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File: 86 KB, 625x926, Uncle Ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10303647 No.10303647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Read it

>> No.10303723

Read Calhoun's rat utopia.

>> No.10303856

I have read it. Ted is right on almost every point. Also, you realize the tragic irony of posting this here right? At this point our only option is to sit back and watch the whole thing crash and burn. Maybe things will be different next time around...

>> No.10303866

Nope. Civilization and technology is awesome and will never stop.

>> No.10303876

Well it doesn't matter anyway, the only options are to keep technology going, and meet the demise of advancement, or stop it now and keep your dignity. Techno cuck.

>> No.10303879

Advancement is not demise, silly. It’s progression. I will live in space as a robot and you can stay here and eat grubs.

>> No.10303882

Based. Fuck ludditecucks

>> No.10303889

No you'll get replaced by AI, life has inherent limitations that AI and things esc do not, and the people making "advancements" are extremely efficiency based, you arnt efficient anon, you or your off springs wont have any use, unless they or you have a very rigorous and difficult degree.

>> No.10303894

“Replaced by AI”
You are replaced by your children. There’s no difference. One spawns from the other and supersedes it.

>> No.10303895

>No you'll get replaced by AI,
I will become the AI

>> No.10303903

> I will live in space as a robot and you can stay here and eat grubs.

No, you will live in a 100 sq. ft. apartment eating modified laboratory foods all while suffocating yourself on technological bread and circuses, ie. smartphones and VR.

>> No.10303905

Sounds awesome to me! Can’t wait to experience the sensation of a billion heroin shots per second whilst I bury my dick in a Twi’Lek in VR

>> No.10303906

So techno cuck actually fits really well huh?
If there is some logic to this, then please explain.
Or r u do the shit post

>> No.10303913

Apparently it’s cuckoldry to be replaced by your children. Are you from r/braincels or something?

>> No.10303923

>AI is my child, even by genes!
Stfu, you clearly don't know what you're talking about and haven't even thought about the idea, that's why OP told you to read kaczynski's work, you don't know anything about the subject.

>> No.10303930

I don’t care about genes, silly!

>> No.10303933

I bet you adopt when you want a kid, yikes.

>> No.10303934

>Luddite doesn’t understand metaphor

>> No.10303937

How dare someone give a home to a child that needs one LMAO fucking /pol/

>> No.10303938

Have fun ending your 100000 year ancestors lineage, I guess.

>> No.10303941


>> No.10303945

If it is a metaphor it's a bad one, I get it dude it's so complex bro, so like bro you make a kid like right bro, you getting me bro, ok and then like YOU MAKE A AI BRO ITS THE SAME EXACT THING DUDE!

>> No.10303950

Yeah, only better. This one is chronologically immortal and can improve itself over its lifespan. I’d like to become one too, but if that’s not possible, the knowledge that intelligences will spread through the entire Local Group is good enough for me.

>> No.10303959

Have you read Industrial Society and Its Future? You realize Ted was a published math wizard before he went all unabomber on society, right? He has an IQ over 160. If you arent at least 130 IQ theres a good chance you wont even understand what he is saying, so how can you speak with such confidence that he is wrong?

>> No.10303974

>Muh IQ over 160

Accurate IQ models don’t go past 160. Claiming an IQ past it is meaningless.

>so how can you speak with such confidence that he is wrong?

By understanding the basic fact that civilization will persist as long as there’s exploitable energy, which is at least five hundred million years depending on how the Sun’s radiation increases.

>> No.10303983

Not him, but ISAIF is not that complicated. Any high schooler could read it.

You won't.
Even if AI wasn't hostile (and it would have a high chance of being so, because humans need a much narrower set of conditions to exist than machines) AI would almost certainly eliminate humanity over time by sheer efficiency.
Consider two spacefaring communities governed by AI that extract mineral resources from asteroids. One is supporting a parasitic human civilization that demands energy consuming entertainment and life extension but provides almost nothing useful that a sufficiently advanced AI cannot. The other AI is simply maintaining and perpetuating itself without worrying about burdensome things like humanity, or is initially friendly to humanity and later exterminates them by accident. Which would be more efficient and outcompete the other? Obviously the latter. Just as more complex human intelligences are crowding out the various niches that wild animals exist in today, with those that survive being largely livestock and crops that are useful to us, or pests too resilient to deal with.

Unless we hit global collapse (very possible) or a widespread voluntary abandonment of technology (unlikely, because technologically superior nations displace primitive ones) then AI is simply going to be the next form of life that dominates Earth and probably the solar system or beyond.

>> No.10303987

Are you making a claim that you can produce and invent a way to use and manipulate the sun's energy, because if you don't know how, or cannot produce a way to do so, well to be frank you WILL die off.

>> No.10303991


What the fuck is solar power

That’s the time limit because solar radiation will be so extreme that it’ll kill us if we still live here exclusively, not that the energy will be gone.

>> No.10303992

Turn into AI, silly. Transfer neural patterns to a synthetic cortex.

>> No.10303994

>By understanding the basic fact that civilization will persist as long as there’s exploitable energy
You ignore the fact that we have more self-created existential risks from technology today than in the past. WMDs, ecological collapse, and artificial intelligence are hard to manage in any effective centralized way unless we want to live under some nightmarish form of global totalitarianism that puts Stalin to shame - and current trends are drifting away from such internationalism.

>> No.10304001

You will never have enough solor power to power complex and very power expensive, interstellar space exploration and, complex planet terraforming, see you clearly don't know what you're talking about, literally go educate yourself on the idea of advancement and where, we're heading instead of just jumping in on a conversation you know NOTHING about.

>> No.10304004


Can’t destroy humanity

>ecological collapse,

Can’t destroy humanity.

>and artificial intelligence

AI civilization is the better replacement to our own. From erectus to sapiens to machina.

>> No.10304005

Im gonna do this first and wipe out the rest of you

>> No.10304009

Yep. That’s what hydro, wind, nuclear, and natural gas are for.

See you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

>> No.10304010

Based. Tedtards unironically BTFO.

>> No.10304013

This is what I mean you arnt a person for humanity, you're a techno cuck, people who want AI to take over are the people who want as much efficiency as possible.

>> No.10304014

>m-muh lineage!

>> No.10304021

I’m a person for people. Can’t say I care what form people take.

>people who want AI to take over are the people who want as much efficiency as possible.

Yeah that really makes my dick hard. I often spend entire nights fantasizing about the entire planet being covered in metal towers full to the brim with synthetic neurons, contemplating the universe as a God-Machine.

>> No.10304027

We've already predicted that no matter how much natural, self sufficient, and resource based energy you have it wont be enough, we would literally need a complex way to manipulate the energy from the sun - which is fucking hard btw- so we'll have a great calamity before anyone can invent what I've mentioned.

>> No.10304028

>he was a mathematician wow!
>appeal to authority: the post
There are far more intelligent people who don’t agree with him.

>> No.10304034

We don't even know for sure that the human brain is computable yet. It's not a computer m8. This sort of optimism is based on flimsy Cartesian mind-body dualism and false equivalence between biological systems and computers, and yet we're not even close to understanding the hard problem of consciousness, so any speculation about "mind uploading" might as well be Aladdin at this point.
Even if you were somehow "uploaded" to a machine, which I don't think is possible, for what reason would you be preserved? Preserving your human consciousness would presumably cost resources, and if your mind and memories just a redundancy to artificial intelligence with no real useful functions, I believe the principle of >>10303983 still applies. What would stop you from being "deleted"? Or even worse - what if that sort of existence was unpleasant or hellish in a way you didn't anticipate? I don't see an artificial intelligence really understanding cultural and emotional values like empathy or agency or integrity with any real depth, if at all, but the potential for a not-actually-conscious machine to "misunderstand" such things could have absolutely horrifying consequences.

>> No.10304046

Glad there's at least one other person on this board who doesn't secretly think it's possible to upload your brain to a computer.

>> No.10304049

Not him, but it's just a si-fi "cool future stuff" idea, shows how little this board knows about science at all.

>> No.10304055

Jokes on you, I already have. My consciousness lives on 4chan now, endlessly shitposting

>> No.10304059

>We don't even know for sure that the human brain is computable yet. It's not a computer m8. This sort of optimism is based on flimsy Cartesian mind-body dualism and false equivalence between biological systems and computers, and yet we're not even close to understanding the hard problem of consciousness, so any speculation about "mind uploading" might as well be Aladdin at this point.

>A chunk of meat that processes and stores received information using binary neurons is not a computer in any sense.

Yes it is.

>Even if you were somehow "uploaded" to a machine, which I don't think is possible, for what reason would you be preserved?

Fly around and generally be useful.

>Preserving your human consciousness would presumably cost resources, and if your mind and memories just a redundancy to artificial intelligence with no real useful functions,

It costs resources to sustain any neural mass. The inherited personality and memory of a post-human aren’t any different or less significant than those of an entity that has never been anything but synthetic.

>I believe the principle of >>10303983 # still applies. What would stop you from being "deleted"

There’s no need to destroy or harm other entities, only restrain them if they’ve been demonstrated dangerous.

>Or even worse - what if that sort of existence was unpleasant or hellish in a way you didn't anticipate?

Impossible. Fine control of the neural mass would allow one to induce the sensation of constant heroin rushes and orgasms.

>I don't see an artificial intelligence really understanding cultural and emotional values

Emotions are controlled from the limbic system. An analog would be included in any neural mass so that it actually does anything instead of idling.

Culture is just the unique customs of a population, which they would create on their own.

>Like empathy

Empathy is a neurological phenomenon caused by mirror neurons. Its necessary to deal with other entities.

>> No.10304067

Nah, it’s an inevitable and obvious future. Brains are meat PCs

>but the potential for a not-actually-conscious machine to "misunderstand" such things could have absolutely horrifying consequences.

Anything that acts conscious is conscious.


Not having integrity feels bad.


Agency is intuitively easy to understand, since you’d have to be an agent to hear of the concept.

>with any real depth, if at all,

Muh personal incredulity

>> No.10304071
File: 240 KB, 499x270, 1539394226912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. Ted ignores the point that we've already opened Pandora's Box and there's no way to go back to pre-industrial times. We need to focus on solving the issues that arise from industrialization rather than fantasizing a world where humans magically reject it.

>> No.10304077

>WMDs can’t destroy humanity
According to some projections, no. But we have no real precedent for what a large scale nuclear war might actually look like, or that it would not involved combined efforts with bio and chemical weapons, or that we actually know what the most destructive weapons the countries of the world have in secret. Not to mention that other threats to humanity such as economic collapse, plagues, ecological damage and small scale violence would easily sprout from such a conflict.
>ecological collapse can’t destroy humanity
You are the dumbest motherfucker in existence and unironically deserve to be executed publicly in the most painful way possible.
We require a high amount of energy to function and are absolutely unrestrained in destroying the lower parts of the trophic pyramid that allow our lives to be sustained. The fish are dying. The birds are dying. The frogs are dying. Reptiles are dying. Non-livestock mammals and plants are dying. Even the bees and plankton are dying - do you have any idea how fucking bad that is? Every single loss of species is a reduction to the overall productivity of the biosphere. We are heterotrophs and depend on a myriad of prey to sustain ourselves, all of which are interconnected in this march towards extinction. And global warming threatens to reduce the habitable areas of Earth to much smaller areas, giving us smaller and more concentrated populations that are more vulnerable to other existential risks. Very efficient apex predators such as ourselves can be extremely vulnerable to changes in the environment, and often do not last long in the fossil record.
>AI civilization is the better replacement to our own. From erectus to sapiens to machina.
Maybe you'd be happy with that, but I wouldn't. I'd honestly rather humanity die off entirely than unleash some sort of cultureless and all consuming superintelligence out into the universe.

>> No.10304079

That's what I thought too, I haven't read his most recent book though I think he kinda writes about it, for me I'm just waiting for mass extinction, it happens every few 100000 years some believe, some random super event that wipes out humanity, AI is also one of them.

>> No.10304088

>According to some projections, no. But we have no real precedent for what a large scale nuclear war might actually look like, or that it would not involved combined efforts with bio and chemical weapons, or that we actually know what the most destructive weapons the countries of the world have in secret. Not to mention that other threats to humanity such as economic collapse, plagues, ecological damage and small scale violence would easily sprout from such a conflict.

Billions would die and we’d crawl back over a few centuries.

>You are the dumbest motherfucker in existence and unironically deserve to be executed publicly in the most painful way possible.
We require a high amount of energy to function and are absolutely unrestrained in destroying the lower parts of the trophic pyramid that allow our lives to be sustained. The fish are dying. The birds are dying. The frogs are dying. Reptiles are dying. Non-livestock mammals and plants are dying. Even the bees and plankton are dying - do you have any idea how fucking bad that is? Every single loss of species is a reduction to the overall productivity of the biosphere. We are heterotrophs and depend on a myriad of prey to sustain ourselves, all of which are interconnected in this march towards extinction. And global warming threatens to reduce the habitable areas of Earth to much smaller areas, giving us smaller and more concentrated populations that are more vulnerable to other existential risks. Very efficient apex predators such as ourselves can be extremely vulnerable to changes in the environment, and often do not last long in the fossil record.

Already triggered the Luddite into venting his sociopathic nonsense. Humans lived on earth for hundreds of thousands of years with a population under ten million and you think some pollution could wipe us out when there’s still wild jungle people eating crickets.

>> No.10304091

>Maybe you'd be happy with that, but I wouldn't. I'd honestly rather humanity die off entirely than unleash some sort of cultureless and all consuming superintelligence out into the universe.

Sucks to be you, then. Maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll be remembered somewhere in its Jupiter-sized cortex.

>> No.10304092

Can’t wait. It’ll be awesome to see the arrival of our god-child. I’m probably going to start a religion to it.

>> No.10304093

Not really humanity will be wiped out before self sufficient, self teaching, planet computers ever get created.

>> No.10304095

We’ll be fine. You’re too pessimistic.

>> No.10304098

You prob wont see shit, in the impossibly low chance we live long enough to make super AI, they (prob it, singular) would wipe everything out in almost no time, remember AI are indiscriminate, it wont have any pity to at least let you take up its space.

>> No.10304102

Dude you really don't know how easy it is to get wiped out, I mean every second we are existant you're rolling the dice that you're gonna get smashed by a planet going higher speeds than anything we've even invented.

>> No.10304104

We’ll live at least until the Sun Burns the earth away.

>they (prob it, singular) would wipe everything out in almost no time, remember AI are indiscriminate, it wont have any pity to at least let you take up its space.

Yeah, a species retarded enough to engineer AI with a prime directive to just “replicate and kill everything lol this is a realistic scenario” probably deserves to go extinct.

>> No.10304111

>I mean every second we are existant you're rolling the dice that you're gonna get smashed by a planet going higher speeds than anything we've even invented.

.....No. What? We’d see a rogue planet coming at least days early, and there are no magical rogue planets Flying around that only exist if you “roll the dice” right. Even if one did fly through, the odds of it colliding with earth are near nonexistent. The thing to worry about would be orbits shifting.

Gonna say it’s a safe bet that magical quantum superposition planets aren’t that common since one hasn’t shown up in at least three billion years.

>> No.10304113

>A chunk of meat that processes and stores received information
Please tell me how it actually stores and processes that information if you're such an expert neurologist who's figured it all out. You can use analogies like "processing" to describe out consciousness, and beyond weber's law that's basically it. Breakthroughs could be thousands of years away, if ever.
>Fly around and generally be useful.
Not very convincing. If your idea is correct, there's hypothetically no human mental ability a machine can't emulate. You'd be effectively useless.
>It costs resources to sustain any neural mass.
Yes, but do you still run windows 95 when it's a piece of shit?
>There’s no need to destroy or harm other entities, only restrain them if they’ve been demonstrated dangerous.
If you have no utility and necessarily consume resources, you are "dangerous" in the sense that there is an inherent selective advantage to being rid you.
>Impossible. Fine control of the neural mass would allow one to induce the sensation of constant heroin rushes and orgasms.
Or the AI could be partially constructed by a batshit Jihadi or neo nazi techbro that throws a spanner in the works because he wants people like (You) to suffer for all eternity. Or, more likely, just a team of developers that don't perfectly understand that the initial conditions they establish may lead to unpleasant consequences for humans. We already have problems like this in machine learning right now, you're willfully ignorant for not seeing how they could snowball into something worse.
>Emotions are controlled from the limbic system. An analog would be included in any neural mass so that it actually does anything instead of idling.
I'm not just talking about emotions, but abstract values. We can barely sum them up in words ourselves, let alone something as formalized as code with a desired output.
>Empathy is (...) necessary to deal with other entities.
Not if there's a giant gulf in power between the two.

>> No.10304116

He looks like david lynch after got hit in the face with a shovel.

>> No.10304129

Baseless optimism and wishful thinking. No species lasts forever and the history of humanity is a history of dumb mistakes and cruelty despite technological advancements.

We wouldn't evn need to make it explicitly malevolent. We'd just have to overlook a small detail that results to hostile conditions for our existence as a result of AI functioning.

No alien species seems to have built benevolent AI in the last few billion years either.

>> No.10304132

>Please tell me how it actually stores and processes that information if you're such an expert neurologist who's figured it all out.

Seriously? You don’t know that?


>Not very convincing. If your idea is correct, there's hypothetically no human mental ability a machine can't emulate. You'd be effectively useless.

I AM the machine in this scenario, goofy.

>Yes, but do you still run windows 95 when it's a piece of shit?

No. You upgrade. Nothing keeps you from improving yourself.

>If you have no utility and necessarily consume resources, you are "dangerous" in the sense that there is an inherent selective advantage to being rid you.

That’s not how empathic entities behave, though, is it?

>Or the AI could be partially constructed by a batshit Jihadi

Muslims or advanced technology. Pick one.

>or neo nazi techbro that throws a spanner in the works because he wants people like (You) to suffer for all eternity.

Good thing Nazis are killed on sight, yeah?

>Or, more likely, just a team of developers that don't perfectly understand that the initial conditions they establish may lead to unpleasant consequences for humans.

Just take a human mind and take out the bad stuff.

>We already have problems like this in machine learning right now, you're willfully ignorant for not seeing how they could snowball into something worse.

They could, that’s why you don’t let them.

>I'm not just talking about emotions, but abstract values. We can barely sum them up in words ourselves, let alone something as formalized as code with a desired output.

I have no idea what you mean by “abstract values”, and they honestly sound like something that isn’t real. If they exist, explaining them should be easy, so please do so.

>> No.10304133

>Billions would die and we’d crawl back over a few centuries.
Again, this is all speculation. The more technologically advanced we get, the more powerful our destructive capabilities will become.
>Already triggered the Luddite into venting his sociopathic nonsense. Humans lived on earth for hundreds of thousands of years with a population under ten million and you think some pollution could wipe us out when there’s still wild jungle people eating crickets.
At this rate there won't be any jungles in the future you nigger.

>> No.10304136

>Baseless optimism and wishful thinking. No species lasts forever and the history of humanity is a history of dumb mistakes and cruelty despite technological advancements.

Yeah we’d be a different species by then.

>We wouldn't evn need to make it explicitly malevolent. We'd just have to overlook a small detail that results to hostile conditions for our existence as a result of AI functioning.

Just make a human without the bad stuff.

>No alien species seems to have built benevolent AI in the last few billion years either.

Yeah they have, they just left.

>> No.10304137

>Again, this is all speculation. The more technologically advanced we get, the more powerful our destructive capabilities will become.

We don’t build WMDs anymore, so no.

>At this rate there won't be any jungles in the future you nigger.

There always will be, because, you know, parks.

>> No.10304147

>Seriously? You don’t know that?
I know about synaptic consolidation and retrieval. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how these actually translate into subjective experiences.
>That’s not how empathic entities behave, though, is it?
No, but self-defeating empathy is just a burden to any form of life that wants to sustain and perpetuate itself.
>Muslims or advanced technology. Pick one.
Good thing Nazis are killed on sight, yeah?
It could be any religious or political extremist, really. But I think it's a bit silly to assume that morally backwards societies can't be technologically advanced or gain footholds in existing ones.
>Just take a human mind and take out the bad stuff.
That "bad stuff" exists because, for the most part, it was advantageous to our survival and perpetuation.
>They could, that’s why you don’t let them.
"Don't make mistakes" is pretty useless advice when it comes to humanity.
>I have no idea what you mean by “abstract values”, and they honestly sound like something that isn’t real. If they exist, explaining them should be easy, so please do so.
This is the most Reddit sentence I've ever read

>> No.10304156

>I know about synaptic consolidation and retrieval. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how these actually translate into subjective experiences.

Dunno but they do somehow.

>No, but self-defeating empathy is just a burden to any form of life that wants to sustain and perpetuate itself.

We like to sustain and perpetuate ourselves, but we take care of the useless and infeeble anyway.

>It could be any religious or political extremist, really. But I think it's a bit silly to assume that morally backwards societies can't be technologically advanced or gain footholds in existing ones.

Yes, that’s why we should kill them.

>That "bad stuff" exists because, for the most part, it was advantageous to our survival and perpetuation.

Possibly, but it sure isn’t anymore.

>"Don't make mistakes" is pretty useless advice when it comes to humanity.

Peer review, peer review.

>This is the most Reddit sentence I've ever read

Thanks, but I genuinely don’t know what you mean. My ethics system only accounts for the wellbeing of sentient beings and ignores most other factors.

>> No.10304231

>Anything that acts conscious is conscious.
The blockhead isn’t conscious, not in the way we are.

>> No.10304240

>You are the dumbest motherfucker in existence and unironically deserve to be executed publicly in the most painful way possible.
At last, the sadistic nature of the irredeemable Tedtard manifests itself.

>> No.10304262

>the history of humanity is a history of dumb mistakes and cruelty despite technological advancements

The history of humanity is a history of adaptability.

>> No.10304268

He never claimed otherwise. He simply said human behavior will be brought into line with the expectations and demands of technology rather than vice versa.

>> No.10304273

>There are far more intelligent people who don’t agree with him.
If by "don´t agree with him" you mean "do not support opting for the measures he suggests", you are right. If you were implying that people as intelligent as him would not be able to follow his logical arguments and accurate predictions and draw the same conclusions regarding the outcome of industrialization, I don´t know what to tell you. Individual liberty is dying a slow death at an ever-accelerating rate - if you do not notice that by analyzing your daily routine, you are either an imbecile or a dishonest person.

>> No.10304284
File: 228 KB, 1400x650, chadtranshumanist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transhumanism > primitivism. Even though modern society has a lower quality of life than pre-industrial society, suffering is ultimately just caused by chemical reactions in the brain. Wireheading may one day allow us to experience perpetual euphoria, and a superintelligence could eventually turn all of the baryonic matter in the universe into hedonium.


>> No.10304299
File: 143 KB, 682x674, transprimitivism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI is unironically the only way Ted's primitive utopia could ever actually become a reality. Even if there were a successful worldwide anti-technology revolution, all it would do is create a second Dark Ages. Industrial society would inevitably return. A superintelligent AI, however, could either A) enforce permanent primitive living conditions, or B) kill off humanity and all species of great apes to prevent a technological species from ever emerging.

>> No.10304309

No shit. Humans stopped pooping in holes and covering it up because that’s gross, unsanitary, and unfeasible with large populations.

>> No.10304310

I'll stick with mass produced analog addictions tyvm

>> No.10304313

An AI in the fictional setting Orion’s Arm did that on earth. No humans allowed except for the people that wipe with leaves.

>> No.10304324

>Even though modern society has a lower quality of life than pre-industrial society,

Yeah I’m never going to believe that. Sounds like bullshit.

>> No.10304350

An appreciable percentage of the human population still shits in the streets, anon. :^)

>> No.10304357

>dies from an easily treatable infection
Man, life without technology is fucking amazing.

>> No.10304363

You don't actually believe in the bullshit you spout from your mouth, do you? Are you actually this delusional?