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File: 133 KB, 2792x1247, BFR-2018-launch-SpaceX-1-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10349933 No.10349933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

More than Half this thing is its fuel tank and the rest is going to be cramped crew space flying millions of miles from earth through the vast sea of space to hopefully *cross fingers* land at supersonic speeds which is enough to melt the stainless steel itself and land on mars.
Theres so many points of failure on this its crazy

Honestly musk should just say, we are actually going to the moon first because the technology for going to mars in a man mission hasnt been developed yet and this space express futurerama looking spaceship isnt going to cut it.

>> No.10349942
File: 8 KB, 600x497, 1544274423073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure their game plan is to have about 3 of them drop supplies before a single crew shows up. low effort thread. goodbye

>> No.10349957

How do the crew get their brainiac?
Who is talking about supplies of course they have to drop supplies on mars first. But after that the crew would be on these rockets and would be traversing the same void of space in a tiny tin can

>> No.10350003

Well how big do you want it to be?

>> No.10350014

as big as howard sterns penis

>> No.10350032

The best part will be when they get all stir crazy and kill each other. Or one of them tries to open the airlock because it`s to fucking cramped in there and try to float swim back to Earth. I`m looking forward to this, it's going to be fun watching their mental health degrade the further they get from Earth with no hope of coming back.

>> No.10350035

Wow we absolutely need another shitty bait thread using almost the exact same image as the last one. Reported and fucking sage.

>> No.10350043

Oldspace cope is reaching levels previously thought unattainable.

>> No.10350071

The thing is 9 meters wide. People have lived on the cramped ISS for longer than it will take to get to Mars.

>> No.10350091

try fitting 100 people in 9 meters lol

>> No.10350136

A 747 flies 660 people in about 850m3, BFR has 150m3 extra for 6x less passengers. I think people will manage fine for 6 months on the equivalent of a super luxurious business class ticket with their own comfy private cabins.

>> No.10350140

I don't think they're aiming for 100 people per trip anymore.

>> No.10350142

That may be true but being able to escape from the ISS is a lot easier than from a tin can halfway to Mars.

>> No.10350145

We will see when they are a long way from Earth. This is no seven day mission to the Moon.

>> No.10350150

Holy shit, is that what they are planning?
That will be interesting from a psychological point of view. Hope they stock up on some recreational drugs, especially benzos.

>> No.10350153

I'm betting you are wrong.
Six months is a long time.

>> No.10350161

It's 180 days, not the end of the world, they won't be sending soiboys.

>> No.10350162

Why so hostile?
It's an interesting thread.
This long distance has never been attempted with humans on board. Even the strongest mind will be tested to its limit. You can`t tell me this will be easy.

>> No.10350169

I think the hype will get most people through it, failing that yeah I'm sure they pack happy pills for those who struggle.

>> No.10350176

how are they going to stop me or some crazy guy i mean from raping all the women passengers

>> No.10350179

imagine comparing a 24hr flight with a 2 year mission lol
also a 747 is still larger than your bfr

>> No.10350182

I think you retards fail to understand that it's impossible to fit 100 fucking people and provide even basic necessary commodities for 2 years. don't forget they have to eat (2 years worth of food storage), sleep (100 bunk beds), do something for the duration of the trip (entertainment) etc.

>> No.10350184

By pushing you into the airlock and hitting the open button. If you can find Elon`s car you might be able to drive home to Earth you silly rapist.

>> No.10350192

The airlock solution gets my vote.

>> No.10350194

>More than Half this thing is its fuel tank
what is the rocket equation and why are most rockets 90%fuel

>> No.10350205

>I think the hype will get most people through it
Nobody cared about the hype after the first moon landing. After a while this trip will be boring and living on a planet full of rocks will be boring. Everything will be harder to do than on Earth. And how the fuck will you carry on into old age. Suicide will be your only option.

>> No.10350207

You do realize BFR uses a first stage booster for Earth LEO and uses several refuel missions before it starts to go for Mars?
It is only an SSTO/SSTE on Mars due to thin atmosphere and lower gravity

>> No.10350213

>why are most rockets 90%fuel
Because Earth's gravity is your bitch.

>> No.10350216

>the technology for going to mars in a man mission hasnt been developed yet
VERY small brain man


>bunk beds

>> No.10350220
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, bunk beds. how do you think people on the iss sleep? floating in empty space with 99 others? lmao

>> No.10350223

That's just like, your opinion man.

>> No.10350230

there are no bunk beds on the ISS, on account of there not being any down

>> No.10350233

then what is pic related in your opinion

>> No.10350237

a compartment that acts as an office and a private place to sleep

>> No.10350251

A private place for jerking off too.

>> No.10350254

And that's an opinion you can put in your bong and smoke.

>> No.10350256

This is actually not true and was a flat out lie they presented in their Original BFR presentation two years ago. The BFR is actually comparable to a smaller airplane with 200 passenger capacity.

>> No.10350263

they go to the back of the submarine

>> No.10350265
File: 262 KB, 575x383, ifxfwkz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Argh, it'd be like ocean sailing voyages of days of yore, with similar crew compliments, voyage lengths and berths.

>> No.10350266

What's even funnier is how they stopped talking about their completely retarded earth-to-earth travel idea. Really makes me wonder if all the retarded shit coming out of SpaceX is just Elon or if everybody there is retarded.

>> No.10350267


>> No.10350271
File: 347 KB, 2866x1572, galhsk9yf0sz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10350280

That wording would easily be meant as greater than the main cabin, which it is. It is still the same volume as a 747 so the point still stands.

>> No.10350283

Lol you cocksuckers will swallow everthing.

>> No.10350284


>> No.10350289

Not an argument

>> No.10350297

Shillboys look like some woman in an abusive relationship always making up excuse why their husband is beating them. Sad!

>> No.10350301

Not an argument.

>> No.10350302


>> No.10350310

why do you post this in every thread
is this literally the only thing you can come up with

>> No.10350317

Nothing is, if you just close your eyes strong enough.

>> No.10350319

Wow the fucking irony.

>> No.10350320

Not an argument.

>> No.10350323


>> No.10350327

How can you argue with a mouth full of semen.

>> No.10350329

Not an argument.

>> No.10350331

Yeah man they totally write there great er than an A380 because they wanted to communicate that it is great er than half the A380. As somebody esle already said, you cocksuckers are going to swallow everthing.

Also BFR is a shit rocket that will never fly.

>> No.10350333


>> No.10350334

>Not an argument.
I knew you would say that lol.

>> No.10350341

Haha man its so creative and funny how you just repeat the same sentence over and over like a retard haha i bet you have so many friends IRL.

>> No.10350343 [DELETED] 

>bfr is bigger than an a380
>no it isn't, here's the facts

>> No.10350344

>bfr is bigger than an a380
>no it isn't, here's the facts

>> No.10350351

Why not build something huge like the size of a cruise ship in space. Stock it full of everything you need and send that into Mars orbit. Then use smaller crafts to land equipment and people onto the surface. Why is this not a good idea.

>> No.10350386

it is very much, it may be less efficient but much safer, feasible, and realistic to do. it also has other advantages like more potential crew capacity and long term habitation options. it's just that musk isn't good at good ideas.

>> No.10350394

Such a leviathan couldn't aerobrake at Mars since it's not landing, and so would need tremendously powerful and efficient rockets to shed transit speed on arrival. Impossible without fusion rockets.

>> No.10350400 [DELETED] 

die you even read his post retard

>> No.10350404

>tremendously powerful and efficient rockets to shed transit speed on arrival.
it really wouldn't, especially it won't matter that much since it's going to mars with a full tank. the moon is a better target anyway if you want to start a meme colony

>> No.10350452

I`ve got an idea, why don't we just colonise the Earth instead.

>> No.10350460

Couldn`t that transit speed be gradually reduced well before entering Mars orbit?

>> No.10350466


Is there a way to put the crew to sleep for most of the journey? Maybe there can be a rotating crew.

>> No.10350472

he's talking about aerobreaking, which is hard as fuck to do correctly and so far like two missions have aerobraked successfully on Mars. A mars orbit insertion isn't that much anyway, it's like 1-2km/s total. most of the delta v is required for the landing, which your big cruiser wouldn't do anyway

>> No.10350476

also the entire bfr aerobraking meme falls apart since you can't Aerobrake on the moon where your "mothership-lander" concept would be even more efficient (this is literally what the Apollo missions did)

>> No.10350480
File: 2.03 MB, 3032x2064, s116e05983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is currently no technology that can just put you on ice and thaw you out later. If something like this is discovered, space colonization would ramp up quickly. I think I read somewhere that some breakthroughs in freezing living things has been made, but sensational stories in science journalism are a dime a dozen.

>> No.10350485
File: 655 KB, 714x527, ydjtr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now is it a bunk bed?

>> No.10350492
File: 12 KB, 351x230, Z414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think its possible with current technology to reliably aerobrake into an orbit. It would be a bitch to predict but nothing supercomputers cant handle. Just how close are simulations with actual results when it comes to aerodynamics anyway? If NASA still uses scale models in wind tunnels then perhaps simulations alone aren't enough.

>> No.10350495

He confused me with this aerobraking. I never said it would land on Mars, that's why I said smaller crafts will land on the surface.
So, you are saying something that large can easily be inserted into Mars orbit. Is that correct?

>> No.10350500


Not freezing, just sleep. You would still age on be on life support but not aware of how much time is passing.

>> No.10350514

And how do you stop muscle loss and a weakened heart and other complications after a six month journey on life support.

>> No.10350522


You put in a rotating section for simulated gravity.

>> No.10350533

Read robert heinleins " a moon is a harsh mistress" and find out

>> No.10350537

Even with that, a six month induced coma isn't good for your health.

>> No.10350564


Rotating crews. You take turns being awake and asleep.

>> No.10350649

I give up.

>> No.10350701

>also a 747 is still larger than your bfr
It is, but the arrangement of it is also quite different.
If you cut off the rear half of the 747 and rearranged the seating so that it was like first class for 100 people, it would be moderately comfortable. There would still be the issue of living with a certain group of people for three months in tight confines, but that can be experienced on Earth before they go shoving them into the rocket, so avoid some of the potential problems.

>> No.10350750

>flying millions of miles
Miles? Please update to metrics. This is 2019.

>> No.10350815

The heat shield and lack of long haul storage state to me bfr is only for lunar or orbital space missions.
Musk is just using mars because its an easier sell

>> No.10350824

Yeah lets compare ocean voyages wear you go outside and breathe fresh air and look up the sky and even swim to a multi month cramped mission through a sea of darkness

>> No.10350831

>I don't think they're aiming for 100 people per trip anymore.

They are, but not for initial flights.

>> No.10350845

Ive argued this point already but /sci/s god thinks thats not necessary until it actually necessary. My idea would be for the bfr to act simply as a elevator for carrying goods and people from the main ship(which would never land) to the surface
You coukd literally fit more people with such a method and build out ample room for crew,food,waste systems oxygen generation.

People are also forgetting stainless would melt on reentry in mars atmosphere.

Most people are swallow elons cum without question.

>> No.10350848

100 people on a trip to mars in a small can for 9 months plus....Lolololol.

Again this shit only makes sense if its for sub orbital space station or a lunar base.

>> No.10350853

You have some legitimate points but a slight nitpick...

>People are also forgetting stainless would melt on reentry in mars atmosphere.
The "belly" of BFR is going to be actively cooled using the methane fuel just like how rocket engines are actively cooled since the mateirals they're made out of can't survive the heat.

>> No.10350854

>Just how close are simulations with actual results when it comes to aerodynamics anyway?
Not that close. It's why we still use windtunnels.

>> No.10350855

Airbus A380 cubic meters per passenger: 2100 / 525 = 4m3

BFS cubic meters per passenger: 1000 / 100 = 10m3

That is two and a half times more volume per passenger than the least cramped version of A380.