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10378898 No.10378898 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a med student currently going through clinical clerkships and so far I’ve really liked how psychiatrists approach their patients.

I’m actually thinking of continuing my training on that field. Would I be I wasting my future MD degree?

>> No.10378910

Psychology is a secular priesthood, psychiatry is the secular Spanish Inquisition.

Instead of "heretic", you're "mentally ill" and thus subject to all manner of torture that is called "medical treatment"

The history of the discipline belies it's true purpose, social control.

>> No.10378916

Evolutionary psychology or bust.

Don't fall for a jewish scheme of selling pharmaceuticals.

>> No.10378921

Also not science or math

>> No.10378927

>I’ve really liked how psychiatrists approach their patients.
How could anyone possibly hold this opinion?

>> No.10378989
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lucky bastard i'm stuck in engineering phd but would switch over in a second if i could

>> No.10379804

Your just another wanna be scientist working in a pseudo field and think med does magic so you put it down peoples throat for fun so they can be brainless zombies and shut the hell up. In 10 or more years were gonna laugh at todays medical practise and the meds we are using that literally lobotomise and destroy you. In the future it will be unethical to see todays practice. So good luck fucking people up and that you believe you actually help. Good luck with that pseudo fucker. Hope you fucking die in an accident.

>> No.10379911

You have to be a mega brainlet to think psychiatry doesn’t help anyone. I know plenty of people whose lives vastly improved after getting psychiatric treatment

>> No.10379925

And you have to be a literal retard to think it does more good than bad

>> No.10379971

anyone who thinks medication is never necessary has clearly never been on it. some people just can't neurochemically function in the horror of controlled industrial society. they can't change the society, so they take pills.

>> No.10380605


Well at least you acknowledge that psych pills are an abnormal/unnatural coping method for an abornmal/unnatural world, why do you think people can’t change it?

>> No.10380629
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Look at this brainlet and laugh.

>> No.10380630

pick one

>> No.10380714

Nah. I'm a schizo. Thank god for psychiatry.
If I don't take my meds I suffer a lot.
I have been through fucking hell and you haven't got the faintest clue what life is when you are schizo.
If I don't take my meds I suffer a lot, not to mention the potential dangers.
If it wasn't for psychiatrists I would have to self-medicate. And the only "natural" medicine that works on schizophrenia is heroin, or opium since heroin was discovered by doctors anyway.

So my choice is either be a junky or take antipsychotics. Heroin is great but it's kind of hard to sustain a productive lifestyle.

>> No.10380747

Btw OP psychiatry is great. If I ever wanted to be a doctor, psychiatrist would be my first choice.
Screw looking at people's dicks or open hearts.
Plus you get to meet a lot of crazy/interesting people, hear a lot of funny/interesting stories and maybe a bit of hidden wisdom among the delusions.
And you get extensive knowledge on mind altering substances which you can use to experiment on yourself.
And of course the satisfaction oh helping someone deal with his problems, survive and become a happy, productive member of society.

The only downside is that the crazy people can potentially be a threat if they somehow make you a target in their delusions, but I am sure doctors have figured how to deal with that.

>> No.10381489

>How could anyone possibly hold this opinion?

If they're not american I'd say. It is widely known that psychiatry in the US is really bad and the DSM is frown upon in a lot of places.

I pretty sure that's why we see so many retarded opinions on mental illnesses, antipsychotics and things like that here.

>The history of the discipline belies it's true purpose

Today's psychiatry is very different from even 20 years ago. We do everything to keep people out of hospitals.

>> No.10382532

Personally hated working with psych patients. They were legit making me crazy

>> No.10382574

None of this is even useful or true except maybe the last positive part.

Psychiatrist patient relationships really aren't very close, you can't even really be completely honest with them or they'll write shit down.

>hurr durr patient likes all these bad things
>hurr durr patient said he's sad so i called police on his ass

>> No.10382578

>Personally hated working with psych patients. They were legit making me crazy
im not very good at realizing people are crazy.
>its okay if you feel you're the messiah bro, just roll with it

>> No.10383005

Don't ask sci for advice on anything related to mental illness. They get touchy about their autism/bipolar/schizo diagnosis.
Patients can be pretty fun though.

>> No.10383939

Not really sure what you mean when you say
>I’ve really liked how psychiatrists approach their patients.
For me I eventually figured out that I preferred helping people with minor psych probs rather than dealing with the real serious nutjobs and you will come across the former a lot even as an internist or senpai med. some of these people just need some sound advice and a little bit of care to lead them in a direction away from deteriorating psych conditions.

Also I think studying the human psych is a noble pursuit but not sure if i wholeheartedly agree with the current institutionalized, dsm manualized, overly drugged model of psychiatry

>> No.10383943

based and foucalut-pilled

>> No.10384015

>its okay if you feel you're the messiah bro, just roll with it
Why is that so common?

>> No.10384212

i thought about being a therapist or something after working graveyards at a gas station. had a lot of time to talk to people, was genuinely fascinated by their stories. met a lot of loonies too, the kind of people who only come around at midnight. like the satanic meth addict who thought he was achilles, or the genius ex engineer who lost everything to bipolar treatments that permanently fucked his brain. real neat stuff.

>> No.10384888

it is a fucking soulcrushing job and you will start to view people differently

not for the idealistic or faint of heart

>> No.10386293

Hope your doing well

>> No.10386320

psych patient here

psychiatry as a profession seems boring as fuck, you're either going to be dealing with very sick people in psych wards who are better off euthanized or worried well house wives who don't really need all the antidepressants and benzos they're cramming down their throats. the only benefit of this profession is you draw a doctor's salary, usually work 40 hour work weeks, and you don't really have as much to stay on top of compared to the way other specialties have to do. you just end up working with the same dozen or so antipsychotics and antidepressants. i guess going cash only could be cool where you do therapy as well could be okay.

just my two cents as a literal schizophrenic talking from the other side.

>> No.10386322

mental health people who are actually interested in it and not just treating it as a backup plan when they cant cut it as a doctor are rare and valuable to society

>> No.10386466

good psychiatrists are cool but they deal with a lot of gross people. having them in your head every day? maybe, probably crazy good hours, only business hours.

>> No.10386472

Well they have profound psychotic thoughts that form a delusional pattern leading them to believe they're special.

>> No.10386479

The worst psychologist I ever had was fucking mormon. He started sharing his literally subjective opinion that stroked his ego about drug abuse and I cut him off. He got so upset he insulted me. Hurr durr I'm not a robot, I have opinions. You read the goddamn results yourself then, etc.

>> No.10386491

>Worth it?
Yes. In case you haven't noticed the world is growing an ever more sick place. Therapists, drug and alcohol counselors, psychiatrists are all that stands between us and complete chaos.

>> No.10386492

This is probably the most ignorant statement I've ever read on here. Ironically it's YOU who needs a psychiatrist.