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10397444 No.10397444 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
How does modern science explain it?

>> No.10397517

unfit parents

>> No.10397531

The norms of society shift over time. What used to be taboo is slowly becomes less abhorent over time. Once main stream media picks up on something it only accelerates the change. Notice the uptick in "geek culture" popularity in 2010.
>t. Machild who reads genre fiction and plays video games

>> No.10397532
File: 373 KB, 1280x1055, 1515760040868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those lads look alright. better than pic related thats for sure

>> No.10397538

>implying there is anything wrong with any of these things
Being an adult is not about doing whatever mass media shills you to do. Everyone needs to relax from time to time and you are not accomplishing anything by watching Netflix and drinking alcohol instead of playing games and watching anime.
There is nothing more childish than abandoning things you love to fit into some arbitrary model of an adult person.

But why people do these things now? Because of globalization. Now everyone has access to Japanese animation, to fiction from all around the world, to Star Trek movies and cosplay convents. With internet it's just easier to find a hobby you enjoy, instead of bandwagoning with the local hip&cool subculture of the year.

>> No.10397583


Free will.

>> No.10397619
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Because they can
If they can't they wont

>> No.10397625

No children of their own

>> No.10397632

Not even the furry community has this many trannys. Ehat the actual fuck is going on with speedrunners

>> No.10397636

The same way you can explain religion. You Jewish? Why do you wear a yamika and not eat bacon. Because you do the customs of the community to be a part of the community.

>> No.10397670


>> No.10397713

People who have children often play with their toys and games as well. Especially things like Lego.

>> No.10397875

>reach a certain age
>have to give up everything you like cause you're not allowed to have fun anymore

"Adulthood" is just a leftover meme from old boomers cause they never had video games or anime in their day.

>> No.10397926

Most people grow real interests like relationships, art and education after reaching "adulthood" though. Vidya and anime etc. are not real interests, they are literally made to make you addicted to them.

>> No.10397936
File: 337 KB, 936x1306, Nintendo Labo for Adults Like Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This + entertainment and instant gratification culture due to commercialism.

You forgot pets. They are becoming more popular and act as substitutions for real children.

>> No.10397944

>Most people grow real interests like relationships, art and education after reaching "adulthood" though

Most people watch TV all day though ... ?

>> No.10397948

>not eat bacon

Prevents parasite diseases.


Prevent sunburn on bald spot.

There's a lot of religious laws in various religious done for health reasons, but seem silly.

>> No.10397950

Most of the world doesn't even have access to tv programming.

>> No.10397955

Those who don't spend all day getting water from the well which is 20 miles from their village though ... ?

>> No.10397968

this is some sage advice. your thoughts or just copy pasta?

>> No.10397974

>Most people grow real interests like relationships, art and education after reaching "adulthood" though.
No? Most of people just watch TV or Netflix and go to bars. The only people I know who are into art, education and such were interested in these things since childhood.

>Vidya and anime etc. are not real interests
[citation needed]
Also you are comparing completely different things. Vidya and anime are leisure activities, while education, building up relationship and such are not. You can't work all the time, everyone have to relax in some way. Relaxing by playing games can be more beneficial for you than watching tv.
Also anime and vidya are art, just like movies, music and such.

If someone doesn't have access to TV, they mostly likely don't have access to art and education as well.

These rules made sense only 2000yo.

It's OC.

>> No.10398009

>These rules made sense only 2000yo.

True, but that's religion for you.

>> No.10398014

>video games are relaxi-

>> No.10398099

The people in the picture have a close group of friends and a hobby that they share. As well as I’m assuming food water shelter. They are basically the only people doing life correctly except for ever going to the gym or showering

>> No.10398265
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Come on, look at their faces, look at their hands. I see weakness.

Some of them may even have high IQ. But it does not matter: all that brain power is being wasted on hedonistic endeavors

Allowing these weirdos to get together reinforces their pathetic way of life. Which ends up contaminating other weirdos, growing this social group.

These BAD weirdos should be forced to study day and night with no playing with fancy screens.

>pic related: good weirdo

>> No.10398281

Wireless devices. Opioid. Corticotropin releasing factor. Bad.

>> No.10398292

>How does modern science explain it?

They promote materialism and tell you to be a materialist. It's the cause of the problem, not the explainer of it.

>> No.10398338

I'll also argue that Newton was wasting his potential by giving up on physics/maths to study alchemy and the Bible. So Newton wasn't a "good" weirdo as well

>> No.10398340

Masturbation, eating junk food, no exercise.

>> No.10398401

Unironically porn

>> No.10398403

vidya are just modern day gladiator games. The people must be interteined.

>> No.10400145

It's autism, plain and simple.
The link between autism and transgenderism has already clearly been demonstrated.
And speedrunning is all about repeatedly practice playing the same fucking game over and over. Now what kind of people are attracted to repetitive activities?

>> No.10400147

They look like a bunch of special needs kids.

>> No.10400153

That's because middle class workers cant afford children, only poor people and rich people. Notice the uptick in rich people having like 5 kids.

>> No.10400158


Quite interesting how you can see the whole bell curve of attractiveness in this picture.

>> No.10400162

Middle class can afford child. But they have high standards and little time, so they choose consciously not to.
Working class have no money and often no time either. But they have low standards so they don't give a shit.
Rich people always had more kids than average.

>> No.10400169

You won't like it but... it's xenoestrogen and EM radiation.

>> No.10400190
