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10379928 No.10379928 [Reply] [Original]

It seems to me that the most reliable indicator that a region’s population has become excessive is the day that a desalination plant is required. Building a desalination plant is like maxing out your credit card, and instead of lowering your spending, getting another credit card. Breeders are the greatest problem our species faces.

>> No.10379930

Inb4 "overpopulation is a meme"

>> No.10379935

Overpopulation is a meme.

>> No.10379942
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I posted it here because /pol/tards are too stupid to discuss the issue rationally. You have to go back.

>> No.10380289

There is no overpopulation in the western world. In fact all the third world niggers being imported to save the economy is proof of that. We should stop feeding Africa so they stop pumping out 60 IQ addicted aids babies and let their population return back to baseline via natural causes (tribal wars and starvation).

>> No.10380303

ignore "overpopulation" threads,
hide "overpopulation" threads,
do not reply to "overpopulation" threads

>> No.10380411

this desu
t. physics phd

>> No.10380422
File: 427 KB, 4800x4584, iu[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overpopulation is the dumbest meme normies believe in.

In fact it's almost the opposite. Too little people are being born and it's going to cause a lot of problems in the future when the median age becomes the retirement age.

This trend is also universal in literally every country on the planet so it's not like Africa, India or China keeps breeding. In fact those 3 places experienced the biggest drop in fertility.

Look at the source I give you right below. EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY HAS A PLUMMETING GRAPH. if people don't start fucking like rabbits again we will have serious trouble. Even mass immigration won't be able to fix this one as every country has a similar problem.


>> No.10380957


Doesn't exist and won't ever be a problem for humans. It is just fear mongering and ethnic population control.

>> No.10380986

nuke africa desu

>> No.10381028

Depopulation is unironically the Great Filter. Teddy K was right all along. As societies become more technologically advanced, they become more disconnected from nature. There's no better example than sex; in first-world countries, sexual pleasure and reproduction have been all but separated. Literally every 'advancement', both technical and social - condoms, abortions, acceptance of homosexuality, STD testing/treatment - serves to allow you to enjoy sexual pleasure without having to worry about difficult consequences like pregnancy or STDs. The inevitable result is a collapse in birth rates. Fuck overpopulation, we need to start funding artificial womb research ASAFP.

>> No.10381033

>ethnic population control

Other way around bucko, you think rural Africans are worried about overpopulation? It's just another excuse for middle-class white people to not have children.

>> No.10381046

there is no such thing as averpopulation of whites, it is all shitskins fault. See them have 7 children and whites almost none..

>> No.10381047

Care to explain your reasoning for why desalination is in any way analogous to credit purchasing? When do we need to “pay back” that water?

>> No.10381053

Find a rooftop mate

You have inoperable reddititis

>> No.10381055

Even one white is overpopulation of whites

>> No.10381059

Bunch of bullshit. There is no overpopulation in general. Every country is experiencing a drop in birth rates. There is no overpopulation in "shitskins" either.

White Americans have more kids than Indians, Chinese and Middle Easterners for example. I bet fox news didn't tell you that.

>> No.10381061

You are right that there is no overpopulation in the west. But there is also no overpopulation in Africa or Asia. Every place has problems with too few kids being born right now.

>> No.10381063

There's actually too many whites in the world. The earth can't support so many whites. We must reduce white populations

>> No.10381065

Very good post. Once technology satisfies all biological urges the organisms aren't going to do their biological functions anymore such as procreation. So it's inevitable that we will die out.

Even the last couple of humans living in 2500 will not bother stepping outside of their perfect simulation just to have some kids and raise them for at least 18 years. It's genuinely important we automate the birthing and raising of children as soon as possible because humanity will not do this on their own for very long.

>> No.10381071

Dude what if we like pump seawater uphill behind a dam using variable renewable energy sources. We can store energy that way by passing it through a turbine, or we can run it through reverse osmosis membranes. The pressure of the dam should be sufficient to drive reverse osmosis. It's called a Slocum dam and they can be built in most areas suffering water shortages.

>> No.10381074

>being worried about depopulation
niggas don't even know how many 8 billion is

>> No.10381083

Look at median age you fucking retard. What will 8 billion people do when 6 billion are 70+ years old in a retirement home and can't reproduce while only 500 million healthy people will be able to work and have to support 8 billion people from their labor.

the baby boom generation is almost going to retire and every generation after that has become smaller. This combined with the fact that people get older means it becomes harder and harder to carry the burden of old people.

If you are under the age of 30 you will have to support 20 people on just your salary. Because there are expected to be 20 times more retirees than working age people in 2050 in most of Europe and the USA (countries that experienced WW2 baby boom)

>> No.10381101
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Let me explain. Once a population stop having a lot of children the average age of the population will rise because fewer children. Once the average age goes up it means more people will reach retirement age and can't biologically have children anymore as well as needing to be taken care of either by children or by the government/taxpayer in some form. What this means is that the taxpayer and/or children will have fewer resources for themselves to have children. And thus they can't have children because they can't afford to have children because they need to take care of the elderly. This in turn makes the population shrink even more which means the next generation will have even LESS resources and have even fewer children to take care of the elderly. This cycle will continue until the species goes extinct or people straight up genocide the elderly (not going to happen). The other solution is to have as much kids as possible before it gets too late but most people aren't smart and have outdated 1990s overpopulation data still ingrained in their heads.

>> No.10381109

>Every country is experiencing a drop in birth rates.
but increase in population, retard friend. whites and japanese are the only depopulating(and the only civilized)
>White Americans have more kids than Indians, Chinese and Middle Easterners for example.
you are full of shit PLUS i am not even american (you call mexicans hispanic white over there)

>> No.10381120

>straight up genocide the elderly
Why not, it'll be sad but necessary. We need a bit of a reset so to speak. After all, it's their fault.

>> No.10381151

lel dude euro countries already refuse treatment if you're too old

>> No.10381205

>hurr if the population doesn't keep growing exponentially who's gonna pay for muh social security
/pol/fags are worse than boomers. They're a cancer on this earth.

>> No.10381274

b-but you could put everyone on Texas!

>> No.10381309

/pol/ are the ones screaming about overpopulation. I'm anti-/pol/

>> No.10381342

>whites and japanese are the only depopulating

>> No.10381343
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Stop drinking water and never, ever reproduce then. Better yet, kill yourself. Way better way to conserve water.

See, this is the thing about all the bleeding hearts. They want to save the world, but expect it to happen at no cost to them whatsoever.
Everything people consume, they do so for a reason. When you forbid them to do that, there'll be consequences. People who made that consumption possible losing their jobs (and not paying income taxes anymore) at the absolute least.

>> No.10381365

most countries still have above replacement rates brainlet, and we don't need a lot of people in the world afterall

>> No.10381378

Aging population is the biggest problem not the amount of people. Good luck feeding 6 billion elderly people, 500 million children and 1000 unemployed people with only 500 million working people.

>> No.10381382

Nah most of the bleeding hearts legitimately go vegan and don't have kids.

>> No.10381396

people can drive tractors, trucks and ships with very old age

>> No.10381522

>66% unemployment rate

>> No.10381555
File: 143 KB, 940x469, l_3385_150e6f59e87c3a99d7d1b94a1fb46e7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh? so maybe i needed to ad cuba?

>> No.10381562
File: 129 KB, 1484x733, mapdayfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dat seems more accurate

>> No.10381570

/pol/ doesn't believe in overpopulation because they can't accept that having children could ever be a bad thing.

>> No.10381571

Ok and what about when they all die off, we will be at good levels then.

>> No.10381633
File: 1.04 MB, 1172x984, Obvious_implications.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't take a genius to work out what's going to happen in the future.
Mass immigration won't work. Humans aren't fungible economic units. Some are far more valuable than others.