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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10348617 No.10348617 [Reply] [Original]

Nootropics/Adaptagens Thread

We discuss nootropics/adaptagens and their effectiveness on brain functionality, energy boost, visual perception, and mood changes.

I recently tried 1 caplet of Bacopa in pic related, was able to focus on a game with heightened clarity. Seemed to clear up most of the usual clouded consciousness ("Brain Fog") and keep those random thoughts that seem to just come from nowhere away.

>Bacopa monnieri interacts with the dopamine and serotonergic systems, but its main mechanism concerns promoting neuron communication. It does this by enhancing the rate at which the nervous system can communicate by increasing the growth of nerve endings, also called dendrites. Bacopa monnieri is also an antioxidant.

>Bacopa has also shown anti-dopaminergic effects in the striatum (location associated with caffeine and morphine, and highly associated with dopamine induced locomotion) and prevented surges in dopamine when fed at a low dose of 5-15mg/kg bodyweight daily. This anti-dopaminergic effect may be useful in situations of drug dependence.

My question is if someone dosed LSA/LSD on Bacopa, would the anti-dopaminergic effects diminish the effect of LSA/LSD?

I would be interested in any nootropics/adaptagens that synergize or potentiate LSA/LSD, but have no idea how to narrow the huge assortment of nootropics for this. I have tried "Sonic Energy Refreshed Neuro" that has a blend of Caffiene, L-Theanine, Choline alphoscerate, and Phosphatidylserine with LSD and boi it made my body purr like an engine and provide jet fuel for my brain while tripping balls. Any other ideas?

>> No.10348828

nootropics are just essential oils for spergs

>> No.10348857

just drink coffee

>> No.10348896
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>essential oils
Boi this ain't no Lavender
Based on the fact there is a subreddit for nootropics this is true. I would like to not subject myself to reddit cancer that is why I posted here.

Already do, but that's just caffeine!

>> No.10349460

No the anti-dopaminergic effects would most likely not affect the lsd. Serotonin blocking drugs would though.

If you want to try any great nootropics:
L-theanine with caffeine is great
most racetams are amazing!

I love aniracetam, gives me a silver tongue every time

Panax Ginseng is great for a energy boost

Phenibut makes me into a social god, but it is very addictive, and might not even be considered a nootropic

Never done modafinil, but thats great for a big energy boost

Though if you're looking for something you can supplement that gives you a little bit of everything, try microdosing LSD

Microdosing LSD,has completely taken away my depression. I microdosed 10-20ug every 3 days for 3 months, and now its been 2 months since i've last microdosed and my depression has not come back in the slightest

>> No.10349463

Sexual abstinence is superior to any CNS stimulant or nootropic and I've tried them all.

>> No.10349467

LSD et al interact with your serotonin receptors.

>> No.10349528

>Bacopa monnieri interacts with the dopamine and serotonergic systems, but its main mechanism concerns promoting neuron communication. It does this by enhancing the rate at which the nervous system can communicate by increasing the growth of nerve endings, also called dendrites. Bacopa monnieri is also an antioxidant.
This is complete nonsense, I'm not even going to go into why the "promoting neuron communication. It does this by enhancing the rate at which the nervous system can communicate by increasing the growth of nerve endings" part is wrong. Also, a plant cannot be an antioxidant and all plants *contain* antioxidants.
>Bacopa has also shown anti-dopaminergic effects in the striatum (location associated with caffeine and morphine, and highly associated with dopamine induced locomotion) and prevented surges in dopamine when fed at a low dose of 5-15mg/kg bodyweight daily. This anti-dopaminergic effect may be useful in situations of drug dependence.
Anti-dopaminergic activity in the striatum would obliterate your motivation and ability to concentrate.

The above is literally meaningless and pure marketing. If it seems to works so be it, maybe I'll try it out. But don't pretend like anyone (including yourself) has any clue how it works.

>> No.10349633

how about eating healthier, instead of this meme

>> No.10349636

>how about eating healthier

Anything that enhances your cognition is a nootropic.

>> No.10349688

placebo effect; it's junk and a waste of money, go to a gym and change your eating habbits, if you want an energy "boost"

>> No.10349839

lion's mane is the only one I felt had an effect after I stopped taking it. in fact I regained feeling in a damaged thumb so that's my own anecdotal evidence of neurite outgrowth.

>> No.10349846

Bullshit. Nootropics are substances specifically designed to benefit cognition, not 'anything that enhances' it.

>> No.10350477
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Thank (You)
You're telling me nofap is better than any Nootropic/Adaptagen? Why would I want to be distracted by sexual urges when I plan to have no partner? To stare at boobs long-er...I mean...admire girls for their beauty?
Thank (You)
Thank (You) for clarifying this. Here is where I picked up that nonsense:


>Research analysis by Kamal Patel and verified by the Examine.com Research Team. Last updated on Oct 9, 2018.

>Website is trash .com domain to merit any credit. Kamal holds two master’s degrees from the Johns Hopkins University, in business and in public health, and is on hiatus from a PhD in Nutrition during which he investigated links between diet and chronic pain.
>Master's in business
>Master Jew
>It all makes sense.

Thank (You)

I hear Lion's Mane is good for reducing mild symptoms of anxiety and depression and helps repair nerve damage. Interesting.

>> No.10350491

brain fog is not science

>> No.10350650

>masters degrees in business and public health
Wow, he fell for the meme twice.

>> No.10350663

>would like to not subject myself to reddit cancer
>posts on /sci/

>> No.10350757

It lowers your sexual urges.

>> No.10350762
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I am interested in the science behind the active ingredients/alkaloids of Nootropics/Adaptagens, their effects on the human mind/body, as well as their effects when paired with psychedelics. Brain fog is just a symptom coined by the psychology and medicine fields denoting an abnormality in the regulation of the overall level of consciousness that is mild and less severe than a delirium. I believe that /sci/ doesn't consider psychology a science, so I won't discuss it further.

>indirect cancer

/sci/ is better than Reddit confirmed.

>> No.10350771

Or math

>> No.10350772


Caffeine is widely considered to be a nootropic and it wasn't specifically designed by anyone

>> No.10350779
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The king.

>> No.10350780

From what I know about LSD way to elevate effect of LSD is taking more LSD. It works about 6 papers deep on ( 200 ) and then you probably wouldn't feel difference but it would last longer.

If I remember everything the way it happened it's that you might have a little bit of anxiety when combining to racetams. Good thing is, when you try to "use" your brain, it's fucking amazing, it doesn't make you smarter or what this nootropics, it's just that you won't run out of some imaginary fire you need in your head to solve problems. You enjoy it.

I think it feels like being more in control of you than just trips. Sure it can be support system for your brain being able to run all the requirements of trips while you combine it with stuff like this.

When it comes to "reducing" effect, I just tell you one thing: You'll trip hard even on psychiatric antipsychotics, if you take enough and you want to, even on Haldol there is visible visual distortion, and on rispen kind of stuff it's less visual, but you still feel high as fuck. Possible do to the fact you have some good level of chemicals after long time if you take pills.

This Bacopa prevent surges... It's like filtering out spikes with "impulsive" behaviour, than some long term stuff that happens on acid.

I think you'll trip on it, and I'll try it out to check too, that plant sounds good, maybe help me quite smoking.

When it comes to essential oils, there is literally a study that is confirming essential oil to be nootropic.

MAOI was believed to increase visuals. It's also good on the mood, the combination of weak maoi and weak sdnri can make you feel better than before.

>> No.10350805

You can have sex. It can be good. It depends how much time you spend to have it. If it's wroth it, etc..

It's just depends that you enjoy it and have a good time, while doing something else, or if it takes lot of time and controls your life, just like with the drugs.

>> No.10350813

Tried piracetam once and it did essentially . nothing, then tried aniracetam and it *caused* brain fog, to the point that it was almost terrifying; had this tipsy feeling and couldn't retrieve very simple long term memories

I've never heard of any "nootropic" that was really worth taking seriously. I heard of something interesting called cerebrolysin which is injected and that might be interesting

in the meantime, here are some real brain boosters: caffeine, nicotine, ephedrine, amphetamines (e.g adderall), methamphetamine

>> No.10350827


>> No.10350856
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Math is important for science, equations and measurement precision are key. Demand of math depends on the field. Algebra, calculus, geometry, physics (might as well be math with critical thinking, I forgot a formula for math class once but noticed the similarity to a physics formula and used it to find the correct answer anyway. Teacher was on my ass about it not being "the way I want you to solve it using the correct formula showing steps" but I argued it's literally a similar equation and I got the correct answer so no points were deducted just this once), and trigonometry are generally all you need for most sciences.

Thank (You)

>filtering out spikes with "impulsive" behaviour

Wouldn't LSA/LSD cause spikes of abnormal serotonin antagonisms? What are some examples of what Bacopa would "filter".

>> No.10350904
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Thank (You)

Ephedrine is a stimulant I have wanted to try, but I wonder if it would make me dizzy, nauseous, or have a too fast heart rate with a lot of caffeine.

Lol meth. Adderall is one methyl group away from meth but I would do it since it's just a NH2 group.

Another thing that has been lingering on my mind unrelated to nootropics but leaning towards psychedelics is Diphenhydramine. I have heard people say it's exactly like shrooms. While it does have the dimethyl amine group like Psilocin, it lacks the indole portion of the molecule replacing it with diphenyl groups bridged by an oxygen. I am curious about what dosage it would take to feel these supposed shroom like effects, any side effects of doing said dose, and if it effects sexual performance any. There is a recent erowid report comparing a datura trip (delierant that I have sadly tried, I hated it) to Diphenhydramine:


I have never done Diphenhydramine, but if the rumors about it being very similar to shrooms are true, and there are no negatives I might just be interested. Pic related is the molecular comparison between Diphenhydramine, Psilocin, and Serotonin.

>> No.10351539

I've been doing a once a week fap and unless its a placebo the one thing I notice I don't that strong couch lock laziness anymore. By the 5-6 day I get horny as shit though.

What dose do you take phenibut for "social lubrication"? I have taken like 1g to 1.5mg and by the end of the day I'm fucking zooted and the next day I have this pleasant but lethargic afterglow which makes me not want to study or work out.

>> No.10351566

Ew DPH. I've taking low doses of shrooms and medium doses of DPH they are in a way kinda very slightly similar but they feel way different. Shrooms is kinda dark( not necessarily scary) but euphoric. DPH is really dark and kinda unpleasant. I was hearing like whispers in my ear and sometimes I would nod off and imagine events that were so similar to my present surroundings they blended seamlessly. Sounds fun but its accompanied by this general schizophrenic vibe the whole trip

>> No.10351637
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Thank (You)

So the DPH~Psilocin relation rumor has some minor truth to it. Shrooms are amazing imo. Worst they made me do was piss on a carpet on 4g of pure psilocin dose, which is a flippin heroic dose but no my novice ass at the time correlated it to 4gs of dried caps worth. I guess it's not worth then.

>> No.10351667


LSA/LSD has works on serotonin, however it's somehow positive effects, you get those stuff like neural plasticity, well of ideas, increased appreciation of stuff and all the shit you want.

Antagonism is more like rispen, when all you get is slow thinking, fog and general emptyness and everything suck. (By tripping on haldol or rispen I mean you'll still get high while eating acid to them with acid even thou it has opposite effect)

By filtering out I meant more of a... Those things that you do without thinking, you can think more about them.

>> No.10351673

Where did you get 4 grams of psilocin? That's enough for 50 people.

>> No.10351681

>Already do, but that's just caffeine!
No it isn't?

>> No.10351736

>tfw you will waste more time researching nootropics than you will gain by taking them
just take some stimulant like Ritalin if you wanna go hard. Don't get hooked tho

>> No.10352292

How about you try paying attention in class instead.

>> No.10352320
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Thank (You)

Filtering positive vs. antagonistic brain behavior. Fascinating.

.4g*, DN liquid guised as perfume. Didn't drink the entire thing, dosed more and more gradually. Quickly started feeling effects railroading me, thought about it and realized I took waaay to much. Never was bad trip tho, just was extremely confused and pissed on my carpet because I didn't know how to get to the bathroom. Everything was distracting and challenging.

Thank (You)

Oh. Didn't know that.

Research can lead to findings that aren't a waste of time, that's the excitement for me. It is boring and time wasting the majority of the time, but it's for the sake of science!

>> No.10354113

Take ashwaghanda

>> No.10354113,1 [INTERNAL] 

Have you tried to eat healthily and try to consume some supplements? I'm using Cilter supplement. They are ideal for students, I know I'm a 4th-year student lol. This was a piece of advice from my friend John. Cilter is for mental performance, increased motivation, improved concentration, and alertness. It contains vitamin B6, Acetyl-L-Carnitine and many 100% natural ingredients. I will leave there the site fitnessclone.com you can read all the details and maybe you can find something interesting for you and for your health.