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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 203 KB, 1600x816, last_supper_scientists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1039926 No.1039926 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1039996

I took that photo,
not shopped.

>> No.1039990

looks shopped to me.

>> No.1040006


anyone know all the names?

>> No.1040004
File: 179 KB, 1500x823, 909-Last-Supper-Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1040008

who is that nigger?

>> No.1040017

Why the fuck is einstein in the middle and not sagan

>> No.1040018

Where is Feynman?

>> No.1040022


go troll /b/, moron.

>> No.1040032


>> No.1040040

Where are the real scientists? Schrodinger, Bohr....

>> No.1040051

Why is that woman out of the kitch-
Oh wait, nevermind.

>> No.1040054


>> No.1040055
File: 37 KB, 580x326, box_a_tyson_580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1040066

totally had to google "tyson scientist" to find his name
Neil deGrasse Tyson

>> No.1040069

fucking heel glad to see /sci/ is still a bunch of psudo scientists with a hard on for sagan

get over your selves you little shits

>> No.1040078
File: 302 KB, 2040x1014, 1272663774669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then zombies

>> No.1040084

sausage fest to me

>> No.1040103

I only recognize a few. Can anyone name them off?

>> No.1040136

From left to right:

1 - Galileo
2 - Marie Curie
3 - ?Feynman?
4 - Newton
5 - Maxwell
6 - Hawking
7 - Einstein
8 - Sagan
9 - ???
10 - Aristotle
11 - Tyson
12 - Witten
13 - Darwin

I take issue with Sagan. Although my hero, he's not a scientist. Also Aristotle. He was a stupid philosopher. The real scientist was Archimedes.

Witten and Hawking are alive. That's wrong. We still don't know the significance of their contributions.

>> No.1040157


Also who the fuck is Tyson? Has he discovered something?

>> No.1040165
File: 27 KB, 425x332, 1274874100669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I take issue with Sagan. Although my hero, he's not a scientist.
He's your hero, but you're not even aware of his scientific work? He wasn't just a science popularizer..

>> No.1040172

nope, just there for affirmative action's sake.

>> No.1040181

Tyson discovered ear om nom nom

>> No.1040183


Ops, I've missed. Number 3 is not Feynman, it's Oppenheimer. I'm ok with that, although I would surely put Feynman in that list.

>> No.1040195


One of the main campaigners for Pluto no longer being designated a planet. Also director of the Hayden Planetarium in NY.

>> No.1040203

9 Looks like Edison.

>> No.1040205



>> No.1040211


Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm aware. He only did fluffy stuff about astronomy and speculations about extraterrestrial life. Not a real scientist by my standards. And surely not on par with the others depicted.

>> No.1040217


I didn't say he discovered anything, good reading comprehension.

Mike Brown discovered Eris.

>> No.1040220

a significantly improved one would look like:
1 - Newton (center)
2 - Einstein
3 - Darwin
4 - Archimedes
5 - Freud
6 - Lavoisier
7 - Galileo
8 - Maxwell
9 - Curie
10 - Hippocrates
11 - Aristotle
12 - Pasteur
13 - Planck

>> No.1040234
File: 32 KB, 468x599, thomas edison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1040244


>> No.1040250


Freud?! Freud?!?!?!?

Psychology is not a science, for fuck's sake. Even the psychologists recognize it.

>> No.1040256

The correct list, for reference:

1 - Galileo
2 - Marie Curie
3 - Oppenheimer
4 - Newton
5 - Maxwell
6 - Hawking
7 - Einstein
8 - Sagan
9 - Edison
10 - Aristotle
11 - Tyson
12 - Witten
13 - Darwin

>> No.1040261

Most disappointing is that you're wrong, but you're probably too full of yourself to admit it.

>> No.1040260

From left to right.
dunno lol

>> No.1040263

Studying the human mind and how social processes work is not a science?...

>> No.1040275


If you think I'm wrong, show me why. Baseless accusations aren't very mature, you know.

>> No.1040295


No. I'm not saying it isn't a worthy subject, just that it isn't science. The hallmark of science is the ability to make falsifiable predictions. And, unfortunately, Freudian psychology can't do that.

>> No.1040335

The FUCK is Tesla?!

>> No.1040336


Oh fuck you're right. It's dawkins. OP is a fag.

The correct correct list:

1 - Galileo
2 - Marie Curie
3 - Oppenheimer
4 - Newton
5 - Pasteur
6 - Hawking
7 - Einstein
8 - Sagan
9 - Edison
10 - Aristotle
11 - Tyson
12 - Dawkins
13 - Darwin

>> No.1040349

no shit.. Tesla > Edison.

>> No.1040356

what did i do?

>> No.1040367

why is darwin judas?

>> No.1040404

My list would be

1 - Galileo
2 - Noether
3 - Feynman
4 - Newton
5 - Maxwell
6 - Kelvin
7 - Dirac (at center
8 - Einstein
9 - Boltzmann
10 - Archimedes
11 - Hubble
12 - Fourier
13 - Darwin

>> No.1040407


a little physics biased, because i'm a physicist. i don't really know the biologists of note.

>> No.1040413

I would out Oppenheimer in there.

>> No.1040416

if I had to guess it is because he converted to christianity on his deathbead

>> No.1040484


[citation needed]

>> No.1040496

Should swap Dawkins with David Attenborough.

>> No.1040521


This is actually untrue.

>> No.1040531


>> No.1040549

Freudian psychology is NOT a science (pseudoscience), but psychology in general is obviously a science.

>> No.1040567

Complete bullshit. Like those faggots who say that Einstein retracted everything he said on his deathbed. Not a bad plan, actually. Since you can be forgiven for anything, just repent on your deathbed and you either go to heaven or you go to your lack of afterlife. Win-win.

>> No.1040853

wait do you mean all psychology doesn't revolve around sex?

>> No.1041031 [DELETED] 


>> No.1041035

He discovered that Pluto wasn't a planet.

>> No.1041052

more like redefined...

>> No.1041078

>implying Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins are scientists

>> No.1041081


I can only talk about Freudian (and Jungian) psychology, that I have studied in my spare time. Can you give me then a falsifiable prediction made by contemporary psychology?

I'm not trying to win an argument, I actually don't know.

>> No.1041106 [DELETED] 

superior because it's a work of art and not just photoshopped
i personally prefer statues especially of neptune/poseidon
best i've seen was in hotel de ville in Lyon, France

>> No.1041355

>Implying that the extended phenotypes and gene-focused evolution are not significant contribution

I realize that you'll have to search for the titles of his books besides TGD

>> No.1041385

>implying you know what you are talking about
>dur hur people other than science majors know who they are so they have never done anything, /dur_hur

>> No.1041393

oh come on Aristotle was one of the first biologists. He deserves a mention as a scientist because he took a real interest in the natural world. Obviously he is most remarkable as a philosopher.
But in the same vein, then, Archimedes would be more remarkable as an engineer than a scientist- after in this early period there was no notion of "science." All higher disciplines were arts, and they were deeply intertwined.

>> No.1041523


Archimedes made lasting contributions to mechanics and fluid dynamics. He was a scientist in that he actually tested his ideas.

Aristotle never tested anything. His "contributions" to every field of science had to be fought so that the field could advance. Either he was a master troll or a dumb arrogant fuck.

>> No.1041537

>Obviously he is most remarkable as a philosopher.
No, he is most remarkable for his empiricism.