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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10311650 No.10311650 [Reply] [Original]

Studying again!

I found an algebra book, on page 13 now!

Will be asking

>> No.10311654

The quotient of three times the difference of ten and two divided by their sum

Is 48? I think I’m too stupid for this question but I tried anyway

Inevitable people accusing me of bait or being a child (I’m 25)

>> No.10311661

A 2.2 kg block of ice initially at a temperature of -20C is immersed in a very large amount of liquid nitrogen (LN) at a temperature of -196C, and the nitrogen and H2O are allowed to come to thermal
equilibrium. [TBP(2) = -196C] Create a particular model of this process and use it to determine how much LN is converted to gas (vapor). [The emphasis on “very large” implies that there will still be LN left when the two come to thermal equilibrium.] The answer is supposed to be 4, but I have no idea how to get there. Help pls

>> No.10311686

You got me excited OP, I thought we were gonna solve problems from Lang together!

>> No.10311732
File: 201 KB, 679x316, 63D2079C-32F7-47F0-8627-EF4409A02022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I’ve been stuck in 31 for literally an hour

I know the answer is one coz it’s ok the back of the book but... i don’t understand the steps


>> No.10311736

convert them all to improper fraction, then simplify

>> No.10311745

I did it
thankssss so much

>> No.10311752

I’ love yoooou

>> No.10311759 [DELETED] 

any one able to help me out with 3rd degree polynomials? I need to solve for x but have no idea how to do it, iv gone through quadratics and can find x with those..
x3 –19x+30=0

>> No.10311771


>> No.10311794

Can you explain in words

>> No.10311806


>The quotient of three times the difference of ten and two divided by their sum

The first term of the division is the difference of 10 and 2, 10-2, but the result of this subtraction must be multiplied by 3.
So we can write 3×(10-2).
The other term of the division is the sum of 10 and 2 so 10+2.
Now you have to find the quotient of those two terms (3×(10-2) and 10+2).
So 3×(10-2)/(10+2).
To write in other words the question: Multiply ten minus two 3 times and then divide it by the sum of ten and two.
Got it?

>> No.10311832
File: 286 KB, 750x471, FFCC9E2D-1FE1-48AB-9605-C4CB2DD21D69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the answer to question 5 a nine not an eight?

>> No.10311838

36-9 = 27
27/3 = 9

dude, why are you even doing these? This is literally middle school math.

>> No.10311839

I don’t want to be retarded forever

Don’t be meaaan

>> No.10311841

he gotta start somewhere

>> No.10311846

I know, but I'm worried you're wasting your time. Do you have something you're better at? I would start pursuing that instead.

>> No.10311847

>>I know, but I'm worried you're wasting your time. Do you have something you're better at? I would start pursuing that instead.
Basic mathematics is worth mastering. It's almost an imperative to know at least up to basic calculus.

>> No.10311867


I’ve been neet for years, brain dead

I don’t plan on becoming a math master

Just enough to get by

>> No.10311877

This kind of made me sad... am I really wasting my time?

>> No.10311880

alright0 dum dum question,
cubic equations... I think they're also known as 3rd degree polynomials? y=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d

how do solve for x when y=0?

is this even crucial or should I just push on to more important shit like functions?

>> No.10311928

I think x would be a negative number?

But dum dum here too don’t take my word for it

>> No.10311930

you google the solution set for cubic equations. it gets complicated very fast after 2nd degree polynomials and is literally impossible after 4th degree.

>> No.10311966

need 3 number anon,
doubt I can use the internet as a resource during an exam but yeah, its a helpful tool. ive read something about a p/q? or finding factors that sum to b?

>> No.10311969

you can use a tricky substitution to eliminate a term in the polynomial that helps you find the solution but it's still quite difficult. if you can derive the quadratic equation from scratch without looking it up then go for cubic but if you can't do that (even that one is pretty god damn hard without any hints) then you won't be able to do it for cubics. and the only p/q i know of in this context is for proving/disproving rationality of numbers

>> No.10311978

ive sorted quadratics.. I found that relatively easy once I got the concept, + the formula
x= −b± √ (b2 − 4ac) / 2a sorted out any difficulties.. was hoping there was a formula but all I see is guess and check. baka.

>> No.10311980

i meant getting that equation from 0=ax^2+bx+c with no hints. i 100% couldn't do it without knowing the answer which you posted and am impressed somebody eventually did do it

>> No.10312005

You have to determine that for yourself. If there is something you really want to pursue other than science/math then you probably are. If you really want to go for it though, everyone has to start somewhere and you're probably not. If you put in enough hard work you should be able to get at least enough of a grasp on scientific concepts to make money out of it.

>> No.10312418
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Whelp, this definitely wasn't the thread for me.

>> No.10312511

One day you and me will be all in one basement with thick glasses arguing about what the lang guy do

>> No.10312801

>>>/int/100421101 this doesn't work in the real numbers, right?

>> No.10313558

lang is a meme

>> No.10313604

Studying math is never a waste of time.

>> No.10313617

Is there free site that gives me algebra problems to do? I need to get this shit down to reptile brain reflex. Especially the distributive property and and fractions

>> No.10313743
File: 68 KB, 1258x864, D2E4C780-559B-4898-9DC8-F57D9475AF24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends why you are learning this now and not in 6th or 7th grade. If we knew more about your situation or your IQ we could give you a better answer.

Also keep in mind that your application of math to every day life will be weaker than what you have learned in theory. Also the math that your brain does effortlessly will be even less than that.

For example when I was in college I was talking to my dorm mates (business school so everyone was too dumb to do STEM) about falling out of bunk beds.

Someone claimed that falling out of a bed twice as high you would be going more than twice as fast when you hit the ground because as time increases, distance increases by the square of the time. However, I knew in a split second that this was wrong. No one believed me when I said the opposite was true. These were all people that completed pre-calculus so they could do 11th grade math, but they failed middle school math.

Point is by the time you are through 11th grade math, it will still be an extreme struggle to apply 8th grade math to your daily life.

Also the difficulty of math is not linear, it’s closer to being exponential. Let’s say every year it becomes 20% more difficult.

Pre-Algebra is what you’re doing right now
Algebra (and geometry) is 20% harder
Algebra II (and trigonometry) is 20% harder than Algebra
Pre-calculus is 20% harder than Algebra II
Calculus is 20% harder than Pre-Calculus

^This is actually a good algebra problem. How much harder is Calculus than Pre-Algebra?

>> No.10313750

How difficult is it to do 5 courses at once? People are telling me I should start with less courses and get acclimated to work again before I go back to school. How difficult do you think these courses would be to manage in the same semester?

Advanced C++
Fiction Writing
Greek Classics
Mathematical Modeling
Software Engineering

Also, what math courses should I take to be better at programming?

>> No.10313767

I would go into a school and ask for old textbooks. They might give them to you for free.

Is 4 classes going to be closer to 15 credits (or whatever the full time credits is at your school)? More than 15 credits is fucking brutal, I don’t care how high your IQ is. All 5 of those classes are going to be time consuming as fuck as 3 of them are STEM and 2 are writing intensive.

>> No.10313775

These are impossible unless the variables are -1, 0, or 1. You literally just have to guess.

>> No.10313800

>How difficult is it to do 5 courses at once

Normal workload for non-meme majors is 5 to 6 courses + labs/seminars

>> No.10313812

>Advanced C++
Easy as fuck
>Software Engineering
Easy as fuck
>Fiction Writing
Why are you taking that? and you better not say to write better fan fiction

>> No.10313824

>More than 15 credits is fucking brutal,
Not really.
> I don’t care how high your IQ is.
IQ is a meme.

>> No.10313919

Wow your dick is way bigger than mine. Congratulations.

>> No.10314065

It's gonna be 15 credits of the total 120, thanks for answering

>> No.10314089

stop larping and posting this every time lang is mention

>> No.10314096

The question is asking you to calculate the amount of energy it takes to bring 2.2 kg of ice from -20 C to -196 C. To get this energy, nitrogen has to vaporize, changing its phase from liquid to vapor. Solve this energy balance equation to get your answer:

m_{H_2O}\int_{T_i}^{T_F} C_{P,H_2O}~\text{dt} = m_{N_2} \Delta H^{Vap}_{N_2}

>> No.10314103

Should be [math] \text{dT} [/math], not [math] \text{dt}[/math]. Also, keep in mind the phase of [math] H_2O[/math].

>> No.10314151

im taking
Algebra 2
Analysis on Manifolds
Applied Complex
Art History
Data Science
That's 19 credits
Am i fucked?

>> No.10314167

It's doable, but you'll be spreading yourself thin. I'd avoid it if I could.

>> No.10314181


>> No.10314182

Sounds tough but manageable. Good luck.

>> No.10314202

On the off chance that this isn't a meme:
art history and analysis on manifolds is already gonna take most of your free time. This is not doable.

>> No.10314355

I did thanks

>> No.10314358

Shitty school and terrible education + parents didn’t give a shit about education

>> No.10314390

Work hard brother. Don't forget the board you're on, so people are gonna think they're better than you. That's how it works, but it doesn't at all mean you're hopeless.

>> No.10314399

Nigga what the fuck?????¿?¿ Algebra 2 and analysis on manifolds at the same time? What are you smoking?

>> No.10314501

In what way?

>> No.10314577

>Analysis on Manifolds
>Applied Complex

Why are you taking ODEs so late?

>> No.10316223

Pretty cool to see you guys are helping:)

>> No.10316229

Lang is actually a meme. Nobody uses his books for anything more than a reference text

>> No.10316283
File: 24 KB, 612x408, guninmouthstockphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw stupid as fuck with math
>mfw i see this thread

>> No.10316304

dx/dy doesn’t literallly mean d times x divided by d times y, it is just a shorthand way of describing the derivative of x in relation to y.

>> No.10316532

Derivatives describe the rate that things change. If you have a job account and you get paid $1,000 twice a month, then your bank balance will look like:

time passed | bank balance
0.0 months | $0
0.5 months | $1,000
1.0 months | $2,000
1.5 months | $3,000
2.0 months | $4,000

etc. You can make up an equation for your balance:
[eqn]\text{balance} = \text{month}\times (\text{\$}1,000 \times 2) [/eqn]
If you want to find out how much your balance will change every month, take the derivative:
[eqn]\frac{\text{d}(\text{balance})}{\text{d}(\text{month})} = \text{\$}1,000 \times 2 [/eqn]

>> No.10316535

How are all numbers equally close to infinity?

>> No.10316625
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I know that shitty school feel.
>be me in 6th grade
>doing well in all of my classes
>math teacher recommends I skip pre-algebra and go straight to algebra because of my performance
>okay sure
>enter 7th grade
>algebra kicks my ass and I'm completely lost
>parents send me to Sylvan for tutoring, it doesn't help

I had always loved school until this happened and I never recovered. I'm terrible at math to this day.

>> No.10316637
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I'm having trouble with this one. So the problem says [math]x+1=2[/math] . But what is [math]X[/math]?

>> No.10317238
File: 49 KB, 640x773, 1547666160580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X = capital 1

>> No.10317703

Don't let anyone in /sci/ talk down to you. Using your brain is always good, especially if you do it purposely and willingly.

>> No.10317709

You're looking for
Polynomial division or Horner's method

The former is slightly easier to understand, as it is mostly long division. The latter is much faster but requires the understanding of the former to do it properly.

>> No.10317712

Just google stuff like
"Topic exercises PDF" or something similar. Usually gets you downloadable exercises en masse, especially in math.

Also helps you learn the correct subtopic names.

>> No.10317717

Fiction writing is important for developing creativity, something that most pure scientists lack and this board lacks entirely.

Read up on the great physicists and mathematicians. They all read extremely muh high literature.

>> No.10317718

Figured I'd comment, since I just drew a comparison. There's a notation of math/programming0 called prefix notation, it's one way of organizing the math (operations always come first. Language isn't that consistent, but we can start parsing the sentence that way, since an "operation" came first

In a "Lisp-like" language:
>The quotient of three times the difference of ten and two divided by their sum
>the quotient of
( /
>three times
(* 3
>the difference of
>( -
>10 and 2
>( - 10 2)
>divided by their sum
>(/ <the preceding stuff stuff> (sum))
>(/ (* 3 (- 10 2)) (+ 10 2))
>(/ (* 3 8) 12)
>(/ 24 12)
Honestly 091-101 math is usually awful in how they teach it. I'll keep the the thread open to see if I get a (you) because I tutored professionally for years and I like to do it.

>> No.10317720

I hate this. No one should skip classes, it fucks with childrens' social development, especially if done in elementary school.
Just separate the smarter kids into a special course where they get additional material for that particular subject. They might still suck at other subjects.

>> No.10317731
File: 898 KB, 540x400, 1440984156112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-Calc and below are shitly taught. Pre-Calc is seriously the worst math ever. Why would anyone need to be able to expand cos(8x) or other shit 10x in a row. I got to skip it in high school, never suffered for it, and I think anyone who takes it becomes worse at math, it's that bad of a course. Remedial math is about as bad as pre-calc, but I think a little less because it's just more poorly taught, versus pre-calc which is brain damaging. Calc I and beyond are piss easy in comparison.
>Japanese raised kid bitching about the "self-taught" software system we had
>it was actually awful but he's just bad at math
>we did this in fourth grade!
>then you should be better at it

>> No.10317791

this is a year 11 maths B text book I used through highschool.


hope it helps

>> No.10317815

Just kahn academy your way to pde's and take it from there.

>> No.10317845

Had an algebra teacher who died and then had a different substitute every day, sometimes nobody showed up. My class was also full of degenerates. I passed but didn't learn shit, now I'm teaching myself.

>> No.10317935

bracket whore

>> No.10319329

so this is the power of

>> No.10319403

sometimes you can group them.
Let's say you have y=6x^3+3x^2+16x+8
you can group them: (6x^3+3x^2)+(16x+8)
and factor out a common factor: 3x^2(2x+1)+8(2x+1)
and regroup: (3x^2+8)*(2x+1)
set both sides to zero and you know the rest
also if there is no constant then you can factor out the x and get a regular quadratic.

This works in such a vanishingly small number of cases that it doesn't really matter. I would recommend moving on as long as you can do the factoring.

>> No.10319862

thank you

>> No.10320130

thanks legend!

>> No.10320312

What does the d mean tho???

Inb4 cock

>> No.10320437

[math]\text{d}[/math] represents a really small change, similar to when you use [math]\Delta[/math]. Taking a derivative is like a "more accurate" version of doing this:
[eqn]\frac { \Delta ( \text {balance} ) } { \Delta ( \text {month} ) } = \frac{(\$ 2,000)-(\$ 0)}{(1~\text{month})-(0~\text{months})} = \$ 2,000/\text{month}[/eqn]

>> No.10320466

Are they saying d for delta or d for derivative?

>> No.10320479

d is derivative.