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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10341544 No.10341544 [Reply] [Original]

Only got room for one, which is it gonna be fellas?
Algorithms and Data Structures - COMP225
Object-Oriented Programming Practices - COMP229

>> No.10342415

Why are you wasting your money taking undergrad CS classes?
>both courses are in java
Even more reason they are shit.

Get Drozdek's DS&A book in C++ and read that instead of the Java version required for that class.

>> No.10343399

‘Cause they’re mandatory to move on to more complex classes (computer science major). I hear what you’re saying though, thanks for the recommendation. I’m only familiar with python, java and c so far, what makes you say c++ is the way to go? My professors all seem to think every language has its uses.

>> No.10343431

any language is better than fucking java if you have the chance to use it instead

>> No.10343437


The language doesn't matter. You don't need knowledge in a specific programming language to be an expert in algorithms and data structures.

>> No.10343445

that's true, but java is still eye cancer and you will learn to associate it with horrible pajeet bloatware

>> No.10343459

C++ is based, thats why

>> No.10343660
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OP here, I think this sounds right. Maybe they teach it in Java because its fairly easy to learn? Who knows.
Either way they aren't really courses ON java, they just use java as the medium. I'll definitely do what I can to learn C++ though, I'm fairly sure I will in third year anyway.

This seems accurate, the professor for my previous class in java was a pajeet. Definitely knows his shit though.

Regardless, I have to fill a space with a 2nd year computing or information systems unit. These two were first choices simply because they're prerequisite to an artificial intelligence course later on.

>> No.10343699

is that pic real?

>> No.10343771

I never really questioned it but now that I think about it I'm leaning towards no, unfortunately.

>> No.10343799
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>every language has its uses.

>> No.10343819

>‘Cause they’re mandatory to move on to more complex classes (computer science major).
If they're both required then why do you only have room for 1? Also it should be obvious that you should do the course that is prerequisite to other important courses (Algorithms and Data Structures).

>> No.10343837

Yeah sorry, I should clarify that a few of the later classes I'm looking at doing require one or the other, not both.

>> No.10343843

Isn't java useful for android?

>> No.10343868

Android was a mistake.

>> No.10344227

>Algorithms and Data Structures - COMP225
>Object-Oriented Programming Practices - COMP229
not science or math

>> No.10344406

How are algorithms not math?

>> No.10344412

They're not even close.

>> No.10344426
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Yeah okay some algorithms are arguably not purely mathematical (I do stress arguably though) but this is a computing unit so it'll mostly be applied discrete mathematics.

>> No.10344495

>computing unit so it'll mostly be applied discrete mathematics.


>> No.10344537
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As someone who's done several computer science units I can confirm that they are indeed very heavy on discrete math and most of the work involves expressing math functions as code.
The pic I posted is the unit schedule for the algorithms class. Graph algorithms (like Kruskal's or Euler's) are literally discrete mathematics, I literally covered them in a discrete mathematics class. So are binary trees. Advanced trees would probably be shit like minimal spanning trees, like the problem from the movie Good Will Hunting (which can be found with Kruskal's or Euler's algorithms) which was definitely a (discrete) math problem.
Sorting algorithms are also math driven and I think computability would be at least somewhat to do with time complexity which is expressed in big O notation, which is literally expressing the minimum and maximum number of computational steps required to complete a task as a formula in terms of n.
Its not terribly difficult math, but it IS math. Could you at least give a reason for why you think its not? Are you just gatekeeping 'pure' sciences?

>> No.10346096
File: 77 KB, 370x159, Euler on Graph Theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's numbers and sets
>therefore it's math

No. There's more math in a chemistry classes than cs classes. Even Euler didn't think of it as math.

>big O notation, which is literally expressing the minimum and maximum number of computational steps required to complete a task as a formula in terms of n.

No, that big Θ. Big O is just an upper bound, big Ω is the lower bound. And it's not the number of steps but proportionate steps.

CS majors prove yet again that they don't even understand their own field....

>> No.10346169

>Algorithms and Data Structures - COMP225
Definitely, this one

>> No.10346600

Define math then, do you consider other discrete math branches like permutations to be maths? What about probability or statistics? I feel like this argument is more of a semantic one about what we think maths can be defined as. I would say computer science is applied math, obviously depends on what you’re doing in computer science but numerical algorithms certainly fit the bill. Sure there’s sections that deal more with words and strings. But is physics not applied math because it has some areas with more drawings and hand gestures than numbers? Just because a field has some qualitative areas doesn’t just cancel out the mathematical ones. I would say math is anything that deals with values and the manipulation of values. If you have a different definition I’d like to hear it. You’re still not giving many reasons as to why you think all this, “because Euler said so”, got a source on that by the way? Maybe he could convince me. Maybe I’m just salty because I’ve done like 5 math units for my degree so it certainly feels like math to me.
Also thank you for the actual suggestion. I’m inclined to pick that one too.

>> No.10346955
File: 423 KB, 490x684, pic-1740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>binary trees
>counting sort
>I would say math is anything that deals with values and the manipulation of values

You have no fucking idea what math is. Take a few real math courses and take a few real physics courses.

>I’ve done like 5 math units

Which? Discrete math/probability in the CS department doesn't count. Neither does matrix algebra, precalculus, college algebra, intermediate/elementary algebra, basic computation/math or any other remedial class.

>> No.10347724
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I have done 'real' math units, this was my most recent:
As well as the two math units before it, one statistics unit and a discrete math unit.
I'm also majoring in mechatronics so I have actually done several physics units too. I'm no genius or prodigy or anything but I certainly know what math is. I'm curious what you do/study, and why you're so hostile and bitter. Were your parents killed by computer scientists? I know this is 4chan but I'm just trying to have a conversation here. Are you like this in person, or do you just vent online?

>> No.10347801

Data structures is more useful in finding a cs job.

>> No.10348631


>multivariable calculus (that doesn't have greens/stokes/divergence theorems) + matrix algebra
>real math
Pick exactly one.

>As well as the two math units before it, one statistics unit and a discrete math unit.
So calc 1&2. You haven't done any real math classes yet. Take abstract algebra or topology and see what a real math class is like.