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10396499 No.10396499 [Reply] [Original]

I've used a lot of weed in my day. I'm 21 and have been smoking weed daily in stints since about 16. My question is this: is the score in on weed causing cognitive impairment yet? Or is the research too early in its development to say?

>> No.10396506

I want to kick you in the balls, you fucking faggot.

>> No.10396510

Yes, and depending on the quality there could be other issues from consuming heavy metals, etc.

There is research about hemp drawing up heavy metals from the soil, and Cannabis definitely does the same thing. That's why shitty growmore fertilizer weed gives you terrible toxic highs.

Growth of weed can actually be quite complex. As for the actually effects of severe THC I'd say they're minimal. With sustained abstinence you'll be alright if you stop now.

>> No.10396519

thanks for reply, friend. Didn't know about metals. Interesting... Do you know anything about the sustinance of a certain fat in the brain (thc?)? Apparently it could take years to flush out of my system, and in the meanwhile causes cognitive dysfunction in certain areas.

>> No.10396525

Just stop doing drugs brainlet
All you need to do is become a vegan and never cum in your life or have sexual relations with women

>> No.10396526

It's not going to take years that's ridiculous. In severe users I could see it taking a few weeks or up to even a month.

scholar.google.com and sci-hub.tw are your friend if you want facts

>> No.10396529

kill yourself, faggot

>> No.10396532

this but unironically

>> No.10396534


>> No.10396537
File: 45 KB, 680x383, masterpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow so sciencetific

>> No.10396546

I was given a wad of papers including information on the down sides of cannabis by my doctor and its there, that i found the passage about the certain fats nstaying in the brain for up to two years. Not sure who to trust here...

>> No.10396551

Who shat in your cornflakes, mate?

>> No.10396556

>who to trust
There's actually a really trivial experiment you can do (anyone can) that lets you know just how easy it is to figure out what sort of information to trust.

Take the work in question. Look it over. Now take out a pen and paper. Start writing down all the information you can from the source material.

Did it take you more than five minutes to transcribe all the information in the document? Then it might be legitimately meaningful.

>> No.10396562

Kys cuck.
This is 4chan jew nigger

>> No.10396564

Weed makes you lazy. Laziness makes you stupid.

>> No.10396577

What about all the monks who meditate and come to profound psychic understanding of spiritual metaphysics?

>> No.10396578

Holy shit, just jump off a cliff, faggot

>> No.10396585

What if that takes initiative that I don't have as a result of being as gullible as you hope your fellow anon to be?

>> No.10396607

it would take you more than 5 minutes to transcribe guides to tarot cards or tea leaves, yet they are completely meaningless

>> No.10396610

Things you don't fully grasp aren't information to you. It was an implied Turing test in addition to a loose heuristic. You missed the 'might be' part.

>> No.10396617

>Then it might be legitimately meaningful.
Anything might be legitimately meaningful.

>> No.10396624

Then you've understood half the thesis of the design.

>> No.10396629

I have?

>> No.10396714

D-THC, like many cannabinoids agonists suppresses the LTP (long-term potentiation), although with some self-control temporarily curbing LTP can be useful, but consistently abusing it, obviously has negative effects on your mental state, particularly during your neurological development.

>> No.10396776

This is a good lead. Care to tell me more about the effects of prolonged abuse? Lasting effects? Permanent?

>> No.10396866

suck me harder white sissy mofuck brainletism gay u get the fuck outta my board

>> No.10396915

You lost 8 IQ points because you smoked it before you were 25

>> No.10396925

Here's a source. It says several IQ points


>> No.10396992

>I don't understand averages

>> No.10397003

How can you not feel how slow you become..? Oh wait, you're constantly on that shit.

Whenever i smoke daily for a few days i just become a mindless drone.

>> No.10397007

Don't worry, those IQ points feel like they were never there

>> No.10397123

I am highly more productive on weed

>> No.10397132

Can anyone tell me about weed as a muscle relaxant? I found it to be crippling and cause all kinds of strange effects, but this might be due to a problem with my neck / brainstem.

>> No.10397476

This is probably the worst board to ask this question (ironic isn't it?). If you have a disability and cannabis helps you, disregard the people on here arguing otherwise. I can't function without cannabis, and I don't smoke a whole lot but I have been smoking since around 13 and I'm 29 now. I only stopped for a short period of time when I was in the military. I finished school and all that jazz, BS in biochemistry, 3.5 gpa. If it causes cognitive impairment, I'm yet to experience it.

>> No.10397579

>since about 16
Wew, I have waited until 22 and I still feel fucked

>> No.10398034


>Research evaluating the neuropsychological effects of cannabis has yielded mixed findings, with some studies finding cognitive deficits in cannabis users (primarily in learning and memory) and others finding no significant effects.

A study from 2019. Also, can someone explain:
Differences in ratings between neuropsychologists accounted for 73% of the total variability in each domain, whereas variability due to vignette alone was negligible (<1%).

>> No.10398036

Yeah it fucks you up. Bad.

>> No.10398038

It says increased duration of use was also linked to bad cognition.
Basically if you smoke it in your teenage years you lose IQ points.

>> No.10398041

Oh I feel it. I feel it alright. What I was trying to ask was, does it permanently impair cognition.

>> No.10398051

> Basically if you smoke it in your teenage years you lose IQ points.
The brain is like tree.
You have to prune it once in a while to stimulate growth.

>> No.10398510

And what disability do you have the Cannabis helps?