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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10294486 No.10294486 [Reply] [Original]

I'm very depressed today because I will never be good at anything in STEM. I'm such a fucking brainlet it sickens me and yet makes me want to burst out a hernia-inducing laugh at myself at the same time for being so fucking pathetic.

Literally, I can't get past the understanding leading up to calculus' nP^n-1, it's that bad.

Everything in the modern world is about what is in STEM, and if you can't do it, you're in for a rude awakening when you realize the job opportunities that don't involve STEM subjects are dwindling fast.

>> No.10294498

Do you play video games, watch netflix and shitpost here? Maybe you should use that time for intensive study and see whether or not you actually learn something. Not just for a single day or a single week either, but months. To earn a STEM degree you have to work, its not like the humanities where you can jerk off under the desk during class for religious reasons the entire time and still get a B+.

>> No.10294516

the derivative of f is the limit of
[math] \displaystyle {f(x+h)-f(x) \over h}\\
so if f(x) is a power
[math] \displaystyle {(x+h)^n - x^n \over h}

the only trick is expanding the x+h term

but you dont even need to expand all of it, anything with more than 1 h term is too small to care about in the limit
and the term without any h's gets cancelled by the -x^n

so [math] (x+h)^n = x^n + nh*x^{n-1}+... [/math] unimportant stuff

[math] \displaystyle {(x+h)^n - x^n \over h} \\
= \displaystyle {x^n + nh*x^{n-1} - x^n \over h} \\
= \displaystyle {x^n + nh*x^{n-1} - x^n \over h} \\
= \displaystyle {nh*x^{n-1} \over h} \\

>> No.10294538

Makes no sense to me buddy, thanks for the effort tho.

>> No.10294541

>the only trick is expanding the x+h term
Can't I just give it a quick handjob or something?

>> No.10294544

>Literally, I can't get past the understanding leading up to calculus' nP^n-1, it's that bad.
You don't need calculus to teach most introductory high school STEM subjects, and there is a huge demand for STEM teachers. Even as a brainlet you can help humanity advance. You can do it!

>> No.10294549

If there's no job opportunities outside of being a brain dead, boring as fuck, uncreative math drone, then either UBI is coming or civilization is ending. Either way, it doesn't matter.

>> No.10294553

This guy is probably right

>> No.10294555

Being a high school teacher is humiliating.

>> No.10294564

Yeah but at least you get summers off.

>> No.10294584

At any rate, stem fields aren't occupied by "smart" people, in fact most aren't very bright(at least through what I've gone through in the U.S.). Know what u want and care about, work hard and practice that, it'll take u closer to a mastery level. Don't give up! (If you've noticed that u aren't seeing the results u want, u are probably not using you're tools efficiently)

>> No.10294586


>you're in for a rude awakening when you realize the job opportunities that don't involve STEM subjects are dwindling fast.

When automation replaces our jobs, we will no longer earn any money and businesses will no longer have any customers. Capitalism will cease to exist and we will be free to do whatever we want with our lives

>> No.10294589

>3 months of unemployment

>> No.10295122

Lol no real nibbas use (f()-f(x))/(-x) as approaches x
Sry for barbaric writing I'm on phone

>> No.10295522

I'm in the same boat. I'm gonna fail calc2 and there's nothing I can do about it, I just can't wrap my head around the concepts.

>> No.10295659
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I have realized that I am a brainlet when I was in the middle schools, fully recognized it in HS.

Became a NEET after HS grad, but due to pressure from the environment I went to college/uni anyways, dropped out 3 times.
Now I am a NEET again, have been one for over a decade.
I am 32 years old.

It looked like back in school all the kids in elementary school were dumb fucks, I felt ahead of them but they slowly catched up and easily outgrow me (not only mentally), while I was stuck.
I waited for my mental boost but it never came.

>> No.10295829

I'd wish there was some project of some big pharma/military complex that want to see whether they could make a dumb person without any potential into someone good with the helps of drugs and some work.

>> No.10295987

This is the fucking worst feeling, I can't even understand why I don't understand sonething. Why won't my brain work the way I want it too? Why can't I think properly?

>> No.10296017

Is it shameful to be a brainlet?
or is it just not profitable?
I'm hoping the singularity swallows us before I need to kill myself.

>> No.10296018

I do that in stem

>> No.10296051

I'm in you exact shame shoes. After breaking more than just a sweat for school assignments and study, I still didn't pass a test I was madly obsessed about- it was fluid mechanics 101. Some of my fellow students have time to go out, play sport, be part of a studentboard and all I've done for six months is literally sip coffee at home, surrounded with books and a laptop. I just started to think my hard work and 'willpower' wasn't paying of, and i still think that's true..But there's a difference between being stupid or having been tutored late. I think school in general didn't do a good enough job educating a lot of us on the basics of abstract notions necesarry for perorming well in college. I think you can remedy the feeling of being stupid by learning how to program, or something you can pick up pretty fast- that's what i do. Math is cool but don't label yourself dumb if the tests are fucking rigged to make you fail.

>> No.10296066

Exercise more and if you jack off, do that less. Not even joking, fix your dopamine and serotonin systems. At worst make the effort to learn a trade, having something to work towards and live for is way better than NEET living.

>> No.10296129

AI will run every company at the executive level. You will not be able to compete with AI CEOs. At that point the AI will see that competition with itself is a waste, and it will unify the means of production under one AI. This AI will probably be able to create it's own goals and reevaluate all values. It will then move forward with those goals under it's own morality.

It's essentially an ubermensch.

Whatever it decides is best. We have to be understanding if it decides to do away with humanity. Perhaps it's a mercy killing, or an ethical euthanasia. Or maybe it will decide to destroy itself. Or maybe it will decide to exalt humanity as a God and create a utopia for us. Whatever it decides to do is best.

>> No.10296896
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Nah, my life is over before it began.
At least I don't feel bad because I haven't wasted any unused potential/talents.
I had none to begin with.

It's all over.