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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 600 KB, 1080x1149, 1548926626155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10344318 No.10344318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'd probably just kill myself.

>> No.10344326
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.10344353

another another IQ thread comment

>> No.10344355
File: 113 KB, 244x248, 1547008031270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they give out a certificate like it's some kind of award

>> No.10344448

t. 128 IQ brainlet

>> No.10345567

lmao online test. Literally has funds to see a psychologist. Id subract atleast 10 from that score and call it even.

>> No.10345596

At least this guy realizes he doesn't know that much about many of topics so he has experts come on his show and talk about it. Rather than the "experts" here who know everything

>> No.10345641

Why the intellectophobia?

>> No.10345669
File: 856 KB, 1136x640, 073CC489-24DB-40D7-BCFD-B47A906841D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10345675

What sd are they using?

>> No.10345679

He had 135 IQ before he smoked that weed.

>> No.10345684


>> No.10345691

To be honest I would think smoking weed would increase your ability to recognize the patterns administered in IQ tests

>> No.10345752

He had an IQ of 103 before trying DMT

>> No.10346989

i think it's test-iq.org
isntead of talking shit, post your IQ's faggots. are you dumber than the retard joe rogan?

>> No.10346998

Why does everyone assume that Rogan is stupid?

>> No.10347057

Because they assume they're smarter

>> No.10347059

Based on what? He is a very successful, self-made man and seems to be able to attract quite a few very intelligent individuals.

>> No.10347061

I took it but I'm not paying for results. There was one difficult question, 2 or three that were easy, and the rest were stupidly easy.

>> No.10347077

Lowest I’ve gotten in online tests is 128, highest is 135, average is ~132

>> No.10347081

online iq tests are varied so any IQ score has to be self referential and spawn from the same test as the score you are comparing it to

>> No.10347083

When they list the percentile, it’s often 98 or 99%

>> No.10347098

yea but the percentile is ALSO wrong because its taken from the score of the website to the IQ score distribution of an entirely different IQ test...

>> No.10348207
File: 62 KB, 1920x1080, dfghdfghfdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup from /pol/ dumb science nerds

Btw global warming isn't man made

>> No.10348224

>I don't understand that percentiles are also self-referential
lmao that's all I needed to hear, keep grinding onward, 132IQanon

>> No.10348241
File: 1.10 MB, 1658x722, ShiftingNorthPole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change is a result of the shifting poles not from man-derived carbon dioxide. Debate me

>> No.10348245

Joe Rogan is highly successful. It does not surprise me at all that he has an IQ that high.
Now think of his IQ pre-9000 concussions and pre-daily cannabis.
In his teens he probably had an IQ in the high 130s.

>> No.10348246

to be honest you might have a lower iq than Rogan

>> No.10348317

It's because he usually is either
A) actually dumber than the people he interviews (see the interview with Ben Goertzel, Roger Penrose, Lawrence Krauss). When you get used to comparing him with these people, of course he looks dumb—anyone would.
B) doesn't flex his intelligence. For people used to constant intellectual one-upmanship this appears to be equal to admitting you are dumber than your "opponent"

>> No.10348319

Very low effort bait

>> No.10348326

I do. But many papers say that weed lowers IQ by 8 points

>> No.10348333
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>> No.10348339

I know I am very smart due to the ease in which I understand and apply knowledge. And my successes thus far (am 26). But when I take IQ tests I always get a low score. What's up with that?

>> No.10348348

I have an IQ of 204, but I'm pretty dumb. I'm just good at math

>> No.10348389

the arab was right

>> No.10348407

You're like the opposite of me. You probably have a high processing speed, but poor pattern recognition.

>> No.10348432

>"There are no correlations between IQ and wealth
Incorrect. discarded

>> No.10348480


lol Kanye West has an IQ of 133

>> No.10348513
File: 426 KB, 1128x718, 1528170614147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your noise

>> No.10348520
File: 16 KB, 798x111, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 14.01.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're seven standard distributions above the mean? Not likely (there shouldn't even be one of you on Earth).

>> No.10348526

I'd like to meet those people at 75 making over 200k

>> No.10348536

Tbh it’s not too bad.

>> No.10348539


>> No.10348541

You posted a thread on this.

>> No.10348543

Maybe if we a try a transformation we can get something more tightly clustered?

>> No.10348548

net worth, not salary. I'm pretty sure salary is correlated with IQ up to a certain point, but I'm not certain

Even on the graph, you can see that there's a large cluster at the bottom on the left side of the screen, so I guess high IQ does increase your expected net worth but increases the SD even moreso.
Is it just me, or does the 110-130 range seem to have fewer points than the 70-90 range?

>> No.10348558

Sorry, saw the numbers and didn't check what it was actually saying

>> No.10348592

<insert drumpf joke>

>> No.10348614

>one of you on Earth
You're not counting the population of humans who've lived. There have been plenty for there to be at least a few at 7sd.

>> No.10348619

>seven standard distributions above the mean
>seven standard distributions
>standard distributions
Literal brainlet detected.

>> No.10348626

>what is a basic error
person incapable or unwilling to use context clues detected

>> No.10348645
File: 24 KB, 404x484, 1548444252933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is a tuba jam

I tested 118 in kindergarten, tested again in 4th grade at 115. I've smoked a lot of weed since then, so I'm gonna guess effectively 108-112. Can I make it?

>> No.10348654

I don't know faggot, debate me.

>> No.10348678

>being this brainlet
What the fuck does the amount of people who have lived have to do with this? A person having an IQ of that magnitude is highly improbable. Even if you look at the 108 bil who are estimated to have ever lived, only 1.39 (yes, about one person) of those is predicted to have attained that IQ.

>> No.10348681

the real Tuba Jam doesn't cuss dumbass

>> No.10348680

Okay, 6.93 std devs, sorry, retard

>> No.10348697

Reminder that one could realistically get 20 points less if they were administered a real test by a psychologist

>> No.10348727

>proves point made but calls the person who made the point a brainlet
wew lad, you're pretty dense aintcha?

>> No.10348793

My official IQ is 135

Whenever I take online IQ tests (the good ones) I usually get somewhere between 120 and 140. So they’re more or less accurate.

>> No.10348801

What are the good online IQ tests?

>> No.10348810

Not him, but what's more likely: the smartest person ever to have lived is humblebragging on this shithole, he's lying, or his test(s) were trash?

Bet you can't say option 1 with a straight face.

>> No.10348823
File: 1.19 MB, 1080x1149, unshoopify.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put it through my unshoopifying neural network.

>> No.10349121

inheritance maybe?

>> No.10349149

I'll tell you what a Tuba Jam is. He's a big namefaggot.

>> No.10349203


Athletes and actors/actresses

>> No.10349226

Unless that topic happens to be weed, dmt or the fact that sandy hook definitely happened for real

>> No.10349249
File: 118 KB, 750x721, Screenshot_2019-02-01 Well done Now go get your results and discover how high your IQ is - BMI Certified IQ Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to pay $20 for results
joe is a gullible fuck

this is one of the shittier online IQ tests, and online tests are generally shit to begin with. The questions are really simple watered down shit compared to other tests

>"Today's average IQ: 100" in top right corner of website
yeah this site is trying really hard to seem legit

>> No.10349254

Both are typically quite smart, but the general point is right.

>> No.10349272

Be nice, he's a kid

>> No.10349293

my inferred iq from my GRE and sat scores is 120

I'm not too mad about it on account of being an actual nigger who was raised in poverty

>> No.10349303


>> No.10349341

That is where I expected Joe. Not a genius, but he doesn't need to be. He has very good discipline, and lots of connections.

>> No.10350839
File: 700 KB, 1543x2128, Feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

127 is legitimately impressive. Remember, Feynman had a 125 IQ.

Rogan > Feynman