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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 41 KB, 466x264, IQ-bell-curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10384040 No.10384040 [Reply] [Original]

So it got me thinking that since iq is mostly inherited it seems logical to want to know more about the pattern of its inheritance.

If two genius tier individuals (outliers on the iq bell curve) had an offspring, obviously the kid would be smarter than average but how likely is it that his iq is also a clear outlier instead of just being a little higher than average?

Also in your opinion considering that the average iq of ethnic groups differ, which scenario is more likely to have an offspring with greater iq?
a) an offspring between two iq 130 individuals from a low average iq ethnic group.
b) an offspring between two iq 130 individuals from a much higher average iq ethnic groups.

what happened to all the eugenics projects of the past? Were they successful in any way?

finally what's a good way to screen your gf so you will have smart babies?..

Asking because i'm thinking of getting married and I don't want dumb kids. It seems to me that Iq is one thing that you can not fix..

>> No.10384041

regression to the mean

>> No.10384042

But then wouldn't the mean just increase over time? Isn't that why there are ethnic differences?

>> No.10384043

We are living in a dysgenic experiment right now.

>> No.10384048

yea, so it would help to have more information on this topic. Its hard to even question this stuff anywhere without getting yelled at

>> No.10384073

Not OP, but do things really regress to the mean? If that were true, wouldn't we expect everyone to be of mean IQ? Also, what mechanisms stops regression to the mean? There has to be one in order for outliers to exist.
To me, the IQ distribution seems more like the simple ptoduct of probability distribution. The iq of the offspring is the average of the parents, and if all pairings are equally likely, since there are less smart-smart combinations, we have less smart offspring than average iq offspring, keeping smart people an outlier. However I also find this partially false, as it would prevent an increase of maximum IQ snd decrease of minimum iq, which we know has to be false, as outlier human iq has changed over time (smartest monkeys aren't as smart as smartest humans). There has to be some non hereditary mechanism or mutation that influences iq, and we should be able to identify it.

>> No.10384079
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.10384085

It doesn't regress to the mean of your ethnic group, brainlet. It regresses to the mean of your blood relatives. 130 IQ miracles that come from dumb Japanese families will likely have average IQ kids.

Still an improvement though. Why wouldn't you consider intelligence when choosing a mating partner?

You don't need to screen her with an IQ test you autist. If she has degrees, is somewhat successful, can have intelligent conversations, you're fine.

>> No.10384094

doing god’s work anon; once people see striped-dress-shirt apu 9999 times hopefully they will realize how repetitive and crappy IQ threads are

>> No.10384104

>look mom I posted a thread about IQ again!

>> No.10384122

/sci/ is more obsessed withIQ than /pol/

>> No.10384138


IQ threads were being spammed before meme dress existed though.

>> No.10384144

OP here, this is actually my first time being on sci. Guess I should have known that iq would be a popular topic.

So basically I need to find out the iq for her family

>> No.10384185

When you see IQ mentioned in an OP is always a crying faggot.
>wahhh my IQ is too low I can't wipe my ass
this is why I don't lurk /sci/, maybe once in a month to report and sage IQ threads

>> No.10384205

>Asking because i'm thinking of getting married and I don't want dumb kids.
Lol imagine this guy being your parent.
I'd kill myself as soon as I was able.

>> No.10384226

>wtf I hate my dad
>*kills himself*

>> No.10384235
File: 25 KB, 330x330, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So basically I need to find out the iq for her family
You just need to ascertain her pedigree.
Women tend to be less ambitious than men, and slightly lower IQ even in high IQ successful families, so women in the family tree being a housewife or nurse is not indicative of low IQ family genetics. You need to focus your investigation on the males in her family. Is her father a successful a doctor or an engineer? Are her brothers losers or are they running successful businesses or gainfully employed in STEM related fields? Are there any prominent personalities in her family tree, such as inventors, CEOs, authors, famous artists, talented musicians, senators, etc? You must also ensure that the men in her maternal lineage are high IQ as well, otherwise your daughters will be stupid as fuck. Just look what happened to that poor cuck Linus Torvalds (invented the linux kernel at age 21). He comes from a long line of high IQ, his father is currently a candidate for the presidential election in Finland, but too bad he married an imbecilic war pig and now all three of his daughters are stupid as fuck.

If you catch even a whiff of mediocrity, if even so much as a distant uncle or cousin once removed is some mediocre, unbrilliant trash, stay the fuck away.

>> No.10384254

Check out the Nobel Sperm bank:
Not much is known about the kids born to it, ~200, but of those known it seems like a success:
>A later segment of the same Slate article reported on the highlights of the lives of fifteen of the resultant children. Of the fifteen, six reportedly had 4.0 GPAs and two were reported to be "artistically precocious". Still others were reported to be "geniuses" and "whizzes" at various disciplines. All the children contacted by Slate were in good health, except one, who had what his mother described as a "developmental disability"
Bare in mind this is with genius, but not necessarily Nobel prize winning, sperm, and then single moms who are crazy enough to seek out this opportunity. I think that's pretty amazing. Obviously potential reporting bias here. Every spermbank should IQ test recipients and it should be one of the first things potential receivers see when assessing donors. "Hmm, should I choose the guy who got a 98 or 137?"