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10337776 No.10337776 [Reply] [Original]

Where is all the masterminds geniuses who use nothing but free sources online but yet is high end researchers/whatever? The information is out there, no doubt. I bet someone super smart could become very advanced by simply reading wikipedia. Why isn't the world filled to the brink with geniuses who don't have money to go to universities?

>> No.10337781
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>> No.10337795

We started heavily crippling human brain function in the late 80's, early 90's. This was done with birthing procedures, eg administration of pitocin, immediate umbilical cord clamping (started in the 50's), and injection of vitamin K. It was also done with vaccines, among which the hepatitis B seems to be the most destructive. The food supply also continued to worsen. Many of these things act synergistically with water fluoridation, making it an even greater problem.

Mind you this was on the heels of massive toxic overload in the parents of that generation. Strontium in the bones, people used to use mercurochrome on cuts and gargle with it, mercury was in water supplies from mining operations. You had DDT trucks out spraying everywhere, DDT impregnated wallpaper, organochloride pesticides everywhere. Diethylsilbestrol in dairy and given to women, which will modify immune response. Some of this is inherited.

Lastly you have wireless devices, which further alter behavior, motivation, curiosity, and general intellect. There area number of other psychological factors at work, educational systems and so on, but I do believe it's largely physical.

>> No.10337800

Chew you have a singlicious snatisfact to back that up?

>> No.10337804

they'd just go to college for free

>> No.10337808
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Do you have a single source to back this up?

>> No.10337811

Of course not, it's beneficial to the government to have an intelligent population. They'd actually bring in even more revenue. This reaches a certain logistical point but even then this can be prevented through preventing the discoveries of certain technologies/medications, etc.

>> No.10337823

Yep, but so does google. Early umbilical clamping is to me the most immediately damning aspect which on its own should call everything else into question, and a simple search will show you what it's all about and readily bring up studies showing lower IQ, deficits in iron stores (the ability to manufacture ferritin), and less brain myelination at 4 months after birth. It pretty much stunts neurodevelopment. probably through permanent brain damage. And coincidentally became common practice around the same time everything else real fucked up was coming around.

The belief of midwives, ancient texts going back to ancient Greece, and texts up to the 50's were very clear. "The umbilical cord is to be left until all pulsations have ceased and it lies flat." Fuck it I'll just give you a short version of the reason. The child has just spent the last nearly 10 months submerged in fluid. After birth the lungs need time to clear fluid, expand, and come online, called lung changeover. During this time the sole source of gas exchange, oxygen, and nutrients is the blood being pumped from the placenta, in a process called placental transfusion. The blood is not extra, it's being pumped in for a reason. What they do is wait 5 - 30 seconds, then put a clamp on it, sever the cord and so forth. The child naturally does not benefit from this process.

So you got this child, its little heart beating away at 200+ bpm pumping its hypoxic blood around. So what do you do? Inject it with vitamin K, increasing the viscosity of its blood. Yep.

>> No.10337830
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do you honestly think genius' of this caliber would hang out on a image board? like seriously i really want an answer on this because you should already know that this place is for the mentally barren.

>> No.10337850

(I will help with the vaccines though)

In the inserts pay attention to section 13 in particular. All of them read pretty much the same way:
"This vaccine has not been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, or impairment of fertility."

>> No.10338037

who has the time to read all that shit?

>> No.10338041

You're on 4chan, so obviously you. I'm a fuck-around with the attentional misallocation just being here and having the tabs open.

>> No.10338046

And also, there are people who have already done all the work for you. But you stick with the status quo official narratives and jsut say hurr durr tinfoil, hurr durr >>>/x/. So obviously you have to be told to read it yourself. Only way to learn ya.

>> No.10338612

a genius will most likely be found and introduced to the academic world so that he can work the proper way

there might be some fringe cases where a guy has the right idea, but has no way of prooving it because he has no idea how to do academic work

basically this here though