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10347537 No.10347537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy hate thread

>> No.10347571
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>vague, unfalsiable statements

>> No.10347595

imagine having a field where literally any claim is unfalsifiable

>> No.10347648

did you fail your 101 class?

>> No.10347710

at my uni students take philosophy 101 as an elective "to earn credits while putting in 0 effort"

>> No.10347798

That's pretty depressing. A good philosophy course should be strict enough to weed people like that out by week 3

>> No.10347843

philosophy has one of the lowest exam correlated dropping out rates of any major
so I agree, studying philosophy is pretty depressing

>> No.10347848

The thing is it shouldn't be. I'm of the opinion that "easy" subjects deserve to be made more rigorous as compensation for people's predilection to them. Besides that, philosophy is intertwined with a lot of other subjects and often underpins them. Philosophy of math, philosophy of science, political philosophy, ethics, logic, etc are all really important subjects

>> No.10347864

Like math. Or logic

>> No.10347883

What is the purpose of hating philosophy?

>> No.10347919

Philosophy is the reason we have to be logically coherent in science and also the reason why science is bound by falsifiability. Without philosophy Marxist history and astrology would still be sciences.

>> No.10347925

all sciences are just limited philosophy.

>> No.10347934

swosh as fuck

>> No.10347967
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Friendly reminder that if you aren't a mathematician, a philosopher, or a physicist (which nowadays is just a mathematician) you are a brainlet and there is no hope for you

>> No.10347972

>Without philosophy Marxist history and astrology
they already are so I guess you failed anon
oh and btw philosophy is only slightly above in usefulness compared to Marxist history

>> No.10347979

Only true claims or claims whose negations are unprovable are unfalsifiable in math and logic.

>> No.10347981

friendly reminder that if you are a philosophy major your average starting salary is slightly below 30k, making you the embodiment of "tfw too smart to earn money"

>> No.10347984

Friendly reminder that arguing money as a metric of superiority only confirms the argument that mathematicians, philosophers, and physics are intellectually superior to engicucks and you're just coping.
This is ignoring the fact that philosophers, mathematicians and physicists earn more than engineers once they get Masters degrees and higher lmao. You don't even win there

>> No.10347985

Friendly reminder that if you define yourself by undergraduate major you are only fit for drive through cashier

>> No.10347987

That chart looks like it was made by a racist

>> No.10347992
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>thinking math or logic explains anything


>> No.10347999

>tfw can't even live decently but at least I can feel superior to other majors

>> No.10348014

>tfw I live a good life with no debt and I am smarter than you coping engicucks

>> No.10348038

>hurr durr science relies on philosophy

>> No.10348055

>implying I'm an engicuck
how does it feel to earn less than 100k lmao

>> No.10348059

>how does it feel to earn less than 100k lmao
I don't

>> No.10348068

who you working as

>> No.10348071

>Without philosophy Marxist history and astrology would still be sciences.

You mean just like theology is right now?

Also history in general is not a science.
>hurr durr, we found these documents that prove X happened, there are a lot of them, so X must have happened - so you saying humans can't bullshit on a large scale?

>> No.10348076

Can we genocide the bizfags already ?

>> No.10348086

Just on a question why would science even be done without a basic foundation in epistemology and empiricism ? What is the point to all this if you don't reason to a epistemology then you can't be a scientist since all your work is build on sand .And hell why not be a solipcist in that case there is no need for any progress as whole if you don't bother since there is noone else to care .

>> No.10348149

why do philosocucks think empiricism, the scientific method and peer review were somehow created or invented by them instead of actually being a natural process. do they think philosophy preceded the first inventions of man as well?

>> No.10348166

>Genetic fallacy

Doesn't matter where something came from .It's possible to defend empiricism right now with Philosophy (even though I'm not a empiricist but Philosophy is the only way you could possibly even do it ) Doesn't matter if cave man John thought that you need Evidence for things you must defend that claim now.

>> No.10348422
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kek very true. Here's a step by step guide to getting an A:

1. When you take notes, try to write down every word the professor says.

2. Memorize all this shit.

3. On an exam/paper, write down all of that shit in your own words. Never disagree with the professors opinion on the issue even if it's fucking stupid.

4. Enjoy them GPA gains.

>> No.10348430


>> No.10348433

Two of my friends have graduate degrees in philosophy, and some of the high level courses require proofs which are essentially identical to something you would do in a pure math course. But yeah much of the undergrad stuff isn't too difficult from what I gather.

>> No.10348632
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>Home Economics
Wait, is that still a thing? Like I thought was essentially a degree for how to be a good housewife

>> No.10348638

*thought that

>> No.10348646

Philosophy is irrelevant and extinct. Why even make a thread about it

>> No.10348649

I'm of the opinion that phil 101 should basically be a "topics in philosophy" class rather than "baby's first logic". Same for CS actually.

>> No.10348657

Babies learn about logic. It’s intuitive.

>> No.10348663

how'd you avoid debt?

>> No.10348667

here's an article from a fitting source:https://www.huffpost.com/entry/home-economics-major_n_5906476

>> No.10348682

Still gets you a lot farther in life than philosophy.

>> No.10348684

>Philosophy is irrelevant and extinct.
You don't know what philosophy is then.

>> No.10348687

except all of philosophy is completely retarded and easy to learn if you like memorizing. unlike cs where you have to at least think a little for yourself

>> No.10348693

>inb4 the retarded "you think, therefore you're using philosophy meme"

>> No.10348713

Philosophy is what pseudointellectuals express interest in so they can look smart whilst contributing absolutely nothing to the wellbeing of other sentient beings.

>> No.10348718

Not just that. Take AI for example, plenty of philosophy involved in that subject. Right vs left politics is based upon philosophical view points regarding how life should be.

In fact, the internet has opened up philosophical discourse more than ever, although the quality may be at its lowest ever too.

>> No.10348728
File: 274 KB, 899x528, OiCunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the program maintains a strong basis in STEM academics of science, technology, engineering and math, as well.

>"We connect our curriculum in a way that shows how scientific principles, math and technology mainly, are used every day in the family and the home,"

>"We have fought 100 percent to show that we teach science in the home and we are a viable compliment to the STEM program through our course integration."

> And, because there is "economics" in "home economics" after all, students also have the choice to take courses including "family finance" and "money in the family," which can actually help set the foundation for a financial planning or financial literacy focused career.


Kek'd hard, like how is any of that STEM related, besides finance 101? Do they use multivariate calculus to calculate the volume of a sauce pan, or do they try to find a Pareto Optimal bundle in regards to toy distribution for their kids?

>> No.10348730

>Take AI for example, plenty of philosophy involved in that subject.

No there isn’t. It’s just making computers.

>Right vs left politics

Don’t exist.

>> No.10348737

Don't pseudo-intellectuals express interest in all manner of subjects to appear smart while contributing absolutely nothing to the well-being of other sentient beings?

Philosophy lays the groundwork for certain fields to flourish and contribute to the well-being of people, as it has done with science and mathematics. These fields have since gone downhill due to their desperate attempt to distant themselves from philosophy. They're terrified to meet their maker.

>> No.10348741

>It’s just making computers.
Oh I see - glad you cleared that up.
>Don’t exist.
It does in the minds of those who identify with it, and it will continue to until a new philosophical outlook can challenge it.

>> No.10348742

>Take AI for example, plenty of philosophy involved
People who actually work on ai don't Philosophise about shit, it's uneducated retards and philosopher who discuss "muh ai ethics"

>> No.10348745

>groundwork for certain fields
which ones? philosophy and it's subfields? retarded feminist humanities? because I can't think of any others.

>> No.10348746

>Philosophy lays the groundwork for certain fields to flourish and contribute to the well-being of people, as it has done with science and mathematics

Thanks, philosopher that lived centuries ago and helped create science, which rendered philosophy obsolete.

>These fields have since gone downhill due to their desperate attempt to distant themselves from philosophy. They're terrified to meet their maker.

Nope. They’ve only been advancing. You’ve now revealed your state of advanced dementia.

>> No.10348750

>It does in the minds of those who identify with it, and it will continue to until a new philosophical outlook can challenge it.

Okay. Shrek is now real because there are neurons in my brain that correspond to my knowledge of Shrek.

>> No.10348751

>People who actually work on ai don't Philosophise about shit
That's impossible - the ones that have a good metaphysical understanding about consciousness/intelligence/formal logic know the limitations of AI. The only retards are those without good philosophical understanding that think AI will become conscious and take over the world.

>> No.10348755

Literally every single one.

>> No.10348756

>knowing the limitations of your craft is now considered philosophy
absolute kek, I guess the "all thinking is philosophy" meme is real

>> No.10348759

imagine being so arrogant you think your retarded humanities major invented thinking

>> No.10348761

>The only retards are those without good philosophical understanding that think AI will become conscious and take over the world.

Oh boy.

Tell me exactly what magical trait carbon has that silicon does not that makes it possible for carbon compounds arranged in the structure of neurons to create aware entities.

>> No.10348769

he's a philosopher, he probably equates currently impossible with never possible and thinks because ai experts say that it's impossible in the near future it must conform to his retarded view of the human mind being somehow inherently special

>> No.10348771

>Thanks, philosopher that lived centuries ago and helped create science, which rendered philosophy obsolete.
Do you realise that what you call "theoretical science" is actually just bad/illogical metaphysics?
>Nope. They’ve only been advancing.
You really think so? Science has hit a brick wall while trying to hide it, and mathematics has turned into schizophrenic number games that are meaningless.

>> No.10348775

Shrek is a real idea/concept. Do you think ideas/concepts are physical?

>> No.10348778 [DELETED] 

>Do you realise that what you call "theoretical science" is actually just bad/illogical metaphysics?
>it doesn't conform to my retarded ideas of something so it must mean it's bad/illogical
Science has hit a brick wall while trying to hide it, and mathematics has turned into schizophrenic number games that are meaningless.
lol keep coping faggot, maybe you will reach a level of delusion where you'll unironically believe philosophy is currently more important than literally any stem field

>> No.10348779

>Do you realise that what you call "theoretical science" is actually just bad/illogical metaphysics?
>it doesn't conform to my retarded ideas of something so it must mean it's bad/illogical
Science has hit a brick wall while trying to hide it, and mathematics has turned into schizophrenic number games that are meaningless.
lol keep coping faggot, maybe you will reach a level of delusion where you'll unironically believe philosophy is currently more important than literally any stem field

>> No.10348780

How do you work out the limitations of your craft without philosophy?

>> No.10348784

by thinking anon, something you apparently don't know how to do
they literally are. how do you think brains work

>> No.10348786

Philosophising is an inherent ability we are born with.

>> No.10348787

>makes it possible for carbon compounds arranged in the structure of neurons to create aware entities
Is that how consciousness is created? Or is that a metaphysical belief of yours that you believe is fact?

>> No.10348789

so philosophy is just a fancy word for thinking? oh wait, it literally is. imagine going to a major that teaches you to think about thinking, the most useless form of thinking.

>> No.10348790

>lol keep coping faggot, maybe you will reach a level of delusion where you'll unironically believe philosophy is currently more important than literally any stem field
Philosophy isn't separate to these fields, yet you have been brainwashed to see it as an enemy because it threatens the status quo.

>> No.10348792

wat if souls real and God will punish you

can't prove me wrong anon, hehe I win

>> No.10348795

>threatens the status quo
the only status philosophy is threatening is my McDonald's delivery status

>> No.10348796

>by thinking anon, something you apparently don't know how to do
Tell me more.
>they literally are. how do you think brains work
Does imagination follow the laws of physics?

>> No.10348797

>Does imagination follow the laws of physics?
yes lol

>> No.10348798

>Do you realise that what you call "theoretical science" is actually just bad/illogical metaphysics?

I don’t call anything “theoretical science”. That’s almost tautological.

>You really think so? Science has hit a brick wall while trying to hide it

No? We’re continually gaining knowledge of evolutionary history, biology, the stars, etc.

>and mathematics has turned into schizophrenic number games that are meaningless.

No? Sounds like you’re trying to describe pure math. That’s just for fun, but has actually yielded useful data.