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10298662 No.10298662[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't men biologically driven to prefer tall women massively over short women? Shouldn't wanting tall offspring be a primal urge?

>> No.10298682

tall people die sooner than short people.

>> No.10298715

I think tall for a women but not too tall is the ideal generally 5'7 - 5'8. That's the chads ideal height for a women, rest of men will take shorter women.

>> No.10298751


>> No.10298782



>> No.10298784

Don't know about height, I just want my offspring to have high iq and be able to build muscle

>> No.10298837

Because smol is fass and speed and less to eat.

>> No.10298867

For every ten cm over average height lifetime cancer incidence increases 12%. Tall women have harder fight with gravity

>> No.10298892

Because that means you would be selecting for a single trait: height. Whether someone is attractive or not depends on a lot more than how tall they are.

You could ask the same question about any given species on Earth and wonder why they wouldn't sexually select for the biggest and strongest mates with the hope of becoming the dominant species. Sexual reproduction is more locally opportunistic than it is agenda driven (as you describe): you get it when the going's good... it's not a eugenics exercise. Speaking of eugenics, what would all the average-height or below people have done while humans developed their strong preference for vertical superiority? Their only choice would have been to stop procreating altogether, or risk contaminating the gene-pool. That would be absurd, and an overwhelming risk to the species as large - which, through most of its history, has had to procreate (relatively) indiscriminately to survive. Evolution doesn't care for a species' dominance, only its continued survival.

tl;dr I don't want to hitch with some she-beast for the sake of my hulking babies

>> No.10298918

>Pros & Cons Tall people
Pro: longer arm reach
Pro: stronger
Con: take more fall damage
Con: need more food to survive

>Pro & Con short people
Pro: take less fall damage
Pro: live longer, require less sustenance
Con: shorter arm reach
Con: harder time hunting due to size

>> No.10298928

How many tall old people do you see? Not many

>> No.10299057

Tell people generally require more calories to survive. Given a fixed amount of food, a survival of 10 average people can be more beneficial than one of 8 tall people.

>> No.10299386


>> No.10299394

>why doesn't reality conform to what I think sounds logical?

>> No.10299395

Childbirth becomes harder the taller you are. women are shorter to allow for wider pelvic openings.

>> No.10299413

It has something to do with blood circulation. If you're shorter, blood has to travel a shorter distance than if you were tall.

>> No.10299454

Lots of replies dancing around the easy answer, but the answer is that humans have an evolved stature which is not under selective pressure to change.

>> No.10299464

Tallness isn’t necessarily evolutionarily advantageous, otherwise humans would’ve been taller throughout history. On the contrary smaller bodies due to their lower energy requirements might be more suited to survival. Being a foot taller won’t make a human strong enough to reliably overpower any animal he couldn’t beat at 5’5. On the other your energy requirements almost increased by 50% so you have to find 50% more food.

>> No.10300775

Why do women want tall men though?

>> No.10300781

Sheeple minds

In the Middle East, being taller than 6’2 is considered lanky and ugly. We even have a couple of bully words for them.

>> No.10300784

Could be the conflation of height and strength, or it could be a subconscious response to literally looking up at them.

>> No.10300932

Because height is irrelevant in girls, big fucking tits are the prime evolutionary goal. The Great Filter is chestlets.

>> No.10300957

Tall people require more food to stay alive.

>> No.10301506


>> No.10301785

Guys do like tall women though, guys aren't as fussy about height as women.
Purely logically females are supposed to be bigger than males, obviously though logic doesn't apply to natural selection, the only thing that matters is what is just good enough to not die off completely. So it's not a primal urge because it's not beneficial to the point of being a vastly superior survival trait.

>> No.10301798

Lmao, this doesn't require a thread you idiots. It's actually very simple.
Because natural selection seems to be prefer low energy requirement, and being shorter requires less energy, than being taller.

>> No.10301835

Tall doesn't necessarily mean stronger, infact a shorter person has more potential effective strength as there is less of themselves to move.

>> No.10301840

>or it could be a subconscious response to literally looking up at them.
So you are telling me girls who seek tall men literally want a daddy?

>> No.10301848

The male taller norm, it's not universal.

>> No.10301884

Lmao, that unfounded assertion has nothing to do with my post. Miss me with that mass reply next time, needy one.

>> No.10301892

More that they obey daddy. And it’s not just women. Boys, it seems obey daddy too.

>> No.10301895

mommy usually rules the roost

>> No.10301946

Way to not understand my post

>> No.10301964

>biologically driven

No such thing, there are only culturally enforced biases. Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.10301966

Then why aren't we all pygmies ?

>> No.10301987

I’m not asserting a cause, but there are aesthetic universals among the extant human population, like the preference for facial symmetry.

>> No.10301996

Fuck you with your fucking mass reply

>> No.10301999
File: 73 KB, 702x1024, 6A2AEDB0-657C-4C99-8282-6842D783E886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tall women are usually uglier, less fertile, more aggressive, sexually promiscuous, desire fewer children. and make for worse mothers to young children

Only insecure manlets on /fit/ like them

>> No.10302001

fuck off, theres too much shitty bait on the board already

>> No.10302011

>Tall women are usually uglier

I like all sorts of women, but I usually find taller women have prettier faces, like they're more fully developed where smaller girls can look 'scrunched up'.

>> No.10302021

>fuck off, theres too much shitty bait on the board already

Bait? What bait? Everybody scientist worth his name knows that nurture >> nature.
The whole Watson shitshow has proven this fact beyond any doubt.

>> No.10302025



>> No.10302034

Taller women have more masculine faces on average. Less pretty.

Of course, more effeminate men have a greater tolerance for masculinity in a woman’s face and body so it’s likely the reason you can look past it.

>> No.10302046

This a board for science, not bro science. Take that shit to /fit/ or /pol/

>> No.10302069

hi i'm >>10298682
and it's basically this >>10301798

you can go into detail with it but essentially bigger body = more energy needed for the same jobs that an average height person needs. it's like the extremes in any other category of genetic diversity, the average is the average for a reason and the extremes die out sooner because of too much or too little something. this is a really shoehorned description of evolution and genetics but yeah

>> No.10302076

Are you stupid?


>Collectively, these findings suggest that changes in testosterone levels contribute to the strength of men’s reported attraction to femininity in women’s faces and complement previous findings showing that testosterone modulates men’s interest in sexual stimuli.

>> No.10302084

> Provides no proper rebuttal

I thought this was /sci/

>> No.10302087

Liberals think evolution is misogynistic

>> No.10302099

short men + tall women is the future you cant stop us

>> No.10302114

snu snu

>> No.10302118
File: 334 KB, 720x888, 1538373654103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tall people require more energy to operate, but their advantage in height doesn't end up with an increased ability to produce that needed excess energy, so they're energy inefficient, the worst thing in the eyes of evolution
>Tall people have more tissue to serve about the same functionality as everyone else, i.e being a human and doing basic human shit, so they end up being equal to everyone else but have a higher chance of errors from the increased tissue amount, i.e more prone to cancer without getting a positive trade off for it
>Short people have a more effective blood supply as the route from the heart to their brain is shorter, which is also evident by every scientist worthy of mention being what is considered a "manlet" and basically none being tall
>Humans keep evolving better and better means of utilizing their muscles since the first tool was invented, which keeps reducing the evolutionary importance of physical strength, while the opposite - mental strength, comes into demand

The only reason why the average height of humanity isn't around 5 feet right now is simply because females have failed to devolve the unneeded and inefficient selection for height from our primate times and are actually still selecting for it, as if we're a retarded primate that has to fight with other animals to survive.
>b-but that's false t-they are selecting effectively
If that was the case, STEM nerds would be getting mad pussy and the average IQ of society would rise by 10 points with every next generation, but that's not the case because the female mate selection process is blind to what is optimal right now and is rather tunnelvisioned towards what was optimal 50 thousand years ago, i.e they're selecting inefficiently, i.e the traits that are sought in mates right now are inefficient and not something you should be striving towards in the modern and future society

>> No.10302120
File: 11 KB, 200x120, D3B02F86-6F93-4CAD-828E-E3E088AA97DB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, negro, looks like i was. Picrel when /pol/ shit actually founded by scientifically sound research.

>> No.10302127

yes please

>> No.10302131

>If that was the case, STEM nerds would be getting mad pussy and the average IQ of society would rise by 10 points with every next generation

IQ is not hereditary

>> No.10302134


Is /sci/ just a bunch of cucks who defame actual facts as "/pol/ shit"

>> No.10302135

Facts aren’t /pol/shit

>> No.10302172

5'5 khv manlet reporting in.

>> No.10302286

But short girls are cute and funny and you can pick them up and carry them around

>> No.10302289

I'm a manlet, I just want to be in the Shire and live the ultimate comfy existence.

>> No.10302306

probably too late in the thread for this to matter but men actually do prefer women who are a bit taller than average. they don't have as strong a height preference as females do but it is there

>> No.10302338

No, the shit political climate has just invaded all 4chan, people blame it on pol but pol is just the other side of the coin. You're not allowed to be moderate about anything anymore. You're not allowed to acknowledge genetic differences without automatically being labelled a racist, but you're also not allowed to acknowledge genetic differences without using them as leverage for putting down minorities. The only thing left to do is shitpost.

>> No.10302378

but tall girls are pretty and smart and when they huge you your face goes into their boobs

>> No.10302471

That's fucking whack

>> No.10302484

tall girls and small boys
get over it