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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10351621 No.10351621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

would you date/marry someone less intelligent than you, like a 90iq but super nice and caring...asking for a friend

>> No.10351622

No, for the same reason you don't marry people who can't build muscle.

>> No.10351627

I'd date anything at this point

>> No.10351629

well, goodbye then

>> No.10351677

As a man, I don't want a smartass as a wife. I would be happy with a normal nice girl who cooks and cleans and take care of children. Really, really dumb women are a big no too.

>> No.10351683

If you love her then yes :)

>> No.10351705

what about your kids?

>> No.10351720

If she's nice and caring and you love her then why not? But if its going to gnaw at you for the rest of your life i wouldn't.

>> No.10351731

My mom seems like a real first class moron... but I guess so does my dad. So there's that.

>> No.10351761

I'm a normal person too, they would be fine, I guess.

>> No.10351782

As a man, yes. She would have to have an excellent personality though, and one I can tolerate.

As a woman, possibly, but much less likely, in general I would want my guy to be at least as smart as me, if not a bit more so (same for height), so unless he has some god-tier cope that allows him to surpass my other options, no.

For reproduction, both are probably off the table if monogamy is required.

>> No.10351815

You need to be with someone who reasonably close to your intelligence level. You're not going to be compatible with somebody who is several deviations above or below your intelligence level. Marrying somebody too smart is going to make you feel like shit because you're not as smart, and marrying somebody too stupid is going to result in you feeling frustrated and unfulfilled with your partner.
It doesn't have to be exact, there's a fairly broad interval around your own intelligence level that will work, but trying to pair a genius with a brainlet is asking for your relationship to blow up.

>> No.10351933
File: 7 KB, 188x264, índice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a guy who's pursing his phd in some science thingy and while I find interesting what he says,I become bored after a while, because he won't stop talking about science or germs and technology, he seems too focused on having "smart" conversations plus he won't leave his fucking house, he wanted to take me into a date once, but only to talk about science.

I don't consider myself to be smart but I think that non academic activties have value too, like rolling in the grass or stuff like that..

>> No.10351943

People less intelligent than me are the only people stupid enough to get involved with me in the first place
Beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.10351948

I know that feel...

>> No.10351960

or maybe they just like you haha

>> No.10351973

If someone likes me they are stupid. So nope.

>> No.10351981
File: 40 KB, 400x500, srsly guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like me.

>> No.10351982

You're somehow cute from beyond the monitor.
Don't worry all that much.

>> No.10351985

I like you

>> No.10352004

Just give it time

>> No.10352006
File: 16 KB, 102x155, yukari_(not cameron_diaz).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I've dated an experimentalist before

>> No.10352012
File: 46 KB, 724x284, gfggf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my post hugging yours, now we are frens :33

>> No.10352015

>can't comprehend the joy he feels when he talk about the work of his life
Fucking stupid whore.

>> No.10352026

being rude is not ok!

>> No.10352054
File: 373 KB, 408x601, RollRoll3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As long as she is above retarded I have no problem.

>> No.10352095

This. A dumber girl is ok as long as she had a funny and good personality. Same if she is smarter than me. So, im good as long as she is not an insufferable bitch.

>> No.10352116

If they're humble and religious.

>> No.10352147

Fuck off.

>> No.10352148

My goal is die a virgin.
It's pretty pathetic that my parents are telling me to get married. I don't know how to explain that I cannot be bothered to deal with a thot and probably our child.
It will get in the way of my life my career.
And the chances of divorce would be high because I'm not normal.

>> No.10352150

The dealbreaker is that they'd have to appreciate and at least partially understand what I do for a living.
While it's (probably) not impossible to vaguely explain abstract algebra and whatnot to a 90iq girl, the chances are certainly better with smarter people.
On the flipside, I'd have serious trouble appreciating the work of, for example, a nurse, which further brings the chances down.
Not /sci/ btw.

>> No.10352164

>not /sci/ btw
/lit/ not welcome

>> No.10352167

I don't think so. I dated a girl who was basically an airhead before and I hated it. Also, I fucking detest small talk or anything with not even a modicum of intellectual stimulus.

>> No.10352193

No. I believe the basis of intimacy and romantic attraction is that other people are like worlds to explore, and a lens to see and experience reality through. If I choose to look through that lens, I have to have something useful and relateable, with a shared aspect that we can build something with.

Women and men are different, but it should be a partnership. Though in truth I've been deeply alone my entire life, and have literally zero primary basis to speak from.

>> No.10352202

Doesnt matter how smart she is, she’ll be sub 70 IQ after I fuck her brains out

>> No.10352266

I've known a couple dim people who don't like small-talk and pretty much have their shit together at all times. They weren't even necessarily slow unless the task at hand involved abstractions.

But if a new task was relatively simple and concrete, I've seen them pick it up quicker than normal, just by virtue, I'd guess, of good listening skills and knowing themselves and how they learn. (It really helps when someone isn't afraid to ask questions.)

It's just that it's at least as rare as in the rest of the population. I think the airheads exist at all levels of intelligence. But if you take a normal personality and make that person dumb, they're going to be pretty tiresome, where the gifted imbecile has an easier time making up for it.

I'd take the help/company of a diligent dullard over a sharp spastic in many cases.

>> No.10352309

I've a phd so I guess I'm smart. I really like girls who are smart and sharp and can keep up with me in my conversation. But I like girls who have normal interests and are not that smart too. So..it really depends on the person for me anyway.

>> No.10352343

You're an idiot, if you get bored about what he talks about and obviously loves doing then it obviously won't work out between you too. If anything he probably really appreciates the fact that you listen to him rambling about something he loves but if he finds out he bores you with it all that's gonna happen is a degradation in communication and a relationship with no good communication is bound to fail from the start.

>> No.10352347

No, never again. Did this once, married what I thought was the woman of my dreams. 5 years into our marriage she got bored and started sleeping around. Left me for dude she cheated with, he got her prego and then beat her up, she cheated on him and left him for another dude, who also got her pregnant again.

>> No.10352406

>having sex
brainlet detected

>> No.10352411

yes. intelligence is a curse

>> No.10352422

Are you me?

>> No.10352425

m8 this isn't a thread about dating people more intelligent than you. go find that thread since you clearly belong in it more

>> No.10352429

you made me giggle m8

>> No.10352465
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Yes. An American Psycho wife is all I need.

>> No.10352550

yes please marry me akko

>> No.10352575

Yes, too a degree. Intelligence isn't that much of a factor in a relationship.

>> No.10352609

>would you date/marry someone less intelligent than you

What choice have I got?

>> No.10352612

How are the boobs?

>> No.10352615

>My goal is die a virgin.

I like your chances.

>> No.10352643

As always the self centered roastie gets BTFO and fucks off, making everyone happy.

>> No.10352663

He's aware that he bores you and is looking for another women when he has time for it. Your relationship is on a countdown and it's too late to save it.

>> No.10352665

Well I've dated a creationist if that answers your question, OP.

>> No.10352700

Intelligence (so long as the person isn’t completely stupid) isn’t even that important in a relationship. You might have less things in common but other it isn’t a factor that effects much.

>> No.10352706

Narcissistic incel garbage

>> No.10352794

High IQ, No caring < avg IQ, nice caring

>> No.10352819

As long as she was willing to abide by the processes I set up around her to protect our family from her stupidity, it could work.

>> No.10352823


Yes OP, virtually all heterosexual men would do that.

>> No.10352876


op is a male with a forced fem fetish