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File: 345 KB, 1596x907, globalwarming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10332873 No.10332873 [Reply] [Original]

Global warming is happening, most pacific islands will be underwater in a few decades.

>> No.10332888
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x853, img_2457_duerre01_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sea level rise will hit last, wildfires, drought and other negative effects are already there

>> No.10332899

So what are we going to do?
And no, solar and wind power are not enough.

>> No.10333068

Also Baltimore and Bangladesh. They're all at sea level.

>> No.10333898

>islands will be underwater
Americlapps don't care

>> No.10333952

From that 1cm rise? I find that hard to believe.

>> No.10333960

sea is rising slowly. none of that other stuff is getting worse.

>> No.10334005

sad that companies only care about money
they might consider environment friendly policies when the earth is already burning, but then again money

>> No.10334015

Well hippie unless you can feed a population without it, we are stuck with money based policies.

>> No.10334097
File: 40 KB, 434x393, 1546791304477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an exponential trend
How long do we have?

>> No.10334187

>I find that hard to believe
...bcoz intellectually lazy.

>> No.10334191

>feed a population without [money]
How were populations fed in ancient times, before [money]

>> No.10334196
File: 34 KB, 672x336, 1548619193644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet my chemtrail threads are immediately deleted.


Interview with a USAF general.

>> No.10334264

And what evidence do you have that there's anything besides water and/or ice particles in any of that?

>> No.10334266

That's not the real issue. The real issue is that we need to produce something like 70% more food in the next decades, but climate change is going to lead to reduced crop yields.


>> No.10334272


how about you eat less then

>> No.10334275
File: 5 KB, 255x197, 1527990422235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant response. Truly brilliant.

>> No.10334279

Tests of the snow. Full of aluminum and surfactants.

Watch other videos on the channel.

>> No.10334314


>> No.10334316

Sounds like it's part of a cloud seeding program. I remember how the US military considers climate change to be a very serious threat.

>> No.10334319

Commented that before clicking on the video

>> No.10334740
File: 347 KB, 1600x1137, impacts-mindmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you watch news?
- worst wildfire in history
- record drought
- strongest hurricane ever
- highest flood
- biggest heatwave
- etc.
it's getting worse every year and it will go on like this if we don't stop climate change

>> No.10334744

based retard

>> No.10334847

>pacific islands will be underwater
who gives a shit ?

>> No.10334877

by letting the poor die

>> No.10334881

Anon couldn't have known you were american

>> No.10334928
File: 28 KB, 606x341, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>increased earthquakes

also 3° over 100 years is 0.3° in a decade lol why would anyone be scared of that

>> No.10335317

>...bcoz intellectually lazy.
>...bcoz intellectually lazy.
Did you even read the article that you linked? It is clearly stated that other factors have contributed to the submerging of that island.

>> No.10335735
File: 511 KB, 2400x1800, hurrican_irma_flooding_in_jacksonville_-_11-sept-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not just islands

>> No.10335747

Because it increases the temperature of the core.
Have you not heard of Venus?

>also 3° over 100 years is 0.3° in a decade lol why would anyone be scared of that
>I don't know what coral bleaching it, the post.
>I don't know just how sharply it has risen.

>> No.10336058

>implying we cant shoot them all

>> No.10336240


>> No.10336296

This. It's never going to be stopped, mass extinction, people don't care anymore. I'm just glad I'll be comfy up to the point where it all ends.

>> No.10336349

They don't know how to build a dyke? Fuck em.

>> No.10337796

millions of refugees will come from a deserted Midwest and flooded coastal cities and fight for a few good places to live and they will be well armed , it's literally Mad Max

>> No.10338077

Why does that pic include earthquakes and tsunamis?

>> No.10338090

Hope all the Coal,Oil&Gas families get expropriated. They deserve to be.

>> No.10338203

Climate change deniers don't really exist.

At least not in the way that the establishment media and the INTERNET SHILLS try to portray them.
The truth is that the number of people that actually believe they can seriously mount a scientific argument against climate change is minuscule, and in any case their opinion is completely ignored by everyone, rending their existence completely insignificant.

The bulk of "climate change deniers" are just people who are invested in Coal,Oil,Gas&Ideology to the point that they feel the need to fight against any proposed climate change action. But these people are not really deniers. They know that climate change exists and they know they are causing it. They just find themselves on the wrong side of history and cannot do anything but fight until their inevitable loss. The goal is less to win and more to prolong their current way of life and get richer in the meantime.

So then, if real climate change denial is insignificant, then why does the establishment media and INTERNET SHILLS want us to believe otherwise? Simply because it gives them a scapegoat to blame for climate change inaction. Don't blame the Coal and Oil and Gas lobbyists. Don't blame the Libertarian fanatic propagandists. Blame the (fake and nonexistent) rural population full of climate change deniers that are holding Washington back from enacting climate change action (as if they have the power to do so).

And finally, just note how much ridiculous the idea of climate change deniers being responsible for policy really is. Does Washington care about the people's opinion on the banks and taxes and a hundred other much more important issues? No. They do whatever they want. But suddenly they give a shit about some random ignorant rural person when it comes to climate change policy. How convenient.

It's all just a scapegoat, a made up scapegoat.

>> No.10338226

Ideology is main driver, science is sitting this one out. One thing is climate changing, other is brutal money scam around green energy. Look at German Energewende program where they transfer 25 bln euro last year alone. And at same time close 30% of their power generation that actually do not emits CO2.

>> No.10338408

Sea level rise means tsunamis and flood in general might reach higher areas which had been safe before.
Also ice calving can cause tsunamis. Fortunately not many people live areas where this can happen.

>> No.10338425

The ultimate red pill. It's all a big optics game. Their goal is not even to discredit the science, because obviously that would be impossible. Their goal is to make it seem like the opposition to climate action is this massively huge body composing the majority of the country and thus making the problem seem insurmountable.
When in fact all the opposition is coming from a bunch of suits that make less than 0.0001% of the population.

>> No.10338432

Why are you pretend that we agree on anything?
We are completely in disagreement.
I disagree with everything you wrote.

>> No.10338448

>"Blame the (fake and nonexistent) rural population full of climate change deniers that are holding Washington back from enacting climate change action (as if they have the power to do so). "

Oh so you are a sanctimonious technocrat fuckwit, thanks for sharing i guess.

>> No.10338522

wew lad

>> No.10338523

I'd give that prediction more credence if it had not first been tossed out there a few decades ago.

>> No.10338525

12 years.

Interestingly, the same amount of time we had 12 years ago.

>> No.10338528

By having way fewer people.

>> No.10338530

Longer growing seasons and more CO2 leads to a crop reduction.


>> No.10338533

This guy is right, back in the day hurricanes did not lead to flooding.

>> No.10338537
File: 1.07 MB, 300x169, it crowd clown laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it increases the temperature of the core.

>> No.10338543

>Longer growing seasons
1. not everywhere, half of the developed world will see shorter growing seasons
2. "growing season" only measure the temperature, you ignore the much more erratic weather that causes massive decreases in yields; this is what already is happening since ~2010 in the midwest; already caused one food crisis

>> No.10338553

What we're experiencing is climate engineering done by governments to control the weather. This is achieved by aerial aerosol dispersion. If we maintain the present course we don't have more than a decade.

>> No.10338566

>Because it increases the temperature of the core.
Lol no. Even if the increase of surface temperature would affect tectonic activity (which it can't, unless you're talking about an increase of hundreds of degrees), the effect would be to reduce tectonic activity, since it is driven by the temperature difference between the hot core and the cold surface.

>> No.10338580

This makes the shill seethe with rage

>> No.10338600


>> No.10338608

fuck it, it's not my fault
I don't run shit bitch, whoever is in charge should get on top of this.

>> No.10338738
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Strike_Witches_Operation_Victory_Arrow_03_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[DD6E3C0D].mkv_snapshot_27.17_[2017.09.05_01.45.09].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The problem with democracy is that it's all about winning next term. Nobody thinks what will happen in 30 or 50 years it's all about 4-5 years until next elections.

Fighting climate change means some people would lose jobs and economy would suffer a bit and no politician is going to go with that.

Personally I'm happy about this becasue when things get so bad it will be undeniable it's going to be hilarious. It's not like human civilization will collapse.

>> No.10338953

A lot of people deny it for religious reasons as well.