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File: 1.52 MB, 1276x1461, 7365746472442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10311065 No.10311065 [Reply] [Original]

And why is NASA not doing anything about it?

>> No.10311078

>China plans to do Martian sample return
>the USA planned to do nuclear ferry service to Mars and the outer solar system in the 80s

>> No.10311080
File: 426 KB, 1200x566, longmarch9-and-family-140t-leo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long March 9
Twice the LEO payload of "SLS" (which will never even fly)

>> No.10311084

the difference is China doesn't claim to want to do something, and then not do it

>> No.10311087

fuck Congress

>> No.10311095

So where is that nuclear ferry service then?

Meanwhile in reality they have sunk endless billions into a rocket that will fly like maybe twice.

>> No.10311097
File: 225 KB, 625x400, chinadefense1440248436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Red Dragon has awoken, nothing still stop our domination of Earth, and then the cosmos now!

>> No.10311098

>only 140 short tons to LEO

>> No.10311099

most powerful rocket in history

>> No.10311106

Because the USA has this shitty system where the government says they'll back something, then after four years the government changes and pulls out of it.

>> No.10311111

it hasn't flown yet, so you can't call it that
if we're talking about rockets that haven't flown, there's always Starship Super Heavy with 200 tons to orbit, or Sea Dragon with 550 tons

>> No.10311119

the spacex rocket is only 100 tons to leo, and probably even less now that it's been downgraded (again)

>> No.10311122
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>> No.10311124

Demography is the key to everything.

>> No.10311127

nice argument, retard

>> No.10311128

It hasn't been downgraded again, what are you on about.

>> No.10311134

>weaker engines
>heavier structure
>more aerosurfaces reducing payload
>no vacuum engines

>> No.10311137

Because the US government has long employed the strategy of letting other countries do the legwork, and then jumping in to claim victory in space exploration at the last moment.

Basically the US are a bunch of kill-stealing assholes.

>> No.10311149

Turns out its really easy to get shit done what your state is a totalitarian state on its way to full blown autocracy.

>> No.10311151

>weaker engines
The engines are the same what the fuck are you on about

>heavier structure
Maybe, and they lost tonnes and tonnes of heatshield and insulation instead, you have no idea and it's pure speculation to assume that the whole thing is heavier

>more aerosurfaces reducing payload
100t was the quoted figure when those surfaces were added

>no vacuum engines
Vaccuum engines will be added at a later date and regardless they are irrelevant for payload to LEO since it's SSTO

>> No.10311158

>The engines are the same what the fuck are you on about
still no engine has been tested to the specs cited in 2017. not even to half of those specs.
>you have no idea and it's pure speculation to assume that the whole thing is heavier
the booster is absolutely 100% heavier
the material change is purely a cost-saving measure
>100t was the quoted figure when those surfaces were added
and it was 150 before they were added
>it's SSTO
are you retarded?

>> No.10311160

>All this fake news

>> No.10311164

Wake me up when China actually beats the US to putting feet on Mars.

>> No.10311169

US is long gone. There wont me more technological achievments. It's already dead tim.

>> No.10311171

>make brazenly false declaration
>get called an idiot
>suddenly thinks this is some kind of debate

>> No.10311176

When was the last time China said they would do something in space, and then ended up not doing it?

>> No.10311181

They have a better track record in space than America.

>Let's do this
>lol jk we changed governments fuck you
>Let's do this
>lol jk we changed governments fuck you
>Let's do this
>lol jk we changed governments fuck you
>Let's do this
>lol jk we changed governments fuck you

>> No.10311184

Yeah China doesn’t claim shit to its citizens. Yah know cos communism

>> No.10311185

we'll find out soon, he's going to give a presentation on it in the next few months

>> No.10311207

You can say whatever you want. I would bet my life savings that the first crewed mission to Mars is done by the US.

>> No.10311209

SpaceX might get the first mission there but China is in the process of stealing their technology and is not hampered by funding constraints like SpaceX.

>> No.10311211

>I would bet my life savings
So, you'd bet nothing?

>> No.10311212

When the chinese try to land their faggot rovers the SpaceX boys will just ride over there in a dune buggy and push the thing into a crevasse.

>> No.10311216

The entire space race was nothing more than a dick-measuring context between the USSR and the US. When the US won the Cold War, there was no need to continue caring about it. The only reason China is invested in it now is because of the international bragging rights it will give them.
Is this going to be one of those same situations, where the USSR had virtually every single first but the US made it to the moon first and claimed total victory? There won't be the energy to leave the Earth in 100 years. A mission to bring soil back from some place we should only be making serious plans to go to and develop a colony on is nothing but a propaganda campaign.

>> No.10311218

They won't be landing rovers, they will be landing totallynotaBFR with Chinks packed like sardines.

>> No.10311224

>HX-1 wouldn't mark China's first attempt to reach Mars. It previously partnered with Russia to launch a Mars-orbiting satellite called Yinghuo-1. The spacecraft shared space on a Russian mission (called Fobos-Grunt) headed toward the red planet. Although Russia's rocket successfully launched the payload into low-Earth orbit, its engines failed to propel the joint Russian-Chinese mission toward Mars.

China can make as many ambitious declarations as they want, it’s an entirely different thing to actually be able to do it.

>> No.10311225

Has China even landed on Mars?

They've only managed 6 manned space flights.

>> No.10311235

Nope. They have tried before in a collaborative attempt with Russia but failed.

>> No.10311383

China has manned space flights? What is their hardware like?

>> No.10311390

Aren't we in the same positions the Soviets were when they made it to space and our rockets were still exploding on the pad

>> No.10311394

What do you mean? Like before Redstone?

>> No.10311406

Cause Americans are extremely short sighted. They do not like investing in technology or science unless it has immediate benefits. Likewise, they do not respect the technological advances made by previous scientific expeditions. Americans think current technology was developed by capitalists. This mentality makes it so congress doesn't vote for additional funding because it is a "waste of time" and there are "issues that must be dealt with on Earth."

>> No.10311443

Democracy is best for the people, but worst for getting anything done

>> No.10311568
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>why is NASA not doing anything
pic related

>> No.10311582

>eu's shilling for china in a space thread
that's an abstract kind of yikes from me.

>> No.10311602

How can I serve China as citizen of the West?
I understand now the morally corrupt and socially broken western society is dying, and only hope for humanity’s presence in the universe is Chinese leadership.

>> No.10311611
File: 396 KB, 1600x1017, Moon_colony_with_rover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost everybody is surpassing the US in space. Europe and Japan are successfully landing probes on comets and asteroids.
There is a simple reason for this. Space missions take a long time and need long term planning. Everybody else can do this. If they are planning a ten year mission they get a ten year budget. NASA budget has to approved year by years and you never know if a sudden government shutdown or a new administration will kill your project.

>> No.10311655

>>10311065 (OP) #
>Almost everybody is surpassing the US in space. Europe and Japan are successfully landing probes on comets and asteroids.

What is Osiris-REx? Seriously if your going to shit on America at least be accurate with your criticism. This thread is stupid, your all comparing the only nation to land successfully on Mars (multiple times) to a nation that has never embarked on a interplanetary mission and is likely to fail in 2020 because everybody else has on their first attempt (apart from the Pajeet orbiter). Anybody can claim they'll do something in space; China claimed they had built a reliable heavy-lift launcher in the LM-5, then it exploded, China also claimed they would have the first greenhouse on the moon but then all it's inhabitants froze to death. Let's see if they can actually reach Mars before talking about ridiculously complicated boondoggles such as sample return missions...

>> No.10311671

Souyz copies.

1 failed "space station " and another current "space station". They're both oversized cargo capsules just slightly bigger than a Not Souyz.

>> No.10311675


they aren't, ffs NASA just had another probe to Mars


they do that all the time

>> No.10311680

The Democrat controlled House just passed a bill .that would cancel the JWST if it hit anymore problems.

>> No.10311683


NASA already tested a brand new NTR last year and helped ARPA prototype their liquid power transfer systems in 2017, you're completely out of the loop.


>They have a better track record in space than America.

They don't, considering that the most they've been able to accomplish is mir despite being flush with cash. They couldn't even convince the US and Russia to give them a slot on the ISS, or even propose an ISS takeover instead of a deorbit. Meanwhile for rockets they have rebranded Russian ones, which operate no better than Soyuz that is 52 years old.

>> No.10311687


Will literally never ever fly, even just in space.

>> No.10311769


>> No.10311770

It is not possible to safely do martian sample return without a lunar station that can study it first.

Bringing it to Earth directly increases the risk of both sample contamination and worst of all Earth contamination from Martian life forms.

China so far has stated no intentions of building equivalent to LOP-G so we can safely say they won't beat NASA when it comes to Martian samples.

>> No.10311775

China doesn't care.

>> No.10311844

>caring about sissy fears of western cuck scientists

>> No.10311849

You can't. The West is to China as Africa is to the West.

You buy China's cheap manufactured shit for your Amerifat Wal-marts. You are redneck customers. Nothing more.

>> No.10311889
File: 49 KB, 720x692, west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10311892

>tfw want to colonize mars
>no reason to because they haven't been able to do it themselves

>> No.10311912

>You can't. The West is to China as Africa is to the West.
Can’t I work for some Chinese company overseeing their assets and making sure their interests are protected? Wouldn’t they need some kind of local helpers keeping population in line?

>> No.10311929

You need to learn mandarin.

>> No.10311945


>> No.10312026

Because as a country they care more about face that the actual state of their country. It's deeply ingrained in their culture.

There is no way they can keep this up. China is like some toth spending the money of her husband on needless luxuries. Once the west divorces them AKA move our manufacturing elsewhere it's all gonna fall to ruin

>> No.10312028

Industrial espionage.

>> No.10312039

Reminder that Obama canceled Constellation

>> No.10312051

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.10312117

>why is NASA not doing anything about it?
Capitalist don't see profit in space in the next 5 years, so no money. Capitalism kills art and sciences.

>> No.10312139


>> No.10312150

Capitalism and corporations rule USA. Money goes where they want(to capitalist pockets).

>> No.10312322

They are still behind but I'm glad they are pushing since West is too busy being retarded.

>> No.10312325
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I had to

>> No.10312327
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>Earth contamination from Martian life forms.

>> No.10312335
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becasue of BLUMPH

>> No.10312417
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The problem main with NASA and American pride it's stuck in the past. Sending a toy car to Mars was great 30 years ago. Sending more toy cars is just more of the same. I imagine NASA will sit on their hands, send another toy car to Mars and keep bragging about this for another three decades. Meanwhile other nations start a Moon colony and asteroid mining.

>> No.10312452

Digits confirm
Sea dragon will fly

>> No.10312494

>Coming to the defense of China

Wow Chinese I presume?

>> No.10312535
File: 83 KB, 550x543, IMG_9809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sending a toy car to Mars was great 30 years ago.
Nigga, implying it isn't great today. No other nation but America has sent a 'toy car' to Mars yet, also Opportunity weighs 2 tons and is probably larger than whatever decrepit shitbox you drive...

>Meanwhile other nations start a Moon colony and asteroid mining.
You are pic related

>> No.10312536


>> No.10312695

not him, but we should be highlighting their advances. Maybe one day they'll do something so far out there that the US is forced to one-up them

>> No.10312706

Quints checked!

>> No.10312711

Umm... despite your pride being butthurt, the following Anon is right though:

>> No.10312717
File: 5 KB, 530x104, 36575657636573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you mean by this?

>> No.10312722

The first Martian will be a Chinaman. Mark these words.

>> No.10312729

Whoops - didn't go far enough back in the quotes.
Correct: China does what it sets out to do.

>> No.10312738

based cross /k/ poster. Implessive anti quantum power bug posting.

>> No.10312758

Will he freeze to death like their plants?

>> No.10312776

No. Their own space program has too much nationalistic value and they would never ride american made rocket even if its not usgov owned or funded. First landing is important but unless they see it entirely as their own achievement (of the communist party's guidance), it will have no value whatsoever.
Now, first manned landing from a government space program...

>> No.10313230
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>> No.10313237
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China's new manned spacecraft

>> No.10313242
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Definitely not a copy of anything. That's for sure.

>> No.10313782

Sure, but you'd just be a cuck to them. You'll never be Chinese.


>> No.10313894

>it’s literally a dragon

>> No.10313929
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>> No.10314259

Beat me to it.

>> No.10314585

>China can't build engines that throttle low enough to even hoverslam, so forced to use empty solid boosters as ballast to lower the LM-8's TWR.

So this is the power of Chinese engineering?

Also, I know Dragons are a big part of China's culture but this >>1031323 is taking it too far...

>> No.10314589

NASA is a big failure, just admit it.

>> No.10314726


So far no other country has been able to successfully put cars on Mars, let alone something like a hab or a man.

>> No.10314733


based on what exactly, because even in the past 5 years NASA has done more for wireless power beaming than the rest of the entire planet has in the past 50 years, which has major implications for on-orbit facilities (which NASA has also been busy building)

>> No.10314798

Because the U.S. government is so dysfunctional that it shut down for a month and counting over a wall. A. FUCKING. WALL.

>> No.10314928

NASA is not doing anything for a month because of this stupid TRUMP shut-down. America is such a joke now.

>> No.10314930

Good. I hope NASA gets shut down permanently. Fuck the libshits that work there.

>> No.10314936

congressmen and fatcats

>> No.10315036
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>> No.10315056

Fuck you?

>> No.10315110

>you never know if a sudden government shutdown or a new administration will kill your project
This also holds for any other democracy.

>> No.10315118

show me one other country that shuts down research projects when the administration changes, or where the whole government just fucking shuts down
I'll wait

>> No.10315140
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>> No.10315141

>Why is China surpassing the US in space?
China will surpass the US in everything, it's just a matter of time.

>> No.10315153

>government shutdown
>any other democracy
What? Did you think the bizarre spectacle of a government taking itself hostage was common? I'm not sure I disagree with the reasons for the shutdown, but I'm certain that this kind of thing shouldn't even be possible, for any administration.

>> No.10315178

Because China doesn't spend 900 billion or however much we spend on the military. Idk how much of the national budget they put into their space program though...

>> No.10315183

Government spending on social welfare programs could also easily cover the cost.

>> No.10315197

China, like the old Soviet Union, is usually more into the "do it first, announce intention at the same time you announce success" model.

>> No.10315199

>So where is that nuclear ferry service then?

Same place the Martian soil return is. "Out there" in the future somewhere.

>> No.10315200

You seem upset.

>> No.10315201

The Chinese have figured out that, if it ever comes to a rock fight, the guy standing at the top of the well has a real advantage over the guy standing down in the well.

The US and Russians seem to have forgotten.

>> No.10315206
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>NASA will sit on their hands, send another toy car to Mars and keep bragging about this for another three decades. Meanwhile other nations start a Moon colony and asteroid mining.

First they will have to catch up with us in sending toy cars.

>toy cars

Mufuggin REAL cars, get on our level.

>> No.10315209

You got that backwards. China sets out to do what they just did. It helps with your perceived success rate, obviously.

>> No.10315222

And STILL the US has probes crawling around Mars, probes we launched in the 80s still in contact and functioning, and a majority of the current active probes in space -- more than the rest of the world combined. In spite of the occasional shutdown and the inability of Congress to fund things properly.

>> No.10315376

don't care about china but hopefully them not being shit forces nasa to get it's act together

>> No.10315408

NASA is almost done with the largest most powerful rocket ever made and is going to use it to build a Moon station for actual PEOPLE.

What has china imitated in the meantime?

What NASA did in the 50's?

>> No.10315423

>And STILL the US has probes crawling around Mars,
>probes we launched in the 80s still in contact and functioning
That is a bit of an exaggeration, the Viking probes are silent.

>> No.10315436

>the spacex rocket is only 100 tons to leo

Only in reusable mode. In expendable mode it will be the most powerful rocket ever built, significantly more payload mass than either Saturn V or Long March 9.

>> No.10315448

>Why is China surpassing the US in space?

It is not, thanks to SpaceX the US is still ahead. China has barely started their reusable rocket development.

>> No.10315469

>NASA is almost done with the largest most powerful rocket ever made
SLS is a massive money sink and will probably fly a total of two times, optimistically
>is going to use it to build a Moon station for actual PEOPLE
are you talking about that stupid ass space station in orbit around the moon? afaik there are no serious plans for an outpost on the surface of the moon, which would actually be worthwhile

>> No.10315474

Because NASA is a fraud.

The US is an instrument of the hidden hand, which is why our penises are circumcised. Jews are middle management, and we're the slaves of Jews. The US has served its purpose and is being destroyed though.

>> No.10315495
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>Because NASA is a fraud.

>> No.10315502

NASA is fraudulent.

>> No.10315538

They managed the Ultima Thule flyby, though I suspect they called in some favors from overseas to manage it.

>> No.10315543

I think people are worrying too much. The Chinese aren't going to leave us behind when they go boldly into space. After all, they're going to need to take someone to clean the toilets.

>> No.10315546

China's political system is basically perfect for the long term nature of space mission. China can formulate a 20 years long road map which will be not be changed or canceled because of a new president.

>> No.10315555

It also helps that they are technocrats, so money isn't wasted on stuff like the oversized ISS just to have a symbol in space with rather low scientific output.

>> No.10315574

Keep repeating that, schizo. Won't make it true. Now run along and spam your ISS webms like the good little retard you are

>> No.10315591

ISS is CGI, with no clear reason why. The real human beings will continue to search for the truth, the animals will continue to live comfortably in the lies where nothing quite lines up.

>> No.10315614


>> No.10315648

Google around, there's plenty of people who have put together compilations of errors. At the very least it's bizarre and I don't really understand why they would want or need to do this, given that it does appear that we're capable of getting objects into orbit, and there is an object that can be seen which is said to be the ISS. So why the CGI?

The other thing I'll mention is what I've internally dubbed the "born yesterday" fallacy. Which is a lot like last thursdayism, and is the tendency of people to assume any one of a number of people "types" on the internet were manufactured and programmed yesterday to generate weird output for you to argue with, perplex over, and become upset about. The reality is I wasn't born yesterday. I was taught all this shit was a certain way and believed it, but there are a number of problems which simply cannot be ignored or explained away.

Look for those videos on youtube or something. I don't have a good source on hand that isn't controlled opposition meant to make it look foolish. There's everything from greenscreen issues where people don't have feet, to a guy wandering in the back without a face mesh (but having teeth etc). Weird stuff. Not legit.

>> No.10315664

>there's plenty of people who have put together compilations of errors
jej all those "errors" are literally just "I don't understand how video compression works".
I've never seen anyone try to tackle this 50 minute long video

>> No.10315683

Actually, I do. I've done a lot of video work and used to go through and IVTC DVDs by hand, frame by frame. I know what compression artifacts look like and what all the modern compression schemes are apt to output, when, and why. They aren't compression artifacts. They aren't packet loss or selective errors in some kind of in house transmission system NASA has from the ISS. It's green screen and CGI errors. Every play a game where a model's head mesh is missing, but the separate jaw, eyes, and teeth models aren't? It's like that.

Even the grease on the lens junk HEVC puts out at low bitrates doesn't resemble that.

>> No.10315684

Also, I'll watch the video later.

>> No.10315689

>It's green screen and CGI errors.
What is? Provide some examples.
>Every play a game where a model's head mesh is missing, but the separate jaw, eyes, and teeth models aren't? It's like that.
You still haven't provided a source for this.
>Even the grease on the lens junk HEVC puts out at low bitrates doesn't resemble that.
Ever hear of P frames and I frames?

>> No.10315701

Maybe later.

>Ever hear of P frames and I frames?
Yut yut yut, i even herd of B frames!

Come on. I hope you're getting paid for this. If not, I'm sorry. It won't ever feel good to have something you liked and were attached and loyal to shown to be something else. But what can I do? Truth is the truth.

>> No.10315709
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>muh shill
wew lad, nice non argument. Still not gonna provide that source?

>> No.10315716

I said maybe later. A key method of shills, by the way, is to draw you in and try to get you to waste your time.

If you aren't going to check back, that's your problem.

>> No.10315724

>still trying to push the shill card
Ok kid, we're not on /x/ anymore and I have this thread pinned. I'll fucking wait for you to post
>to a guy wandering in the back without a face mesh (but having teeth etc)
although I'm doubtful you will.

>> No.10315729

It's possible I won't if it'll require a lot of searching. I am quite busy, but this conversation has also renewed my interest.

You'll just have to wait and see. (Or look yourself)

>> No.10315741

>It's possible I won't if it'll require a lot of searching
And there it is, you're already backpeddling and trying to set it up so that you don't look like a complete liar/retard when you inevitably fail to produce the footage. You take time to consistently reply to my posts yet won't bother using this time to actually look for the "evidence" you claim exists.

>> No.10316946
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Nice try chang.
Raptor is going back to 300 bar and your quantum nation can do nothing to even get close

>> No.10317046
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>why is China surpassing us
Because we hire ppl like this

>> No.10317054

what the actual fuck
the JWST is the single most important project NASA has done in the past decade

>> No.10317061

Because they need the money for Ocasio-Cortez's new Green Deal and Medicare for all.

>> No.10317063

Ocasio Cortez has literally no influence over the democratic party or congress

>> No.10317081

>“There is profound disappointment with both NASA and its contractors regarding mismanagement, complete lack of careful oversight, and overall poor basic workmanship on JWST,” the report states. “NASA and its commercial partners seem to believe that congressional funding for this project and other development efforts is an entitlement, unaffected by failures to stay on schedule or within budget.”

>The bill does increase the cost cap for JWST by about $800 million, to a little more than $8.8 billion, to address the latest overruns. “NASA should strictly adhere to this cap or, under this agreement, JWST will have to find cost savings or cancel the mission,” the report states

They're not canceling it. They're just disappointed at the poor work done so far.

>> No.10317092
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the waste is really phenomenal

nasa should be made to do everything in-house, no more grand larceny by contractors

>> No.10317095

>people aren’t allowed to enjoy their jobs
Who hurt you?

>> No.10317099

NASA needs to hold contractors accountable for failing to stay on schedule or within budgets

>> No.10317100

Cut military spending and give it to NASA. We'll have colonized the solar system by the end of the century.

>> No.10317462

bump into space

>> No.10317470

>Because we hire ppl like this
programmers are kinda vital tho

>> No.10317490

Unironically this
We lost the space race to the Communist soviets
and we're going to lose the mars race to the Communist chinese
really makes you think

>> No.10317499
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This is the Chinese philosophy though. Either don't commit or commit 100%. Based Chinamen.

>> No.10317510

>communist chinese
Turn off Fox News gramps!

>> No.10317519

One of NASAs main problems: It's spread over as many states as possible to please as many senators and congressmen as possible. Same for contractors. Also way to many bureaucrats. Europe basically got the same problem. Musk and China can easily be more efficient because they can do almost everything in one place.

>> No.10317523

that would lead to even more waste

NASA should be required to do everything using fixed cost and fixed time contracts and competitively awarded, with a ladder of milestones. Commercial cargo and crew are some of the most efficient NASA programs in recent decades.

>> No.10317528

We won the space race over the Soviets you moron. Also China is not communist in reality. Some of the most fierce capitalism right now is in China.

>> No.10317540
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Why I wholeheartedly believe America will lose the upcoming space war.

>> No.10317549
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>>10317510 >>10317528 >>10317540 >>10317519 >>10317499 >>10317490

China is a capitalist dictatorship.
Capitalist but still a Orwellian Dystopia.

In China you can be arrested for life for:
1. Criticizing the the corrupt Government
2. Calling out the genocide of minorities in China (Muslim Uyghurs and Tibetan Buddhist)
3. Mentioning banned words on internet such as: "Democracy" or "Free Speech" (yes they are banned)
4. Divulgating the brutal "Tiananmen Square Massacre" when Chinese Militaries opened gunfire against protesting civilians.


>> No.10317612

zero red tape and government support


infinite red tape

>> No.10317614
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>> No.10317615

China fakes everything, why would their space program and accomplishments be any different.

>> No.10317661

>China is a capitalist dictatorship.
Even worse, it's a capitalist dictatorship run by communists.

>> No.10317674

what a fucking cunt

>> No.10317797

better than communist dictatorship run by communists tough

>> No.10317873
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You're kidding right? Look at these suits!

>> No.10317878

WW3 won't be in space. The US is already pretty much hollowed out from the inside. It'll be pitted against Russia (technologically superior) and China (greater numbers and resources). When all 3 are crippled the new world order will swoop in and say this is the war to end all war, and use it as an excuse to institute world government. UN Real ID 2020 is a precursor to this.

>> No.10317879
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>land expensive experiment on the Moon
>forget to add a heater,


>> No.10317880
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>Russia (technologically superior)

>> No.10317885

Better knowledge of physics, biology, greater peak intelligence. If we ever had a real war you people would realize what's actually possible, real fast. And in this sense, Russia is more than likely superior in terms of anti-personnel weapons.

>> No.10317890

>t. Ivan with delusional of grandeur

>> No.10317891

>delusional of grandeur
Amerilard education everyone

>> No.10317894


Realistic American.

>> No.10317899

Maybe that was part of the experiment

>> No.10317900
File: 273 KB, 960x684, chartoftheday_7525_nearly_two_thirds_of_new_european_hiv_cases_are_in_russia_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Better knowledge of physics
>>greater peak intelligence
I just dont know where to start here..... this is just sad....sad....sad....

>> No.10317909

Relevance? Bar graph needs to be per capita as well.

>> No.10317931

We chinks steal tech from places such as Britain, France, India, and South Korea. We probably stole the 'four major inventions' (compass, printing, paper, gunpowder) from Americans.

>> No.10317934

I'm not going to do your homework look it up yourself:
This is what a paradise looks like with better knowledge of physics and biology with greater peak intelligence...

>> No.10317939

I was thinking about moving to Belgium...

>> No.10317943

I already calculated it myself. The rate in Russia is higher by 2+x in my instances, but not so high as that (anti-Ruski) image intends to portray.

Still, I don't see the relevance. You don't seem to understand how complex, large scale societies function. Particularly some aspects of Russian history. The US has pretty much the same structure.

>> No.10317959

Indeed, we didn't invent the rocket either. It must have been the British

>> No.10317982
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>It'll be pitted against Russia (technologically superior)

>> No.10318821


Does the Chinese space program use the same moon rockets that the USSR used in this video :


Or did they build something new?

>> No.10319011

Seeing the video it was basically Intel vs AMD with cores.

Jokes aside, if that theory about the 5th launch was true we could have had a very different world today.

>> No.10319928

N1 will never live again, anon

>> No.10320155

And why is NASA not doing anything about it?

What fucking question is this? literally every working probe on the surface right now is American, i am so tired of these fucking chinkshill threads, i thought Vatniks were bad.

>> No.10320694

Socialism is the most efficient way to organize the economy -- you directly assign funds to important stuff rather than let short-term minded capitalists decide what's good for the economy. The Chinese are halfway there; they still rely partly on the private sector (if they didn't they'd be as bad as they were under Mao) and thus there's lots of awful shit with respect to worker's rights etc. Just wait until the West inevitably collapses unto itself.

Communism, and particularly a democratically moderated form of central planning is perfectly possible given today's computing technology (much of which is currently wasted in useless shit like Bitcoin); the only thing impeding it are the capitalist world powers. Look up Paul Cockshott.

>> No.10320740

you're worse than the ancaps

>> No.10320861

>you directly assign funds to important stuff
That assumes you know what the important stuff really is. Governments have so far been spectacular bad about that. It might work somewhat if you are copying the US, Japan, Europe, Korea etc. but there will be failures. It will not work if you want to develop new things.

>> No.10320865

just try to control your own people first... BAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.10320869

Swallow shotgun lead you creepy little freak

>> No.10320938

SLS, the smallest block, is 90tons+ to LEO.
Future blocks will drastically improve that number.

>> No.10320978
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>Socialism is the most efficient way to organize the economy

planned economy works perfect in theory, unfortunately reality is different

>> No.10321140
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>> No.10321167

>Socialism is the most efficient way to organize the economy

As someone from a former socialist country - dumbest thing I ever heard. wow

>> No.10321176

it takes a certified moron to advocate socialism (and I dont mean shit like universal healthcare here), but it takes a truly special kind of a moron to advocate for centrally planned strain of socialism

>> No.10321176,1 [INTERNAL] 

China definitely managed to make a decent step forward and I like this fact. Their space program used to be just ridiculous at some point but now they aren't that bad

>> No.10321176,3 [INTERNAL] 

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