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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10359968 No.10359968 [Reply] [Original]

start at 49:00 she says the mathematicians that are cited are by white men

Pascal, Archimedes, Pythagoras


>> No.10359992

Name 1 black Fields medalist, I bet she can't. And that's why. The reason they're so cited? Because they made these discoveries. If you want to be equally "cited"? Fucking compete! Stop asking to be included because of things that don't pertain to the field. Pretty fucking simple!

>> No.10360000

mathematicians are not going to make up some imaginary black guy that potentially discovered calculus...no there going to cite the guys that empirically did Newton and Leibniz

>> No.10360025

no because pascal archimedes and pythagoras were all black

>> No.10360031

Uh, nope. And the can't even meme about genetics in regards to Pascal, that dude was French.

>> No.10360035

You are autistic

>> No.10360036

I don't know what's worse. The content you just linked, or the fact that you wasted at least 49 minutes watching this shit.

>> No.10360039

No, I'm French.

>> No.10360071

this. fuck niggers

>> No.10360073

This is promotion for the youtube video retards.

>> No.10360076

im sure hes an undergrad being forced to take some diversity kike bullshit class.

>> No.10360080

Why the antisemitism?

>> No.10360084

fuck you kike. even if you are being ironic you are being a fucking faggot.

>> No.10360128

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10360145
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>> No.10360160

Soon it will be ovencentrism.

>> No.10360195

So do you pol faggots just spend all your time searching the internet to cherry pick the most trivial bullshit to confirm your racism?

>> No.10360207

do you anti-pol faggots defend these videos?

>> No.10360213

They have a panel dedicated to the deconstruction of STEM for the purpose of political gain.
Attempting to circumvent the meritocratic nature of it, without actually having to do the innovation required.
Rather than having panels dedicated to this, they should have panels dedicated to the discovery of, or innovation of, required to be placed within such high esteem.

>> No.10360214

That video has 57 views you no life having faggot.

>> No.10360216


>> No.10360233

I bet there more than 57 people who attended that lecture.

>> No.10360236

Kikes and soiboys like you need to be exterminated.

>> No.10360258

>people here actually believe Pythagoras discovered that you can make squares out of triangles
I thought you people were supposed to be smart.

>> No.10360270

the video is 1.5 hours

>> No.10360273


>> No.10360276


Oh for fuck's sake. Why do muricans must apply their white-black dichotomy to all the world and time. Racism can arise with different forms and power balances that are not compatible with the North American Slavery and its ramifications. Besides the Greeks didn't look "white" if we are going on with it.

Besides everyone knows that the Hindu are the best in maths.

>> No.10360277

>guy famous for inventing triangles wouldn't know the most obvious thing about triangles

>> No.10360280


>> No.10360292

She has a point about Pythagoras though. He probably stole most of the shit he's famous for from middle-easterners and egyptians (like most ancient greeks did).

>> No.10360299

Of course he knew about it, as did many others before him. See >>10360292

>> No.10360331

>Besides the Greeks didn't look "white" if we are going on with it.
Yeah, but they didn't look Sub-Saharan either.

>> No.10360412

The Greeks didn’t steal. It’s true that there are prior civilizations that did math but the Greeks were the first to introduce mathematical proofs and an axiomatic seductive system

>> No.10360415

I meant deductive

>> No.10360502

No. Archimedes was black.

>> No.10361476

All civilisations used some form of math starting with Sumer. (Blacks didn't have civilisation, just kangdoms)