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10359075 No.10359075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We are not one species.

The Fixation index, or FST, is a way to measure genetic distance between populations.

The FST between Whites (British) and Blacks (Bantu) is 0.23.

The FST between the common Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the Bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103
(Which you'll note is half the White-Black difference, despite the two being classified as two separate species.)

The FST between two Gorilla species; Gorilla Gorilla and Gorilla Beringei is 0.04.
(Or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites. Again two seperate Species).

The FST between modern Humans and Neanderthals is <0.08
(Or 1/3 the difference between Blacks and Whites.)

The FST between modern Humans and Homo Erectus is 0.17
(Or 3/4 the difference between Blacks and Whites.)

Whites and blacks are more genetically distant than:

- two different Chimpanzee species

- two different Gorilla species

- Humans vs. Neanderthals

- Humans vs. Homo Erectus.

If we are consistent and objetive with Biology and taconomic classicication systems, even in regards to human populations, Blacks and Whites should be classified into seperate speceis and at the very least into different subspecies.








>> No.10360360

good data anon.

>> No.10360468

I don’t care. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.10360482


>> No.10360493

Bonobos are not chimps dumbass

>> No.10360499


>> No.10360501

Imagine not being able to read:
>(Which you'll note is half the White-Black difference, despite the two being classified as two separate species.)

>> No.10360503

“-two different Chimpanzee species”

Imagine not being able to read something you wrote itself. Fuck off /pol/tard.

>> No.10360507
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>it's another race thread

>> No.10360517

Report for “Racism outside of /b/“ and sage if you want to play with them.

>> No.10360520

That isn't what HE wrote? I didn't write it, but you're literally bullshitting.

>> No.10360544


The FST between the common Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the Bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103
(Which you'll note is half the White-Black difference, despite the two being classified as two separate species.)

The FST between two Gorilla species; Gorilla Gorilla and Gorilla Beringei is 0.04.
(Or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites. Again two seperate Species).

The FST between modern Humans and Neanderthals is <0.08
(Or 1/3 the difference between Blacks and Whites.)

The FST between modern Humans and Homo Erectus is 0.17
(Or 3/4 the difference between Blacks and Whites.)

Whites and blacks are more genetically distant than:

- two different Chimpanzee species

- two different Gorilla species

- Humans vs. Neanderthals

- Humans vs. Homo Erectus.

Holy shit you can not read.

>> No.10360545

>- two different Chimpanzee species
Oh fuck.

>> No.10360563

> Imagine being so depressed and insecure your only means of self-validation is comparing yourself to blacks and thinking you are superior.
I'm sorry for you anon.
I really am.
You must be suffering a lot.
You have my deepest sympathy.
I hope you get better and find peace and happiness.
I really do.

>> No.10360707
File: 141 KB, 250x250, 1549182923346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting depression and insecurity for ad hominem
>passive-aggressive pseudo sympathy
>Implying any scientific analysis on the differences between races is derived from a superiority complex and not largely a reaction to the failures of forced integration.

got em

>> No.10360712

This. Go back to your containment board and stay there.

>> No.10360738

Not him, but the poster you're replying to is so much more intelligent than you it's not even funny.

>> No.10360745

Jesus Christ Please Bless this thread in your Holy Name.

>> No.10360750

“You’re projecting” is just “I know you are but what am I?” wrapped in pop psychology.

>> No.10360791

Maybe you should learn to read. Nowhere in OP's post did he say, nor imply, that Whites are superior to Blacks. OP simply stated that geneticially, Black people and White people are different. Only those who imply that difference implies superiority, at least in this context, are either racist/insecure or can't think for themselves.

Please stop being a brainlet and actually read what was written rather than fabricate implications that were not necessarily implied.

>> No.10360802

So in reality we should tell them to go back to /b

>> No.10360837

Playing autistic literalism. Saying blacks are different from whites is a kindergarten-tier Segway to saying lower IQs are genetic.

>> No.10360877

You're retarded
You're also retarded because I was pretty much defending OP
>Please stop being a brainlet and actually read what was written
please tell me you didn't mean to respond to me.
Are you saying lower IQs have no genetic factor?

>> No.10360887


>> No.10360891

>genetics have nothing to do with intelligence despite intelligence being hereditary

>> No.10360938

I don't understand your argument. On average, Black people do have lower IQs than White people. But so what? On average, Black people have higher testosterone levels than White people, this would mean Black people are physically superior to White people. Does this make Black people or White people overall more superior than another? I think not. Like I stated earlier, difference doesn't imply superiority.

Answer this then. Which one is superior, Chimpanzees or Bonobos? You will come to find that you cannot answer this question because the concept of superiority is relative to the metrics which are used and the people making the comparison.

Therefore, a bifurcation of the human species into subspecies is not inherently racist. Racism implies that one believes that their own race is superior to another.