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10371486 No.10371486 [Reply] [Original]

is private environmental protection better than public environmental protection?

>> No.10371531

the Public is the Private when you're Khan

>> No.10371958


>> No.10372020
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considering private is smaller, fragmented pieces of the public - no.

>> No.10372072

so there is nothing bona fide private?

>> No.10372219
File: 245 KB, 1500x1143, Cuyahoga River on fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even remotely. Private "environmental protection" is just code for letting private capital destroy the environment with impunity. History has shown repeatedly that private capital will only ever destroy the environment, because before the 70s it was all we had and shit was fucked beyond most modern people's ability to even conceive of. Until the EPA was founded, the Cuyahoga river used to regularly set ablaze.

>> No.10372304

was the river private?

>> No.10372318

No. The lack of regulations were. But the public had to bear the cost. Capitalism has always been about socialism for the rich and capitalism for everyone else.

>> No.10372330

>private environmental protection
Doesn't exist. As a capitalist my job is to make money, not to do the job that the government is too lazy to do.
I actually hate all the libertarians who come up with this bullshit.
I don't mind regulations as long as they are:
1. effective
2. fair; who is damaging and profiting should be the one paying
3. clear to follow
I don't want to be burdened with the additional job of ethical contemplation to figure out if I'm being harmful to others.
There are people like me who are naturally benevolent (you might say I'm a softie) and there are people who just don't give a shit.
When we compete on a project, guess who is going to win?
Those who don't give a shit.
It makes it UNFAIR for me to compete in such an environment because I have the extra burden of conscience.
The system actively rewards sociopaths.
Good souls end up behaving like sociopaths because the system wants them to.
Fuck that.
I want the government to take care of this shit and get rid of the madness.

Talking from experience because I deal with this issue every day. I'm a real estate agent.

>> No.10373029

>The lack of regulations were.
lack of regulations were private? wtf

>> No.10374201

of course you can make money from operating a private national park, or from doing in situ protection of animals and their habitats

>> No.10374211

Private environmental protection definitely exists. Stuff like buying forests and leaving them be.
Ultimate state is the one with the capital power though. State can do much more.

>> No.10374258

investing your money for yourself has better results than investing not your money not for yourself

>> No.10375604


>> No.10375638

Stupid dipshits why is this not deleted?

>> No.10375640

No point in bumping, protecting the environment isn't profitable, but destroying it is. The matter is pretty much settled.

>> No.10377138

hint: people have values and they sometimes give money to actions they value

>> No.10378573
