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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10366050 No.10366050 [Reply] [Original]

>blood in stool
>abdominal pain every 30 min
>constant bowel movements
>has not stopped happening for almost 4 weeks
is it cancer or do i just have a infection in my intestines?

>> No.10366055
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m8 go to a fucking clinic

>> No.10366061

Dude go to the ER, it isn't free but they have to take you and they bill you later. If you don't pay it I don't think it shows up on your credit score. Just go.

>> No.10366083

>You waited 4 weeks
Dude go to a doctor now or you'll fucking die, dumbass.

>> No.10366118

build a sentence including the following words:
>manly tears

>> No.10366121

im going to go get a stool test kit to send them, im not sure if its blood or not but sure looks like it judging by memories of my sister's periods

>> No.10366153

is it red or black?
when it's dark/black you should call the ambulance right now. i'm not joking.
if it looks red and fresh it could be hermohoids.

>> No.10366161

OP needs to see a doctor who uses lube now or his butthole will be in tears.

>> No.10366167

It's too late, he already died. Press f now or be silent forever

>> No.10366168

no theres no black, its just light red. when I wipe then the red color slowly turns brown so it probably is blood having a reaction with oxygen. I looked at symptoms for colon cancer and they match my lifestyle
>eating exessive red meat
>no excersise.

>> No.10366209

OP here I called the hospital and they told me to come down so ill post results if thread is up

>> No.10366230

Goodluck anon! Prayers your way. I’ll keep this page in mind and check back throughout the day. Let us know how your doing :)

>> No.10366494

Same, but for 5 years, light red when I wipe. and no pain really. I have fissures and a hemorrhoid. If it’s cancer it’s too late for me lol. Bye guys.

>> No.10366504

/sci/ was supposed to be the "smart" board

>> No.10366510

blood is stool is why your anus heals the quickest. abdominal pain in time not increments is indicative of machine atrophy or some other annoying elusive electric jut. it shouldnt do more than have to readjust but that may mean you have a smoke scar and you vape go feed it, which in turn may make you more or less more adjusted to a gauged sensation from the upright scarring.
constant bowel movementseans smoke not food or water. peeing is more colon cancer, colon no good, than pooing.
4 weeks of it might mean water sipply is bad or you have a lot of vape juice in your ass. so yes, you have cancer.

>> No.10366523


>> No.10366541


>> No.10366577

Maybe it's Morbus Chron. Chill

>> No.10367728
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OP here, hospital was busy as hell so it took them 8 hours but I am cancer free! diagnosed with pancolitis but i still get to live many more years (i got a rectal exam done by a female, later virgins!)

>> No.10367875

Good too hear that it wasn’t too terrible. Very happy you got checked out. Thanks for updating us. Get better brother!

>> No.10367923

Vegetable Police has that. https://youtu.be/XcnRmt6hxyc

You can fix it with diet.

>> No.10367944

That's an old video. He actually went to carnivore recently and he's tolerating it fine.

>> No.10367975

I don't eat gluten, dairy, meat, processed foods, etc either. I get severe constipation.

My diet is mostly vegetables, tofu, and rice.

>> No.10369342

>(i got a rectal exam done by a female, later virgins!)
Congrats on making it brah

>> No.10369691

>(i got a rectal exam done by a female, later virgins!)
Do you recommend this?
How did it feel?

>> No.10369702
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>thought I was having testicular torsion once
>go to hospital and get it checked out
>got a female to fondle my balls and it was only just an infection

>> No.10370242
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the same thing has been happening to me for the past 4 or so days. I'm worried that I may have ass cancer

>> No.10370317

OP lube up the doctor's butthole now, ignore his manly tears

>> No.10370332


>> No.10370333

they only rubbed the very outside of my rectum, didn't feel like anything. im pretty sure prostate exams are when they actually go deep

>> No.10370334
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>> No.10370683
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>> No.10370691

You most likely just don’t consume near enough fiber. Track that shit.