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10334223 No.10334223 [Reply] [Original]

Is 26 too old to start a PhD? Field is Aeronautics & Astronautics with a focus on robotics/autonomous systems.

It's at MIT and I have the option of backing out after a MS.

My main problem with starting this late is I want to be able to work to afford 3-5 kids before I'm too old, and the math doesn't check out if I only start earning at 31.

>> No.10334225

>Is 26 too old to start a PhD?

>> No.10334226

>My main problem with starting this late is I want to be able to work to afford 3-5 kids before I'm too old, and the math doesn't check out if I only start earning at 31.

Are you a dude or girl?

>> No.10334228


I'm a guy. The other option is just do a 2yr MS with a research focus/thesis and come back for a PhD later in life.

>> No.10334241

I'm 27 starting a med school programme that will take 6 years to finish. a PhD from MIT will get you enough money to raise as many kids as you want dude.
Don't worry about that.

>> No.10334244

Probably this because a PhD can easily over-qualify you out of a lot of jobs.

>> No.10334252


you can just not mention it, its not really that big of a deal

>> No.10334257

Why would you do a Ph.D for a job? You do it because you love your field, and you want the title of "Doctor" (real doctor not MD)

>> No.10334265

Because I imagine if I spend 2 years heavily invested in my research preparing for "Backup plan", I'll genuinely love it and be invested in it enough to stay on for the full ride.

>> No.10334271


you can't "plan" your research. yo ucan't come up with something "great" or PhD worthy.
if you just want to spam some shit so you get a PhD, don't do it , you are going to waste your time

>> No.10334337

I'm starting my BS at 24 fuck you #1, #2 you can genetically sire children until even 65 years old as a man calm your titties, first kid at 35 with a wife who is 24 isn't the end of the world.

>> No.10334416

26 is fine. Follow what you love, anon.

>> No.10334438

I'm 42 and I'm doing pre-med so I can write my own prescriptions and to relive the boredom and a Ph.D. means you get to be called a doctor too

>> No.10335297
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it's not too late. i started mine when i was 29 years old. pretty nice so far

>> No.10335312

haha MIT glhf

>> No.10335323

I have worked with a PhD student that was 56. There is no age limit to education.

>> No.10335333

So what happened to him?

>> No.10335344

He probably graduated without incident. The worst part about being an old student is you have no one to hang out with because your instructors are five times your superior and your peers are under developed retards

>> No.10335350

Nope, you'll be fine. I'll be starting my PhD at around the same time.

>> No.10335360
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im not even a college student

>> No.10335440

You'll be fine with either degree. A master's will pay better over your lifetime, unless you want to brag to normies about being an MIT PhD in Aeroboatics

>> No.10335495

Yeah, but what happened after graduation? Do you think a freshly minted 56 year old PhD stands a chance of having a successful career?

>> No.10335504
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>I want to be able to work to afford 3-5 kids
You're gonna fail your PhD because your retarded OP

>> No.10335701

Men can have kids a bit later in life, but personally I'd rather have them sooner. Imagine having your kids be teenagers when you're in your 50s as opposed to your 40s.

>> No.10335737

Not op but I’m a girl same age same question

>> No.10336144

i think pumping out 3-5 kids starting in your early 30s might be a challenge

>> No.10336194
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I'm gonna have to request the sauce for this womyn please. Thank you.

>> No.10336209

Start a family now, get a career when your kids are in school and you're bored shitless.

>> No.10336291

This is a good strategy

>> No.10336398

start a family now, you lose most of your eggs by the time you're 30 and you simply have more energy to deal with having kids now than when you're in your 30s

>> No.10336414


>> No.10336457

Isn't 26 normal for a PhD? t. undergrad

>> No.10336513

The average age at completion is probably early-mid thirties. If you want to be a full professor, you should have a degree no later than about age 35.

Smart kids who got their doctorates before age 30 and who keep publishing quality papers will steamroll you if you get it later than they do.

>> No.10336522

Not completely correct; men's sperm quality also deteriorates starting from the late 30's.

>> No.10336535

Just do it you idiot. It's a fucking Ph.D from MIT. I would give up my left kidney to have that.

>> No.10336556


I would imagine he already had a successful career if he had the free time and money to do a PhD.

>> No.10336888

Old men have schizo babies

>> No.10337461

Her footpussy game is insane.

>> No.10337476

I started mine at 29 in England. I got three post-doc offers a year before I finished, and I'm doing just fine. There's a buttload of factors that will determine your success in academia/job - your age doesn't make the top 10 list.

>> No.10337510

>Goes to MIT
>Doesn't know that males are fertile their entire lives.

Sounds like you are a wannabe trap OP. Men don't become infertile like women. You'll never be too old for kids.

>> No.10337568
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With the world on its current trajectory, having any amount of children is immoral, let alone having 3 to 5 of them.

>> No.10337588

>Is 26 too old to start a PhD?
are you retarded?

>> No.10337597

True but there's a link between older fathers and things like autism in their children

Seems to be how we got Barron

>> No.10337615

If they're white babies its absolutely moral. Everything else is a detriment to an environment. Im not white and I refuse to breed cause that would be immoral

>> No.10337627

White babies born today are still going to die at a very early age, along with everything else

>> No.10337636

Yes, have at least 6 if you're going to have children. You need to be able to use them as a hockey team.

>> No.10337662

White men can save this world from any obstacle. Depopulation is definitely a step but it gotta be all of s. asia and africa. China's problematic but they can be subdued

>> No.10337855

But then you have a several-years-long gap in your resume

>> No.10337955

>I want to be able to work to afford 3-5 kids before I'm too old

>> No.10338087

>having a family
>not going MGTOW
that's where you went wrong buddy

>> No.10338123

You're a cuck.
I'm black and I'll make sure to have at least 3 children.

>> No.10338143

i'm white and i'm going to have something like 100 kids

>> No.10338190

I would pursue a PhD even if I reached 70, if it is possible. I have an MS and 3 kids now. You have to make sacrifices. And think of the regrets you will have at older age..

>> No.10338239

>not already having them
They'll never get my third world DNA to prove it!

>> No.10338262

OP, there is no straight answer. I am undergraduate working one year with PhD students on several projects (quantum chemistry) and I can see that there isn't much perspective for them outside academia. You should ask yourself what is your priority in life, desu to create an impact you don't need PhD.

>> No.10338291

are you white?

>> No.10338314

I started my PhD at 37, was it too late?

>> No.10338332

Correct me if I'm wrong as I'm european, but isn't a PhD from the MIT alone a near guarantuee for a decently paying job?

>> No.10338439

should i skip MS and go for my PhD?

31 btw

>> No.10338455

If you don't have to have multiple sclerosis it's best to avoid it really.

>> No.10338547

>link between older fathers and things like autism in their children
ugh better study social science, genderstudies or politics then

>> No.10338558

I'm doing just that. But I'm child free. If I wanted children I would just do a Masters.
In your field, especially, experience is so much more important than a Ph.d

>> No.10338563

>Is 26 too old to start a PhD?
For you, yes, because you are so stupid to think this.

>> No.10338565

>intelligent people should not have babies
>let yourself outbreed by 65 IQ subsaharan Africans
Sounds like a great idea.

>> No.10338610

This was such a dummy joke, yet I laughed out loud. Kudos anon.

>> No.10338637


>> No.10338648

That last sentence of yours was the most irrelevant pointless piece of shit I've seen on this website

>> No.10339430


>> No.10339639

>I was traveling the world to broaden my cultural horizons blah, blah, blah

>> No.10339642



>> No.10339677

Autism is correlated with the age of the father not the mother.
The age of the mother only increases chances of chromosome mistakes and most kids don't have those.

>> No.10339839

hold on, I think this guy is right

>> No.10339869

A fellow man whomst appreciates his language, my liege

>> No.10340212

Your wife doesn't work from home? I'm doing my PhD and have two kids already. I'm 27. Are you not getting a living stipend? It's based off the area. Also, my wife is an animator from Korea so whilst I'm in school she takes care of the kids and creates stuff to sell to people that use unreal game engine. In one month she even made 6000$. But yep it's definitely not consistent.

Babies are the best time to do a PhD because you don't need the extra cash flow yet to pay for private school. Your wife can also just work a normal job and utilize daycare but I highly recommend against putting a kid into daycare or public school.

>> No.10340253

since you want a family I'd recommend doing something else. If you were a single guy, the age is nothing, and I'd say go for it. But would you have a good stable career with the PhD route? It looks uncertain to me even if the PhD is from MIT

>> No.10340795

It is my lad, no where near as significant as old roasties who are warranted to have aberrations, autists or retards

>> No.10342095

MIT is always worth it. Your main problem is once more getting used to zero disposable income. Then again life is about new experiences and a PhD plus 2 rounds or so of post doc in different countries is fantastic. I did that (though straight from undergrad to PhD) and I don't regret it.

As for family I spent too many years as post doc. If you cannot get tenure quickly you should get out, fast. I didn't, so no wife for me.

>Not op but I’m a girl same age same question
Do the PhD, perhaps one short post doc, have children and then, if you want, do another post doc to get tenure. It will be harder to get tenure, though MIT is a good start.

Depends where. In the UK you normally go from undergrad to PhD and get your PhD before 28.

Also greater risk of autism.

Correct answer.

>> No.10342786

I'm also non-white and I agree.
You'll be forcing someone to have ugly skin. And for what? What do you want to accomplish by having children?

>> No.10343224

>im a girl
I love you

>> No.10343236

If you want to go for an industry job, join the program, get a masters and opt out.
Get a job in silicon valley, live in San Jose and live the middle class life.

>> No.10343580

The real question is how do you get into MIT at 26 to get a PhD or master's? I'm 24 and I want to go to grad school in the next couple of years.

>> No.10344698

>verbally insulting and attacking an innocent kid is fine as long as its a kid of a president you dont like
