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File: 9 KB, 320x177, alzheimersprogressionpet_1227001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10328194 No.10328194 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't fuckers talking about this?

This is a literal breakthrough. We don't have to be old zombies, and have brains turn into mush.




>> No.10328268
File: 87 KB, 1200x630, 1528592541802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you always used listerine

>> No.10328309
File: 67 KB, 585x470, 1543341307801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm buying listerine right the fuck now. Holy shit this is fucking insane.

>> No.10328432

lol i saw this article yesterday, and its what compelled me to brush my teeth for the 1st time in like 5 days.

>> No.10328444

Actual paper:

>> No.10328572

>send paper to friend
>"all this proves is alzheimer's could possibly increase the susceptibility of people to gingivitis"
>Literally question friendship
FUck can you even imagine being this impossibly stupid

>> No.10328790
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Actually you don't want to brush your teeth you want to use listerine to sterilize your mouth and then brush. The brushing part opens pathways to your brain for the bacteria to travel in.

>> No.10328806

How do you even get gum disease?

>> No.10328818

how soon before people sleep with uv mouthguards

>> No.10328819

correlation/causation flipping is a fashionable new meme that makes plebs feel more intelligent than scientists and professionals

>> No.10328839

Makes sense to me. Someone with Alzheimer's who can't remember their family would definitely not remember to brush their teeth regularly

>> No.10328860

How did the mice use listerine?

>> No.10328890

"Boy who cried wolf" is another one, wherein because scientists have been wrong about things before, such as the existence of the Aether, now scientists are always wrong about everything. Climate change is a hoax, vaccines cause autism, and the Earth is flat.

>> No.10328905

It was force fed into they're bitch ass mouths. how do you think they do it idiot

>> No.10328906

Yeah it's a handy logic tool but people just apply it whenever it can be applied now which is probably even worse than not using it at all

>> No.10328907

how is this new info. already been hearing that you should rinse your mouth with water in the morning because the bacteria could reduce your memory since a couple months ago

>> No.10328915


>In conclusion, we have designed an orally bioavailable, brain-penetrant Kgp inhibitor currently being tested in human clinical studies for AD. The present data indicate that treatment with a potent and selective Kgp inhibitor will reduce P. gingivalis infection in the brain and slow or prevent further neurodegeneration and accumulation of pathology in AD patients.

It only slows down the pathology of Alzheimer's. The research doesn't provide evidence that it causes it or it is the cure. Once you have neurodegeneration, you ain't getting those neurons back boiii.

>> No.10328925

Aren't you supposed to use listerine *after* brushing?

>> No.10328932 [DELETED] 

Most people are just to green to realize that scientists CHECK for a lot of the things that they, sitting in their armchairs, believe the scientists missed. If you read the papers yourself, then you can poke holes. Otherwise you can sit down and shut up.

>> No.10328935

Most people are just too green to realize that scientists CHECK for a lot of the things that they, sitting in their armchairs, believe the scientists missed. If you read the papers yourself, then you can poke holes. Otherwise you can sit down and shut up.

>> No.10328938

>tfw last year I realized I don't floss enough
>started off a few times a week
>up to almost every day
>now I can't go without flossing for a day or I feel gross
>floss first, then brush, then mouthwash
>every day sometimes twice a day

Take the flosspill anons, you won't regret it

>> No.10328941

>floss first

>> No.10328947

My logic is I'm dislodging all of the shit I just ate so the toothbrush can get deeper between my teeth, same goes for the mouthwash. Whats the advantage to doing it last?

>> No.10328950

what an ebin pleb. the objectively correct method of dental hygiene would be this.
>Rinse with water quickly
>Second rinse with water
>Now, vigorous gushes with water. this step is to clear the molars of loosely stuck food.
>Listerine for 60 seconds
>Brush with paste, 3 minutes, proper technique
>think about that technique, you got it really spot on, Anon, feel it getting in there, then get that gumline, that's fucking sexy right there
>floss meticulously. even way in the back there. make sure you've prepared the corners of your mouth for this by applying Burts Bees Lip Balm throughout the day.
>Brush a second time, this time for 2 minutes. This step is especially important; here you need to agitate the gums to uproot those Alzheimers-causing microbes. a light, quick stroke really stimulates the gums in a sensual way
>listerine again. 75 seconds. as you do this your rate of breathing should go up as you near the climax. monitor your heart rate and make sure it does not exceed 180 BPM
>finally, the release. spit out the listerine
>rinse with water, slowly
>your erection should pass momentarily

>> No.10328954

You don't dislocated nasty shit shit onto a piece of floss. If you brush first you can spit it out like a loogie. It goes brush, floss, mouthwash. If you don't use mouthwash, you have halitosis 100%. I actually haven't been flossing lately and I'm brushing too hard again. Gotta get back on top of shit. My oral hygiene routine is the best indicator of my progress is life.

>> No.10328960 [DELETED] 

>brushing after rinsing with listerine
it's like you're trying to erode your teeth enamel

>> No.10328961

>You don't dislocated nasty shit shit onto a piece of floss.
Wow I fucking butchered that.
*You don't dislodge nasty shit onto a piece of floss.

>> No.10328963

>brushing right after rinsing with listerine
it's like you're trying to erode your teeth enamel

>> No.10328964


>> No.10328969

>all these people doing a fortnite dance in the bathroom

>> No.10328970

wake up we live in a world where people respect intellectual property
so we wont get cheap cure

>> No.10328976

Brush your goddamn teeth properly, mouthwash does fuck all to your gum health.

>> No.10328994

How do I whiten my teeth? I used to not brush my teeth as a kid and now even though I brush regularly they're still yellow. Whitening toothpaste is bullshit.

>> No.10328998

Yeah I read the paper. It is IMO fairly speculative.

Lots of people without AD have the infection. So at best it is not the full story.

>> No.10329002

I have been reading medical papers for about 25 years. A lot of these alleged breakthroughs are never confirmed.

>> No.10329007

the plastic floss holders looked so stupid to me and i just finally bought some on impulse and changed my life. i can actually get the floss between my teeth by pressing smooth plastic instead of slicing/cutting off circulation in my fingers pressing hard on the fucking slippery string.
floss like 4x a day now cos it just feels good

>> No.10329010

you seem to think a toothbrush gets out food stuck between the teeth. It doesn't. It can never

>> No.10329034

That's not even why you should floss.
Plaque builds up between the gum and the tooth, which is almost impossible to remove without flossing/scraping. Brushing just won't do it.
If any of you want proof, let your mouth fester for a while then go take a pick and pull the gum away from the tooth.

>> No.10329131

Alzheimer's clearly has an immunological component, amaloid plaque formation is correlated with infectious insult. Every fucking week some study comes out that correlates Alzheimer's with some random ass bacteria or virus or whatever the fuck and everyone flips their shit thinking that the cause of Alzheimer's has been discovered. Remember a few months ago when everybody was PCRing herpes simplex virus DNA out of beta-amaloid plaques? This is the disadvantage of the massive datasets provided by EMR systems - its even easier to make spurious connections.