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10395492 No.10395492 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to have a really sensitive brain to things? Any time I do something that's bad for me just once, I feel the effects.

Like, there are always people in my classes with soda, energy drinks, etc. People eat fast food, etc. and they seem to do just fine in class. I drink nothing but water and a black coffee in the morning, but if I drank one can of soda just one day, the next day I would feel terrible and low on energy. If I go like 2 days without exercise, I feel the same. If I listen to too much music, my brain feels exhausted, I start to get a headache and I need to listen to silence for awhile. If I'm sitting in front of my laptop for too long, I start to feel nauseous. etc.

Basically if I'm not being as healthy as I can and at the top of my game, I start to feel effects from it. It's like my brain or body is really sensitive to bad things. Is there a reason for this?

>> No.10395502



>> No.10395512

So it's purely psychological?

>> No.10395522

no. over time your body becomes accustomed to your habits, and any change to that causes discomfort.
on the flip side, unhealthy people feel sick when the try to be healthy too

>> No.10395527

Oh I see. What about the music part? That's the opposite because too much of it is when I feel the effects.

>> No.10395534

yes brains get fatigued with too much stimulus
could be your subconscious

>> No.10395535

Ah alright, thanks.

>> No.10396513

Interesting, I'm essentially also like this. Could be high neuroticism, i score in the 99th percentile and my mind is essentially always worrying about something, especially my diet.

>> No.10396536

Yeah and you're probably on the autism spectrum.

Sensitivity can be a positive trait though if you hone it. All those brainlets can't even feel on your level.

>> No.10396566

Same. Half my life. If I hold any delusion, lack any knowledge, slip up at all, I am punished in short order. And it does feel that way, like I'm an animal in a maze and I'm being punished by some sort of hidden hand.

You probably have something chronic fatigue related, or some system of your body has weakened. You probably also have a lot of stressful feedback loops in your life, and a lot of garbage in your subconscious.

My advice is take NAC, acetyl-l-carnitine, and Co-Q10. Get away from wireless devices as they're a chronic toxic exposure, you cannot be exposed to it and be fine, you will always be working it off and playing damage control. You're likely more sensitive to microwaves as well.

I figure I'm in the irreversible stages. It took me nearly 15 years to figure out what's wrong with this place and how it all really works. Hope you take charge before you end up the same. As you may already feel, there's no ignoring it. You're failing, bit by bit.

>> No.10396593
File: 332 KB, 1242x1878, 1549499553704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're likely more sensitive to microwaves as well.

>> No.10396596
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