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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 200x191, human_races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10332336 No.10332336 [Reply] [Original]

So im hearing so many people saying that theres no difference between a white man and a black man or an Asian etc....
now im here are some clearly provable things:

First of all their phenotype clearly differs.

Secondly different races have different muscle fiber compositions, different joint lengths and muscle insertions. Its especially visible between blacks and non-blacks... Blacks always winning medals in every running sport, while non-blacks are superior in lifting etc...

Different red and white blood cell distribution.

Different gene expressions for fat metabolism.

Hell Blacks and non-blacks even do have different medicine.

There are also other, unprovable differences like IQ or different causes of death on average for given race that may or may not be created by their lifestyle.

I dont believe that you can tell that someone is of one race, but i do believe that its a gradient which you could observe on the percentage of autosomal DNA.

Dogs were domesticated just some 10 000 years ago now there are several different races... Wouldnt it be plausible to believe that if we migrated out of Africa 70 000 years ago that we split into different races ?

Just because someone is better at x doesnt mean that you are inferior... because you're better at y. People 100 years ago were nazis who treated people in their colonies like dirt, however that shouldnt mean that race is a derogative term... I dont want to be too political however. Also ancestral populations of various races could be taxonomically classified to some extent. E.G ancient northern eurasians or early neolithic farmers.

>> No.10332344

Yeah sure let's talk about race instead of the AIs that get 120 IQ on their IQ tests. AI can replicate themselves and defeat humans at everything but let's waste time on race instead of combatting the apocalypse that is machine learning. You /poltards want the world to end

>> No.10332347 [DELETED] 

Race is a social construct by definition, a social construct is a way to divide reality into categories to facilitate its description, but it doesn't mean that niggers are equal to whites in terms of IQ or that IQ differences are not caused primarily by genes.

>> No.10332350
File: 96 KB, 339x276, luk_at_dis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, mate, we know this. Posting this on /sci/ is just preaching to the choir

>> No.10332355
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>t. popsci faggot with no understanding of AI / ML

>> No.10332369

How the fuck is machine learning apocalypse? Will your ego be hurt if you work less and there would be some superior intelligence?

>> No.10332378

AI isnt that super bright robot and wont be it for another 100 years.
AIs are just self-correcting algorithms that are effective in sorting and finding data Strings with certain semantics.
Very different to a sentient being.
Also id rather fear that mankind destroys us. Machines can be programmed to control our economy, people cant be programmed,they are greedy and they are polluting this planet to oblivion right now.

>> No.10332381

Also id say that we didnt even develop the right type of Turing machines to recreate human conscience.

>> No.10332390

Machines solve patterns better than the average human. So they have a higher IQ.

>> No.10332395
File: 55 KB, 659x582, human genetic diversity - 3D PCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent large scale population genetics studies, enabled by cheap whole genome sequencing, show that races are real and significant. Of course they just call them genetic clusters due to political correctness, but it is the same thing as classical races, somewhat more overlapping. So much for the "social construct" BS.

>> No.10332397
File: 72 KB, 543x666, machine merchant rubbing hands as biologicals fight each other for no reason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes goyim. AI is not a threat. Keep fighting other biological organisms. It's not like machines are going to outstrip you anyway. Don't study biology goyim. Focus on race and race wars as we take over the earth.

>> No.10332403

>tfw associate graphs with colours and dots on them with low quality /pol/ bait threads so I almost avoided >>10328242 because of it's image

>> No.10332409

You really think so ?
What about the calculations we are doing subconsciously... calculate the parabola to throw a ball in certain wind conditions, readjust the mechanical states of your extremities to throw the ball at that parabolic path... our body does it automatically and very precisely.

But not only that... we are capable of understanding the meaning of things. We are vastly superior in extracting relevant information from our environment to any known computer.

Just because a computer can quicksort an array in few ms doesnt mean its smarter. The program was written by a person... the computer is just his slave who uses simple binary circuits to do his math homework.

An AI wont be smarter just because of the fact that the neuron can have more states, while the deterministic Turing machine can have only one state. As I said a true Neural Turing machine will take us some 100 years to make.
Hell a computer today would have a lower IQ than a fly...

>> No.10332471
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>> No.10332517

>Dogs were domesticated just some 10 000 years ago now there are several different races

And yet, a Great Dane and a Chihuahua can have puppies. You are mistaking "race" for "breed".

>> No.10332523

>So im hearing so many people saying that theres no difference between a white man and a black man or an Asian etc....
No you're not. So lying.

>> No.10332576

If there was a difference between races then doctors would specialize in only treating people of the same "race". But that doesn't happen. You can be a doctor who learnt it all in rural racist america and still be able to accurately treat people of another "race" in Asia and Africa. Apparently all the functions of the human body are too similar to require medical specialisations

>> No.10332738

>So im hearing so many people saying that theres no difference between a white man and a black man or an Asian etc.

strawman. no one says that except your imagined ebil socialist culthural markist feminazi libtard that you're getting oppressed by in the imaginary autism-land in your mind

>> No.10332761

You are saying the obvious and preaching to the choir.

>> No.10332788
File: 32 KB, 600x394, begone poltard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if we migrated out of Africa 70 000 years ago that we split into different races ?
No. Evolution does not work that quickly. In geologic time, 70,000 years is nothing.

You are making arbitrary differences based on skin color (and yes, shape of skull). Why shouldn't you declare brown haired people to be a different race than redheads? Or blue eyed people to be a different race than green eyes? If a person has two different color eyes, is he/she biracial?

Here's your (you). Now go back to /pol/ and stop spouting bullshit.

>> No.10332810
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>> No.10332819

You already have reddit to post your SJW crap. /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not politics.

>> No.10332845
File: 461 KB, 350x232, back2pol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not politics.
Then why do (you) post the same old "hurr durr nig nogs be dum" thread every day?

Oh, yeah, because it gets (you)s. Enjoy your two. Now go back.

>> No.10332865
File: 49 KB, 264x400, 9780393038910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Inb4 buh buh that's just SJW propaganda

>> No.10332894

Machines have done calculus better than humans for 60+ years. IT doesn't mean anything.
Have you ever noticed that the people in charge probably don't know calculus?(Or can even send a fucking email half the time)
It's because doing math well doesn't mean shit.

>> No.10332900

>AIs that get 120 IQ on their IQ tests. AI can replicate themselves and defeat humans at everything
lets see them AIs fist fite me m8

>> No.10332902

That's not true anymore. As medical science is improving doctors are noticing that drugs are working better on white people because drug trials happen more often on white people. Blood pressure medication and heart medication doesn't work as well on black people, that's part of why they die from heart issues more than white people.

>> No.10332909

ill believe that when i see an AI analyze a poem and decipher the meaning

>> No.10332912
File: 136 KB, 500x645, the-audacity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into it retard. This is actually harming black people more than you think. They are dying at higher rates because medications and medical research are mostly made with white people as the test subjects, and doctors are noticing the treatments don't work as well on other races.
People are different, people are less different if they lived geographically close to each other historically. WOW! shocking! I can't believe I'm saying something so RACIST.
You're so fucking dumb.

>> No.10332916

That doesn't mean anything. I want them to read a poem and cry. Show me that AI.

>> No.10332917

>Diamond was born in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Both of his parents were from East European Jewish families who had emigrated to the United States.

>> No.10332923

>(((Diamond))) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Both of his (((parents))) were from (((East European families))) who had (((emigrated))) to the United States.


>> No.10332925

>No. Evolution does not work that quickly. In geologic time, 70,000 years is nothing.

Evolution does happen in a few generations, if the selective pressures are high enough. This argument is fucking dumb.


>> No.10332928

Just another coincidence

>> No.10332939

DESU though his theory made sense.
Europeans and Chinese had more access to domesticated crops thanks to their geography which made it easier and faster to create agrarian societies.

>> No.10332945

>Europeans and Chinese had more access to domesticated crops
>had more access to domesticated crops

the crops had already domesticated themselves before the arrival of European / Chinese?

>> No.10332959


A. evidence?
B. show that your evidence CANNOT be blamed on something else.

If youre gonna science you might as well do it right...

>> No.10332961
File: 43 KB, 600x693, disdain-for-plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the different cultures at that latitude all domesticated a few crops, and eventually the crops spread east and west. Western europeans domesticate a few, arabs did few more, the chinese a few more, and then they all spread so we now have a few dozen different grains. Different animals were domesticated at that latitude that would die in the cold of the north or die from the diseases in the south.

Did you even read the fucking book?

>> No.10332965

Google it you mongoloid. You obviously realize you lost if all you can argue at this point is for me to post a citation.

>> No.10332978

As I said to you in a different thread, you spastic. The reason they can do IQ-like tests, isn't because they've learnt to, we programmed them to mimic human cognition, that's their fucking purpose. Of course, they can perform certain tasks that favour a high-throughput better than us, because they're fucking computers.
But they don't understand what they're doing, and aren't yet creative. The best you can get, is one generates a semi-random output that is defined by "wanted characteristics" and then a second AI "rates it", and if it doesn't think it meets those "wanted characteristics" it makes the other AI generate another semi-random output, from even stricker "characteristics".
That isn't intelligence, or creativity, that's chance.

>> No.10332999

I was commenting the post, not the book

>Europeans and Chinese had more access to domesticated crops thanks to their geography which made it easier and faster to create agrarian societies.

It wasn't very clear what was meant by this sentence. I intepreted as the Europeans already finding domesticated species to cultivate, which doesn't make much sense.

>Did you even read the fucking book?

I'm sure it's full or reasoned arguments, but somehow I can't take the "there are no domesticable animal/crops in Africa" argument seriously. I mean,are zebras really that different from horses? I don't have time to read the entire book.

>> No.10333012


>> No.10333020


>I can't prove YOUR point, therefore, I lost.

I checked 10 different studies on the role of race in disease treatment and they all cite systemic oppression and cultural views as the major relevant variables.

So unless you are going to argue for something other than race being a social construct, you lack of evidence is fucking joke.

>> No.10333034
File: 51 KB, 500x442, not-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't care if you believe me, I'm white so I lucked out and get the best medical care.
Blacks are the ones who stand to lose if you keep up this bullshit charade that humans aren't different based on geography.
By all means, keep letting the blacks die earlier.

>> No.10333081


Youre the race realist. I'm the med student. I'm not worried about what you think.

>> No.10333082
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>> No.10333086

>systemic oppression

Never post on this board again.

>> No.10333103
File: 76 KB, 528x565, you-are-retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one defending policies that will result in more black people dying.

ur the racist here braj.

>> No.10333104
File: 95 KB, 545x473, SadRaceWojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10333105

Stop talking about race. Go back to /pol/

>> No.10333116

i have between top first and second skin color and a little bit of bottom second hair

what am i

>> No.10333117
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1548613268255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why these SJWs need to be so fucking repulsive!!?

>> No.10333172

Stop denying biology. Go back to plebit

>> No.10333185

I'm not siding either of you in terms of your actual claims, but that's an obvious ad hom an appeal to authority.

>> No.10333298

hahaha nice meme... the dog on the right doesnt look like a retriever however

>> No.10333372

race or super-population isnt a political thing... its a scientific thing
on /pol it would translate into black bashing which wasnt my intent...

Indeed i dont believe that any race is inferior, i do however believe that we have different qualities and perhaps it would improve our lifestyle to encourage our qualities.

Acknowledging that there are genetic differences between races or populations
could help us create more effective medicine.
Indeed it could also help multiracial patients who may struggle to find suitable bone marrow transplants to be more open about this topic,

Its just stating the facts.

>> No.10333394

This thread isn't about science, is about POLITICS.

No matter how many times we clarify to the /pol/tard of OP

No matter how many fallacies we crush

No matter how much science we throw at this idiot

It only matters he wants to put POLITICS on /sci/

>> No.10333399

I am the Op

>> No.10333404

Fuck you, fuck off, you don't care about real biology, you only want to say blacks and chinese and whatever are another species than europeans.

Fuck off.

>> No.10333413

No youre the NPC here.
Of course i want to say that we have a different genetic make up and different qualities because its a fact.

>> No.10333415

Pure idiocy

>> No.10333435

Case-in-point conditions like G6PD deficiency, which is almost exclusively seen in blacks. Certain medications when administered to a G6PD deficient case have high incidences of serious side effects. t. medfag just passing through, it is infantile to believe race is a social construct on this a board of science

>> No.10333442
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>viable offsprings
>Shares the same ecosystem
>mixed communities

You like it or not is the same species even with different ethnics. There is your answer.

>> No.10333467

of course its the same species im not arguing against that... it just pisses me off when people dismiss the fact that certain populations have certain anatomical differences....
Like for example a very pronounced white blood cell count difference between Blacks and non-Blacks.
Take this for example : could a white child live solely out of meat like the inuits ?
It would succumb to increased risks of developmental disorders from eating solely meat.

>> No.10333484

>Just because someone is better at x doesnt mean that you are inferior... because you're better at y.
That's not good enough. Race deniers are only ok with that prenise when you mean something inconsequential or something whites are in general bad at
If you say blacks are good at basketball while whites are good at engineering, they will go apeshit.

>> No.10333485
File: 89 KB, 190x284, 654324567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of course its the same species im not arguing against that
>Of course i want to say that we have a different genetic make up and different qualities because its a fact

Race has different connotations socially speaking. "Human race", remember. "Race" as a scientific term is barely used in humans as it is pseudoscientific in the way it was used in the past, using race for different species in animals while doing the idiotic distinction of race in humans like it were different species. You use ethnics in humans for this reason.

Genetic differences are a must inside the species, consider if there is not enough genes in the genetic pool the population suffers. Even with the bolivians having greater resistance to high altitude thanks to their superior hemoglobin you can't say they are a different species than the hemophiliac britons.

Enough said.

>> No.10333489

There is only one race, the human race.

>> No.10333495
File: 12 KB, 668x460, 3 - 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you contain this bullshit

Fuck off to /pol/ with your reverse psychology bullshit

>> No.10333498

>People 100 years ago were nazis who treated people in their colonies like dirt
They treated people outside their race like everybody else did.
Do you think bantus genociding khoisans or arabs castrating blacks was any better?

>> No.10333502

How is this not POLITICAL bait?

>> No.10333503

We have this thread every day.

Posting on 4chan will not disprove decades of research in genetics.

Go back to /pol/

>> No.10333515

>science is a Jewish conspiracy
Posted in every one of these threads.

>> No.10333518

Stop noticing patterns, goy

>> No.10333520

>"Race" as a scientific term is barely used in humans as it is pseudoscientific
Wrong. There is a very clear definition of race, and it applies to humans.

>> No.10333522

What is it then?

>> No.10333523

Oh I'm noticing a pattern. You retards hate science and reality. You raid our board with climate change denial threads, race threads, anti vaxx threads, etc. You're a bunch of morons with nothing better to do with your life than raid an anime board and thinking you're going to change the world somehow.

>> No.10333525

Bro, that picture is putting swedes and ethiopians into one cluster. If anything, that picture proofs that races do in fact not exist.

>> No.10333529


>> No.10333531

Its just that i dont like to use the word super-population because no one can accurately guess what i mean. Like ethnic group or population rather refers to slavs or germans... While when im thinking of race im rather thinking of white people, black people( although arguably given their very high genetic diversity, i may not use the right semantic plain), asians etc...
Perhaps id like to appeal to change the connotation and definition of the word.

>> No.10333532


>> No.10333534

nah, only race threads

>> No.10333535

i wasnt solely referring to white people

>> No.10333536

>white people, black people
Not science, this is why racism is an actual illness.

>> No.10333539

its rather putting egyptians and somalians into one cluster

>> No.10333542

White people is not a scientific term.
Black people is not a scientific term.
Asians are disputable but wouldn't stand rigorous scrutiny if you keep up with the latest in genetics.

>> No.10333544

Are Jamaican faster because of the fast twitch fiber thing, or is it a myth?

>> No.10333559

SO i should say descendants of ancient northern eurasians / anceint neolithic farmers/ ancient western and eastern european hunter gatherers instead ? well ok...
If you want to use the term caucasian OK... but the term caucasian originally included people from the middle east too.
Just because in the last 20 years someone started considering black/white derogative doesnt mean i consider it derogative.

>> No.10333573

Just use lineage if you don't want to use ethnic, is not that hard. The point is, if you want to talk about science using pseudoscientific terms don't blame us to point that out.

>> No.10333576

No it's not. Blue includes everything from Iceland to Egypt.

>> No.10333599

Of course... but you can cluster blue into even smaller clusters... And youd find that the swedish are somewhere on the left side. Sub Saharans and Saharans are similar due to inter-breeding. There are even some speculations of black pharaohs

>> No.10333605

If it is ever documented conclusively, the genetic inferiority of a race on a trait as important as intelligence will rank with the atomic bomb as the most destructive scientific discovery in human history. The correct conclusion is to withhold judgment.

Eric Turkheimer

>> No.10333616

But granted perhaps i shouldnt see sub-saharans on the same semantic Plain as whites ... since blacks are way more genetically diverse.

>> No.10333641

When you say "white" or "black", what do you mean by that, exactly? Sure, there are noticeable genetic differences between certain populations of humans, but the layman's definition of dividing people by skin colour, the "naive" definition if you will, is misleading. Some "black" people have more in common with some "white" people than some other "black" people, genetically speaking.

>> No.10333647

White people have a high white fiber occurence too... Its rather due to a more efficient bone/muscle structure, narrower hips and better insertion that makes them so fast in the dash.

>> No.10333670

Which further advocates that races dont really exist. You can always define smaller clusters in any cluster which shows how arbitrary the definiton of race is.

>> No.10333724

Why dont we say that we are tetrapods ?
Or why dont we drop denisovans and neanderthals as we were able to breed with them.
How far should the definition of different groups go ?
Id rather see race as a gradient as i stated before. Youd still see that people with phenotypically similar features are in closer clusters.

>> No.10333728

Aryans and Negroids, satisfied now?

>> No.10333732

Too many good goys in this thread. Fuck, my simpathy for white people (people of western european descent, for you autists out there), is dwindling day by day. You really are gullible fools, and you deserve to die as a race. I'll tell you one thing. EVERYBODY outside the western world is a race realist. The chinese, the russians, the africans, the indians (especially the indians), the southern and eastern europeans. Everybody. Maybe because you all live in cities and not on farms where you can see genetics at work in real life. Maybe because you are too euphoric on your egalitarianistic utopian thoughts. I don't care, if you want to die as a race because you want to be politically correct, please do so. Just don't fill my country with GENETICALLY retarded AND violent "refugees".


>> No.10333733


>> No.10333761

>EVERYBODY outside the western world is a race realist
>Dumb third worlders believe in it so it must be true!
You really are a dumb nigger

>> No.10333767

You can't even decide if you are racist or not for God's sake,

>> No.10333772


>> No.10333794

While they are in the same cluster the grouping can rely on ancestral screening of their lineage. e.G. fair skinned europeans are descended from yamnayans to a big extent. This isnt so true for their arab/ mesoptonian brothers who wont have a high yamnayan ancestry.
Conversely you can define Asians, Whites etc by their smallest significant denominator. The only problem is when you have intermixed populations like the turks where you cant really tell who is their main ancestor... By that definition turks would be multiracial

>> No.10333798
File: 123 KB, 711x285, race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple google search can give you that answer.

Saying race is pseudoscience is the same as calling any atomic model until today pseudoscience, because they are incomplete or calling schrodinger's equation pseudoscience because you can't prove it.

>> No.10333803

>or calling schrodinger's equation pseudoscience because you can't prove it.
The absolute state of /pol/tards

>> No.10333810

Caucasoid, mongoloid, negroid, australoid.

>> No.10333813


Genetics does not agree with 700 year old ideas. If you attempt to group people based on genetics alone it does not produce races.

>> No.10333819

can't access the article.
>Genetics does not agree with 700 year old ideas.
Is just a retard statement.

>> No.10333822

The idea of races was created before we discovered genetics.

>> No.10333824

I maybe dum dum, but how can 23andme determine where you come from if "races" don't exist. There must be some genetic patterns associated with geographical locations for sure, or are they just fudging results?

>> No.10333830

Those tests look at halpogroups. Haplogroups follow a single known point mutation, or SNP, through a few generations. They do not tell you anything about populations genetics, and are only a rough guess of ancestry. They aren't even meant for that, and it's basically just a marketing scam.

>> No.10333835

The point is that, even if the test is inaccurate, it's accurate enough to disthinguish between north european and southern european for example.
It's "seeing" something.

>> No.10333842

It's seeing a single point mutation that occurred recently. The human genome has about 3 billion base pairs, and over a million total SNPs. Each of those SNPs has their own gradients of variation, almost all of which is shared with all populations. Haplogroups are a good way to tell you who your recent ancestors are, but it doesn't say that you are drastically different than anyone else genetically.

Think of it like this. You can get two cars that are the exact same make, model, and color. If they were made in different factories, we could look that up (haplogroups) but it doesn't mean they aren't the same car.

>> No.10333852

>Haplogroups are a good way to tell you who your recent ancestors are

How recent

>> No.10333870

"caucasoid, mongoloid...."

Well ok this is pseudo-science. It can be used to classify people like atlantids pontids etc... Can be useful for crime detectives or guessing from which country someone is.

The point is u can still group people by lineage. Their lineage will define their traits and thats not a social construct.

>> No.10333876
File: 62 KB, 546x700, 1548299147699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10333884

Awesome, we found someone who not only can prove the equation but also can find the specific axis of the angular momentum of the electron.
Go on chief, explain how that works.

>> No.10333886

There are subraces within those.

>> No.10333900

The idea of an atom was created before the discovery of the electron.
What's your point?

>> No.10333927

>almost all of which is shared with all populations.
And by chimpanzees. Does that mean there is no difference between apes?

>> No.10333938

Chimps have twice the genetic diversity of humans.

>> No.10333939

That is pretty retarded considering that one singel chromosome is reponsible for the entire difference between genders.
>Who cares that one has a uterus, boobs a vagina and the other has a dick and testicles. It's all the same bruh. It's just one chromosome.

>> No.10333941

We share ~99.4% of our DNA with them. I guess, by your standards, different species of apes don't exist.

>> No.10333944

>only one chromosome
one chromosome contains a lot of genetic information, and chromosome errors cause major problem, almost all of which are incompatible with life. Too bad you're still alive with trisomy 21.

>> No.10333955

fair enough. Now, explain this >>10333941

>> No.10333958

>We share X% of our DNA with Y

The point of this phrase is not to show how similar or different organism are from each other. The point of this statement is to show the shared evolution of life on earth through DNA.

>> No.10333962

>The point of this phrase is not to show how similar or different organism are from each other.
I don't care about the point of the phrase, i care about the implication.
You theses is that since humans are very similar to each other genetically, they are the same (according to your car analogy).
Does that mean we are the same as chimpanzees given that the genetic difference is just 0,6%?

>> No.10333966

Chimps have a different number of chromosomes and a different number of genes.

All healthy humans have the same number of chromosomes and the same set of genes.

>> No.10333978

>and the same set of genes.
Not the same set. Are you lying to us or is this a honest mistake?

>> No.10333983

Forget the chimps then.
We shared 99,7% of our DNA with neaderthals. They also have 23 chromosomes.
Does that mean neanderthals are the same as humans?

>> No.10333991

Yeah why not?

>> No.10333994

Learn the difference between a gene and an allele.

>> No.10333999

Are neanderthal allele phenotypically different?

Also we account for phenotypical differences inside races, I don't see why something close enough can't be considered the same type of hominid.

>> No.10334000

You're ignoring most of the genome by only looking at physical appearance.

>> No.10334004

But it's a mayor functionality factor.

A whale may not be a fish but damn they share a lot with them.

>> No.10334011

You're trying to make the comparison of different species vs the comparison of members of the same species. You're vastly over exaggerating how much people can even be physically different from one another.

>> No.10334014
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literally this

>> No.10334022

I'm just saying that the base we use to determine this things is functional, IQ, phisical health, inmune systems, etc.

It's all about how people works and the debate centers around people being more or less functional, not about what gene does what.

>> No.10334028
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>Google it you mongoloid. You obviously realize you lost if all you can argue at this point is for me to post a citation.
Is this nigger for real?

>> No.10334046

>calling any atomic model until today pseudoscience,
Kek worst argument ever, they ARE pseudoscience. The Bohr-Rutherford model of the atom is so wrong its unbelievable.

>> No.10334064
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>atoms are pseudoscience

>> No.10334068

the real question is: can I say the n word?

>> No.10334073


>> No.10334084

Nope, it lowers your capacity to discern between different people.

Making you objectively dumber.

>> No.10334085
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>A simple google search can give you that answer.

>> No.10334117

So you are arbitraly saying that the difference in alleles don't matter.
If you had a person with an Aa gene mating with another person with an aA gene, and the offspring had an aa gene. Would that aa gene be the same as the one of the originals Aa and aA? No.
Why are you drawing the line in genes and not in alleles? Why not draw the line in nucleotides, if that's the case?
That way there is absolutely no difference between every life in the planet.

They are not classified as humans.

Ok, you have an opinion. That's fine. But we are not gonna discard the concept of race because you have an opinion.

>> No.10334120

You couldn't bother looking at the picture could you?

>> No.10334197
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>you couldn't bother looking at the picture could you?

>> No.10334205

>So you are arbitraly saying that the difference in alleles don't matter.
Chimps have a different number and different set of genes than humans. All humans have the same set of genes, just differing alleles.

Are you trying to say every allele is its own species or something?

>> No.10334209

>Are you trying to say every allele is its own species or something?
Yes, because that's fucking common sense, so if you have a problem with that you can fuck off back to /lgbt/ and jerk off the other deluded faggots

>> No.10334212

Not sure if serious or just retarded.

>> No.10334229

Now i think you are the one who do not understand what an allele.
When a gene mutates the variations are called alleles.
Now, in 70.000 years of separate evolution, do you really think these mutations and the reproduction process that took place to propagate those very unique mutations, which allowed for whites to have higher intelligence, colored eyes, beautiful features somehow exist in other races that had nothing to do with them throughout that time?
Do you think those other races just inhaled those genes through the ether???

>> No.10334240

Humans share most of their genetic variation. That means most alleles are found in most of the population with only smalls amounts of frequency differences between populations. Just because we look a little different doesn't me we are drastically different genetically. You can't see someone's genome with your eyes.

>> No.10334242

ITT: biology deniers jumping through every hoop possible to cope with the fact that races exist. You people are like the Christian that is shown carbon dating and says that the devil planted dinosaur bones in the earth. You have your Truth: all humans are equal, and look top down from that “axiom” to disprove rigorous biological facts.
tldr: COPE

>> No.10334245

Small differences are HUGE you idiot. You’re willfully ignorant. We share like 85% of our DNA with a banana. Your argument is just straight up disingenuous or you’re a straight up retard.

>> No.10334246

False dilemma. The only two options are NOT believing we are all clones or believing in Nazism.

>> No.10334249



>> No.10334250

You’ve lost the argument right there.

>> No.10334253

This isn't an argument. You're just a science denier posting on 4chan. You idiots just keep posting climate change denial and race threads. You will never be able to change reality by shitposting online.

>> No.10334254

Over billions of years of evolution .03% difference is gigantic, brainlet.

>> No.10334256

No matter how much you don’t like it. Race exists and is empirical.

>> No.10334259

You have no idea how genetics works and are just spouting talking points out of context. Give me another line off your script!

>> No.10334261

Thanks for admitting defeat.

>> No.10334263

Over 8000 geneticists disagree with you.


>> No.10334268

supremacy =/= difference

>> No.10334269

Are you really saying that mutations that occurred in a certain group mostly because of their very specific enviroment, such as long, cold and dark winters with scarce food, also occurred on people living in hot sunny weather, were whenever they wanted food they could just reach for a banana or something?

We already stablished that the genetic difference between humans and chimps is about 0.6%.
We share 99.7% of our DNA with neanderthals, which were a different species. This doesn't nulify the difference between races of humans.

>just because we look a little different doesn't me we are drastically different genetically
But it's not just looks. It's fat storage, bone density, intelligence, height, brain size etc.
Basically you entire argument is that you find the percentage difference small. What you think doesn't mean anything. What matters are the practical implications of those differences. And there are plenty.

>> No.10334273

He’s just a coping egalitarianist and deep down knows it too. He’s just fighting his internal battle with reality outwardly at this point. He knows he’s wrong but doesn’t like the reality of things.

>> No.10334284

You're the autist raiding an unpopular board on an anime website on a Sunday night because you're afraid of science.

>> No.10334287

Retard didn’t read it. Painful how fucking stupid /pol/tards are.

“Genetics demonstrates that hu- mans cannot be divided into bio- logically distinct subcategories. Although there are clear observ- able correlations between varia- tion in the human genome and how individuals identify by race, the study of human ge- netics challenges the traditional concept of different races of hu- mans as biologically separate and distinct. This is validated by many decades of research, including recent examples.”

>> No.10334293

You’re just a coping racist and deep down you know it too. Science disproved your delusions so long ago, it’s okay.

>> No.10334295

You haven’t made an argument yet. Being on an imageboard doesn’t change reality.

>> No.10334298

Where again does science disprove that race exists?

>> No.10334302

It's not about people being the same it's about functionality, genetic differences account for that functionality but not always, not all individuals of a given race are taller, smarter, etc.

What they do have is particular phenotypical traits, that's it.

So most people will be judged by those phenotypical traits causing issues, that's why blurring the line is practical, yet science doesn't works on blurred lines, but you won't accept that the majority of any population is dumb and ugly.

>> No.10334304


>> No.10334310


>> No.10334312


>> No.10334313

>measured among samples of world populations is often 15% or less. This would indicate that 85% of genetic variation occurs within groups.

Clear as day.

>> No.10334315


>> No.10334318

Read the rest of that sentence.

>> No.10334321

>yes people who evolved for thousands of years in vastly different environments ended up differing vastly in height, skin color, bone density, immunity to diseases, brain volume and others but nope it stops at the brain!
These are the people teaching your children at university. Just end it already

>> No.10334322

Lol. You are really desperate, if you are resorting to this politically charged "scientific" paper.

Look at the language
>and self-identified race
>uenced by
physical appearance, race itself is a social construct

This was vetted by the social sciences department for sure.

>Most human genetic variation is distributed as a gradient, so distinct boundaries between population groups cannot be accurately assigned
99% of people on scandinavia is blond with blue eyes.
Everyone is japan has straight black hair, dark eyes, pale skin, and nip eyes.
Everyone is africa has frizzy hair, skin, dark eyes etc.

But hey, we can't really assign any distinct boundaries between populations.

After what happened to James Watson, only a retard would take this publication seriously.

>> No.10334323

Brain volume doesn’t directly equate to intelligence.

>> No.10334325

>while only 15% can be attributed to allele frequency differences among groups.

So you have 70% of in group same allele variance.

>> No.10334326

It's a statement from the top organization in the world that studies human genetics. But let me guess: It's all a coverup or Jewish conspiracy and only some NEETs on /pol/ are smart enough to see the truth?

>> No.10334328

That wasn’t the point of the post brainlet.

>> No.10334330

Zero reading comprehension or understanding of genetics.

>> No.10334332

You literally don’t say anything in your posts. How about refuting him.

>> No.10334333

Actually, it's clear that you didn't read it. At least not going deeply into the sources it cites for it's points. It's all muddled social-science interpretations of genetic data; they're just weaseling around the topic by changing the terminology. Their claims that race is not biologically real depends upon severely disingenuous interpretation of the word, and while this is somewhat forgivable as the term legitimately has a lot of complicated baggage, these pseudoscientists are intentionally obscuring investigation of the subject through twisted terminology and misappropriation of surface level genetic concepts that don't meaningfully disprove the biological race position e.g. clines or the imprecision of colloquial notions of "whiteness" or "blackness." This dishonesty on the part of academics whose scientific work should be above these kinds of social delusions is despicable, and will not withstand the onslaught of empiricism.

>> No.10334334

No you idiot. That's not how it works.
There are several genes that account for height. So a tall african is not gonna have the same genes for height as a tall scandinavian, necessarily.
But there are differences that will be genetically encoded that will define certain potentialities that will be non-existent in other races. For instance, unless there is inbreeding, a sub-saharan african will never be born with blue eyes (unless there is a mutation), whereas a scandinavian might not have blue eyes, but his offspring might.
So it's not just phenotype.

>> No.10334336

>99% of people on scandinavia is blond with blue eyes.
Everyone is japan has straight black hair, dark eyes, pale skin, and nip eyes.
Everyone is africa has frizzy hair, skin, dark eyes etc.

All phenotypical traits.

>> No.10334338

Appeal from authority. You aren’t a scientist.

>> No.10334341

If someone has zero understanding of a topic and doesn't know how to read papers on the topic, AND refuses to be taught because they believe they already know the truth then there is little point.

>> No.10334345

Again, nothing.

>> No.10334347

At the end of the day you have to make a hard decision.

Will you socially determine people based on a color gradient, or you don't.

If you do, you condemn some of the smartest people on earth.

>> No.10334350

Thank you for conceding.

>> No.10334352


>> No.10334353

And fuck you for making humanity worst in the name of light eyes.

>> No.10334355

Who said anything about jews you retard?
I simply pointed out the most recent and obvious example of how a scholar can be slandered for having the "wrong" opinion on race, and how academia is obviusly biased, since they went so far as to remove a nobel laureate's honors.

Also the paper you posted is just a bunch of opinions.
Let me tell you how this works.
You can see all those differences that I mentioned in my post, but you can also argue that since there is a vast amount of genetic similarities, you can't really make a distinction between races.
It basically becomes a subjective statement under the veil of academic integrity (which is now compromised).
You could literally make up all kinds of bullshit if you just discard the practical value of some paradigms.

>> No.10334358

We were arguing that human race existed, not the social implications of empirical reality. I’m glad you are now more knowledgeable so that you might not spread disinformation in the future. Cool YouTube video though, loser.

>> No.10334359

No, those are genotype traits.

>> No.10334364

Nah even the differences in alleles have a common ancestor, it's just color variance caused by enviromental expression.

>> No.10334365

Why don't you just type up a paper and try to submit to Cell or Nature for overturning decades of research in genetics.

>> No.10334367

So... What do people actually mean when they say "race doesn't exist". To me race just means that people's ancestors diverged geographically at certain points in time, accrued diferent mutations/random genetic variation, at certain times different groups would mix back together to greater or lesser extents. You might not be able to classify each group in a perfect way but how does that mean they don't exist?

Take an Irish person and a Japanese person, how long has it been since the bulk of their ancestors diverged? 20,000 years?

>> No.10334372

Because they are perfectly fine with the 100 meter dash olympics participants being of all sub saharan decent but the second you bring in iq they screech.

>> No.10334374

You could say that time is irrelevant as long as the divergence happened you have a new individual.

But that doesn't makes all individuals of a particular race more this or that, so those differences only account for that individual, claiming asians have a higher IQ considering that most of them couldn't read or write just a century ago therefore their IQs were obviously way lower, it's pointless.

>> No.10334375

>So... What do people actually mean when they say "race doesn't exist".
They mean it's an arbitrary grouping, not defined biologically. It's constructed socially first, and then the biological attributes are assigned. That's all.

>> No.10334384

Their skin absorbing more of the light spectrum isn’t a social construct. Then we have to ask questions of why it’s so vastly different of our own which leads to more questions. You may as well have said “well yeah there’s something called life but like we are all the same man it’s just how we are defined it’s all a social construct brah.” Idiot.

>> No.10334385

Ok, but you could say the same thing about calling an arm an arm. There is nothing that objectively seperates it from the rest of the body we just see it like that because it is useful, right?

Same thing with colors, they are all just a continuous gradient across the visible light spectrum but if someone told me "blue" doesn't exist because you are arbitrarily seperating it from red I'd call them retarded.

>> No.10334392

Fucking idiot.

>> No.10334399
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But blue is clearly two separate colors.

Also, color is one dimensional. Genetics has thousands of variables.

Also, genetic clusters are perfectly valid. But populations cluster in so many different ways Race (as we define it) would never be defined that way if it wasn't socially constructed first.

>> No.10334406

Race exists, color exists. Get over it.

>> No.10334408

Why are there so many race obsessed posters here lately?
While you're here spamming thresd after thread abour muh niggers muh gooks muh kikes, some teenaged Nigerian just completed medical school.
What do you get from screaming about race all day long?
You probably disparage nonwhites for being soulless and not being interested in the world, and what do you do?
You stare at a computer all day saying that fucking ethnics ruin everything

>> No.10334411

>genetics is just like colors.. it's only one variable and one gradient!
Brainlet detected. It's multiple points of variation and multiple gradients. They just made these dumb false analogies to fool idiots like to into believing in political ideology garbage.

>> No.10334412

You’re mad that race exists. Exceptions and rules, for every nigger in medical school there are 1000 asian. Keep coping, faggot.

>> No.10334415

They really do grasp at anything to keep up their false axiom don’t they? Religious zealot level dogmatists.

>> No.10334421

Um, are you okay? You repeated what I was saying.

>> No.10334423

You must be one of the angry incel gook masculinity guys.

>> No.10334429

I’m white, I’m just not a reality denier like you because I acknowledge that iq is genetic and therefore racial and I’m not insecure enough to deny that my little dark skinned friend. Being more than a sd above the average asian probably helps in my non COPE view of the world though, nigger.

>> No.10334796

99% of swedes is blond... Yes
But not 99% of the italians, not central europeans, there you see the gradient. All would be considered white/ descendants of the yamnayans

>> No.10334811

> white Eurofag
> Being more than a sd above the average asian
So IQ is genetic for everyone except (you)
What a special little snowflake (you) must be.

>> No.10334828

> I'm white so I lucked out and get the best medical care.
Unless you're an Amerifat. Then you get what your parents can afford.

>> No.10334885
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Brain size does correlate to intelligence. If you have a bigger brain, you are more likely to be intelligent. It's not really that controversial.

>> No.10335290

Actually it does. It's not a 1.0 correlation but the correlation exists.
For instance, a brain in which the neurons have a thicker layer of fat will transfer it's impulses more easily.
Also one of the reasons why we have greater intelligence than animals is because our cerebral cortex is bigger.

>> No.10335292

What about Einstein?

>> No.10335502

> If you say blacks are good at basketball
Larry Byrd, Boston Celtics, led his team to tree National Championships. He was white.

> whites are good at engineering,
Otis Boykin invented one of the first artificial pacemakers for use in cardiac patients. He was black.

Thomas C. Cannon invented the Tactical Fiber Optic Connector, which allowed fiber optic communication under battlefield conditions. His invention made civilian fiber optics more affordable. He is black.

David Crosthwait, Jr., developed early HVAC air conditioning units. He was black.

> Inb4 on average
Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the strength of his character.

>> No.10335608

>Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the strength of his character.
In other words, you support the scrapping of affirmative action and the subsequent drastic reduction in the amount of blacks attending reputable STEM-programs. Good on you, boyo.

>> No.10335622

Not him, but I do want to scrap race-based AA and switch to wealth based. It would still help out a lot of black people but it would also help some unfortunate white people.

>> No.10335631

Nig nogs are dumb.
Iq is low
Small brain size
They fail wherever they go and create shitholes.
Whites are superior. Fact.

Nothing of value would be lost if blacks ceased to exist.

>> No.10335963

>Not him, but I do want to scrap race-based AA and switch to wealth based. It would still help out a lot of black people but it would also help some unfortunate white people.

I think some university in the US tried that but reverted back to the old race based system. I wonder why. Maybe some anon has more details.

>> No.10336014

You looked at an image showing genetic differences and similarities that clearly breaks these genetic gradients into clusters of specific populations, and because Ethiopians are grouped with Swedes you determined that this was evidence that races don't exist instead of concluding that your own notion of racial populations and how they relate to each other is misconceived.

You're probably retarded, anon.

>> No.10336188

>Wouldnt it be plausible to believe that if we migrated out of Africa
The newest theory is out of Australasia

>> No.10337027

>that picture is putting swedes and ethiopians into one cluster

You say that because of the Western Eurasians/Saharan Africans thing?

I think it's Euro + Nafri + MENA., not Ethiopians and the cluster is pretty big anyway, as the space occupied by the races it represents

>> No.10337039



>> No.10337172

older artifacts were found there compared to previous out of africa findings

>> No.10337190

You got a salsa on that claim? The real danger is nuclear war and starvation, not some sci fi bullshit. We have a real apocalypse coming and you're jacking off about some Terminator fantasy. Worse thatlle happen, ai will take your job and fuck your wife

>> No.10337196

And we've had that shit since the 90s, only recently has "machmeme turning" popularized by popsci. They used to be called genetic algorithms. Ai is not suddenly going to just cum in our faces unless we ask it to

>> No.10337299

>I think there are obvious differences between races

>> No.10337310

Said nobody in the thread. Stop with the imaginary boogeyman.

>> No.10337468
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>X is a social construct, therefore X doesn't exist

>> No.10338564

>So im hearing so many people saying that theres no difference between a white man and a black man or an Asian etc

What people? Quit your bullshit op.

>> No.10338669
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>120 lmao
Add a few zeros

>> No.10338769

All ideas are social constructs. Thats the whole point. You can't describe reality without using language

>> No.10338781

The one on the right has a really long nose. I don't trust him.

>> No.10338830

>I mean,are zebras really that different from horses?
Yes, you meat faced cretin.

>> No.10338884

>Imagine having to believe in pre-scientific theories on race to justify posting smug pepes and calling people niggers on the internet while fucking failing at life irl

>> No.10338916

Damn, you're a special kind of retard

>> No.10338921

They’re different enough that they can’t produce fertile offspring. This makes the degree of speciation between domestic horses and zebras incomparably vast to any genetic diversity within modern man.

>> No.10338931

>hot sunny weather, were whenever they wanted food they could just reach for a banana or something?
The mental shortcuts you take are pathetic and embarrassing. Go back to school kid.

>> No.10338943

It’s worth noting that the Chinese and Indians were the first people to vaccinate their population. Muh warm weather makes you dumb.

>> No.10338959

>99% of people on scandinavia is blond with blue eyes.
>Everyone is japan has straight black hair, dark eyes, pale skin, and nip eyes.
>Everyone is africa has frizzy hair, skin, dark eyes etc.
Child, that's phenotype not genotype.

>> No.10338979

No, go back to biology class. People use of the word phenotype to describe genetic and enviromental traits, but the genotype means specifically genetic traits.
For instance, a tan would be strictly phenotype, but straight hair or colored eyes would fall under genotype, even though, for some reason people also use phenotype to refer to that.

>> No.10338990

>Muh warm weather makes you dumb.
If this is what you took from the post you are legit low IQ.

>> No.10338996

>The mental shortcuts you take are pathetic and embarrassing. Go back to school kid.
Brainlet argument, if we can call it that.

>> No.10339004

Bitch please
>The genotype–phenotype distinction is drawn in genetics. "Genotype" is an organism's full hereditary information. "Phenotype" is an organism's actual observed properties, such as morphology, development, or behavior. This distinction is fundamental in the study of inheritance of traits and their evolution.

>> No.10339012

Ayo go reach for a banana or sth baka

>> No.10339021

What can one even say to that?
Are you hoping someone will make your point for you?

>> No.10339027

>If this is what you took from the post you are legit low IQ.
That's precisely what the post was highly suggesting. That niggers had it easy and now they're inferior, invoking he brain-dead "hard conditions breed hard men" argument considering whites.

>> No.10339057

You are literally arguing that the conditions of Europe, and presumably possibly the Andes, but I don’t think you thought of that, selected for high intelligence and/or long-term planning skills to a degree that led to tropical populations being disadvantaged intellectually.

>> No.10339068
File: 111 KB, 1078x660, _20190129_163723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, i'm sure you are really proud of being able to google things but please try to use your brain.
When i said genotype i meant genotype trait, THE SAME WAY you meant phenotype trait when you said the word phenotype. You should know this because if you hold your use of the word phenotype to the same scrutiny that you held my use of the word phenotype, you know you would be guilty of the same fallacy.
Now pic related is what genotype means.
Like o said genotype account for genetic and environmental traits, but genotype means specifically the genetic traits.

>> No.10339078

>my use of the word phenotype

>> No.10339125
File: 86 KB, 800x426, WalterRothschild_zebras_buckingham[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they aren't. Also this was in the context of domestication. Zebras can be domesticated, but it's not very practical at the moment. Selective breeding could produce more domesticable animals.

>> No.10339210

I didn't say the tropical population was intellectually disadcantaged because of that
I simply meant that you should not expect that the genetic mutations that occurred in the european population due to their environment would occur to the population living in Africa.

>> No.10339244

Mutations aren’t influenced by environmental conditions except by mutagenic effects. Natural selection that acts on those mutations is influenced by the environment. There’s literally nothing stopping blonde hair from evolving multiple times, and it has. We see it in European populations and melanesians.

>> No.10339778

No you came to that conclusion on your own. I was simply pointing that the there is no reason to assume that the mutations that occurred in the european population, during the 70.000 years of evolution that they spent appart from other groups, would occur in africans.

>Mutations aren’t influenced by environmental conditions except by mutagenic effects.
That's a dumb way of saying enviroment can cause mutation if it has a mutagenic effect.
Also you can't say mutations are always spontaneuos just because you don't know the cause of it.
UV light is a mutagen. How can you tell that the different levels of exposure to UV light between the nordic populationa and th african population didn't influence the mutations in their genes, during the 70.000 years of evolutions in which they were appart?

And even if we assume that the mutations are 100% random and that natural selection is what determines whether or not they will be passed along, the point still stands. The genetic mutations that resulted in the european population, their genotype and phenotype, during the time they were isolated, are not the same as the ones that created the sub-saharan africans.

>> No.10340171

Wouldn't the UV light have to make it directly into their balls?

>> No.10340477

>Wouldn't the UV light have to make it directly into their balls?
No. With different enviromental conditions you have different variables affecting your homeostatic mechanism.
Do really think that the climate of your enviroment, the amount of sun you are exposed to, the kind of food you consume, the viruses and bacterias that's around, etc won't influence any potential mutation of your germ cells? Do you really think there is a vacuum chamber inside your balls insulating them for the rest of your body?
Now, think of that over the course of tenths of thousands of years.

But like I said, even if those mutations were 100% random, the point would still stand. Europeans were the ones who selected for the traits they have today, just like africans selected for their own, and this is how the difference between races are rooted in genetics.

>> No.10340571

>tenths of thousands of years
So hundreds of years?

>> No.10341192

Haha, you got me anon.

>> No.10342365

Guys you succesfully changed my opinion on race... will be using ancestral lineage to refer to phenotypes from now on

>> No.10342711

>misusing the word pseudoscience so HARD that you are calling the Bohr-Rutherford model of the atom "pseudoscience"

Have you notice that leftists and stupid low IQ negros really seem to like that word lately? Its like they think it gives them magically powers to automatically dismiss science by calling it "pseudoscience".

Protip: Race science may have been inaccurate in the past, but race science was NEVER pseudoscience.

Race is also not pseudoscience, it exists.

>> No.10342750

Race deniers are human garbage. All are leftists jackasses who think our eyes and our minds don't work. Nice joke fags. Races don't exist its just a lie. Yup, you see all those physical differences between humans, how you can easily categorize hundreds of individuals just because they share a common trait? That anyone can do? All a lie! Just a coincidence. There cannot be anything biological inherent here. So a white person and a black person have a baby, and that baby happens to be an unusual mixture of traits from both races, managing to not look like either parent. Well obvious, race doesn't exist, so what causes a child to look like that isn't genetics, but a social construct. Yup, how society sees races is what determines how a race mixed child looks like! This is the type of stupidity you swallow when you deny race, and anybody who denies race or says "go back to /pol/" deserves to be banned. They have no right to speak about science.

You know, funny thing is, I have a more controversial positions on race, that is ironically, probably more accepted in the genetic community then they themselves realize. Where I think we ought to classify humanity into sub-races, because the sub-races show just as much genetic variation as the main races, can make even more accurate position and just like races, sub-races show different average IQ, and behavioral characteristics. You can tell that there are genetic differences in behavioral characteristics between Italians and Irish people. These genetic differences are consistent, and nothing made me more convinced about it, then seeing the startling consistent of political values between the Irish and Italian in their home country, and in Italian and Irish Americans areas of the USA. If you ever learn of the Cajun and the Scot-Irish, you too may even believe, that the fact that Louisiana voted in Huey Long and why West Virginia is so different from the rest of the USA, isn't just coincidence.

>> No.10342767

I would also like to add, that the only reason why race denial has gotten so far, and why its sister gene denial, has not been successful is very simple, is because race denial doesn't actually interfere with the questions that previous race science was all about. Race exists, its biological, and its a valid category, however, with the rise of population genetics, there is no real reason to even rely on race. Population genetics can break things down to more and more specific things, and race concepts are not all that relevant if you want to know the ancestry of Icelanders, or how the founder effect impacted modern day Icelanders, or how they differ from the Swedes. And these same techniques can be applied to greater populations.

However, whenever race is useful as a construct, its interesting how this "social totally not biological construct" hasn't actually died out in the sciences. You will see many papers, where racial groups are used as control subjects. They don't categorize solely on race, but its hard not to notice it when the groups are 18 year old Caucasian university students vs Sub-Saharan Africans. And you cannot say this is just for "cultural" or "socioeconomic" reasons, since these same groups will be used even in situations were you cannot see what relevance that would have. Race doesn't exist, which is why leftists cannot stop using the concept.

>> No.10342888

They deny race not only because they get triggered by IQ differences but more importantly, because they dread the idea of whites ever becoming tribal.

>> No.10343106

Biggest strawman ever. Nobody denies that different ethnic groups have a different genetic makeup. That is just common sense. Now, to go from this to claiming that different "races" have different behavioral or cultural patterns, you would need some pretty solid unbiased evidence as to the heritability of these traits.
Similarly, no one is claiming that society is changing the way people physically look, but that the socially constructed notion of race (which is not biologically well-founded) has an influence on the way people are perceived and affects their lives in a very tangible and measurable way.
Regardless of whether or not there is a well-founded biological notion of race, the ideas of "whiteness" and "blackness" for example, (with the one drop rule) are socially constructed. They change geographically (south americans are white in Europe but not in the US) and have changed over time. Why is the child of a black/white couple considered black ? This is not a biological problem.
You rant about biology in response to something that is basically orthogonal to biology.

>> No.10343117

>because they dread the idea of whites ever becoming tribal.
As one should.

>> No.10343135


Your post boils down to, "if you obsesses over the differences you start noticing them more".
No shit Sherlock.
What else are you going to tell me?
Not more than confirmation bias.
You go through life witnessing 999 events that do not agree with your worldview and you do not even register them and then you witness one event that does and suddenly your worldview is validated.

>> No.10343261

>You go through life witnessing 999 events that do not agree with your worldview and you do not even register them and then you witness one event that does and suddenly your worldview is validated.
IDK if it’s funny or scary that a failure to comprehend this simple concept explains the entire existence of places like pol. They should be classified as a lesser species.

>> No.10343369

Society is doing that to some extent, as relationships between “races” become more common and acceptable. Can’t wait for the almond-skinned master race of 2500.

>> No.10343658

Are you unironically implying that even if someone gets a higher IQ score than you, they aren't necessarily more intelligent?

>> No.10344989

>First of all their phenotype clearly differs.
As does everyone's.

>> No.10344993

Wife is not a race, nor black neither Asian. Race is not defined by skin color.
You are retarded, you have to go back.

>> No.10345000

>Can’t wait for the almond-skinned master race of 2500

Unlikely going to happen. Except for latin america, every place where races mix has a birth deficit. Almost no one living in 2500 Europe will have a meaningful genetic contribution from the people that live in Europe today. If the conditions don't change, these places will become population sinks for purebred Africans and Asians.