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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 124 KB, 1200x505, Obverse_of_the_series_2009_$100_Federal_Reserve_Note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10308489 No.10308489 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ always has basically 0 economics threads. why?

>/inb4/ economics is not a science
the economy can be and is very well studied, and any /sci/entist should know how to do his dealings in the greater market

>> No.10308496


>> No.10308513

Why don't you start an economics thread?
That's just cruel

>> No.10308517

anything past bio is more philosophy or other humanities than science. Economics has physics envy, just using a bunch of math isn't sufficient for something to be scientific. The very fact "normative" economics can exist relegates econ to something else.

>> No.10308565

You piece of shit.

>> No.10309074

>take intro to macro economics
>first day in class
>professor walks in late
>high as fuck
>fumbles with the projector
>grabs the mic
>"hehe, guys, what if, like, the Earth had infinite resources"
>yo check this out
>this is what happens when the Fed raises rates
>shows us a graph with inflation as the dependent variable on the y axis and the rates as the independent variable on the x axis
>can clearly see there is an inverse relationship
>he fucking draws a second curve to the right of the first curve
That's why we don't have econ threads. Because even though every single thing on earth is finite and can be accounted for, economists are still too dumb to figure that shit out.

>> No.10309081

Why they no teach me compound interest in school? I could already be rich by now. Einstein says that compound interest is the strongest force in the universe.

>> No.10309147

They did in mine. Is the exponential function not covered in hs in america? Lmao

>> No.10309160
File: 151 KB, 768x1026, serveimage(10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If economics is a science, why can't economists agree on the laws of economics?

>> No.10309549
File: 199 KB, 1790x828, 1536209356748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because intro to macro/microeconomics are babby tier, yet people still manage to fail for whatever fucking reason. For the rest of the program you need to have calculus I-III as well as some probability and statistics courses. Also it's a good idea to learn some basic python and R.

>> No.10309552
File: 824 KB, 2178x2179, __izayoi_sakuya_and_remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_bisukyuwi__a61f662b907bb340c3b6c695a4ebc35b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies actually delete them.
I got a warning once.

>> No.10309576

Jesus Christ, do you learn anything Useful in school?

>> No.10309591

Economics is not a science, is suffering a severe replication crisis on the same scale that psychology is, is the most niggerish application of mathematics and game theory imaginable, does not account for externalities properly which for instance ecology and biophysics do account for and is wholly incapable of justifying fundamental concepts like rational choice, actors, supply and demand without making recourse to linguistic arguments or straying into other fields they have no training in, like behavioral ecology or genetics or evolutionary dynamics.
>For the rest of the program you need to have calculus I-III as well as some probability and statistics courses
You literally only need Calc 1-2 and every single STEM major takes statistical analysis.
>python and R
every single Bio and physics major who wants to do serious research knows one or the other or both.

>> No.10309605

>replication crisis
>does not account for externalities property
>rational choice
>supply and demand
Giffen good are honest to God proof of supply and demand. Also:

>> No.10309666

Being well studied /= science.

The works of Shakespeare are well studied. But Shakespearean scholarship is not science.

>> No.10309678
File: 166 KB, 602x900, refute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every single thing on earth is finite
>the stupidity of some economists

I refute you thus.

>> No.10309711

If economics truly existed, people would be able to tell the future through trend-lines and candle diagrams. But since noone can do that just yet, economics is just educated guesswork.

Speaking of educated guesswork, is AI common in economics? For the longest time I've thought about training an neural network model which i train to produce 51% correct guessrate and then let it trade for me for some guaranteed monies, is this a thing? Does this work? Other people have no doubt had the idea before, but since it's sort of unheard of I suppose that it doesnt?

>> No.10309725
File: 5 KB, 284x212, econs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people would be able to tell the future through trend-lines and candle diagrams.
>noone can do that

Pic related, proof by contradiction failure.

>> No.10309726


They teach you run away nuetron emission which is the same idea.

>> No.10309729

>If economics truly existed, people would be able to tell the future through trend-lines and candle diagrams. But since noone can do that just yet, economics is just educated guesswork.
Kill yourself.
>Does this work?
No. Google efficient market hypothesis.

>> No.10309753

>if Newtonian physics existed, people would be able to predict the results of roulette wheels and pachinko machines

>> No.10309854

kek'd hard at that pic

>> No.10309879

>the highest level of mathematical maturity is calculus
pick one
If the earth has infinite resources, why isn't everything free?

>> No.10309891

you didn’t read what I said, economics becomes a different field of study when they do “behavioral” economics and since behavioral science is itself not rigorous its extremely unlikely anything they derive will be rigorous or replicate. the first link has absolutely nothing to do with the fact most economics studies don’t replicate and are underpowered.

There is no proof of supply and demand, they’re incoherent concepts divorced from physicality. You could not prove them even if you wanted to, their foundation is not rigorous and is illegitimate as a concept in science.

>> No.10309961

Patrician coming through


>> No.10311070

>the most niggerish application of mathematics and game theory imaginable

>> No.10311090

Economics is not a science
And business is boring

>> No.10311452


Economic theories don't require empirical validation, it's not a science.

>> No.10311458

Lmao what a brainlet op is.

>> No.10311515

A large part of the problem with making economy a science is, economy is heavily dependent upon what people do, and people are sufficiently unpredictable as to render a scientific approach useless.

>> No.10311532

>economics is not a science bro!!!
>lives in a country that has been guided by economic theory into a century of enormous propserity for all