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10315946 No.10315946 [Reply] [Original]

>Consciousness is a quantum phenomenon
If you don't agree, then you probably believe in some kind of magic.

>> No.10315960
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>> No.10315965

Its a microgravitational effect you brainlet
The consciousness field is equivalent to waves in the gravitational field

>> No.10315971
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If we properly.analyse mind, sense, in a purer form than the five primary senses, is the mind's effect, and not consciousness as some might falsely say
or think; and it is not seated in the heart, as.others may say or think.

Consciousness is the localization of non-local life support. Like a transmission of the universe that's captured by the mind using heart synergy.

>> No.10316037

gravity is a quantum effect :^D

>> No.10316039


>> No.10316046

we will arrive at a definition which starts as follows: 'A Turing-machine is conscious if ...". No quantum theory required; anyway, in this case it is just invoked instead of "... then a miracle happens".
Also, Penrose makes no fucking sense.

>> No.10316051

Layering what is effectively magic into more magic and then calling it good seems like a bad idea.

>> No.10316066

quantum mechanics is the only reductionist path to describing consciousness. you are the one who wants there to be magic, but you will hide it behind terminology like "information processing" or some other hand wave.

>> No.10316160

> you are the one who wants there to be magic
There is no reasonable way you can infer what my stance on consciousness is from my post.
All you can infer is that I think its a bad idea to ascribe the workings of a phenomenon we dont understand at all to one that is poorly understood.

>> No.10316168
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Quantity of what?

>> No.10316174

I mean it's a lot of electrons in your brain. Obviously it's quantum in some sense.

>> No.10316287

Consider the following: Magic is a quantumn phenomenon.

>> No.10316291

Quantum mechanics does seem like literal magic. Makes sense.

>> No.10317132

Holy fuck that Pic is exactly what shrooms feel like

>> No.10317154

He can infer his presumption and assert your a priori.

>> No.10317158

This reminds me of my idea for a fantasy / sci-fi story where magic is just people being able to manipulate the physical world with their minds. The only magical part is being able to actually do that, the rest has to follow established science.

>> No.10317168

>I mean it's a lot of electrons in your brain. Obviously it's quantum in some sense.

>> No.10317172

Consciousness is an illusion everything is predetermined by your environment and the strength of the connections in your brain

>> No.10317176

No. Thoughts are interactions BETWEEN neurons, which are far too big for quantum effects to be relevant in their group behavior.

>> No.10317178

...No, it’s neurons. Neurons are titanic in comparison to the quantum scale.

>> No.10318609

Yeah but look at what happens BETWEEN neurons. I liked your caps because relevant. I mean, the physical space between neurons. It's not those big ole bits of green string (nerves are always green) that are the interesting bits, it's the fluid space between them packed with juicy ions. Ions which, if you are aware of the 'quantum photosynthesis' experiments, could very well be affected by quantum level events.

>Consciousness is the result of a quantum field affecting ion activity at synapses.
Remember where you heard it first.

>> No.10318619

Where do you get this bullshit, OP?

>> No.10318639

lots of hard drugs

>> No.10318642

works for me.

>> No.10318650

I used to take drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.

>> No.10319003
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Hmm yes.... I'm going to bump this thread...

>> No.10319005

>quantum phenomenon
bs buzz word pls stop using it. but yes i agree.

>> No.10319020

Ok, and? What's your point? What difference does that make?

>> No.10319027

underrated post

>either that or i've never heard this joke before

>> No.10319039

Can't take the credit. Mitch Hedberg. Sadly no longer with us. Brilliant, but patchy. Worth checking out on youtube.

>> No.10319323

My theory is that consciousness is a wave of energy that your brain receives. Meaning consciousness is one, but we experience it differently because this wave of energy can travel while having multiple wavelengths at once and each conscious being has a unique wavelength to tune into, causing the brain to block out other conscious beings' thoughts.

>> No.10319327

>My theory is that consciousness is a wave of energy that your brain receives. Meaning consciousness is one, but we experience it differently because this wave of energy can travel while having multiple wavelengths at once and each conscious being has a unique wavelength to tune into, causing the brain to block out other conscious beings' thoughts.

>> No.10319334

>because this wave of energy can travel while having multiple wavelengths at once and each conscious being has a unique wavelength to tune into
gotta quit the weed dude

>> No.10319379

>gotta quit the weed dude
What's wrong with my statement? The electromagnetic spectrum represents the a continuous stream of photons that has a shape that consists of multiple wavelengths. Think about how visible light works. When you blend blue and red together you get purple. Purple has properties of blue and red, mean it is a mix of those wavelengths in a single wave. Don't tell me that this couldn't be the case with a wave of consciousness.

>> No.10319421

>a continuous stream of photons
there is no such thing as a continuum in QFT

>> No.10319499

>consciousness is some kind of holographic shit in a higher dimension
Sounds magic to me

>> No.10319509

If you don't think our entire world is pure fucking magic, you have't looked at it closely enough.

>> No.10319512

You misunderstand, I agree.

>> No.10319540

How would you know if its quantum or just really really large? Something so large in scope it's out of the current understanding on physics/mathematics. Normally we think the small builds up the big, but maybe the big builds the small within the space we live.

>> No.10319636

>Consciousness is...
Imma have to stop you right there buddy.

>> No.10319777

define the phenomenon of consciousness without saying to "Sense but better"

>> No.10319889

Consciousness is a property of a being which means the being is awake and aware.

>> No.10320030

Well those posts really added to the thread. Congrats for enhancing the state of human knowledge around consciousness, guys.

>> No.10320044

Where the fuck is it located

>> No.10320970
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>> No.10320972

Consciousness is stored in the balls

>> No.10320994


>> No.10321493
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>> No.10321936
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>> No.10323648


>> No.10323830

>implying believing in quantum phenomenon as consciousness isn't just yet another belief in some kind of magic.

>> No.10323876

> he thinks we are conscious
