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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10366751 No.10366751 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you still taking notes on paper, /sci/???

>> No.10366759

Because writing on touch screens is asenine

>> No.10366809

I only use window markers. If the classroom doesn't have windows available, I will settle for a personal full-size whiteboard, but the professor won't be getting a full 5 stars from me that semester.

>> No.10366824

The big iPad Pros are pretty boss, makes everything look obsolete and outdated leapfrog style. The only thing keeping it from wrecking everything is the price.

>> No.10366840

Is there now finally a tool to automatically check for errors while rewriting equations?

The tools exist, like online symbolical integral calculators, limit calculators, algebraic equation solvers,etc.
Someone „just“ needs to put these things together as an addon for google docs for example, why does such a thing not exist?

>> No.10367473

I think I read that OneNote could do math for you, but I'm not sure I remember that right.

>> No.10367505

I don't waste my time with notes

>> No.10367513

Spotted the 200+ IQ

>> No.10367519

i dont have to charge a notebook.

>> No.10367538

>OneNote could do math for you
Barely. It can do arithmetic.

>> No.10367568
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Because analogue systems (pen and paper) always work, and don't require me to charge them, or update my firmware.

>> No.10367585

Yeah, I have an 11" Pro and the thing is killer. It's pretty much what iPads should've always been.

>> No.10367590 [DELETED] 
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physical note taking is the most secure form of retaining and securing data, dont trust the fucking machines

>> No.10367595
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Taking notes with a pen and paper is the most secure form of recording data, don't trust the fucking machines

>> No.10367693

>take notes on tablet
>draw a diagram from the board that prof ultimately took from book
>tablet reports me for copyright infringement

>> No.10367725

>getting memed in to buying bullshit tech

>> No.10367729
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>> No.10367795

Because livescribe has made improvements over the last 10 years. I get to write on paper and get an automatic electronic backup.

>> No.10367797

Is it worth the investment?

>> No.10367879

not him but you might as well just buy a tablet since you're paying that much for the pen anyway and the page refills+ink will add up
a tablet with a 6000-8000mah battery will last several days if you're just doing note taking, and around 2 days if you're surfing the net or watching movies, and you can turn it into a phone if it has a simcard with a dialer app

>> No.10367909

Wireless devices cause brain damage, DNA damage, and sterility. Learning with one is like sitting on a tree branch and sawing on the tree side. Real great "progress".

>> No.10367931

the truth
studies show that you're immune to background radiation if you yourself don't own a wireless device

>> No.10367941

I don't advise being around it whatsoever either. The literature also suggests that high intensity (personal close range) exposure lowers the threshold for more damaging effects.

>> No.10367997

I just fucking hate trees.

>> No.10368001
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i look at enough glowing rectablges for a fucking day already

>> No.10368453

you can print your notes you know

>> No.10368469

Why not just use rocketbook? Does anyone else use rocketbook?

I want a rocketbook thread.

>> No.10368672

Reportedly true, but I don't trust cognitive tests that rely on pattern recognition that can be practiced. You may have read my paper on the set of triply integrable functions. It has had quite the impact in the physics world.

>> No.10368725

I simultaneously print them the moment i write them in the paper with a pen

>> No.10368788

anyone redpilled on this? I like writing down stuff on a notepad when I have one handy, but I'm also interested in digital notes, should I get a "drawing" pad for the PC?

>> No.10368791
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best 12 euro i ever invested

>> No.10368800

well i i hate aple but the pads are better.

when my tutor goes into overdrive and wants to write down two important proofs in the last 3 minuts i just make a picture of the board and insert it into my notes.

also you dont have to carry any book or "task sheets" with you since everything is available online and you cant lose ANYthing ever.

being paperless is comfy as fuck

>> No.10369926

Why are you still taking notes?

>> No.10369935

I do all work on my iPad (spoiler: regular size) and it's life-changing being able to look at every subject ive ever worked on with just a few taps

>> No.10369941

Thanks apple employee #43432464564

>> No.10369942

The fact that the text appears a millimetre or two below the contact surface would make your writing look stupid.

>> No.10370143

>apple paying people to shill the cheapest ipad on a board for autists
No, their advertising budget all goes to making niggers on instagram buy air pods

>> No.10370459


>> No.10371244

I have an ipad pro and an apple pencil and tried to take notes on it for 2 months. turns out that taking notes on an ipad really fucked with my brain. I was always extremely confused and mind fogged, and took me a while to realize that his was the cause. I thought it was normal since I had just started university. Nope. Another friend of mine still uses his ipad to take notes and doesn't have any problem. For me it's much better to just write a couple of things on a piece of paper, something that has a physical location in space, or not writing anything at all and just follow the lecture. So, to answer to your question, it's not for everyone.

>> No.10371245

Paper doesn't run out of battery.

>> No.10371252
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Just type on your memo app on your phone dummies.

>> No.10371311

because carrying some a4 papers to school is much more convenient

>> No.10371353

Va bene, Morrolinux

>> No.10371379

Università di?

>> No.10371395
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this is where i keep my notes

>> No.10371499

Dici che è diventato così tanto fanboy apple? In effetti si, è possibile

>> No.10371508

I don't even trust grammar check.

>> No.10371602

Because I had to sell my tablet.
Congrats on the handwritting btw.

>> No.10371603

There a pens made for these gadgets.

>> No.10371657


This looks convenient for disorganized people like me. I take notes on paper and then never find them again

>> No.10371671

Polimi, OP?

>> No.10371694

writing on these never, ever feels comfortable.

it probably is super useful and convenient though. one object to work on your group projects or assignments, take seemingly infinite notes with automatic backup, recording lectures... and also your personal x86 computer. the keyboard and trackpad feels extremely good too, it's very impressive, but writing on it never feels as good as paper and pencil, something that is less than $10 even if you buy a good mechanical pencil, and it's completely proprietary and probably degrades quickly.

>> No.10371744

The way I see it, it also replaces a laptop if you have one so the investment is a bit more justified. I didn't have a laptop, only desktop, so I mostly took paper notes (except in law class where I just had my friend send me his typed notes, guy gave out info faster than I could write by hand, the typing noises in that class were hilarious).

But a guy at work uses a tablet as his log book, the pen technology (aka responsiveness, resolution/accuracy) seems to have come a long way even in the last 5 years or so. I'm thinking of getting one when I start my new job which seems like it will benefit from better note taking/logging.

>> No.10371751

Why do samefagging /pol/sos think nobody notices their outbreaks?

>> No.10372686

>be at home
>cant concentrate because constant computer use has rendered me unable to focus and I need to constantly check 4chan et al
>"haha I will carry this internet-capable device to class and library from now on"

>> No.10372820

Cause I’m poor

>> No.10374525

spotted the 300+ IQ

>> No.10374532
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It's way comfier

>> No.10374535


>> No.10374538

perché porca Madonna un quaderno costa 1€ e un tablet 400, se me lo paghi tu inizio volentieri

>> No.10374578

Ma sei del Polito?

>> No.10376172

1. Notes are for brainlets who like copying.
2. Use paper blocks for solving problems.
3. Writeup in LaTeX.

>> No.10376230

If you never take notes, you're a subpar student, guaranteed. Don't @ me, you sub-4.0 brainlet.

>> No.10376284

You're conflating being a sub-par student with a sub-4.0 brainlet. They're actually in opposition. Suppose as you imply that you're smart enough to both take notes and not fall behind with coursework. Then your coursework is too easy or there's not enough of it, so you're not living up to your full potential.

>> No.10377196
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taking notes is for plebs who can't just absorb information by looking at it.

>> No.10377961

che fan boy del cazzo. Muori tu e il tuo Ipad del cazzo, io uso un fucking foglio non porto nemmeno il quaderno solo fogli volanti

>> No.10378097

That's true. But I can draw colorful diagrams clearly and easily on a tablet, and I correct my mistakes just as easily.

>> No.10378157

That screen is glossy as hell

>> No.10378230

I tend to place my hand on top of my notebook while writing. Don't know how it would affect a touch sensitive screen.
Also, having paper at hand has a few other uses. You can't magically produce paper from your pad.

>> No.10378654

most tablets can detect and ignore this.
>You can't magically produce paper from your pad.
why would you need to?

>> No.10380029

Worth it if you have bad handwriting.

>> No.10380262

Lol this thing looks like a dildo. EE fags can't control their homosex urges and have to draw dildos all over their notes.

>> No.10380307

Hand writing is therapeutic.