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10321514 No.10321514 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck anons

So im taking an engineering degree, and between semestres i have to take some class about my cv or something.

Basically they said that your grades dont matter that much and that you should focuse on stupid bs like saying that you did sports, or travel alot or studied abroad.

Anyone else experienced this?

>> No.10321562

Yeah dude its called life

>> No.10321571

Yes actual humans with independent thought and broad experiences in life are significantly better thinkers than people who only know A goes to B.

>> No.10321573

Grades aren’t the only thing that matter. Employers want the whole package.

>> No.10321585

i dont wanna sound lazy but seriously, you have to do so much stuff these days to get employed, its as if you have to almost beg to get a job

>> No.10321616

Unless you’re good looking, in which case you get showered with rewards and charity just for existing. Pretty incredible how many useful idiots are content with this arrangement, slaving away so good looking people can live in charity.

>> No.10321619

thats right diversity is our strenth brother, well said!

>> No.10321664

idk i just dont want to be a wage cuck.

>> No.10321672

then become an entrepreneur and leave the job seekers in the dust

>> No.10321675

You are studying a high value degree, chill bro, besides all the shit you learn in engineering you also learn to think, and apparently not everyone know how to think propperly

now thats fucking valuable

>> No.10321687

no he's not. Everyone with a job is getting cucked except medical majors, lawyers and shit

>> No.10321696

thx man

>> No.10321701

don't underastimate the creative endeavour in the market anon, but I do agree with you

don't know the situation there, but here in brazil, even lawyers are getting cucked by the overly inflated law market. my opinion is that TI, youtube and medical majors are the way to go