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10352257 No.10352257 [Reply] [Original]

What do we do against the rise of anti-biotic resistance?

>> No.10352262

phage treatment

>> No.10352270
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post research link plox

>> No.10352275

Since using them responsibly is for some reason impossible, we just need to keep coming up with more and more classes of antibiotic.

>> No.10352286
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literally already a thing in eastern Europe since the Soviet Union invented it

>> No.10352698

>>10352257 Delete China and kill stupid people

>> No.10352716

It's been a thing for decades, go and look at the Wikipedia page you lazy motherfucker.

>> No.10353253

With questionable efficacy.

>> No.10353258

not really but ok
sure it's not effective than antibiotics but it's better than nothing, and with a bit of concentrated research it can become a viable alternative

>> No.10353290
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what if the bacteriophages adapt to consume beneficial bacteria too once they run out of food?

>> No.10353291

Use them less

>> No.10353292

stop using antibiotics for a while so that bacteria drop their resistance, or cycle different types or something.

>> No.10353301

Kill off the boomer docs that give them out like candy

Somehow convince retards they don't need antibiotics for their runny nose

>> No.10353774

I guess we'll just watch people die, while having stronger antibiotics, that still work, but (((they))) won't risk further mutation to save a consumer.

>> No.10353804
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Stop sharing the technology with third-world savages and soulless insectoids with one foot still in the cave, who will gladly drive its efficacy into the ground by taking antibiotics every day if it means they won't get penis-shrinking disease ("koro", look it up if you want). Antibiotic resistance is primarily an African, South American and Asian problem, which then gets foisted onto us like Ebola by illegals and rapefugees.

Build the Wall, and infection rates will fall.

>> No.10353816

Purge the human race

>> No.10353832

bacteriophages are incredibly specific to the strain of bacteria they infect.

>> No.10353834

stop giving antibiotics away for free to niggers

>> No.10353835
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> Primarily an African problem
> No data for 3/4 of the continent
You have to go back.

>> No.10353839

They need to be a prescription item, the average person doesn't understand that taking them for everything isn't a good idea. Of the few that do know this many simply don't care either because "it's a drop in the ocean" or they think it's a problem for a later generation.

>> No.10353855

Bacteria wont lose their resistance to certain antibiotics just because they don't encounter them for a few generations.

>> No.10353879
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>"no data" means everything A-OK

>> No.10353895
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New antibiotics

>> No.10353898

Become a vegan, failing that source animal products from places that don't rely on overusing antibiotics to break even.

>> No.10353923

It doesn't really matter what Westerners do because chinks will keep dumping antibiotics into their animal feed and third worlders will keep selling them over the counter.

>> No.10354581

Let them die

>> No.10354787

Euthenize people who stop taking their antibiotics because they “feel better” despite being told ad nauseum that they MUST TAKE THE ENTIRE BOTTLE, even if the symptoms go away. This happens way more often than you think, and i would personally stab every person who i have seen do this if it wouldnt get me fired and incarcerated. Had a guy with fucking TUBERCULOSIS do this, he could have single handedly wiped out the human race because he cant follow very basic instructions on how to not die. The worst part is he stopped taking them, then when the symptoms came back he took the remainder of the pills, and there werent enough to cure him the second time either. He almost died because the third round of antibiotics wasn’t responding.

>> No.10354808

>It doesn't really matter what Westerners do because THE USA will keep dumping antibiotics into their animal feed and BREXITERS will invite them into the UK when our health laws are shredded after March 19th.
Amended that for you.

>> No.10354859

You can't stop antibiotic resistance only slow it. We must boost immune systems.

>> No.10354866

>If we close out eyes to the resistant bacteria by hiding on the other side of a wall, the bacteria won't be resistant

>> No.10355987

Let super bugs regulate earths population

>> No.10356888


>> No.10356916

Stop overusing antibiotics.
Get rid of LEDs and other source of high intensity blue light in our everyday environment.
Investigate naturally occurring compounds and essential oil fractions of common plants. Examples include thymol, carvacrol, eugenol, linalool, and various saponins and flavanols. Hemidesmus indicus, artemesia absinthium, polygonum multiflorum, lavender, and calendula are good places to start. Numerous compounds in shatavari and ashwagandha have been shown to be active against cancers. Probably because somatic cell theory is wrong and most cancers are caused by micro-organisms emitting viruses. Just look at what epstein-barr leaves behind and tell me that the remarkable similarities between all cancers as a coincidence. It is no surprise that compounds in plants would circumvent the mechanisms these viruses have of hijacking populations of cells.

That might discredit what I've said, but too bad. That's the way it is, whether I'm wrong or ahead of the present time, it's clear what we say is happening right now is full of holes and actually pretty absurd.

>> No.10356922

I'm sure because they say mammograms are necessary you won't question it either, right? Even though those Ruskis have been using non-ionizing radiation and magnetic fields to detect tumors in the body for decades.

No offense intended, just really tired.

>> No.10356944

Wow, it sure is a good thing that you are here to tell us the truth about cancer. I'm sure that you know more than millions of doctors and researchers that dedicated their lives to cancer research.

>> No.10356956

Why does every "solution" to /sci/ questions always have to do with punishing third worlders in some way?

>> No.10356965

Dedicating your life means nothing on its own, given that the culture you're entering is already well formed and your sources of funding are highly controlled. The ones who go against the established chemotherapy and radiation cash cow you either won't hear about, or they'll be branded quacks and jailed if possible. There have been many over the last century.

My father died of cancer. I meet people with cancer almost constantly and it's becoming more and more frequent. I actually read the literature and unlike many I've been trained to fix problems and actually get results. You ever watch someone get "Treated" for cancer? You ever see the effects of the "medicine" they have? You ever see a bill for 15,000 dollars on a bottle of 30 pills?

Get over yourself and rethink your allegiances.

>> No.10357119

Except for the fact that phages denature in stomach acid/destroyed by our immune system and are really only practical for topical solutions.

>> No.10357127

>implying US and European countries aren't the biggest abusers of antibiotics

>> No.10357131

A large amount of modern multi drug resistant bacteria evolved out of European countries

>> No.10357134

Stop feeding them to livestock and start using them responsibly.

>> No.10357697 [DELETED] 

It's not "punishing" third-worlders, it's being realistic. Same as giving all your livelihood away to your neighbors isn't "punishing" them.

>> No.10357701 [DELETED] 

See the chart in >>10353804 and go back to sucking refugee cocks.

>> No.10357712

>Not sharing all your lifesaving but abusable technology with low-time-preference third-world savages is tantamount to punishment and abuse
Why do you even bother with these lies when the chart in >>10353804 has already been posted?

>> No.10357741

in the future daily hygiene will be all encompassing.

dunking youself in a bacta tank.
possibly dialysis and nutrient injection on the reg.
blood disinfection
pressurized healing capsules

in short antimorcrobial pools
with blood filtration that takes 10 minutes or less.
then nore focus on the skins micro climate. this is where things like odors and tanins come in. becuase the smelly molecules hangout in the outer part of the skin.

possibly outerlayer of starch gel on skun to cover open wounds and prevent pathogens.
or if the tech isnt there everyone just goes waay over the top and starts to wear bunny suits along with breathing masks.

wearing neoprene naturally resistant fabrics and stuffing antimiribial filters in your mose ears tonger and eyes,
whole finger tips and fingers will be protected and decorated
food will come in antimorobial pressurized bags
water systems will be 50% bleach and will be only used for disinfection
homes will add an additional home appliance to the kitchen , once again.
homes will again have stills. to make distilled water. and sometime alcohol.

>> No.10357843

we should stop pumping farm animals literally wallowing around in their own shit full of massive doses of antibiotics. We should stop using antibacterial soap, regular soap is just as effective
we feed animals wallowing around in shit antibiotics, your argument is irrelevant. Still a good idea to get people to take the whole dose. Or fuck, just do what they're doing for malaria pills now. Soak the antibiotics into a special structure that unfolds in the stomach slowly releasing them over a month.
knew a med student who had someone die under phage therapy because they couldn't get enough phage in time.
Whoops you seem to have slipped and got a nasty cut! It's infected and you're going to die!
Comedy gold 10/10.

>> No.10357975
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Suspend ALL antibiotic treatment except to those deemed critical (young high IQ scientists for instance); even then, researchers/critical persons will be forced to live in isolated facilities for a number of years until the likelihood of antibacteriostatic pathogens

Euthanize all people with antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. Burn their houses down and force their work place to evacuate until assured safe.
Set up a quarantine zone in the immediate proximity of cases within 100 miles, test everyone. Sweep houses and test for antibiotic resistant strains. Burn down all houses that test positive.

All cities will be evacuated and concentrated O 3 gassing will begin which last for 6 months.

For this to work successfully in the era of modes of transport that span the globe, it would need to be enforced the world over which cannot be done. This would mean the eradication of Africa, the Middle East and Central America and any non-compliant country or country that lacks the resources to combat it.

>> No.10358203
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>> No.10358418

use antibiotics sparingly and hope the population's defenses can keep up to nature... ya know.. naturally.
also try this method https://youtu.be/X29lF43mUlo?t=38