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10353511 No.10353511 [Reply] [Original]

>Mission starts with construction of massive space station that provides artificial gravity for 50 men, has a nuclear reactor
>Crew of 4 men orbit the moon for research, no landing
>The data is used in the planning of the mars mission, where man would first set foot on another body


And instead of this we ended up just building a fuckhuge rocket and landing on the moon

>> No.10353522

It didn't because Braun was a subpar engineer and I've posted about this before. He was a good manager and motivator, but his engineering ability was not notable at all and he focused primarily on redundancies toward safety. he and his other German engineers before and during WW2 stole a whole lot from Americans, Goddard especially. He even mentions this himself.

>> No.10353529

Dumb nazi piece of shit that's why.
Should have been trialed and executed like the other fascists.

>> No.10353530

>JFK wants to restore public faith in government
>asks NASA what big manned mission can be completed within a decade that the Russians don't have a head start on
>the answer in a manned lunar landing
Like everything publicly funded it was politicians that choose the direction.

I don't think it's fair to call him sub-par as par for the time was "lets put piston engines in wooden planes".

>> No.10353536

Von Braun and engineers wanted an actual space program. Americans where "muuh, first on the Moon, don't care about anything else". Now America got no manned space flight at all and has to pay to use the Russian bus to go to the Russian space station.

>> No.10353541


If the USSR lasted few more years the us would have collapsed instead and we wouldn't be living in capitalist shithole world heading toward climate suicide.

The CIA's work on the Soviet elite was top tier job though you've gotta give them credit.

>> No.10353545

The US has an extremely strong industry for launching satellites, why don’t we send people up in our rockets?

>> No.10353546

Rockets need to be specifically designed with manned flight in mind due to increasing G-load as the fuel drains. Most rockets used for satellites would knockout or even kill the crew around the 5 minute mark.

>> No.10353554

Sending bags of watery meat into space is terribly inefficient.

>> No.10353559

there's no actual need to do that besides "muh national prestige" and fulfilling nerd fantasies

>> No.10353596

Dude FUCK pushing human limits lmao

>> No.10353599

why pursue something that has zero near term potential? it's like deciding "dude lmao let's start building a Dyson sphere and we will be done in like 20000 years" but on a less extreme scale

>> No.10353605

>near term potential
This is the kind of shortsightedness that is democracies primary weakness. If you want to advance the best approach is funding both short term and long-term (ie. asian long-term 100+ years) projects. Sure you don't go throwing 10% of your GDP at long term goals but putting 1% towards long term goals will more than pay for itself.

>> No.10353611

>It doesn’t affect me right this second so why bother
Dumb faggot

>> No.10353615 [DELETED] 
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Because NASA was more interested in furthering the careers of fraudsters like von Braun (who was a LITERAL NAZI, by the way) than in promoting the real talent right under their noses. Only 40% of America at the time was white males... so 60% of potentially the best scientists and engineers were actively kept out of the business (when they weren't being sexually harassed or lynched). Smdh

>> No.10353620

>GDP at long term goals but putting 1% towards long term goals will more than pay for itself
so, like we do right now?
>I'm retarded and don't understand when coordinated effort is effective and when not
once again, if we establish much ebin mars colony tomorrow, it would do jack shit. humans would just be stuck there and do nothing all day. minimal research, some cruising around mars, that's about it.

>> No.10353624
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Because NASA was more interested in furthering the careers of fraudsters like von Braun (who was a LITERAL NAZI, by the way) than in promoting the real talent right under their noses. Only 40% of America at the time was white males... so 60% of potentially the best scientists and engineers were actively kept out of the business (when they weren't being raped or lynched).

>> No.10353625


>> No.10353627

>who was a LITERAL NAZI, by the way
Why do you feel that is relevant? He was the classic amoral researcher who just wanted funding and when the war started selling people on a supersonic transport going hundreds of miles got a whole lot easier.
(I know you are shitposting but people actually have an issue with Nazis getting jobs in the US and Russia.

>so, like we do right now?
I'm assuming you are American, I am not so maybe your nation is investing on the 100 year timescale. If so list some of those projects and their budget.

>> No.10353628

I love how they couldn't diversify the cast with the usual sliding scale of melanin, so instead they used the sliding scale of obesity.

>> No.10353629

Fuck, see 2nd part of >>10353627

>> No.10353631
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I like you.

>> No.10353639

>I'm assuming you are American, I am not so maybe your nation is investing on the 100 year timescale. If so list some of those projects and their budget.
1. The Yinon Plan
2. The Kalergi Plan

>> No.10353650

They are both geopolitical, not research or science based.
Sure the Kalergi plan did pay dividends especially after ww2 but I can't see the Yinon plan ever getting anything more productive than propping up the military–industrial complex.

>> No.10353652

Why do you suffer a delusion that there is equal distribution of scientific person material among different subgroups of population?

>> No.10353693

Never went to the moon. Alien or other force informed our world leaders we weren't allowed to leave. Theater ensued.

I do think that's what we're living in. Look at the tower of babel story. Not allowed, kiddos.

>> No.10353701

>the tower of babel story
You mean fanfiction.net shit that didn’t happen

>> No.10353702

Something like that is still unfeasible to this day, why do you think?

The only reason we even went to the moon is because we knew the USSR was spending loads more and would probably fail.

>> No.10353709
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cited, bitch.

>> No.10353711

>unfeasible to this day
Economically or scientifically? I think it's completely possible with current technology, hell even 60s technology, there has just never been the political will to make it happen.

>> No.10353746

And THAT's why the US secret service, federal government, and military kept a program under wraps just to recruit him and his team. Because he was so dumb. GENIUS

You and all the other jews and nigger should be trialed and executed for being useless dregs of society

>> No.10353747

>If the USSR lasted few more years the us would have collapsed instead

As someone from a post-communist country: HAHAHAHAHA! No fucking way.

>> No.10353751

complete bullshit

>The US has an extremely strong industry for launching satellites, why don’t we send people up in our rockets?

We will, Atlas V will be used to launch crew probably this year, and Vulcan will also be manrated. Why we dont do that already? Because Shuttle was the manned launcher instead.

>> No.10353760

>why pursue something that has zero near term potential?

It is called long term thinking you retard.

>> No.10353765

>complete bullshit
See page 65 onward.

I can find more user guides if you can't be fucked educating yourself.

>> No.10353777

we can manrate delta if we wanted to

>> No.10353784

Lower acceleration = more gravitational losses and reduced trust vectoring control. It isn't as simple as throttling down and everything else staying the same.

>> No.10353798

america just wanted something quick and easy it could do to show off to the soviets. if von braun actually thought there was any interest in building rotating space habitats or going to mars he was an idiot.

>> No.10353801

It isnt as simple but it is still quite simple. The point is, we can manrate it if we wanted to. We dont because of other reasons (crew vehicles not being ready yet, and launching on atlas anyway).

>> No.10353826

You need to remember what he had got politicians do to over the years.
Rockets were seen as a nerdy hobby until after much fighting he convinced the Nazi's to fund R&D. After years of failure developing the largest liquid engine by far he managed to keep his program funded. He had the A4 (V2) used as a propaganda tool after getting results and finally got the respect of the government. From this he sold them on the idea of rocket powered interceptors (shitty idea but more R&D funding).
At the end of ww2 we goes to the US and isn't allowed to do anything useful because you can't trust a Nazi. The US team fails time after time so the Germans finally get a go. Make a working SRBM, MRBM and ICBM.
Finally get to do the manned projects you have always wanted. Russians are winning at everything so you finally start getting real funding. Get asked by JFK how to beat the Russians, suggest the moon, he says yes. Get man into orbit, docking not long after and longer duration missions all the time.
Get men on the moon, get cars on the moon, longer missions soon....

It's easy to see why we though there might be the political will to goto mars, rockets had gone from a hobby to the most important weapons platform to the national prestige project of both superpowers.
A lot changed over a few decades and I can't blame him for dreaming big.

If you asked ULA to manrate the Delta they are going to be asking for billions, at that point it would make more economic sense to give that money to SpaceX or Blue Origin as you would get a more capable rocket for the same price.

>> No.10353870

Go back to your safe space and keep dreaming Communications Major is worth more than toilet paper.

>> No.10354022

yeah I'd love to agree with you and we do indeed live in a capitalist shithole but the US economy was infinitely stronger than that of the USSR and a few more years wouldn't have changed a thing
believe it or not, the spaceship costs about as much to develop as the launch vehicle, I think that KSP is at fault for this notion since in that game, the capsule is just one part that you stick on top

>> No.10354097 [DELETED] 

This is a real space station.

Instead we decided to build this heap of space junk nearly half a century later, only used to send "THE FIRST [insert special interest group and gender here]" into space for publicity, and PR. 95% of the ISS was used for dicking around, goodwill missions, and ham radio shit.

The ISS should be taken out of orbit immediately, it poses a danger to future space exploration if anything collides with it. Fucking waste of tax money. The ISS mentality is what killed space exploration. Instead space is just consumer oriented space junk for hyperliberal capitalist dystopia. I'll say it one last time, FUCK and GOD DAMN the ISS and FUCK every single redditor who supports or defends it.

>> No.10354104
File: 850 KB, 800x600, biggest waste of money of all time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a real space station.

Instead we decided to build this heap of space junk nearly half a century later, only used to send "THE FIRST [insert special interest group and gender here]" into space for publicity, and PR. 95% of the ISS was used for dicking around, goodwill missions, and ham radio shit.

The ISS should be taken out of orbit immediately, it poses a danger to future space exploration if anything collides with it. Fucking waste of tax money. The ISS mentality is what killed space exploration. Instead space is just consumer oriented space junk for hyperliberal capitalist dystopia. I'll say it one last time, FUCK and GOD DAMN the ISS and FUCK every single redditor who supports or defends it.

>> No.10354124

Are you retarded or what

>> No.10354161

The ISS is not a good project. For its total expense it has generated a very small amount of science and has locked us into LEO "exploration" for the past few decades. That being said, you and I both know that they didn't build the ISS to advertise sending non-binaries into space, they built it to stop post-USSR collapse Russian engineers from going to Iran to build missiles.

>> No.10354191

so you admit that "muh space science" is shit, why do you want to go to mars?

>> No.10354192
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>not wishing you'd had the opportunity to call Chris Hadfield a floating hollow-boned faggot from your comfy mobile pirate shortwave station

>> No.10354200

Woah there, I didn't talk down on science in space at all, I talked down on the ISS's science/cost ratio. On another note, I advocate Mars mainly for non-science reasons

>> No.10354207

>ISS's science/cost
kek, this ratio is true for all human space mission, if not worse when going beyond LEO
>mainly for non-science reasons
such as?

>> No.10354213
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>> No.10354229

>this ratio is true for all human space mission
yes, obviously robots are the way to go for the majority of science missions
>such as?
I believe that becoming an interplanetary civilization will have significant positive effects on the economy of both planets, technology development, happiness of the population, recovery from planetary disaster, maybe even social/political reform. Mars is also very appealing as a launch site compared with Earth for obvious reasons.
More importantly though, I want humans to go to Mars for the same reason that I want humans to continue to learn more about the universe, it is fundamentally and biologically pleasing to explore, expand, and learn.

>> No.10354338

Manrating modern launchers has nothing to with g loads anyway, they all throttle to maintain around 4 g or less anyway to limit stress on payloads. Astronauts can easily take much higher g loads than that without passing out or anything, and routinely did in the past.

>> No.10354387

USSR command economy was fundamentally flawed because the economic planners had neither the knowledge nor drive to be able to direct resources to the breaking point year after year. (because in fully socialist countries incompetence or laziness is tolerated well in industries since it's not your personal capital on the line).

America has a problem of not allocating resources well either, but it does a damn better job at R&D than Socialism

>> No.10354397

*Caveat, the government needs to step in to provide incentive or direct labor if industry isn't going to pursue a non-immediately profitable venture here though (Medical tech, space exploration, etc)

>> No.10354443
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To be completely honest, the US federal budget is completely mismanaged. I propose this theory: that the biggest obstacle to our development of ventures in space is federal fiscal mismanagement.

We have a grossly mismanaged healthcare system, where people end up using the ER as their general care practitioner. We are knee deep in quagmires around the world that siphon most of our government spending. If we had those two systems in check in the 60s-70s we could be at fucking Pluto by now.

NASA's FY 2017 budget of $19.5 billion (in nominal dollars) represented 0.47% of the $3.98 trillion United States federal budget during that year.

So really, the future lies in the motivation to reform other programs to fund it, as I see it. I'm open to criticism however.

>> No.10354460

Amount of funding itself is not the problem, $20 billion per year ought to be enough for a nice space program, and when you adjust for inflation it is fully half of the Apollo peak. The problem is huge inefficiency in how that money is spent. Costs of things like the Shuttle, ISS or SLS are just ridiculously inflated.

>> No.10354491

I agree. I don't have much insight into the space industry. But if there's anything I do know about it's software contracting. It's 4 times as expensive to get a contractor, that will work 1/4 as efficiently as a regular worker. Then I hear about the government programs where people know they're going nowhere but they ride it out because it's a guaranteed paycheck. Maybe that's why the private sector is performing so well? Because when somebody actually has skin in the game, they cut costs and only work on programs that promise an immediate return.

As someone who is considering getting a job in the american space industry I am deeply disillusioned. I want to be a part of something bigger than my self but I can't seem to see a solid direction worth contributing to or a future worth believing in. I'd be glad to hear any and all input.

>> No.10354514

>**Cavea2, once the government steps in to provide incentive it erases all incentive from the industry to do things on its own

>> No.10354534

So one of the most glaring errors I've found by randomly clicking through
>this specific task is the responsibility of the navigator
>and this one of the communications guy
>and this of the engineer
This kind of thinking is great if you want accountability, but in the case of having a space station everyone's job has to be done in order for the place to function. This is NOT THE SAME as everyone doing their job. If life support went down and the engineer didn't fix it, with accountability you know to blame them as you die, which is shit. The reality of small manned missions is for lack of specialisation so there's some redundancy in personnel if something goes awry.

>> No.10354538

>Goddard especially

Fake news. Goddards experiments never went beyond pendulum rockets, an engineering dead end with no real life application. Neither did Goddard do any fuel/oxidizer chemistry which was an extensive part of the work in Peenemünde that few know about because it's not flashy enough (except when something reacts unexpectedly).

>> No.10354549

>If the USSR lasted few more years

They would have gone to the moon. The Energia had been proven to be reliable, it only existed because Glushko never let go of the moon idea and swindled the polit burau into giving him the budget to do a heavy lift rocket as well as a shuttle.

>> No.10354582

>ywn have the perfect AI run socialist system

>> No.10354615

I think the biggest problem with space exploration (both government and private) is that financially it's a huge money sink.

What drove the European powers to colonize the world was resources for profit. Wood, salt, tea, silk, etc.

Most of the resources you could find in space could be found on Earth and be more easily accessible. Research and science is always useful but a company isn't going to be built on science alone. He3 for fusion reactors isn't really necessary because current technology meets today's energy requirements.

The result is that the profit that can be made from going to space isn't enough to make up for the cost of getting here.

The msat market is big now but thats due to the fact that launches are so infrequent that there is a huge backlog of satellites waiting to launch. Eventually that will run out.

Space needs to be profitable for space travel to be taken seriously by more than just space enthusiasts and scientists.

>> No.10354638

USA is incapable of ushering in the new age.

Stand back murifats we've got this covered.

>> No.10354659

>i think there is a world market for about five computers

>> No.10354717

No one is ever going back to the moon.
And if you don't understand why you have no idea how the world works.
They understood it in 1969 and they understand it today.
No one will ever go back to the moon.

>> No.10354732

Imagine comparing computers to space.
Anon, I have a big desert to sell you, it has actually even more resources than anything you would be able to extract from Mars currently

>> No.10354736

What do you mean by this?

>> No.10354737
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>> No.10354752
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Why isn't there more focus on nearby outer space?

I'd rather have a hotel/spa with artificial gravity floating around the earth than some cuckshed with a few turd potatoes on Mars

>> No.10354761
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The last kino space mission we had until the Falcon Heavy launch was Skylab. Hopefully we can get some Bigelow Balloons up soon, and eventually land them on the moon.

nice struts, makes my slide rule rigid

>> No.10354764

Kennedy managed to harness long-term support from Congress, meaning long term commitment of serious money, plus capture the public imagination, by creating a "Race to the Moon" with the Soviets. This enabled the US to get to the moon much faster than they otherwise would have done.

But there was a downside to framing it as a race. What do you do when the race is won -- do you keep running full speed into the distance? No, you stop. And move on to something else.

True or not, it is not relevant to OP's question -- Apollo was not cancelled due to hardware failures.

>> No.10354773

>until the Falcon Heavy
what exactly was kino about it, and how was it more kino than landing a probe on a moon of Saturn for example?

>> No.10354774

Until the day China starts broadcasting a live feed of their Taikonauts hopping across the Sea of Storms.

>> No.10354776
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>> No.10354779

>it was kino because they filmed it?
I don't see your point

>> No.10354780

>They would have gone to the moon.

Nope. After the race was over, there was no motivation for them to be the silver medalist.

>> No.10354789

The slants will. They have a strong need to be seen as catching up and passing the West -- so they will land a man on the moon, and then do something to surpass that. Maybe set up a short to medium term base, or land on the farside, or something.

>> No.10354798

The race was never over. The US didn't go to the moon.

Refer to:

Probably another species is either running us or has informed us that certain action mean our immediate destruction.

>> No.10355055

Go the fuck home

>> No.10355060

ironically, the American space program overall has always benefited from more centralized control with NASA compared to the Soviet system, of competing design bureaus.

>> No.10355073

Why is Cold War era shit so comfy?

>> No.10355078

It was legit and mostly made sense.
What we have now is not legit and does not make sense, because it's pure theater.

If it was theater even back then, it's just a matter of a story that doesn't scale well and lazy writing.

>> No.10355416
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HAHAHAHAHAHA no they will not.
You are funny if you believe this.
You have no idea of the place you live on or the politics involved.

I give you a hint.

They get nuked by the USA before they ever seriously establish a base there. You know they will maybe planet a flag and drive their tiny moon cars however there will be no moon bases. They will simply go back to earth like the Americans did.

Simply watch it.

>> No.10355430

Why does anyone do anything you faggot?
It's always for the lulz