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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10310080 No.10310080 [Reply] [Original]

If the matter in my body right now reassembled me after I died for 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years through random chance, will I get my consciousness back?

>> No.10310120

no but you might get something that resembles it. Conditions would have to be the same as now and that's pretty much very unlikely. I guess that it'll take a zillion years like you say.

But you don't get back the soul

>> No.10310122

Statistically speaking it would assemble into someone or something else first and a new consciousness wouldst begin.

>> No.10310195

why is the 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years an important detail

>> No.10310201

No, God has to restore the uplink back.

>> No.10310213

What resembles you? And how do you know that consciousnesses resembling you don’t already exist?

>> No.10310236

Hmm... If it was the same pieces, no loss and the caveat of being a closed system with no external inputs or outputs, yet being constantly powered by an external source, then 100 percent.

>> No.10310275

Yeah, you're basically immortal. The thing is that the immortality comes from the fact that the same events will eventually happen again on an endless loop.

>> No.10310352

Everytime you go to sleep, you die and someone else wakes up with your memories.

>> No.10310377
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I raise: You die and another person takes over your body every Planck time.

>> No.10310382

No. You’d just have a clone that exists in the distant future.

>> No.10310387

Yes, something like that, but the timescale May be larger. We think no where near that fast.

>> No.10310423


>> No.10310433

I've had this thought before. It's easier for a brain to appear than for a universe to appear, so we're all probably brains rather than habitants of a real universe.

>> No.10310438

............No it isn’t. Brains require universes.

>> No.10310472

No. Simple thought experiment: You are immortal and wait those x thousand years. A perfect copy of yourself assembles itself next to you. There is no transfer of consciousness, nothing that would imply continuity. You can remove your own immortal body from the experiment, nothing changes.

>> No.10310669
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If I were immortal the material in my body wouldn't fly away to make a new copy of myself you absolute dumb dumb.

>> No.10310987

You'll get someone who looks like you but there's no way to prove if your memories (aka a big portion of what makes you you) will be there since all that is stored as electrical patterns in synapses and I assume by "my consciousness" I assume you mean you get to start out exactly as you left then the answer is a high likely hood of now, given infinite time and an infinite universe you could.

>> No.10310993


>> No.10311014
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>100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years
Data corrupted

>> No.10311204
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Can't get it back if you never had it

>> No.10311241

If you go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow, will it be your consciousness that wakes up or a new one with all the same memories?

>> No.10311484

No, because the charges also need to be the same.

>> No.10311648
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>> No.10311662
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That's actually a pretty interesting concept. What if all the people who believe in past lives are actually right?
What I mean is, given that you are some unique individual, defined on a chronology as being 'U,' if you were to come up with some insight that you were Napoleon in a past life, there's no telling whether U existed during Napoleon's lifetime with the exact same insight, only about Alexander of Macedonia. U is therefore a constant.
Of course the odds involved are astronomical compounded, but if you actually believe yourself to be some amalgamation of character traits and memories of another life, there's no way to prove otherwise. And another thing: you may have lived past lives whether you realize it or not.

>> No.10312472

try it and find out

>> No.10312727

to emphasise that it would take a long, long, long time for random chance to see to it that the atoms magically clump together again, I think.

>> No.10312765

does this mean I die every time I teleport and some retard clone is LIVING MY LIFE

>> No.10312769

>Alexander of Macedonia
he's called Alexander the Great, /pol/ is over there.