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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10327483 No.10327483 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never be Galois
>you will never be Euler
>you will never be Von Neumann
>you will never be Gauss
>no matter how hard you try
What's the point of even doing maths?
You will never be anything compared to them.

>> No.10327493

if you try to compare yourself to them maybe you shouldn't do maths in the first place

>> No.10327499

What's the point of doing something if you're not the best ?

>> No.10327509

you have to be over 18 to browse this website

>> No.10327510
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fuck, Anon, i never thought of it like that...

you know what, i'm dropping all my math courses right now and changing my major to Interpretive Dance. thanks so much

>> No.10327512

every population's skill distribution is a bell curve, i.e. there will always be a "best"

>> No.10327523

Literal whos, now go back

>> No.10327551

What’s the point of doing something if you’re the best?

>> No.10327560

>you will never be Galois
>you will never be Euler
>you will never be Von Neumann
>you will never be Gauss
this one hurts

>> No.10327574

narcissism: the post

>> No.10327576

Well that's enough Internet for u

>> No.10327591

And it will never be you.

>> No.10327609

there is none

>> No.10327679

you will never be me

>> No.10327698

I think I can live with that honestly

>> No.10327702

autistic, you mean?

>> No.10327823

I wish I didn't get this feel. I want to die now.

>> No.10327835

I am infinitely smarter than Euler. I am infinitely smarter than Gauss. I am infinitely smarter than Riemann. I am the smartest man to have ever lived. You will never be me. Stop trying now.

>> No.10327838

This is why the internet destroys happiness. There's always someone in the world who's better than you at whatever it is you try to do. Don't compare yourself to others so much, or at least only compare yourself to the people in your daily life. Cause that's all that matters. All the others on 4chan are people you will never meet, who have 0 influence on your life except maybe sucking you into a depression if you let them.
Just gtfo this site and do your best in the real world, you losers (myself included)

>> No.10327845

It's practically impossible to get rid of that mindset if you've been using unrestricted internet since the age of 4. I love my parents but I hate how they let me do this to myself.

>> No.10327868

realizing that only makes me more depressed.
This site is like a collective purgatory for lost souls who either end up somewhere in a personal hell or heaven.
Digging yourself out of the hole that is early adulthood is probably the hardest thing to do in life. Once you make it through this stage, you are most likely gonna be ok I think. So just sit it out, keep working at it.
I'll stop talking in simplistic metaphors and just say I hope we're all gonna make it.

>> No.10327922

Not really, I just come to browse and occasionally contribute while my AFM is running cause our multimode 2 is fucking 14 years old (any materials chemists here?)
I used to be depressed by this when I was younger but somehow I stumbled into actual research and I'm content knowing that by learning things that the greats discovered, they live on in myself and others for the time being. This is the pursuit I have found actual motivation in: the achievements of Galois, Euler, Gauss, etc. are absolutely useless if people stop learning them and applying them. WE carry them on into the future, and along the way others will make their mark, but we can't all do that, some of us just have to be carriers of knowledge for the next generation. Seriously, think about it. It doesn't matter that the work is published, cataloged, stored forever in electronic format, if people stop learning the foundations and old work, they will be unable to contribute to new work, and eventually if we all abandon hope and stop pursuing the sciences, their work will not cease to exist, but like a dead language, no one will be able to read it.

>> No.10328016

If you are trying to be them you are doing it wrong.
You would just be redundant if you were them.
You gotta be different.

>> No.10328032

>you will never build muscle

>> No.10328078

You will never be them, but you might be even better.
It's up to you.

>> No.10328099

seems like you are doing it for the fame and adulation rather than the math.
You should try acting or sports or arts as a career. You will get your fame.
True mathematicians dont give a fuck about what others think about them. True mathematicians do it for the love of the math. Do it because math is beautiful, elegant Because learning new things and proving new things gives us a high unmatchable by the purest heroin.
Go fuck yourself OP and join showbusiness. Mathematics doesnt want you.

>> No.10328108

Do mathematicians use Mathematica?

>> No.10328111

At least you are not a nigger : )

>> No.10328146

If you're going to do math with the intention that you're gonna be the best, you'll be very disappointed; this isn't difficult to realize. Instead, one should do math because one loves the subject.
>Because learning new things and proving new things gives us a high unmatchable by the purest heroin
100% this

>> No.10328152


You need to be checked for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

>> No.10328162

Galois, Euler, Von Neumann and Gauss will never be me. Poor bastards.

>> No.10328166

Is that how you rationalize never having sex?>>10327510

>> No.10328177

>you will never be Tharp
>you will never be Fosse
>you will never be Duncan
>you will never be Kelly
>you will never be Astaire

>> No.10328208

I am clapping right now.

>> No.10328214


>> No.10328245

Why are europoors and specifically britbongs so pessimistic and defeatist about the future? Why is it always a britbong putting down anons and telling them that they’re worth nothing?

>> No.10328252

The point is being sufficiently good at it in order to make tangible progress. Then you can get better and better assured that you’ll be able to do it in the foreseeable future. You have to shed your ego if you want to go further

>> No.10328290

>you will never be top genius in history or fieds medalist

But you can be a (tenured) professor / researcher with a comfy job, comfy paycheck and comfy retirement.

And that's enough & that's what /sci/entists should pursue.
Be among the smarter 1% of people alive is enough, rather than the top 20 in History.

>>10328252 >>10328245 >>10328208 >>10328162 >>10328146 >>10328099 >>10327560 >>10327835 >>10327868 >>10327838