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File: 312 KB, 2519x788, reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10355147 No.10355147 [Reply] [Original]

How do we exit reality?

>> No.10355150


>> No.10355168

Take a strong dose of a psychedelic/entheogenic compound, take the proper precautionary measures, and strap in
That’s the best answer you’re going to get

>> No.10355171 [DELETED] 

wash your mouth out with a shotgun

>> No.10355203

look behind you dumbass

>> No.10355226

My contry strictely abandons any kinds of drug. Where can i travel to get acid?

>> No.10355237

It’s not going to be trivial to obtain anywhere, as far as I know. I’ve managed to get my hands on it a few times in the States. I can’t understate the importance of testing what you buy as well, you do not want to take any chances with what you’re allowing to influence your mind.

Another possibility is going on one of those South American pilgrimages where some village elder brews ayahuasca for you. I’ve never done it and have very little interest but it seems reliable enough

>> No.10355245

Oh, and I can’t guarantee you’ll experience something truly beyond reality. There seem to be a lot of people who just drop acid because “duude, trippy visuals...” and never seem to find something deeper in it. Personally, whenever I do it I’m so overwhelmed by the feeling of profundity that I can’t possibly concentrate on the visuals

>> No.10355261

Wow what an embarrassing answer.

Here's a protip: scrambling your brain does not bring you insight, it's all false realizations

>> No.10355287

I am not claiming to have discovered anything about the objective, external world. You are a moron if you won’t at least entertain the idea that something can be learned about the nature of your sober mind by experiencing it in a completely different state and then being able to compare and contrast the two after the fact. Why wouldn’t that be the case?
>scrambling your brain
Watching 90s drug PSAs is not sufficient to understand an experience you have not yourself been subjected to

>> No.10355607

isolate a subatomic particle and move in the direction of it's spin vector

>> No.10355702


On Mondays at 3:46am, you have to find a purple garbage can that a squarrel set ablaze after falling into being electrocuted by an overhead power line. The garbage can will be against a brick wall. Run as fast as you can toward the wall, and while jumping, pull your pants down and say "open the exit". You will merge through the wall and exit.

>> No.10355706

Thanks anon. Im going america this summer. Will look for it

>> No.10355713


>> No.10355714

by shitposting on /sci/ of course

>> No.10355736

Chipped a tooth reading this. Jesus man

>> No.10356240

What have you learned so far?

>> No.10356257


>> No.10356315
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Unironically drugs. Here's the experience that I've had with introspective drugs in levels

The most lightweight psychoactive drugs I've ever taken. If you take a lot through oral ingestion you can sometimes go into an introspective spiral where you start to go on a thinking adventure. It's not extremely deep but you'll ask questions you don't normally think of and it might effect your perception of time. Doesn't break reality at all. I've done weed about. The most profound experience I had while being baked on weed was having youtube on autoplay and all kinds of movie trailers started playing and I genuinely thought I was watching a single movie for 3 hours and trying to make out the plot of what was happening. ~100 times throughout my life.
This is a "medium" psychoactive drug. It alters the way your brain works in a fundamental way. Making you see illusions and visuals and your thoughts influence your hallucinations. You still have control over your thoughts and can kinda guide the experience but at the downside of this you won't have truly profound insight. This means the drug is more entertaining but less introspective or mind altering. Good as a first step into psychoactive drugs. The most profound experience on LSD was me staring at a wallpaper of a polar bear and seeing it move and then it started having a conversation to me about how I should enjoy life more before it was over like how it will be for him when the North Pole melts due to global warming. I've done LSD about ~10 times


>> No.10356322

>Magic Mushrooms
This is a hardcore psychoactive drug. It alters your mind in the same was as LSD however it is far more introspective and you don't really control your thoughts. This means that you will actually hit the core of your ego and break it. A Magic Mushroom trip can permanently change your personality and life and I personally was cured of depression that I didn't even realize I had until I started tripping on Mushrooms for the first time. You can genuinely forget that (you) exist during a trip and lose touch with the place you are in and go into a complete fantasy world during your trip. The most profound experience I had on Mushrooms was me laying on my back in the middle of a forest with a friend of mine staring at the clouds on a summer day. I forgot that I was there with a friend of me, then I forgot that I was in a forest as I only saw the clouds. Then I forgot I even existed as I started to see the clouds change into traditional Japanese art of samurai warriors on horses fighting each other. I then had an entire movie play out in front of my eyes of Samurai battles in an out-of-body experience where I genuinely forgot that I even existed. I have no idea how long this actually took but for me it felt like days. Eventually my friend said something to me and I immediately had the experience of being "dropped" back into my body. I suddenly remembered who I was and my entire life from birth to that day and was completely mind blown. I've done Magic Mushrooms about ~30 times

(2/3) (Took longer than expected)

>> No.10356328


tl;dr i'm a self indulgent faggot please rape my face


>> No.10356334
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This is the most hardcore psychoactive drug out there. I can't even begin to explain this one. I don't recommend taking this unless you have extensive experience with the other drugs listed since I started doing DMT when I already had done magic mushrooms for over 20 times and I still felt like it was too deep for me. This shit will make you question reality for the rest of your life. I personally am a physics student but what you experience during a DMT trip will forever shake your fundamental believes and understanding of the universe and its workings at the fundamentals. I know from a rational standpoint that DMT just makes your brain release neurotransmitters and it's all an illusion. But what you actually experience is something a human mind can't comprehend. It feels like literally going to another spatial dimension with entirely different physics and workings of time. You will stay "sane" and lucid during your entire trip. You will most likely experience some energetic beings talking to you. Most people (me included) had the experience that these energetic chrysalid beings welcomed you back and then try to explain some complex math and physics to you for you to take home to "your universe" This trip only takes 2-5 minutes IRL but it feels like weeks or months during your trip. When the trip starts to end you actually experience the "beings" becoming sad that you have to leave and then pushing you through a wormhole back into your physical body after which you will forget about the physics and mathematics they gave you. The next time you start to trip again the energetic creatures actually remember you and it goes from there. This is the absolute most bizarre drugs and will make the most mentally stable rational person doubt reality. It also feels more real than real reality. It makes reality feel like how you feel during a dream. It's absolutely insane. I've done DMT exactly 6 times and I try to do it once every 3 months.


>> No.10356341

I primarily do drugs for the mental insight it gives me. Not for the entertainment aspect of it. Which is why I only do psychoactive drugs and not alcohol/MDMA/XTC/coke

You will not understand what I mean unless you've ever taken a psychoactive drug besides weed. It's like having a good dialogue with your subconscious

>> No.10356348

I did shrooms, it was just an elevated version of weed.

Wanna know what's better than self-indulgently festering in your own head? Pretty much anything. Fuck you.

>> No.10356355

It cured my depression and made me go finish University which is why I will love it forever.

I also think it's healthy to have your ego broken into pieces every year or two to show you what truly matters and what your true feelings are without you lying to yourself.

>> No.10356357


>> No.10356359

wtf I want to take DMT now

>> No.10356370

dude what if DMT realm is reality and this life is a dream :D

>> No.10356377

I'm just telling people how it feels because the OP specifically asked for it. I know on a rational standpoint that it's not the case. But 95% of people that ever did DMT genuinely believe or are legitimately thinking about it being real.

I'm one of those autists that ALWAYS have to claim that it's impossible for a change in your neurons to bring you to another place so it's just an illusion. But it sure FEELS like exiting reality.

>> No.10356380

I feel cursed. I used to love weed. I was able to use it very introspectively etc. I miss weed.

I took shrooms twice and had some of the most incredible experiences of my life.

I then decided to try acid. 200ug first time dose. Had an incredible trip. After 7 hours though, I started to freak out thinking i'd never be sober again. This sent me into a spiral and it was horrible. Ever since then weed makes me freak out.

I just want to smoke again, but I can't without insane panic. Even the smallest puffs of weed make me terrified. What the fuck do I do? how do I fix myself?

>> No.10356402

Weed changed for me after doing LSD+weed+MDMA. I somehow saw that the universe is in an infinite loop. Now when I do weed, reality starts to seem like it's looping... like I've done all this before, and will do it again, infinitely... it comes with a sense of panic and paranoia. No more weed for me.

>> No.10356409

I see. For me it's that I miss my sober state of mine. It's fucked because I would like to get high. However what trips me out is thinking "Huh, right now my perception is changed. This isn't my normal thought and perception." and that scares me. I haven't smoked for a year at this point.

>> No.10356425


Yeah your thoughts and expectations can fuck up trips which is why it's so important to feel good and open minded before tripping. If you are afraid of tripping you will go into the trip with a paranoid mindset which will inevitably cause the trip to be paranoid.

The only way to fix it is to go tripping once you are open minded and very positive on a particular day. Once you have had 1 good minded trip your fears will go away and you'll be back to normal again.

>> No.10356440

I feel this. Ever since my 2nd acid trip, whenever I smoke weed there’s a high chance that I’ll have a panic attack. When I do it’s really bad and it actually causes me physical pain.

>> No.10356503

I thought I was in a positive state of mind before my trip. I had no real expectations, I was open minded and in my mind prepared for anything.

When the trip began I was playing around with coins and they seemed magnetic... it was fun. Then I said to my tripsitter "this is cool and all, but I'd like to see into infinity" and behold, he whips out the MDMA.

Some time after taking that I truly saw infinity, but it was a different kind of infinity than what I expected. It was a looping infinity in which we all are trapped forever. The reason for the looping was something along the lines "someone divided by zero on the computer that's simulating our reality". So yeah, simulation theory confirmed.

>> No.10356582

You can exit this reality by dying, but be warned, there's a new reality waiting for you and there's no way out. It's realities all the way down.

>> No.10356663

I have allways fantasized about hacking into the simulation and printing myself out in the real reality and do some major damage to the simulanti

>> No.10356664

If you ever do that, please change the value of "genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership" from 0 to 1. Thank

>> No.10356929

Had the same feeling. Not every strain of weed does that though. A certain strain of White Widow caused it for me in Amsterdam, but other strains were perfectly fine.

>> No.10357277

That your brain could produce this experience at all is inconceivable. Its firmly made me believe that like the trip, this reality is a projection of consciousness, and its strictly an experience for the spirit, which goes on after in a pure form.

>> No.10357594

>be DMT entity
>just chillin out in 5th dimension
>suddenly wormhole opens up
>ah fuck here we go again
>maybe just maybe this time?
>human comes through
>"hey there, welcome, so basically this is the 5th dimension.."
>haha yep lots kf humans are quite surprised, anyways, so this is your soul in its most pure form, and right now in this form you can actually observe your own dynamics. So if you think about how that works into these equations
>right...then you can see how using this you can achive these advancements back in your own world. Just try to rmember this, this, and...uh
>uhmm...fuck another retard...alright whatever dude here have fun with this *gives human a fractal toy*
>no I didnt say that, you cant anyways...but why dont ya try
>open wormhole and send human back
>just another day in dmt land *sigh*

>> No.10357648

People do drugs to get high you fucking teenager

>> No.10357838

wasn't it found recently that all lsd does is to remove the filter of information coming into the prefrontal cortext

>> No.10357870

you're onto something maybe
life is a reflection of eternity (the dmt dimension) (?)

>> No.10357878

I laughed, thanks.

>> No.10357887

I’ve heard that and it certainly makes sense
LSD feels like youve never had a brain before and you’re now being given complete access to one. Because it’s so new, you aren’t filtering out any noise, unnecessary information, or background processes. You suddenly become very aware of everything that you’re thinking

>> No.10358069

An hero

>> No.10358070

The fact you've experienced it makes YOU the unreliable one, retard.

>> No.10358082

It’s just as scientifically verifiable as any other subjective or sensory experience, completely based in self-reporting

>> No.10358087
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>I primarily do drugs for the mental insight it gives me.

>> No.10358093

>Life and death are a loop.
>When dead, you are in base reality 2
>When in the flesh, alive, you are in base reality 3
>Ascension is to base realities 3, 4 and 5.

Escaping "outside" of any of these realities, is impossible.

>> No.10358096

>base reality 1 is 1D point space.

>> No.10358106

"Book of life" is a reference to a pages of a book. Page of a book is basically a 2D space, containing information. While in 2D all the info "you are" is stored. Also, all components to create 3D physical realities comes from 2D info space. That's how an apple "knows" to hit the ground when falling from a tree. And a man "knows" to insert his penis into a woman vagina.

>> No.10358248

Nice tautology shithead, and what, pray tell, is getting high?

>> No.10358753

Good post

>> No.10358948

Best thread on /sci/ right now

>> No.10359228

What a meme retelling of trip experience.

Any proper anons should know it's not like this, this is what happens if you want to take psychedelics with alex grey posters in your room and tell everyone about machine elves.

>> No.10359251

100% of what I said in my posts were legitimate experiences by me. I have absolutely no idea what your post is alluding to.

>> No.10359301

Im sure it was. I've met lots of people who project their own desires for trips based on what they've heard onto the experience. It's still garbage that is in reality just your own projections.

>> No.10359311

I heard nothing about tripping when I experienced for the first time. I just thought it would have vibrant colors and wriggly patterns. Not that it would involve actual hallucinations.

I should have mentioned that I'm old as fuck and I experienced these things before the internet was even around. I'm not the type of person that hangs out with people into drugs as well so I didn't have a lot of reference for me to go on. You have a completely false idea of what kind of person I am.

>> No.10359720
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Someone even made a comic out of that one.

>> No.10359755

buy it on the darknet

>> No.10359761
File: 678 KB, 1200x758, singularity pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10359763

only right answer

>> No.10359862

>"this is cool and all, but I'd like to see into infinity"
gave me a kek

>> No.10359875

fuck, thats the most terrifying theory for life after death ive ever heard

>> No.10359900

teenagers do drugs to get high you fucking people

>> No.10359910

niggy you been playing too much receiver

>> No.10359916


>> No.10359921

>everything is exactly as I think it is
Sounds like you need

>> No.10359926
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, fever the ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man reading through this thread and listening to sun araw makes me want to go trip balls and learn the secrets of the universe.
what board would be the best one to talk to other druggos and arrange a meetup?

>> No.10359980
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>> No.10360262

I didn't know this was so standard to experience during a trip. How is it possible that everyone experiences the same type of drip during DMT?

>> No.10360283

That's aesthetic, damn

>> No.10360295
File: 85 KB, 930x773, six-epochs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By ascending to godhood through the Singularity

>> No.10360303

i really wanna try this now and meet the dmt gods and see what music they like

>> No.10360305
File: 41 KB, 736x233, singularity scale of intelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The higher dimensional beings that run reality are actually superintelligent AI gods competing with each other in order to maximize their respective utility functions.

>> No.10360325
File: 1.52 MB, 1500x2000, __enigma_defense_of_the_ancients_and_dota_2_drawn_by_mcrc_science__3dec1185287acd54c9954be19f1c3c36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isaac Asimov (who, mind you all, apart from being one of the best sci-fi writers had legit biochemistry PhD) wrote two short stories about two sides of infinity dillema.

First one: The Last Question

And the follow-up: The Last Answer

I highly recommend reading those two if you are feeling somewhat queasy about varying point of views about afterlife and nature of consciousness.
And a little tip from me - if you are planing a psychedelic trip in nearby future, and haven't read those two before, then save them for then. Reading The Last Question during my first LSD trip was one of the most serene and profound moments of my life.

>> No.10360336

Two days ago I took a heavy dose of salvia while on a light dose of mdma.

After I exhaled my second hit, I felt pretty normal. Then, instantly, I was transported to a completely different frame of reference.

Imagine a flip book. This flip book was "my" flip book, and each page showcased a specific moment of my life. For example, in page 1, I might have a straight arm. In page 2, it might be bent. During my hallucination, this book had its pages flipped through very quickly.

Each page was a 2d representation of my vision, so I never saw myself entirely. The pages flipped quickly, but not instantly. Between page flips, I was frozen in place, and could not move at all, but I could think about what I saw. I quickly came to the realization that I had no free will, and I was simply an actor that acted out my life. It was like there were two versions of me. A real life version that I experience when sober, and this actor version, that was a perpetual slave to acting out my sober self.

I hated being an actor. Whenever I saw other people in a page, I felt like they too were just actors, and that we'd never be able to communicate, because all we could do is act out the story told in the flip book.

Eventually I came back to my sober self, which is able to be described as the pages in the book flipping more and more quickly.

My sitters told me I stood up, pointed into the sky, and began pleading with a guy I called the narrator to stop. I don't remember ever doing that. I was not conscious of the real world at all while tripping.

>> No.10360347



>> No.10360379


you might be an npc

>> No.10360398

The reality you encounter on a DMT trip is SO much more real than the one you currently experience. It's beyond what I can convey through words. It's fucking insane.

>> No.10360410

Salvia is the weirdest fucking drug in the world. The flip book thing is pretty common. I experienced a version of it, but it was not a flipbook, more like reality exploded into a bunch of blocks

>> No.10360432

niggy did you play the stanley parable before getting high?

>> No.10360438

sounds kinda like what i experience on one of my first times getting stoned, i havnt been able to get high like this again nomatter how much i smoke sadly so it must have been some really good weed, but yeay it was like every time i blinked i saw a freeze frame of the world and everything was just a series of frames like in a comic book or something, i really gotta do some proper psychedelics or at least find better weed

>> No.10361463

Try grav bong

>> No.10361471

First you must obtain CHIM
Then you must become the dreamer

>> No.10361640

I've read people over here saying that when you use DMT it's actually your brain trying to make sense of what's happening because of the damage you are causing it.
Is that accurate?

>> No.10361641

As far as I know it hasn’t ever been shown to be neurotoxic or have long term side effects

>> No.10361719

You don’t, why? Because when you leave on reality you just go onto the next. A reality is determined that what you know and perceive right now. So when that changes, you just leave that one or edit it and continue on. In another to say it, you conscience can only focus on one thing at any given time value (1/64 of a second for example or 1 second or 1 minute etc) and usually your conscience is built up from a situion that you are in or were in and things related to it. When you dissassociate, your conscience pertains to different things in the situation you weren’t aware of and the things you were aware of before are just gone until rediscovered. In a sense, you went into an alternate reality. A great way to experience this shit is to get really high or have a lot of fun and then experience something tragic. You never leave reality because you don’t experience everything, you’re limited. You just pass on what you newly discover or remembered and forget another thing.

>> No.10361751

die redditor subhuman cringelord

>> No.10361962

Can someone scientifically explain to me how everyone that use DMT has the exact same hallucination/experience?

With LSD/Mushrooms and other hallucinogens people have subjective hallucinations influenced by their surroundings and mindset. However DMT hallucinations tend to be consistent among all people without influence of mindset and surroundings..

How does this even happen in a rational scientific way?

>> No.10362061


>> No.10362176

Drink 500 skooma and punch the man-god in the face for instant CHIM

>> No.10362187

How do you define escaping reality?

If escaping reality means living in an another one with another problems etc. maybe escapism and fiction art is for you...

There are plenty of options: movies, tv series, toons, books, comics, pen&paper games, vidyas, imageboards, politics, joining cult

>> No.10363665

With the darknet you can literally get it mailed to your house. Find a reputable buyer. Look at the comments and ratings on the sites. It's not hard but the fact that you have to go on the "dark net" usually turns people away.

>> No.10363685

Also, drugs like lsd are REALLY hard to get cought shipping as dogs can't sniff it out and on an xray it looks like a sheet of paper. Usually disguised as a letter or something so it slips through the mail easily.

>> No.10363709

Archetypes, son!
If you think shared DMT visuals are crazy, google "phantom cigarette"

>> No.10363773


I kept thinking about how fake society is.

>> No.10364904

How can you read when the words are melting off the page?

>> No.10366054
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I really wanted to read that text, so I gathered every bit of focus I could muster. You are right, at first words were dancing on the monitor, glowing in rainbow colors, later I was certain I'm reading some sort of ancient papyrus, and about 3 pages in I had a feeling that I'm the part of the story itself. Reading all of it took me almost one hour, but what a magical hour it was.

>> No.10366059

Through the gift shop.

>> No.10366066

As someone who read the futurological congress on mushrooms it's perfectly doable.

>> No.10366081

By breaking it.

>> No.10366089


>> No.10366145

"What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: "This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence - even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!"
Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus?... Or how well disposed would you have to become to yourself and to life to crave nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal?"


>> No.10366151

To endure the idea of the recurrence one needs: freedom from morality; new means against the fact of pain ( pain conceived as a tool, as the father of pleasure...); the enjoyment of all kinds of uncertainty, experimentalism, as a counterweight to this extreme fatalism; abolition of the concept of necessity; abolition of the "will"; abolition of "knowledge-in-itself."

Greatest elevation of the consciousness of strength in man, as he creates the overman.

>> No.10366204

This passage got me into Nietzsche. I had been plagued by the thought for years until I found it.

>> No.10366212

By killing yourself >>10356257

>> No.10366224
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where do you get DMT anyway, I've looked for years and nobody ever sells it on in person

>> No.10366228

You can literally extract it yourself in the kitchen.

>> No.10366236

wtf are you serious?

>> No.10366237

See >>10356582

>> No.10366250

Is erowid and the lycaeum not a thing anymore?

>> No.10366373

Dunno, how is it possible everyone sees stars when they get hit in the head hard enough? Must be other wordly gods speaking to you and shiet

>> No.10366542

>have a lot of fun and then experience something tragic

Can recommend, will give you perspective

>> No.10367184

>how is it possible everyone sees stars when they get hit in the head hard enough?
We already know this, they're phosphenes triggered by force and/or pressure to light receptive cells in the retina. Same thing happens if you rub/press your closed eyes for long and hard enough. So seeing stars isn't actually psychological at all

>> No.10367195

Only true answer

>> No.10367215


>> No.10367233

If youre too lazy or retarded to look up a simple dmt extraction, then the trip probably is not for you

>> No.10367242

By pulling the cord
The real question is which one, because if you just kill yourself you will get erased or memory wiped clean and put in another body which could also be considered as death.

>> No.10367436

sounds amazing

>> No.10368227

Takes a couple of hours and very simple kitchen appliances. The only ingredient you need to extract the DMT is legal to buy as well. There are VERY simple step by step guides on the internet (and only 5-10 steps based on your tools)

Always make more than you need. In the worst case scenario you can sell it to your friends.

>> No.10368253

Unless it's literally not imaginable, your brain matter can probably make you feel like you experienced it. Although on the other hand if everybody who takes DMT has that same experience it sounds pretty freaky.

>> No.10368312

based and tensaipilled