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10397462 No.10397462 [Reply] [Original]

leonardo da vinci
Isaac Newton
Nikola Tesla

What do these 3 men have in common.
All three didn't eat meat, didn't have sex, didn't masturbate and didn't have any sexual relations with women.

>> No.10397466

Nikola's diet: Nikola's diet consisted of vegetables, grains,milk, onions, spinach, celery, carrots, lettuce and potatoes. Later in life, Tesla consumed onlymilk, honey, bread and vegetable juices. He also avoided allstimulants(including coffee, tea and tobacco) as he viewed these as “poisons” which harm the body.

Stimulants = poisons
Got it brainlet?

>> No.10397488

So, in other words, was it worth it?

>> No.10397496

>promoting nofap, vegetarianism, and unlimited free energy all in one post

I wonder: were you born this stupid, or did the porn addiction make you this stupid?

>> No.10397498
File: 218 KB, 850x400, tesla quotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly not.

>> No.10397501

How retarded are you man? I havent watched porn in 2 years.

You on the other hand cum. Heh

>> No.10397510

Eating meat calcifies the pineal gland.
Stay cucked

Shit bait/10

>> No.10397525

I havent fapped in 14 months
How long until my IQ gets upgraded?

>> No.10397529

It is a OUTRAGE to mock nofap
Masturbating is akin to playing with excrement

>> No.10397534

Couple years

>> No.10397540

I hope i can make it big in the stock market once i stop being a brainlet
My only ambition is money and since i wont do sex no one can blackmail me into submission

>> No.10397544

Successful people usually dropped out of collage.
That doesn't mean dropping out of collage will make you into a successful person.

>> No.10397545

Yeah its just not being a vegetarian and doing nofap.

You have to do other things as well.
If you think doing these two things will automatically make you a super genius, you are dead wrong. But i think you get my point.

>> No.10397547

College has nothing to do with body health. This is a bad analogy.

>> No.10397564

What else DO i need to do?
I want to be like elon musk

>> No.10397566

To be fair, Tesla was not trained to any capacity in any medical field. If the guy says something about electric fields, I will believe him. However, when it comes to biology I would rather not listen to a guy who lived a shorter lifespan than my grandfather(who had the least healthy diet I have ever seen), and died alone in a hotel room having sexual fantasies about pigeons.

Also this

>> No.10397628

>What do these 3 men have in common
All of them were black

>> No.10397672

Elon musk is a brainlet actually. Elon musk doesn't even come close to tesla. He's a fraud. He says his inspiration is kanye west. Faggot divorced couple times and he probably has sex.

>What else DO i need to do?
Are you a retard? He lived up until at 86. What in the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10397706

Successful people usually are healthy.
That doesn't mean being healthy will make you into a successful person.

Also there is nothing unhealthy in having partner, having sex, masturbation and eating meat, as long as you do not overdo.

>> No.10397714

>Successful people usually are healthy.
Success is subjective.
I hope i dont run into retards like you in real life.

>> No.10397728

It's as if a lack of sex results in the body mutating to attempt any random method that may allow reproduction. Perhaps most of the time it results in odd sexual interests, in other cases it results in violence, but in some cases it results in exceptional intelligence and creativity.

It's a shame society is so cucked they reject "inhumane" testing facilities for humans to test stuff like this.

>> No.10397730

Only Newton was a real genius scientist. Da Vinci is a meme, but was at least a genius artist. Tesla is a pure meme.

>> No.10397733

Einstein said that quote ironically you dumb fucking normie brainlet because Tesla rejected General Relativity

>> No.10397736

>Success is subjective.

>> No.10397747

*Tesla didn't understand General Relativity

fix'd that for you.

>> No.10397751




These three men were muslims or at least not white

>> No.10397760

Fixed what? I agree, when did I say otherwise? He rejected it in favor of dumb ducking aether theories even 20 years after he was patently wrong and 40+ years after Michelson-Morley experiment

>> No.10397775

And my Grandpa lived to 89 in great health on a diet purely consisting of coffee, hamburgers, steak, and candy bars. I wish I was exaggerating about that, but it’s horrifyingly accurate. 86 isn’t anything special, above average sure, but nothing extraordinary.

>> No.10397790

No one wants to live until 70. You are retarded
>Tesla is a pure meme.
Wonder why you hate him. Wonder what you read. They don't talk about him that much.

When life itself is non-conclusive how can a wise man be conclusive? Muh theories.

>> No.10397795

Damn Einstein established a theory? That's impressive

>> No.10397796



>> No.10397799

Brainlet detected, go back to your Facebook newsfeed

>> No.10397803

>No one wants to live until 70
My Aunt is 70 and still rides her bike tens of miles a day. Im sorry everyone around you is in such poor health but its very possible to have a great quality of life well past 70 if you dont live like trailer trash.

>> No.10397809

Whats her body count? How many guys has she fucked?
I know whats going on.

>> No.10397810

Nikolai Tesla was mentally ill and regretted his celibacy later in life, being so lonely he fell in love with a fucking bird.

>didn't have any sexual relations with women.

Einstein had children, retarded cretin.

Literally no one knows who Leonardo had sex with, if anyone.

>> No.10397821

>Literally no one knows who Leonardo had sex with, if anyone.
Da Vinci only fucked man ass (based)

>> No.10397823

I wouldn't be surprised if you were an elite. I might start hating jews now holy fuck

>> No.10397824

Prove it. Get a time machine, and follow Da Vinci from birth to death.

>> No.10397827

Already did. Rather, he followed me ;3

>> No.10397828

>I wouldn't be surprised if you were an elite. I might start hating jews now holy fuck

This is some premier bait.

>> No.10397860
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I don't know about Einstein or Newton but Tesla probably wasn't that smart he had a connection with his higher self who gave him all his ideas.

Ramanujan was another guy who had a connection, he would say that his ideas came from god

>> No.10397879

That’s called schizophrenia.

>> No.10397884

Ramanujan was a brahmin so he had to be vegetarian. He also didnt even have sexual thoughts while in england.

>> No.10398148

>How many guys has she fucked?
Haha, zero. She was a nun for most of her life. Never married, never had any boyfriends. Nice attempt at being a dick because I proved you wrong, too bad it didnt work out for you sweetie.

>> No.10398190

was an autist that wanted to fuck a piegon
was a fucking sex maniac, he fucked many many women
>Da vinci
not enough historical informations to back up what you said

In short, it has nothing to do with sexuality or private life in general, they just had good brains

>> No.10398204

Da Vinci was a homosexual

>> No.10398242

Gay, autistic, pigeon-fucker.

>> No.10398291

so you're implying being vegan makes you an incel?

>> No.10398559

>this video was sponsored
And closed.

>> No.10398624

You don't know that you dumb bitch.

>> No.10398635

No one cares what your jewish political science professor told you, faggot.

>> No.10398638

Why the homophobic antisemitism?

>> No.10398644

You lost the plot before it even began. Einstein was not included in OP's three smartest, he was a device to put Tesla above him. Einstein left us with a gimmick that fractured modern science.

>> No.10398836

>Einstein left us with some profound theories that have been repeatedly confirmed by modern science

>> No.10399132

>and died alone in a hotel room having sexual fantasies about pigeons.
>implying that isn't patrician as fuck
100% chance tesla was having monster girl anime pigeon harpy fantasies before anime even existing. What a fucking legend.

>> No.10399140
File: 57 KB, 645x729, Bottomless Pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, Albert Einstein had sex with his cousin. Fag.

>> No.10399394

Its called sublimation ya god damn ultra plebes


>> No.10399731

Considering the vast majority of inventions and discoveries throughout history weren't done by those three people, it's fair to say those attributes mean nothing.

>> No.10399746


>> No.10399750

>Leonardo Da Vinci
>No sex

I wouldn't be surprised if half of Venice didn't inherit a little beard and puffy painters hat. Lmao

>> No.10399766

Holy shit did he really?? Sauce

>> No.10399772

Mulankovitch > tesla

>> No.10399781

Fuck serbs and other gypsies. Tesla was a boss tho

>> No.10399787
File: 211 KB, 1200x675, monkas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla was the first beta tester for Hatoful Boyfriend: Pidgeon Waifu Simulator.
>Tfw the game was so good it transcended time and space.

>> No.10399792
File: 70 KB, 633x758, l12iAnr_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pidgeon Waifu Simulator
>This exists.
>Someone actually strung these words together.
>They somehow make sense.

Humanity was a mistake.

>> No.10399804

Tesla would be called an incel if he lived today.

>> No.10399849

He would be a Volcel. He was tall, looked fine, was kind of a celebrity .. he just didn’t want to fuck.

>> No.10399852

He would call himself a volcel, but his obsession with pigeons would betray him as an incel.

>> No.10399865

you what. satellites may be the most important technology in modern science and they wouldn’t work accurately if not for GR

>> No.10399890
File: 463 KB, 1366x768, 91A66ADD-E52E-4027-9C9D-D90FF68CEA7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot stop trying to make a fool of him. He‘s my biggest „idol“ or role model

>> No.10400640

it may be a fact but not a reality.