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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10342895 No.10342895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let that sink in.

>> No.10342899

"Races" aren't science

>> No.10342906
File: 173 KB, 1155x619, iqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10342916

>posts an image irrelevant to what I said

>> No.10342917

>Concept invented by the Caucasian race says they are superior


>”B-But muh Asians!”

Yeah Asians worship whites. Of course they do well on those tests. Wait until China develops their own version of IQ that says they’re superior and watch whites lose their shit.

>> No.10342919
File: 34 KB, 191x300, 865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> races aren't science

>> No.10342920
File: 36 KB, 883x832, 8A6AD8DE-F53F-461D-83FA-DC41EEED7FEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do it too

>> No.10342927

"Race" is an extension of normal biological etymology but as its applied to humans. You can use the term sub-species if it soothes your autism.

>> No.10342932
File: 36 KB, 496x599, 272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this wojak will show him!

>> No.10342936

butthurt poltard detected

>> No.10342938

So what's the definition, per "normal biological etymology"?

>> No.10342947

>implying anyone thinks white people are the master race

nobody is asserting white people are the best, just that blacks are the worst

>> No.10342951


>> No.10342952

>nobody is asserting white people are the best
Except the entirety of /pol/.

>> No.10342956

/pol/ is a jewish board, newfag

>> No.10342958

There are various sensible granularities you can use as your definition of subspecies but since its taboo there is no single official sub-species division. There is comprehensible sub-grouping using anything between 3 and 9 groups.


>> No.10342960

Ok so what is the endgame to your rhetoric?

>> No.10342962

kek. tell me: where did you study biology, anon?

>> No.10342963

restrictions on immigration

>> No.10342967

Are you going to make an argument?

>> No.10342968

>subspecies: a taxonomic category that ranks below species, usually a fairly permanent geographically isolated race
huh, looks like blacks don't constitute a subspecies

>> No.10342973

Modern immigration policy notwithstanding that description is apt

>> No.10342975

This is a perfect summary of the alt-right and how they differ from past far-right movements.
It's no longer about pretending that they are good at anything. It's now nothing more than the bare hatred of others.

>> No.10342976

Where do you live where black immigration is such an issue for you?

>> No.10342978
File: 2.01 MB, 1886x2359, Red_and_gray_phase_Screech_Owls_at_the_Southern_Vermont_Natural_History_Museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called a Cline.

>> No.10342981

The domination over other races by whatever means necessary, for the benefit of our race.

>> No.10342982

Nah, I don't argue in ernest with retards. Thanks for the comedy, though.

>> No.10342985

>besides the whole definition that definition is apt

>> No.10342988

ok now go back to >>>/pol/ thx

>> No.10342989

>Hungary is 20 points higher than Romania

Wtf? I thought they were the same race!!!

>> No.10342990

>[an undeniable part of human society for millennia] notwithstanding
how dishonest

>> No.10342996

Brainlet white man: Races don't exist
low IQ white man: Races exist and my race is the smartest
High IQ white man: Races exist and Jews are the smartest

>> No.10342998

>heh, whatcha gonna do if I call you /pol/ first!
Waste of hitler dubs on a fag like you

>> No.10343000

The racial groups we can observe were geographically isolated with very little overlap, that's how they developed noticeable physical differences and is why there weren't magically black African looking people born on a danish manor during the middle ages.

>> No.10343005

You made the claim that races aren't science. If you didn't want to defend that idea, why did you post anything ITT?

>> No.10343007

Many population groups exist. To insist on using race as a biological category is retarded.

>> No.10343008

Races aren't science. It is a social category invented hundreds of years before Darwin was even born.

Scientific Racism/Race Realism is just Creationism for Racists; 'Science' has been tacked on to the concept after-the-fact.

No amount of wojacks and pepes will change that fact.

>> No.10343009

*Ashkenazi Jews

>> No.10343010

>not wanting people who are below the iq line for retardation to come to your country
>not wanting people who have vastly different morals to come to your country
>not wanting people who have no skills to come to your country

yea thats just "hatred" and has nothing to do with not wanting shitty people to become your neighbors

>> No.10343012

>hehehe /pol/ strikes again!
there’s a reason every other board hates you guys

>> No.10343014

Mass migration over short periods of time (individual lifespans) is a modern phenomena.

It took thousands of years for the Bantus to occupy South Africa for example

>> No.10343016

You can't argue with people post non-credible sources.

>> No.10343017

>people only post in agreement

>> No.10343020

>if its not an issue now then it wouldn't be an issue in the future
>what are preventative measures