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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10318141 No.10318141 [Reply] [Original]

CS is basically math++, and a CS graduate is considered élite, capable of mastering in 1 year what math graduates do in 2 years. Deal with it!
World's élite universities (e.g. MIT, Princeton) will tell you right away that as their CS student you are considered the best group they have and that math students go slower than you are, and increase your load to crazy levels As a CS student, you are expected to master (continuous) calculus, discrete calculus (discrete math proofs, hypercubes for parallel algorithms), optimization (machine/deep learning, compilers), category theory (functional programming), logic (up to automated proofs, i.e. including set theory), differential equations, topology (computational geometry, distributed algorithms), probability and statistics (reinforcement learning, queueing), number theory (cryptography), graph theory (almost everywhere)... There is no functional analysis needed yet, but it's heavily used for PhD degrees anyway. You need to know all this down to the level of proving theorems if you want to achieve anything in CS.

>> No.10318142

For those in doubt I invite you to try solving these CS interview questions for Oxford

>> No.10318144

>needs to pasta this twice since /sci/ ignored it in the other thread
bait declined

>> No.10318329

These are trivial as fuck.

>> No.10318946

Imagine going to school for a math degree because someone on /sci/ told you math majors make 300k starting.
Then after graduating you find out there's no jobs around and no one wants to hire you. As it turns out companies don't prefer math majors over CS majors and your studies have given you no employable skills. No matter how much you brag about your knowledge in topology CS majors keeps taking all the jobs.
Before you know it you're forced to apply at McDonald's or Starbucks while you get ready to apply for your teaching license.
At this point you're filled with nothing but envy and hate. "How can this be? Why did the CS guy take the job? He doesn't even know topology or fractal geometry or any other meme math field that I do!?" Driven insane with a huge inferiority complex the math major then has to make stuff up to give himself a false sense of security.
In a fit of rage he will make up lies claiming CS is trivial compared to math and will then make up meme degree course plans in a poor attempt to make the major look bad. Nevermind the fact he has never studied CS and has no way to gauge the difficulty. The only thing that matters is that he lie to himself. When asked to give proof that CS majors don't learn data structures or calculus or etc. he will double down in a poor attempt to save face.

It's at this point that it becomes impossible to reason with the math fag. No CS major ever attacked him nor is it the fields fault for his unemployment. This is all irrelevant to the math fag because the only thing he cares about is to look for a scapegoat for his terrible life choices.

And that's why so many in /sci/ hate CS OP.

>> No.10319788
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Well memed