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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10379033 No.10379033 [Reply] [Original]

Saw a thread talking about a cure for autism and got genuinley curious. Does anyone on /sci/ have aspergers/autism, I have it myself and I was wondering if people with aspergers are more intelligent. I'm not so intelligent myself but if I happen to enjoy something I will learn all there is to know. I also heard about people like Eintstein possibly being on the spectrum, so, what does /sci/ think, can it really make you smarter or am I just a waste of oxygen.

>> No.10379062

It's not that they are more intelligent, they simply long for death more than normalfags, fueling their abilities

>> No.10379071

tl;dr: No, but when they're already going to have a higher IQ, they benefit from some of the useful traits associated with high-functioning autistic spectrum disorders.
Now, delete this pointless thread.

>> No.10379077

Found the brainlet

>> No.10379085

Oh, sorry, where's your argument? Pretty sure that fits you.

>> No.10379139

idk you're the retard who "dismisses" four posts with no arguments

>> No.10379153

I am an Aspy, don;t think we are more intelligent just more focused, that is something that is obvious if you know enough people with Autism of any kind or study psychology materials regarding Autism, delete this thread the answer is obviously yes.

>> No.10379166

Uh, what? Are you really that stupid?
I replied to.
I also replied to.
What came from that whole encounter was: >>10374575
Which is consistent with the useful traits of high-functioning autistic spectrum disorders.
Can be answered with:
>Hans Asperger described common symptoms among his patients' family members, especially fathers, and research supports this observation and suggests a genetic contribution to Asperger syndrome. Although no specific gene has yet been identified, multiple factors are believed to play a role in the expression of autism, given the phenotypic variability seen in children with AS.[10][58] Evidence for a genetic link is the tendency for AS to run in families and an observed higher incidence of family members who have behavioral symptoms similar to AS but in a more limited form (for example, slight difficulties with social interaction, language, or reading).[7] Most behavioral genetic research suggests that all autism spectrum disorders have shared genetic mechanisms, but AS may have a stronger genetic component than autism.[10] There is probably a common group of genes where particular alleles render an individual vulnerable to developing AS; if this is the case, the particular combination of alleles would determine the severity and symptoms for each individual with AS.[7]
>A few ASD cases have been linked to exposure to teratogens (agents that cause birth defects) during the first eight weeks from conception. Although this does not exclude the possibility that ASD can be initiated or affected later, it is strong evidence that ASD arises very early in development.[59] Many environmental factors have been hypothesized to act after birth, but none has been confirmed by scientific investigation.[60]

>> No.10379170

Which summarizes to: Greater genetic factor, than teratogenic factor.
And >>10374575 has no replies, which means, you can't count.
As that's only 3 replies, two of which I answered. The other one, I missed, but which can be answered here: >>10379166
Now, what exactly is YOUR argument?

>> No.10379250

tldr lmao

>> No.10379256
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>an actual autism thread

>> No.10379259

I h8 u

>> No.10380892

Why not set up a poll?