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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 142 KB, 940x627, Oumuamua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10313973 No.10313973 [Reply] [Original]

Oumuamua was a warning shot.

discuss, prove me wrong, etc...

>> No.10313999

No, it was a phallic suggestion to foreshadow the taking of our women by superior alien kangz.

>> No.10314004
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> women

>> No.10314007

That's such a poor design for a projectile. No intelligent alien species would utilize something like that.

Operation Blue Beam is real

>> No.10314008

>Humon Comics

>> No.10314013


because it was flashing in the dark like a beacon?

>> No.10314017 [DELETED] 

Oumuamua was a space turd shat out with such force it entered outer space.

Prove me wrong.
Burdon of proof is on you now. That's how this works, right?

>> No.10314021

Oumuamua was a space turd shat out by your mom with such force it entered outer space.

Prove me wrong.

Burden of proof is on you now.
That's how this works, right?

>> No.10314123

It was a bullet in a space war shot at somebody else.
Our sun was just used to aim. Think of it like a curveball, it's a lot easier to track and destroy projectiles coming directly at you.
The reason we see no alien life is their all using stealth technology for this war.

>> No.10314142

it got within 80 lunar orbit radii to earth.

and that was after it changed course at periapsis

>> No.10314215


>> No.10314265

Let's say for the sake of argument that you are correct, It was a warning shot. The question then becomes, why? and for what would they "shoot this warning shot" over? Have we upset some cosmic deity? Are Aliens watching us, getting pissed and then they send a "warning shot" while not communicating anything else thus resulting in humanity continuing down the path that originally caused them to fire it off which in turn just makes this alien force angrier, so much so that they fire off a "real shot" directly at earth? So many questions...

>> No.10314308

nice get. We don't know it's true shape, it could have been coin shaped. Maybe they want our quarters...

>> No.10314310
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>> No.10314323
File: 1.45 MB, 417x4065, consider it again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10314407

this not to mention that the speed of it would imply that they had decided to send a "warning shot" long before civilization had started on this planet

>> No.10314412

how long have you been watching it?

>> No.10314420


>> No.10314514

>the big rock spontaneously formed into existence 1 second before we saw it

>> No.10314575

You do know the "reptilian" and "intergalactic alliance" memes are just truthers speaking in metaphor? They're not being literal.

>> No.10314582
File: 3.92 MB, 800x473, Oumuamua_trajectory_animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's trajectory is very compelling

>> No.10314590

>Aliens hate feminists, blacks, Jews, jocks, bankers, Christians, Muslims, Antifa, and Hillary

So, all of the aliens are hanging out at /pol/?!?

>> No.10314883
File: 408 KB, 1243x905, Circumstellar disc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some random object thing flying at some random time given too much meaning? Too bad it was pain in the ass to observe. Kuiper Belt or beyond?

Also, wtf if going on with that Wikipedia link

>> No.10314887

According to the rules of the dark forest there wouldn't be a warning shot. It was a rock, it altered trajectory due to offgassing.

>> No.10314902

We're the plausible deniability scapegoats.

>> No.10314984

Except there was no outgassing. Which is part of why it's so bizarre.

>> No.10314997
File: 38 KB, 300x171, PRESS X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warning shot
>cause bullets speed up after they miss
This has already been solved. Only theory that fits 100% of the evidence holds that Oumuamua was a broken piece of solar sail from a long destroyed alien space probe.
We literally do.

>> No.10315003 [DELETED] 


We'll know its more than a comet when it comes back. :^)

>> No.10315020

Read Rendezvous with Rama by A.C. Clarke. It's uncanny how reality imitates fiction.

>> No.10315039

very much like a deliberate gravity slingshot adjustment using our sun

>> No.10315042

yeh pity we did not send a robot to look at it better

>> No.10315044


> there was no outgassing

wrong. No outgassing has been detected, and that's not the same thing.

The assumption that absence of evidence of outgassing is evidence of it's absence is based on objects from the Solar System, which are full of dust that is easily detectable when outgassing occurs - however, as this is an interstellar object, we have no reason to assume that it's composition is even remotely similar to all other objects we have seen so far. It could simply be composed of stuff much cleaner than the comets and minor planets we find in the Solar System, therefore producing transparent outgassing, not detectable directly by our telescopes. This is, in fact, the most likely explanation.

>> No.10315045


I read that many years ago and have almost forgotten about the plot save the premise

>> No.10315052



>> No.10315450
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oy vey

>> No.10315487


>Life on planet is collapsing
>Race's last ditch effort is to set off for a promising system in huge sleeper ship
>Cant set course directly, have to use this podunk yellow star to course correct.
>Wake up in a million years
>Planet you scouted actually sucks
>Ship sensors show you got within a hairs distance to literal perfect garden world with life around that sun you used to boost with.

>> No.10315549

It was already going away from us at incredible speeds when we first spotted it. Don't think we could've caught it.

>> No.10315582
File: 155 KB, 863x752, bones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earth gets framed by another species false flag
>this is how we make first contact

>> No.10315609

holy SHIT its a PROBE

>> No.10315631

I'm betting on it being an outgassing we didn't detect, that said I hope we do chase it down.

Nah, if it was a probe it would have ignored Mercury and focused on Mars, Earth and Venus as they are in the habitable zone.

>> No.10315634

as far as you know, there could very well be beings who live on molten rocks like mercury

>> No.10315660

If we are going to argue the unprovable while discounting all understanding we have reached then maybe god sent it.

>> No.10315668

you know im right you can base it on ur current understanding all you want, but the possibility still exists

>> No.10315786

If Oumuamua was a spaceship, could such a trajectory be used to send it back to its home star system when the orbits of stellar objects around the galactic center is taken into account?

>> No.10315825

from the anus of God

>> No.10315839

Mercury is unusual as hell.

>> No.10315865

had a velocity relative to the local stationary which less than 1/500 of interstellar objects would be expected to have. It's basically stationary, not a shot. Probably an alien communications relay that our sun has just nudged past.

Prove me wrong

>> No.10315868

>earth gets framed for alien 9/11
>invaded by the zarxkathians because we "hate the freedom they have"

>> No.10315967

Wow haha this sure was an epic and funny picture!
May I save it??

>> No.10316870
File: 54 KB, 1620x854, flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to find aliens!!

>> No.10317024

No. Say there was a ship in a far distant orbit of our sun though. The slingshot could have been used to intentionally intercept the probe. If you are intent of having a quiet probe you do not want it to emit noises. The probe would need to be intercepted in this case to retrieve the data.

More interesting questions then become how far out could it be, what speed is this ship orbiting or passing by at, what kind of cannon can launch an object that size at those speeds and how would they catch it again?

>> No.10317039

Logs in Space

>> No.10317104

what was it's original trajectory?

>> No.10317121

Anyone care to explain what is this and why everyone is saying its aliens?

>> No.10317193
File: 15 KB, 480x360, through-the-looking-glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the spent deceleration stage of an actual incoming ship.

>> No.10317249

So...it's a solar sail right?

>> No.10317316

Two pixels. This is what kicked all of this off. The shape is inferred. A supposedly cylinder shaped, lightweight object recently passed through our solar system at high speed. It's course on the way out of our system was altered in an unexplained way.

>> No.10317664

john michael godier keeps harping on this fucking topic like a conspiracy theorist. It's really turning me off from him

>> No.10317676
File: 20 KB, 480x360, log.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andy Sixx must be an asstronaut, cause we got ourselves a big'un

>> No.10317888

>prove me wrong
Ok, present your math and i'll try

>> No.10317904

I think it they sent it because of me.
Since I discovered the secret to immortality, I have always pondered whether aliens would be able to detect this.
I think they can. Especially if they are beings such as myself but who have been alive for millions of years.
I think it will interest them in a scientific sense, what is going to happen next on Earth.
I'm sorry for dragging all of you into this.
It was not my intention. But they don't mean any harm, I am sure of it, nor will they affect us in any way.

>> No.10317912

Humans discovered immortality millenia ago ya ding dong.

>> No.10317918

Yes but those who did are not here, are they?
No they aliens probably took them away to the planet of gods, because after a while they were too much for humanity to handle and their presence would do more harm than good.
It is not a frequent even when one achieves immortality.
It is an event that resonates throughout the universe.
When it happens, there are those who find out. Oumuauma was just a probe to confirm their suspicions that such an event has indeed occurred.

>> No.10318193

Kek what is this shit?

>> No.10318199

>Yes but those who did are not here, are they?
Most of us don't go on about it. It's considered very rude in immortal circles. I mean, do you hear Keanu Reeves showing off his inability to die? No, not at all. At most he pokes light at being outed.

>> No.10318215


>> No.10318428

Keanu Reeves is a phony.
I'm talking about the real deal here and you are just joking.

A true immortal cannot hide nor is he some common actor. A true immortal is not just an immortal. He can perform everything humans do in a much superior level. Science, math, music, acting, business, everything. Compared to a human he is a god.

If there was an immortal among us he would revered as a god and he would propel every aspect of human life centuries forward.

This is why eventually I will have to leave earth. I will forward your sciences into the future yes, but overdoing it would be doing you a disservice.

I will create music and art so perfect that after a point it will be maddening for you to even try and comprehend it.

Naturally I will become the leader of Earth, revered as a God, and usher the human race into a utopian future.

But eventually I will have to leave because I will have no more to gain from you, or you from me. Of course I will leave my legacy behind, my art, my scientific discoveries, as well as some sort of advanced AI to take care of you.

But ultimately I will have to depart and where I go you cannot follow. But do not weep. The time for farewells has not yet come. I will be with you for at least a few centuries until it's time for me to go. My legacy has only just begun after all.

>> No.10318436

You forget sometimes when you've been around as long as I have just how much Dunning-Kruger effects new immortals. No wonder nobody else has wanted to contact you yet, you sound like an asshat.

>> No.10318448

Of course I am an asshat.
The greatest asshat to have ever lived.
And I don't wanna be contacted you moron.
Why would I?
I feel just fine here, reveling in my asshattery, comparing myself to lesser life forms and feeling all superior.
I'm just saying it will probably happen at some point, but then again I am not a prophet yet.

>> No.10318459
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>> No.10318895

I can't compete with this

>> No.10318910

What makes you think we didn't Anon?
Why do you think it missed?

>> No.10318926

It's scared of robots you say?

>> No.10318995

However, astronomers argued that even in that case outgassing sufficient to cause the speed change should be visible due to the loss of mass, change in rotation, or possible breakup of the body, none of which were seen.

>> No.10319012

It's an automated flyby probe that just scans the system it passes through for mapping new civilizations.

FTL probably isn't possible so an advanced race would have millions of those spread through the entire galaxy for a long-term project.

>> No.10319017

Could explain why it's locally static.

>> No.10319907

The fact that you're trying so hard to fit in is cringe.

>> No.10319937
File: 310 KB, 1280x720, whyYouRefuseMyMoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xenos bought to take over and tell us that the economy we have is bullshit so they're putting us under administration.

>> No.10319948

No, it really isn't

>> No.10320946

Do you have literal autism? As in can't understand any cues at all? The fact that you're trying so hard to fit in is cringe.

>> No.10321076
File: 940 KB, 627x502, hgf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oumuamua was a warning shot.

>> No.10321134

You are way optimistic.
My theory is that Oumuamua was not a warning shot and it definitely didn't miss.
It emitted some sort of radiation that has affected our DNA and will cause humanity to be wiped out in a few generations.
When the aliens arrive in a few centuries Earth will just be a beautiful natural planet ripe for the taking.

>> No.10321145

This. See also

>> No.10321148

Let's start a war. Let's start a nuclear war... with the GAY BOMB GAY BOMB GAY BOMB

>> No.10321150 [DELETED] 

bwainlets https://discord.gg/QaVMRcu

>> No.10321161
File: 260 KB, 580x607, Screenshot_2017-10-25-21-21-54-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I do. You're just parroting how you see other people react and it's cringy as fuck. Le epic sarcasm comeback is so typical and boring. You're not as cool or as funny as you probably think yourself to be. Just as the many people who use this tired approach to something unfunny tend to assume.

You're just a basic nigger.

>> No.10321174

Imagine being a law-abiding, tax-paying American and your taxes are being used by the army to create gay-bombs.

>> No.10321443

No warning shot would be fired, if those were alience then instead of ice melts creating natural thrusters simulating the behavior, it means they actually veered off course on purpose just to get a better look at the Earth, and then course corrected after they passed by.
If that's true then they probably deployed a spy satellite to research us, and we should try and detect or even capture that.
I hope the space force is already on this.

>> No.10321459
File: 37 KB, 840x345, Oumuamua2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Oumuoma passed by I saw a different trajectory being posted, where it was claimed that its change in direction was explained by the sun melting ice, revealing natural thrusters.

>> No.10321474

All of astrophysics and astronomy and cosmology told me that intersteller objects entering our solar system wasn't a thing, and that stuff leaving our solar system wasn't a thing either unless it was artificial.
Now something came in from outside the solar system and changed trajectory mid flight as if to look at the Earth, and I'm to believe it's ordinary?

>> No.10321478

It's from way beyond the Kuiper Belt. It went through the Kuiper Belt in a perpendicular fashion and dodged every meteor, too.

>> No.10321494

>they probably deployed a spy satellite to research us, and we should try and detect or even capture that.
We can't even detect 95% of what's going on in the universe and you want us to detect an alien spy satellite?
Prepare yourselves for anal probing.

>> No.10321522

Woah, I found this image to be funny!
May I perhaps, save it for my own pleasure?

>> No.10321870

That was the original theory, but no trail could be seen and apparently even that's not enough to account for the trajectory change.

>> No.10321887

yes, the time-honored tradition of science. if the evidence contradicts your pre-conceived conclusion, keep hunting for explanations which avoid the need to discard your pet theory.

>> No.10322696

>t. /x/

>> No.10322839

Probably just some kind of probe.

>> No.10323593

laterally a big space turd and nobody noticed

>> No.10324302
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Then how big was the thing that shat it?

>> No.10324797

>According to the rules of the dark forest
Telescopes are a thing anon, dark forest theory is retarded

>> No.10325030

keep telling yourself that. much effort is expended explaining away 'wrong' experimental results, while 'correct' results are loudly crowed.

>> No.10325729
File: 20 KB, 272x187, comes-around-at-xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pic related

>> No.10326251

>ayylmaos use burgerland as a proxy army

>> No.10326263

Let's just say it was Aliens: What happens next ?

>> No.10326270

There are no women in outer space.

>> No.10326766


>> No.10326795

>believing in aliens

>> No.10326860

We search for the probe it left behind.

>> No.10326912

Outgassing is a highly visible phenomenon, everyone's eyes were trained on the first intersteller object in the solar system, that came within 80 moons of earth, which isn't even close to too far away to see outgassing, and didn't outgas.
If you're watching a dude drive on a road, and he doesn't fly into the air, you can't argue "well just because we didn't see him flying in the air doesn't mean he wasn't!" without sounding a little dense.
There's no evidence that the comet used outgassing as a method of propulsion or as the means to change its direction in a way that should otherwise be considered artificial, only that it did.

>> No.10327776

Ive got something to put in you

>> No.10328145

Godier is usually pretty solid, must be some kind of autistic obsession.

>> No.10328240


>> No.10328616

Imagine the orgy......hot.

>> No.10328677

>space turd

>> No.10328682

o fuck

>> No.10328688

Telescopes can't see shit beyond Neptune, getting an optical view of an alien civilization is impossible with a telescope. Getting a data set from from a telescope viewing a different spectrum is inconclusive.

>> No.10328693

Ah fuck... I didn't look at the gif till now. I have a sinking feeling in my chest. Are we fucked in 200 years?

>> No.10328703

>comm relay
Why would it be rotating?

>> No.10328714

>Aliens posting on my board
Nice try, Zorgon

>> No.10329273
File: 125 KB, 1199x825, oumuamua-spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayylium spacecraft!

>> No.10329279

PLEASE some one explain how the "intergalactic" side of this, and please tell me what they are place holders for?

>> No.10329402

>Telescopes can't see shit beyond Neptune

>> No.10329557

some symbols wikipedia more symbols diffraction limit

>> No.10331371

We gather the crusade.

>> No.10331418

looks like big alien poop

>> No.10331429

Not a warning shot, as much as it is a warning sign. Due to the anomalous features of this visitor Im inclined to believe it is in fact a probe, the acceleration as it was leaving being the biggest one. I can think of only two reasons they would send out a probe this way, and thats because theyre either a) scouting out habitable planets or b) they've become aware of the existence of life in this solar system. With how perfectly tuned this planet is its an extremely valuable item either way, and theres a very strong possibility that we might be suddenly invaded anywhere from 10-200 years from now. Assuming it is a probe, of course.

>> No.10331906

>diffraction limit
Lrn2interferometry fgt pls

>> No.10332857

Distance through vacuum is irrelevant.
Angular resolution and light-gathering are everything.

>> No.10332991

Yep, and there might be a teapot orbiting saturn. Doesn't mean it's worth thinking about.

>> No.10333013
File: 2 KB, 101x125, 1516405678301s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk my prostate space daddy!

>> No.10333155

You've just said the equivalent of "we can beat the diffraction limit with a massive telescope". In other words you're stoopid.

If you want the solutions, for telescopes it's either using metamaterials or gravitational lensing.

>> No.10333260

Did that thing almost destroy Earth?
t. scientifically challenged normie

>> No.10333264

It's an alien turd. It's a message from aliens to let us know what they think of us: a turd

>> No.10333321


>> No.10334063


what the yellow cylinder thing? in the pic

>> No.10334160

>you're stoopid
no U fgt pls

>> No.10334737

>>warning shot
>>cause bullets speed up after they miss
They would if they slingshot around a centre of stellar mass. Are you an idiot?

>> No.10334789


>> No.10336057

I like this

>> No.10336106

>ecliptic plane
cringe and bluelodgepilled

>> No.10336126
File: 100 KB, 456x434, 1537720976505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jedi trip

>> No.10336225

Ayys can be close