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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 91 KB, 968x681, 4chan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10306862 No.10306862 [Reply] [Original]

>/x/ is filled with people with literal Schizophrenia
>/his/ is filled with Young Earth Creationists
>/pol/ couldn't check a source if their life depended on it
Is there was one other board on this site that you would say was remotely scientifically inclined what would you say it would be?

>> No.10306863


>> No.10306868

/g/ and /diy/ both have some sciencey posters, probably the two best after /sci/

>> No.10306871

/t/ has textbook threads every now and then.
/wsr/ is /wsr/.

>> No.10306880


>> No.10306883

/diy/ easily...
Also read Gödel Escher Bach

>> No.10306884

what are you talking about op
/fit/ is the ONLY scientifically inclined board on this site

>> No.10306889

Meta threads belong on /qa/

>> No.10306892

when /o/ isnt shitposting and intelligent discussion takes place (rarely) they can blow your mind
Not sure if youre one of those dudes who dont consider engineering science though

>> No.10306895
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There's lots of that on the electronics thread >>>/diy/1537317 and a few of the other generals. After that, I'd say /out/ due to the farming threads and the autistic lengths some of that stuff delves into for production and shit: >>>/out/1433404 There's also metallurgy on /diy/ for knife making threads and metallurgy discussion on /out/ for what knives/axes to use.

>> No.10306898
File: 741 KB, 2378x998, Science & Engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineering uses science results.

>> No.10306902
File: 1.34 MB, 320x180, 56456456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, do not confuse, "bro-science," with actual science.

>> No.10306904

>No Fap
>Bro Science

>> No.10306906

/vg/ has /egg/, which I'd say is a scientifically inclined general.
Other than that, I'd say some of /lit/ and some of /g/.
No other board completely.

>> No.10306909

This is a good image. Without those blocks the object could not be built. Engineers are chads who take scientists building blocks and make them usable for normalfags

>> No.10306912

the image proves engineers are retarded manchildren

>> No.10306927
File: 36 KB, 752x763, Psychology Science & Engineering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is all psychology in the end.

>> No.10306952
File: 30 KB, 752x763, 1547829068026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbased and goypilled.

>> No.10306958

The transportation board is the most sane board here.

>> No.10306960

His theistic delusion lasted 1(one year), now the remaining christfags are just beterson /pol/tards.

>> No.10306968

>Deciding on what is economics is psychology.

>> No.10306981

>>/his/ is filled with Young Earth Creationists
there’s a lot of christians on /his/ but I’ve hardly ever seen people seriously discussing creationism

>> No.10307097

>/his/ is filled with Young Earth Creationists
I saw one who kept posting the same things last year, did it get worse?

>> No.10307149

My definition of economics gets more money, goy.

>> No.10307711

This image has much potential.

>> No.10307737

/sci/ is full of dumb people desperately trying to prove how smart they are. /sp/ is full of geniuses successfully pretending to be idiots.

>> No.10307749

/g/ sometimes does sciency shit

>> No.10307751

/an/ is surprisingly accurate and knowledgeable when talking about prehistoric animals.
Don't ask about budgies, though.

>> No.10307770
File: 39 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-mens-sana-in-corpore-sano-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This too

Also get /fit/

>> No.10308090

/sci/ can't do actual science themselves, it's almost reddit tier here.

>> No.10308098

>Young Earth Creationists
These don't exist. Just troll mocking fedoras for their inability to argue their way out of a paper bag.

>> No.10308101

>is full of dumb people desperately trying to prove how smart they are

What is leddit?

>> No.10308120


>> No.10308127

Yes they do. You’ve never interacted with Muslims or southern Protestants

>> No.10308134

Yes we do, and we post here, even on /sci/

>> No.10308185

/pol/ is right about niggers and jews and wrong about everything else.

>> No.10308205

/his/, at least they are into sources. An infestation of trolls pretending to be YEC does not change that: if you recall, we have been similarly infested with trolls pretending to be Flatists from time to time.

>> No.10308211

Flattards genuinely exist but they’re all schizos on YouTube and Facebook.

>> No.10308277

>Go to /x/
>Anons seriously thinking they are getting super powers because street lights sometimes flicker when they walk near them

>> No.10308403
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>> No.10308416
File: 74 KB, 187x143, mfw when im gonna make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically /fit/, can't make it if you don't think empirically

>> No.10308424

/k/ knows ballistics

>> No.10308432
File: 941 KB, 681x866, 1444229418910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’ve never interacted with Muslims
Don't exist on Haram websites.
>or southern Protestants
Protestantism is dead Jim.

>> No.10308443

how is 4channel haram?

>> No.10308446

Yeah, that’s why there’s tens of millions of Protestants in the U.S and Africa.

>> No.10308473

>Protestantism is dead Jim.
Conservative, bible believing churches are growing.

>> No.10308500
File: 594 KB, 848x1472, St Andrew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they're leaving protestantism and joining the true apostolic churches.

>> No.10308515

haha ok chief gl with ur sin, keep working at it I'm sure you'll get there

>> No.10308645
File: 99 KB, 1300x469, looks-like-a-tree-must-be-a-tree[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's not even the worst thing.
There are people who think mountains are dead giant trees. Also plane old schizophrenia patients who think they are getting stalked.

>> No.10308647

you guys are weird.

>> No.10308666

/lit/ and /fit/

>> No.10308688


>> No.10308811


>> No.10308847
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1547429708250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to frequent /lit/ and /sci/ exclusively. Then I went to /pol/ and I became addicted to /pol/ and the daily stormer whilst being a half african half indian. Then I straight up lost my mind and got fired my job cause I couldn't focus at all. Then I went thru 2 years of neethood after having a complete nervous breakdown where I was just biding time until grandma died so I could kill myself without hurting her. Now i'm back on /sci/ and i've remembered my first and only love of math and science again. /pol/ has truth about alot of things but its mind cancer in some respects and I hate that it made me hate myself for so long

>> No.10308863

>/pol/ has truth about alot of things
It seems you still haven't excised the cancer completely.

>> No.10308866

/pol/ isnt right but they have "truth"

>> No.10308875

>not knowing what neet stands for
just trolling, eh?
>hate myself
why not stop lying
then you could be proud of being honest

>> No.10308876

So does /x/ but no one cares because both are meme boards at this point.

>> No.10308877


>> No.10308901

/pol/ is being influenced by multiple agencies. Including the JIDF. Want to know what /pol/ would looks like without those said agencies? Visit 8.chan/pol/

>> No.10309159

I admire your optimism.

>> No.10309427
File: 41 KB, 400x345, inigo-that-word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10309433


>> No.10309437

is every religious person schizophrenic?

>> No.10309440

>/pol/ has truth about alot of things
No it fucking does not. That is how they get you. It's all confirmation bias. It works like this:
>they point out something
>you start noticing it more IRL even though statistically it has low occurance
>you go on /pol/ and they bombard you with examples of such things
>you start believing that this thing is super fucking common
>suddenly you are living in an alternate reality where this thing has taken over the world
>IRL this thing is still just a minor occurrence

>> No.10309442

/diy/ because /ohm/ is a good electronics general

>> No.10309444

b-but trump says there are mobs of violent antifa mexicans coming to take my guns

>> No.10309462

I call them /pol/cels because they are virgins

>> No.10309464

/an/ is actually very well versed in biology and its subsets.

>> No.10309473

Flatists of course exist, as do Young Earth Creationists.

It remains my opinion that few of the people posting on 4chan in support of those positions genuinely believe what they are posting.

Trolling is a art.

>> No.10309478

4chan is the bacon of the Internet.

>> No.10309479

/x/ is, unironicly, one of the more entertaining boards on 4chan.

DO NOT go there if you are at all susceptible to buying in to bullshit.

>> No.10309485

Even granting that, it is at least closer to what /sci/ likes to think it is than, say /x/, where sources are to be shunned.

>> No.10309487

Yeah, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

>> No.10309492

Sources dont exist for or against the hilarious crap they vomit

>> No.10309503

here is what sources are for /x/
>look at pic related. you can’t deny that the blurry region in the left, if you zoom in so that you can only see 8x8 pixels, clearly has a masonic symbol. therefore CERN are baby eating satanists, QED

>> No.10309505

I never said they have sources , just that there are zero sources for anything for or against

>> No.10309507

is every atheistic person autistic?

>> No.10309538 [DELETED] 
File: 925 KB, 1550x2132, 未标题-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello guys, Just wondering, what is the point of life? I mean, for me it is just endless suffering and torment. I hate myself and my life, I see no point in continuing on living, I really want to end it all. This is not a plead for help or anyhting just wondering, i fuckihng ahte everiyhngit so muchg

>> No.10309541

/pol/; get fucked

>> No.10309543

Find God, anon.

>> No.10309548

Sigh... as much as I hate to admit it...
/diy/ and... ugh... /ck/.

>> No.10309656
File: 167 KB, 960x960, 1547906139998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related but you are mostly right.

>> No.10309675

I don’t see why autism would be necessary to realize that belief in gods is absurd.

>> No.10309681

My older brother is one. He also believes chemtrails are somehow amplifying solar radiation to cause global warming. He is a dad.

>> No.10309685

It is necessary, but not sufficient.

>> No.10309942

Smart man, unlike these fedoras in this thread.

>> No.10309949

Space is fake. Newtonian philosphy has no foundation of fact. The world is a plane. Chemtrails are everywhere. Again there is no earth curvature.

>> No.10310096

Why do you people always crop out that your image is coming from breitbart, a literal fake news website for boomers?

>> No.10310370

I have no idea why anyone thinks headlines are somehow evidence or a point for anything.

>> No.10310596

/his/ is ok sometimes
/pol/ and /x/ are funny

>> No.10311139
File: 99 KB, 473x299, 1529554928758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows proof jews hold disproportionate amount of media, finance, political positions

>> No.10311147

hey man, i know >>>/pol/ has been real slow lately and there are all those libtard AOC threads now but come on, i'm sure you can make some ebin maymays for /pol/ rite?

/sci/ is like too lowly for your leet kekposting, you need to go shine on the fertile planes of virgin /pol/ badlands. praise kek, shalom, amen, live long and prosper, #maga

>> No.10311440

Q predicted this

>> No.10311489

>hate the jew
>keep shilling for zogbot like Trump anyway
Why /pol/ is so hypocrite?

>> No.10311516

Most of /pol/ hates Trump these days, others think he's an ineffectual boomer, but a net positive and the best person available, still others think he secretly hates the kikes and is playing 4D chess against them. There's also the occasional pro-Israel boomer on there.

>> No.10311526

/lit of course

>> No.10311545

>Is there was
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10311548


>> No.10311590

>/his/ is filled with Young Earth Creationists
i've barely seen any. If by "young earth creationist" you mean christians, then I guess you would be right. though I would say /r9k/ if anything
Also this: >>10306880

>> No.10311829


>> No.10311859


Do they still have those gang stalking threads? They were pretty hilarious

>> No.10312134

wtf is a gang stalking?

>> No.10312571

Lol /pol/ is very careful with sources. You must have been dealing with ((()))

>> No.10312583

This this this

>> No.10312621

>>/his/ is filled with Young Earth Creationists
/his/ is my home board and I can't remember a single one on there.

>> No.10312640
File: 28 KB, 485x443, 1525966507850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gang stalking is a serious phenomena

>> No.10312645

/cgl/ actually has girls on it. fucking travesty.

>> No.10312690

>/lit/ is filled with fascist literati
There is no hope for this websight. There is just too much crazy in this world.

>> No.10312691

they know game engines, programming and (art) pretty helpful overall

>> No.10312723

i agree that /lit/ and /his/ are for sure skewed in that direction. this is why /sci/ is the only intellectual board that can be saved; at least in science and math there is objectivity

>> No.10312792

/diy/, i'd say /g/ but they're more like /v/'s tech support at this point

Because nu/pol/ is filled with idiots from social media

>> No.10313436

>blaming pol for the shit the media does

>> No.10313446

>blaming the media and then parentheses-meme

>> No.10313464

nice job just repeating what i said without actually reading any of it
fucking pathetic

>> No.10313668

Me neither but you can post any headline every on /pol/ and not only will people think it's evidence, they will never doubt that it's real.

>> No.10313727

>nu/pol/ puts stock in breitbart
god damn, /pol/ really must be full of boomer conservatives if they're citing that Zionist rag

>> No.10314005


Like the name implies. Individuals who think they're being stalked by a group of people. Usually some kinda government agency or conspiracy group who's out to get them. They'll often think that randos in the streets are plants to watch their every move and all that shit

>> No.10314550

Honestly, just switch to reddit. This whole hellsite is filled with a bunch of burnout "gifted" kids who got sucked into a bunch of racist memes and spend their entire day harrassing the closest people they have to friends. Reddit is the same shit but at least they don't have an illusory sense of superiority.

>> No.10314569
File: 166 KB, 1200x675, Trump FastFood Dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keto diet (aka paleo, low-carb) is a meme & pseudoscience.

Protein might help Muscle growth & no-sugar might prevent Diabetet.

However all that fat is a recipe for Heart attack or Brain Stroke.
Also too much protein & fat make sweat & armpit stink.

>> No.10314572
File: 72 KB, 620x413, Trump eating McDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10314633
File: 407 KB, 500x602, 39db2c437d90fa1af3fa1b531983c61c139f922c76d7fb02aa7f89405afa2f12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> don't have an illusory sense of superiority

Reddit's entire website is build on power laws and automatically every kind of subreddit just gets converted to one narrative so it has no diversity of thought at all. It's a website that inevitably always leads to pseudo intellectualism and stupidity due to the nature of its design.

>> No.10314638
File: 60 KB, 430x574, WT6d8Pq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10315055

>It's a website that inevitably always leads to pseudo intellectualism and stupidity due to the nature of its design.
And this place doesn't? When's the last time you've seen an opinion left-of-center here that wasn't either dismissed out of hand or argued against in bad faith? This place doesn't give a shit about "diversity of thought". It's a term of art invented by people who get butthurt when the circle jerk doesn't belong to them anymore. Moot was absolutely right to leave this place. There is no valuable discussion here. At least on reddit you have fake internet points to show for your efforts there, everything you post here is just a fart in the wind and it actively makes you a worse person for it.

>> No.10315063

lit is so bad lol

>> No.10315081

Just another classic example of the masses misinterpreting something that otherwise might hold value. Adhering to a keto-regimen doesn't mean you get to wrap fucking everything in bacon and put butter in your coffee, but that's the appeal for people who want to think they're on a diet and still eat like a piece of shit.

>> No.10315087

The illusory sense of superiority is everywhere, but just comes in a different form. Here, you cannot like or upvote, so the best you can do is act like a superior piece of shit, or try to post things that will elicit many responses. On reddit, people try way too hard to be funny for upvotes and that's what makes me stay away from there. Why the fuck would you make a joke that even you don't enjoy? I don't have an answer on that, but it's easy to find on almost all threads on reddit.

>> No.10315131

as if /pol/ dosen't rush to try to maintain ideological conformity.

>This place doesn't give a shit about "diversity of thought".
most places on the internet don't anymore; anyone left of center is sjw soiboi cuck and any right of center is a racist neo-nazi neckbeard
nuance is dead

>> No.10315144

>Is there was one
low IQ. Also, at least /pol/ is objectively correct and although a lot of people on /pol/ don't understand the sources that they are citing it does back up what they say.

>> No.10315166

kek, that sounds like a nice case of paranoia.
imagine living like that

>> No.10315170
File: 7 KB, 256x197, black-kettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10315175

>"no u"
kek, this is what I expected from /sci/.

>> No.10315180

/sci/ has a big share of schizos too. There's a thread made by one in the catalog right now.

>> No.10315449

snipping this post, posting it on /pol with a caption "It's working... we are winning. Continue to de-moralize them"

>> No.10315470
File: 54 KB, 452x440, 1536474825735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low IQ. Also, at least /pol/ is objectively correct and although a lot of people on /pol/ don't understand the sources that they are citing it does back up what they say.

>> No.10315479

/x/ and /g/ are the best boards. /sci/ are brainwashed popsci retards who can't read or think on their own.

>> No.10315506

/p/. I swear you need a master's degree in optics on some of their threads.

>> No.10315575

That place is a fucking circus now, but it used to be kind of fun back in 2013

>> No.10315592

Frankly, it was never the same after /b/ raided it eons ago. But you could still have fun there despite it.

>> No.10315734

>On reddit, people try way too hard to be funny for upvotes and that's what makes me stay away from there. Why the fuck would you make a joke that even you don't enjoy? I don't have an answer on that, but it's easy to find on almost all threads on reddit.
This may be the case if your only exposure to reddit is r/all, but everywhere else it looks a lot like this place with less of the overt racist propaganda.

But even if the dichotomy was between a total sycophant trying to win internet points from strangers and a gormless psychopath who doesn't have any permanent connection to their peers, whose worldview is informed entirely by racist jpegs, and whose entire identity is centered around being an edgy, maladjusted asshole... I'd rather choose the sycophant.

>> No.10315744

you can go back, thanks. The difference between reddit and 4chan is people are actually allowed to have different ideas here. Does that leave room for schizos and racists? yes, but it's the price of a truly open forum.

>> No.10315855
File: 19 KB, 480x451, excuse me what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/his/ is filled with Young Earth Creationists

>> No.10315974

>The difference between reddit and 4chan is people are actually allowed to have different ideas here. Does that leave room for schizos and racists? yes, but it's the price of a truly open forum.
I would argue that the absence of rules de jure doesn't necessarily indicate the absence of rules de facto – that is, the people who frequently post here conform to their own prejudices and not every opinion expressed here is given the same weight or validity – but even that argument isn't necessary. This forum does in fact have rules, and they're either nakedly or arbitrarily applied in the service of an ideological hegemony. Ignoring that even, reddit also has its own "free speech" subs that predictably attract the same reactionary elements found here, and it's rather curious how the people who bleat on the most about "free speech" apparently have nothing better to do with it than to entertain what to do about the Jewish Question.

>> No.10316205

Visibility is everything. Every opinion expressed here is given the same weight because it's shown on the top of the front page. Meanwhile reddit is just the same gay memes and stupid opinions on repeat, everything else gets buried.

You can't argue this forum enforces rules when there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to enforce them, unless you're talking about off topic or nsfw threads which isn't what I'm talking about.

>reddit also has its own "free speech" subs
Such as?

>> No.10316213

4chan does have de jure rules, and the set of ones that are presently in place were first laid down over a decade ago, with some additions since.

>> No.10316930


>> No.10316939

/lit/ being unscientific is exactly why it's great, unlike this shithole

>> No.10316953

I'm not Christian, and I'm outraged by this. She is in the wrong line of work.

>> No.10316955
File: 42 KB, 472x472, czech em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lost 50 pounds on keto
Meme this Sugarfucker
As long as you dont lank yourself with too much protein and remember to add fat, you'll be fine

>> No.10316975
File: 467 KB, 469x635, God mode really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget to mention I have plans to drop another five but that's okay because WITNESS ME MORTALS, KEK WILLS IT

>> No.10316992

statistically israel did 9/11

>> No.10317066

This thread is a dumpster fire. Maybe because /his/ literally isn't that bad of a board.

>Young Earth Creationists
Source? Link? Any proof? I've never seen one before on here and I browse this board nearly every three days

>> No.10318545

Yeah that's if the fats you eat are shit like from cheese or bacon. Stick to healthy fats like avocado's autist and don't eat too much red meat.

>> No.10318552

Give some example.

>> No.10318560

What, did you think your vacuous assertions deserved something more than that?

>> No.10318738

>it's rather curious how the people who bleat on the most about "free speech" apparently have nothing better to do with it than to entertain what to do about the Jewish Question.
kek, well said

>> No.10318788

I thought this thread was a bit over the top, but then we have the thread about the guy who invented a new computer chip and is now just talking to himself...