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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10393394 No.10393394 [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering what one would look like in outer space. Last I checked every photo ever taken of any celestial object looks perfectly spherical to me.

Is the math wrong or the pictures? Why the deception? Believing in flat earth seems crazy. You'd have to be one of those tinfoil conspiracy nutcases to believe it, yet with very little resources, years after supposedly landing on the moon people still believe it is flat.

Yet if you read the articles and watch Nasa claiming they taped over the original moon landing on accident, they seem far more credible then they should.

Why distract people with all this bogus science about space if it isn't real? That means there are people getting paid government money to sell us fictions. They'd be better off hiring real fiction writers then a bunch of nerds writing down a bunch of numbers that are just as abstract and fictional as a good novel.

Billions spent on aaathe writings of people who claimed to have seen and spoke to god doesn't seem nearly as crazy when you consider the physics of our reality if our solar systems model is correct. Billions have been spent by people claiming to have been to or seen space as well.

What is scarier I wonder. That the earth might be flat and ancient writing about religion could be more right then wrong?
or that the earth is so damn delicate that all the coicidences that made this spinning ball the only one in the entire area the supports life could be snuffed out at any moment if 1 of a million things go wrong with stuff beyond our control?

If you believe in intelligent design what is more plausible? The spinning round earth model, or the flat earth biblical models?

After watching Nasa admitting they taped over the original moon landing, when you know people already think it's a hoax doesn't help or hurt people like me, i just wonder what it would feel like to spend an entire career on what would have to be the most out there unbelievable conspiracy of a global scale ever.

>> No.10393425

>what would it look like
>looks perfectly spherical

You answered your own question. Of course it looks perfectly spherical, but calling anything perfectly spherical is incorrect. We don't describe nature purely by what things look like.