cant talk

>> No.10400486

explain your solution if what we are doing now is not good enough

>> No.10400500

Sorry, no idea, we lost the chance to change our course in the 70s. My zoomer ass is just waiting till the big one hits.

>> No.10400504

what course? You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.10400570

>Humanity going to disappear
Global warming will not kill us. It might bring us closer to a state in which we might kill ourselves though. Same can be said for capitalism, the decline of religion/family values, technological change etc.

The global warming denialist mindset is propagated by boomers in the US. Once they start dying out in droves we might have the political will and technology to engineer our way out by cloud seeding, or less likely, we go fully vegan worldwide.

But even then, what are we solving in 40 years time? The social unrest caused by helped/influenced by the conditions wrought by global warming, probably won't particularly affect us in the first unless we continue on in the same blind trajectory eating meat and using legacy technology like the internal combustion engine, which we will surely start to take strides in fixing before, if not while seeing the effects in the third world because of our mistakes (once arable land now without rain, water shortages, famine)

Tldr; assuming the world's youth is receptive to the idea of anthropogenic climate change we can continue on the trajectory for it to kill polar bears and Africans, but we likely won't be on it long enough for it to /actually/ kill ourselves which would be a Herculean task. We don't deserve to live anyway if we can't figure out how to cope without Hummers, meat, and coal.

>> No.10400579

Actually it was global cooling in the 60s you dumb kike. Now see how dumb you are?

>> No.10400615
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>Imagine being this retarded
Global cooling is happening. The effect simply isn't large enough to outpace the warming

>> No.10400632

This pic is just depressing. I feel nothing can be done against climate change at this point.

>> No.10400668

People don't seem to realize that it's not just that it's getting warmer and climate is changing, it's that we're in the midst of an ecological collapse. Aquatic and terrestrial insect populations are down 90% in some regions, trees are dying[...]

Oh, what's the use. It's mostly caused by "chemtrails". You can them whatever you want, solar radiation radiation management, ground radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, climate engineering, geoengineering. The fact is, we've been controlling the weather for the last 60+ years and we've reached a peak. Now the soil is all contaminated with aluminum, barium, and strontium. Several places have been deprived of their rain for long periods, like California. This is done by spraying these particulates into the upper atmosphere and beaming them with ground based phased array radar to create localized high pressure domes and divert incoming moisture to flow to the east coast. There (here) they make it snow with chemical ice nucleation. This is how we can go from 0 degrees F to 50 degrees the next day. That's not natural.

Yet people keep scoffing at any possibility they don't like, despite the evidence. There's aluminum coming down in our snow and our rain. People are too asleep. We've had it.

>> No.10400671

Methane stores are releasing from the ocean floor and the tundra. We really goofed this time.

>> No.10400682

Yes, we will all die very soon unless we elect enough people of color and give enough money to third world nations.

>> No.10400700

>Will Humanity really disappear
no, humans will survive.
The problem that the civilization will not, that's what we are fighting for. We have to preserve international trade (not to lose port cities), crop stability (unstable weather patterns) and stop mass migration (droughts cause syrian crisis).

>> No.10400914

>People don't seem to realize that it's not just that it's getting warmer and climate is changing, it's that we're in the midst of an ecological collapse.
this is right

the rest of your post is garbage

>> No.10400931

>Will Humanity really disappear because of a problem that it has created itself and that it refuses to solve?
Of course.
The problem is exponentially increasing consumption of energy (which is natural for any organism which suddenly gains access to new sources).

>> No.10400933

We 100% deserve extinction. Great that we may live long enough to experience it.

>> No.10400936

It's incredibly painful to see, over and over again, that most people can't even bring themselves to consider an idea no matter how much evidence is behind it, just because someone told them it's taboo. And that I have to be poisoned and die for it. Because of people like you.

We've had it. Don't bother to reply, you're not even human.

>> No.10400939
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>mfw watching that one news video on Russians being happy about global warming and not wanting to reverse it as it has made life in much of Siberia better

>> No.10400940

To war!

>> No.10400943

How about you set an example and kill yourself right now?

>> No.10400962

chemtrails are /x/ tier retardation

>> No.10400982

You're very aggressive, and frankly, mindlessly mean. You've been turned subhuman.

>> No.10401194

I dunno, maybe the course that's leading the Earth to destruction? At some point our economy became so big and so reliant on coal that switching wasn't viable. Now our usage of coal/natgas will invariably grow until we get wiped out because there's just no alternative.

>> No.10401202

I've never seen someone so sincere yet so retarded, it's almost comfy in a sense.

>> No.10401223
File: 460 KB, 806x564, clim.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just made this webm

>> No.10401238

Go to geoengineeringwatch.org.

>> No.10401502

Go to >>>/x/

>> No.10401519


>> No.10402301

>Will humanity really disappear because of a problem that it has created itself
Yes. If that problem ends up being climate change or not only time will tell. Also unclear if it will be because humanity refuses to solve the problem or just simply fails to solve it

>> No.10402373

Humanity not being able to solve climate change is such a gigantic joke. Like really Nigger, just introduce a carbon tax and the problem will solve itself without anybody taking major hits to their living standard.

But I guess being able to buy a new Smartphone ever 2 years and go to Starbucks everyday is just too damn important.

>> No.10402379

who gives a shit

>> No.10403562

The most affected will be poor people and third worlders, who cares?

>> No.10403745

>Will Humanity really disappear because of a problem that it has created itself and that it refuses to solve?
most likely
we're gonna have a BOE in the early 2020s and shit is going to spiral out of control fast once that starts

we'll be dead long before that though due to cascading failures of the techno-industrial system like food shortages, lack of drinkable water, diseases being the big one
we'll also likely have a nuclear war over resources in the late 2020s or early 2030s

>> No.10403759


>Global warming hews to the most pessimistic projections, rising by 5-6C during this century and a further 3-6C in the next century. This additionally assumes that geoengineering efforts are unsuccessful. In this scenario, the Arctic melts, the Greenland and Antarctic ice shelves start collapsing, the Amazon burns down and turns to desert, and the great methane reserves stored in the Siberian permafrost and Arctic clathrates go kaboom, further accelerating global warming. The shocks in this worst case scenario will probably result in a global unraveling, technological regress, and population decline or collapse to perhaps one billion. But the chances of this are really marginal, probably less than 1%.

>> No.10403777


>> No.10404179

if climate change was Venezuela, Hugo would have destroyed it so we wouldn't need to worry about it

>> No.10404200

As an european, Amerifags and their ignorancy fucking pisses me off. I debate with them a lot. Those retards are so dumb its sad.

>> No.10404508

That's amazing. Good job.

>> No.10405054

So.. our governments are purposefully working to kill everyone, including themselves and their families and have been working to do so for over 60 years? Is that what you're saying?

>> No.10405057

They'll be let into your country because it's the evil white man who caused this or something

>> No.10405095


>> No.10405111

In the US "red" and swing states are hit first. Economy of rural agricultural regions is just very vulnerable to crop failure.

>> No.10405138


>> No.10405318

mostly true, but there are exceptions

>> No.10405461

Actually the predictions made by the club of Rome in the 60s were that polar ice caps would be gone by the 70s

>> No.10405548

So, our governments detonated several thousands nuclear bombs, many in the upper atmosphere, and with concerns of catching the sky on fire with the first one, despite poisoning themselves and their families?

This isn't sanity we're dealing with. If you don't have the mental depth to figure out how complex power structures form and get out of control, I can't help you. Seriously, is it so goddamn hard to believe man engages in self destructive behavior? Are you fucking retarded?

I'm not even going to be nice about it, I've had it with that. That shit you just said is retarded.

>> No.10405621

No climate change is overestimated.
IPCC assumes 1 - 1.2 degree non-feedback
In fact if you take the irradiation balance equation:
I = (S/4)*(1-a) – eoTs^4
where a is albedo, S is incoming solar radiation, Ts is surface temperature and e is the planet’s effective emissivity.

This should be 0 for the Earth to be in thermal equilibrium. If 0 we can derive
de/dTs = -(S/o)*(1-a)*Ts^(-5)
Filling in for Ts = 289K, a = 0.304 and S = 1362 gives
de/dTs = -(1362/5.670373*10-8)*(1-0.304)*289^(-5) = -0.008269

Earth's radiation is 396 W/m^2 from the source Earth’s global energy budget, Trenberth and Kiehl, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. (2009) as the amount of radiation emanating from the earth and 239 W/m^2 arriving from the sun on the top of the atmosphere. Since we said that the radiative imbalance should be zero for the Earth in thermal equilibrium the left over radiation at the top of the atmosphere should also be 239 W/m^2. The remaining 157 W/m^2 got absorbed and blocked by the atmosphere bringing the emissivity down.
Thus the emissivity of earth as seen from space is 239/396 = 0.603535.
The IPCC claims that doubling the CO2 would block an extra 3.7 W/m^2 to a total of 160.7 W/m^2 giving the Earth as seen from space a new emissivity of 239/399.7 = 0.597948.

A difference (de) of -0.005586 which would lead to a dTs of (-0.005586/-0.008269) = 0.6756K.

Now what the IPCC does is they solve the equation for dI/dTs and then they dont use the greybody temperature of 289K and the greybody emissivity figure of 0.6.
They use the blackbody temperature of 255K.
They are modelling the earth as if it was a blackbody of 255K and then wrap it with a layer of CO2 with a radiative forcing of 3.7 W/m^2 and then calculate the temperature difference.

It's pretty absurd. They overestimate the effect by 50% or more that way.

>> No.10405746

You comment is designed to get emotional reactions out of people, which is the most effective way to suppress a person's capacity for reason.

1) Politicians and their families didn't get poisoned by nuclear fallout, nor did they have any reason to think they would
2) How realistic were the concerns of the atmosphere catching on fire really? This sounds like the perfect thing to be blown out of proportion for a very catchy "hey, did you know that" meme.
3) What evidence is there that "the soil is all contaminated with aluminum, barium, and strontium?"

>> No.10405797

>Will Humanity really disappear because of a problem that it has created itself and that it refuses to solve?
Short answer, no.
Long answer, climate change will make things bad but I doubt they'll be catastrophic. While the IPCC predicts that a 3 fold increase in CO2 in the atmosphere would be rather damning, there just aren't enough fossil fuels to obtain easily for the developed world to develop the way Europe and America did in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Can't tell if this is b8 or if people are really this stupid. Because the most accurate estimates I've seen for sea level rise by the end of the century is 0.8 to 2 meters. Still bad, but no where near enough to submerge half continental europe

>> No.10405885

>3 fold increase in CO2
Do you realize that CO2 shows low level toxic effects, including suppression of mental functions at those levels? You think the world will be anything but a total catastrophe if everyone's dumped down by the very air they breathe, let alone the unknown effects it'll have on the cognitive development of children.

>> No.10405894


>> No.10405897

Get back to me when you read the rest of my post

>> No.10405915

>there aren't enough fossil fuels
Are you sure about that? Cause it seems we keep discovering and extracting more and more, so much so that the price of oil recently crashed. Then there's also the fact that the permafrost is melting and releasing huge amounts of methane and CO2.

>> No.10405920

So you're saying that the politicians and military leadership directly suffered from fallout?

>> No.10405925

>How realistic were the concerns of the atmosphere catching on fire really?
Well they calculated it was impossible then and since then it's been determined to still be impossible. They took it seriously enough to analyze the possibility though so you can frame that as uncertainty.

>> No.10405930

The rest of your post is super duper retarded. Developing countries skip over outdated technologies like land line phones and renewable energy is cheaper than fossil fuels even before you consider the increase in cost to industries such as healthcare that comes with them

>> No.10405935

Everyone did, moron

>From the first result on Google
In addition, an attempt was made to trace the spatial delimitation of the most heavily contaminated sites worldwide, and to note the human exposure which has caused a significantly increased incidence of thyroidal cancer locally and regionally. The United States is one of the important examples of assessing the correlation between the increase in the thyroid cancer incidence rate and the continental-scale radioactive contamination with 131I, a radioactive isotope which was released in large amounts during the nuclear tests carried out in the main test site, Nevada.

>> No.10406114

And how many cases of thyroid cancer have there been among the US leadership? Have they actually suffered from this or is it just that a quite rare disease became slightly more common in certain regions?

Why are you getting your panties all bunched up because someone is asking reasonable questions? What kind of emotionally unstable person are you?

>> No.10406121

Note that you're comparing a slight increase in rare cancer to something that could end up killing everyone. They're completely different.

>> No.10406125

They also seriously looked at the chances of particle accelerators creating black holes. That doesn't mean there was any reasonable chance of something like that happening.

>> No.10406161

Is this what public schools are teaching our kids lmao
Oh vey better vote democrat or else the world will end

>> No.10406246

How the hell is India going to modernize its economy based on fossile fuels when it dosen't have very large coal reserves in regard to its population, most of which are under urban areas, and they're galready struggleing to find the fresh water to run the turbines in the coal plants

>Cause it seems we keep discovering and extracting more and more
most of the fossile fules discovered recently are natural gas, which while it does pollute it is cleaner, but even without the obama era restrictions on coal, coal would still be dying simply because most of the easy stuff was mined long ago. Sure China and India will be adding about a TWh of coal capacity in the near future but that's not enough for them to develop off of, not when they have ~3 billion people between the two countires.

But that's part of the point. Its not only that developing countries can get easier access to renewables, its that they don't have enough fossil fuels to peruse a 19th century style of development anyway.

>> No.10406256
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No? This will create a lot of problems but it won't kill us unless temperatures increase by 10 degrees and fuck up oceans.

Go look how Earth's average temperatures looked like millions of years ago. Tip: we are living in an ice age.

>> No.10406265

>Will Humanity really disappear because of a problem that it has created itself and that it refuses to solve?
Yes, the jews can no longer be contained and Israel has nuclear weapons, Samson option makes it impossible to get rid of the satanic plague without ruining the entire planet.

>> No.10406289

An ice age does NOT mean that warming can't be dangerous when too rapid.

>> No.10406291

Wew, lad. Radioactive fallout causes many more diseases then just thyroid cancer and it's rare because the thyroid is so small. Iodine builds up in the thyroid which is why radioactive iodine causes thyroid cancer. Furthermore everyone was exposed, that's what "continental-scale radioactive contamination" means. You are delusional if you think that the elites did not suffer cellular damage as a result of fallout from nuclear bomb tests simply because they are in charge

>> No.10406314

The truth is we don't know what it will cause.

>> No.10406330

We do know what happens when Earth gets warmer since it happened countless times before. As long as methane in seas is fine it won't cause a mass extinction event.

>> No.10406405

The industries have infiltrated American politics so much that the populace legitimately sees taxes as THE JOOS stealing their money and responsible consumption as THE COMMUNISTS stealing their freedom, which makes it impossible to tax them. The US is rotting and we're all going to rot with them.
>b-b-but China!
You have a third of the population and pollute two thirds as much, you consumerist whores. You pollute twice as much than the average chink. Let that sink in.
>b-b-but Dubai!
Yes, they're even worse as far as consumerist whores go but there's like 12 people living there so it doesn't matter.

>> No.10406501

> introduce a carbon tax and the problem will solve itself without anybody taking major hits to their living standard.
nice assumption, but those protests in France indicate otherwise. Most green polices other than building nuclear plants are very regressive, and affect the working and middle classes more than anyone else.

>> No.10406532

You're a fucking idiot. Jesus Christ, it's like talking to a god damn chimp.

>> No.10406579

That's just watering down the truth. Life has lived with seasonal cycles and this temperature for hundreds of thousands of years, every time we've looked back to when the Earth warmed within significantly within a small period it has caused mass extinction.

>> No.10407389

>He said, secure in his belief that money protects you from radiation

>> No.10407411

>I can eat and breathe money
>I can ravage Earth's climate and just hide underground for a while, lul, worth the risk. I'm a defective retard psychopath haha!

>> No.10407412

Based chavez

>> No.10407424

Who cares about the economy lol
This is more important than you getting your new shiny

>> No.10407427

We’re fucked if all the insects die
There is no coming back from a total food chain collapse

>> No.10407451

So many people, including some in this thread, are so terrified of the thought of having to abandon their current way of living that they keep trying to think up ways of avoiding the need to drastically change their lifestyle along with everyone else's.

Your future and basically everyone else's just isn't going to contain wide spread personal motor vehicle use, full stop. You aren't going to get away with just giving up gasoline.

Same with your yearly vacation where you jump on a plane to go get drunk in a beach somewhere. That's over.

Your diet full of imported fruits and vegetables that rely on costly production and quick transport to avoid spoiling. That's done.

Hell, most of us won't even get to remain in single family lodging. I'm not talking giving up just your detached house and moving in to a condo. I'm talking multiple families in the same unit.

This is the future. Get used to the idea of it.

It's either this or the inevitable wars famine and general social unrest is going to lead to widespread war disease and death.

Hell, outside of our western paradise, it already is.

>> No.10407467

why are retards like you getting stranded in places like this I wonder. do you think the world gives a fuck if you are democrat or republican or simply refuse to see the facts?
I hope that ignoring the facts never makes you face food scarcity, floodings, mass immigration (from what you could be part of) or inhospitalable living conditions as if something like that happens the rest of the world will have to suffer the consequences beside you.

>> No.10407490

Republicans are the one that turned the climate into a political issue for some dumbfuck reason instead of a problem everyone should be banding together working towards a solution for.

>> No.10407511

By 2030 shit will be so bad that people will demand whatever action is necessary.
By then it will be very expensive and we will all suffer.

>> No.10407525

>the US will destroy the world
Final confirmation that Hitler should have won

>> No.10407555

we just need to stop spraying insecticides everywhere and insects will come back

>> No.10407663

Can confirm. That one river next to my house is giving me funny looks and at night I think I can hear it whisper "soon"

>> No.10407833

I actually believe it started when we started driving giant fly swatters on our roads at killing speeds swatting everything on our way. You know cars.
Never found how many insects there are though so cant prove the theory.

>> No.10407834

Asteroids melted (large portions of) the greenland ice cap before whilst humans were around.

>> No.10408191

Nothing is going to happen, you betas just pray for a disaster so you can touch some pussy before the world explodes

>> No.10408526
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Due to global warming.
Not the solar minima.

>> No.10408991

>Will Humanity really disappear
While extreme weather, fucked climate and ocean acidification would lower some (brown/nigger-coloured) people's quality of life, possibly to the point of mass mortality, there is 0% chance of humanity going extinct from global warming.

>> No.10410289

Anyone care to refute this?

>> No.10410311

>huge chavez
The absolute state of climatetards.

>> No.10411173
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Whoa... are you telling me that an economy based on myopic, profit-seeking firms is greedy, short-termist, and self-destructive? Why did we only find out now?!

>> No.10411257

>solar forcing has been decreasing for decades but this one anomalous year must be caused by it
Nice try, retard.


>> No.10411920
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No worries yall!
The Consumers are bound to fuck up massively long before climate change gets us.
Be it proliferation of "green" nuclear power, genetically modified crops that don't produce pesky oxygen, geoengineering of climate, or simply over consumption of natural resources ... all to fuel their halfwit exp0netial and malignant population growth.
Even the smart ones are fucking greedy and totally retarded.

>> No.10411935

gayest post itt

>> No.10412046
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>b-b-but, it snowed during winter.

Increased snow in caused by increasing ocean temperatures.
Hotter ocean = more evaporation = more precipitation = more snow in winter
Also, the air current are all fucked up due to discrepancy with temperature of ocean vs on land. Hot oceans are causing the polar vortex, decreasing land based ambient air temperature.

>> No.10412471
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The culprits of the problem have the obligation of solving the issue, or else, to deal with the consequences

>> No.10412495

That's a bit unfair. The population densities in western Europe completely skew the results vis-a-vis America for instance, with its huge tracts of unpopulated land.
Oh - duh. Now I get it. You meant to do that.